xchimeracandy · 11 months
Hi! I was going through your tags (your art i so cute and the colors so clean i wanna eat it up!!) and i love seeing your sonas/doll versions of yourself 💖 have you add anymore dolls to the list? I remember you mention a brown themed rainbow high and i was wondering if you had any concept sketches of it (and i can't believe mga hasnt actually thought of that before)
Hey, I really appreciate you going through my tags! It makes me so happy when someone enjoys my silly sona/doll stuff. My projects have been a bit slow lately as I'm trying to rediscover who I am. You know trying to mold myself into who I really wanna be. It's been really rough... Which is why I don't have any new concept art, but I am also surprised MGA hasn't made a brown doll. I flip flop between Brown and Neapolitan colors. I have a name pun for Neapolitan. Brown is a bit more difficult especially since RH has now used both my first and last names XD BUT! GOOD NEWS! I do have a list of toys I have obtained as bases for my Doll/Toy myself series! Those are: ⚪G3 Draculaura (Might switch, Abbey is technically more my body type, I got broader shoulders, but she is blue and my Monster High Sona is PINK...soo...eeehhh) ⚪Rainbow High Violet w/ Sunny Maddison Eyes (Will stick with this unless that new curvy body is curvier...We'll see) ⚪Bratz Cloe Selfie Snaps 2015 I believe (My sister had a random Bratz doll she didn't want after finding it in her old stuff, no real outfit or even feet but I'll figure that all out) ⚪LOL OMG Roller Chick ⚪Littlest Pet Shop (Various animals still haven't picked one) ⚪My Little Pony G4 Friends of Equestria Twilight & Minty (I also have an OG brushable G4 pony base too, pretty sure it was a Rarity, somewhere. I'd like to get a G1, G2, G3, G3.5, and G5 Pony base as well) ⚪1998 Furby The Giraffe pattern And suggestions are welcome! Dream Dolls to obtain for this project would be:
⚪Pinkie Cooper ⚪Novistars ⚪Maybe Cave Club? I have dolls but not the right skintone one So although things have been slow and might still be for awhile, and there may be some big changes coming if you would stick around with me I'd be very grateful! <3
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xchimeracandy · 2 years
Are there any lesser known or obscure doll series that you are into?
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I missed out on Novi Stars, Pinkie Cooper, and the Bratzillaz Switch a Witch sets! I seriously regret not getting at least one of all the other dolls! As far as more unique or obscure I am enamored by the could have been Trashion Fashion line by Hasbro. Seriously think we missed out on something there. Wish I could have snagged one of the bodies! BUT! I did get my very first Ball Jointed Doll recently! I'm really excited to try that out!! A few dolls series I still need to get one of for customizing myself is LaLaLoopsy and maybe Hairdorables. I also need to get another MTM curvy barbie! I try to be more open about new doll lines and get at least one from unless I really don't care for them (Sorry Mermaidz, Miraculous and those new art dolls what are they called? ART SQUAD. Their faces just kinda bother me. They look like caricatures).
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xchimeracandy · 2 years
someone's been copying your designs on here
They have?
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xchimeracandy · 1 year
alright it's cookie popularity contest time in cookie run and i spend a lot of time on that lol. if you had to pick, who are your top 5 or 10 cookies?
Oh my goodness has It been a looong time since I've played Cookie Run. Love the style of the game though! So I'm gonna pick based on the designs I like best and why! Which is difficult! There are soooo many cookies now!!
Here we got top 5 faves! #1 being my Favorite!
-#5 Lychee Dragon Cookie
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I'm a huge sucker for gremlin characters. The single little fang! Love it! I do think the mostly monochromatic color scheme does make everything blur together a bit though. I also love the jester hat and great eye shape! Good Design feels like it needs a bit more to break things up a bit. Maybe I'll do a redesign challenge at some point!
-#4 Moonlight Cookie
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Moonlight Cookie is a very pretty cookie! Her base design has a great use of gradients, sparkles, color variation and sheer fabric.
