#y'know. titans having backswept helms and up-forward angled cuisses.
robotsprinkles · 10 months
if bungie are really having so much trouble making new ritual armour sets every year they should just either start adding in armour from d1 (yeah they'd have to do retopo and retexturing and the like but y'know. no need to worry about design and concepting)
or go back to the method they used for character asset creation in D1 (modular construction, assets being made of "Bits" and "Bunches of Bits" made in their mashup and gear manager programs (plugins?)) which according to their 2014 "Building Customizable Characters for Bungie's Destiny" GDC talk allowed them to make "a new piece of helmet content in about 20 minutes"
(yes using the mashup/gm bits and bobs asset creation method would result in a lot of reused and very similar assets with potentially less aesthetic variety but they could probably deal with at least some of that by having a team organise assets by similarity and picking the best one from each group or something)
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