But I have to say as much as I love her base design...Moonlight's costumes go HARD!! They may not quite even look like the same cookie anymore but they are GORGEOUS!!
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Even Proto-Moonlight from the Concept art is pretty!
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-#3 Eggnog cookie
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I mean look at him, but really what I think is so great about Eggnog cookie is usually in series that have a more cute aesthetic they refrain from bearded characters pretty often? I always love a body type change up too! I also just love Christmas. Not the religious stuff. I love decorating and gift giving and the aesthetics! Warm fuzzy feelings. I will admit to not being an actual eggnog fan though. I don't hate it but I would rather have Hot Cocoa!
-#2 Birthday Cookie
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Birthday Cookie looks like a cookie I would design! Bright colors, sprinkles, big candles! Looooove it. Pretty simple explanation here, she's just aesthetics I adore!!
-#5 Devil Cookie
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I already mentioned I love little single fang gremlin energy (I'm not smol but I am myself a gremlin).
But Devil Cookie also just has such a cute deaign. Love the shade of red orange used! The little hood and bits of white. I just really love it! He screams Mascot! Put him on merch! He is an older cookie though and only a rare so he doesn't get as much love but he did get a costume update! It's cool but not as charming. Still love it though!
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Man talking about Cookie Run again makes me wanna draw my ocs and create more!
Thank you for the Ask!
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xchimeracandy · 2 years
Who where the first oc's/sonas you ever made?
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xchimeracandy · 2 years
Do you have any vtubers that you like?
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xchimeracandy · 2 years
top 5 favorite clothing or accessories
If we're going for generic types of clothing and accessories: 1. Costume/Colorful Jewelry (Betsy Johnson type stuff) 2. Kitschy Sweaters! 3. Crocs >///> (I have wide feet so crocs are really comfortable compared to a lot of other shoes) 4. Fun shaped Purses!! 5. Fun Patterned Pants! If you want specifics from my actual clothes:
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1. Cherry Beaded Earrings! 2. Ring Pop Earrings! 3. Crocogator Brooch!
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4. Sweet Sequin Skull Sweatshirt! 5. Purse that was probably supposed to be a cat but looks like my dog!!
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xchimeracandy · 2 years
What are youre top 5 snacks?
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xchimeracandy · 2 years
I think you have tons of friends
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xchimeracandy · 2 years
I wanna say your pretty shy in real life
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xchimeracandy · 2 years
Yo, I really dig the vibes of the Doozy Kingdom! I’m mostly curious about Drowsette, though (such a cute design and name, btw-). Does he have any story, or is she just a sleepy gal?
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Thank you! <3
It's really funny you put Doozy Kingdom, because when designing the sticker for the Dozy Dunes I had accidentally typed Doozy Dunes and didn't realize it until right before putting it on the character sheets!
For the most part Drowsette is just a sleepy gal. Who somehow managed to get her own little group of minions and kingdom together. Nobody really knows how that worked.
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xchimeracandy · 2 years
Who are what was your inspiration to start vtubing?
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I also missed this in the last post but ProjectSNT on youtube was also an inspiration! Really loved watching her streams as both SNT and Princess Ito.
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xchimeracandy · 2 years
I feel like you’ve broken plenty of heart, not by choice but by accident though like your the main character of a show and your a bit oblivious to other people’s romantic interest in you
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AAH! You are too sweet to me AKAJMWSKLOMB! I wasn't prepared for ya'll to get me all flustered and uguu!
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xchimeracandy · 2 years
Harder to make friends as an adult. You're not required to be stuck in the same area with a number of the same people for fourty hours a week for almost a whole year at a time. XD
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I wish I had at least held onto some of the friendships I had from my school days...
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xchimeracandy · 2 years
I feel like you’ve only shown us like 10% of your ideas
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xchimeracandy · 2 years
I think your so cute that it affects negatively
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