#yeah I wrote this on my lunch break so I do apologise for the... lack of vibes
WKX saying 58 if you don’t mind❤️ Also thank you for all the lovely content you’ve given us so far~~
58) “Do you know how beautiful you are? It’s truly distracting.”
They’ve been at it for what feels like hours and yet, Zhou Zishu feels strangely bereft when Lao Wen isn’t kissing him, touching him, moving together with him like their bodies are these unyielding and unending shapes with no trace of thought other than the pleasure of the other.
This isn’t new and this is something they will be blessed to do many times more if they have any say in the matter, but still he wants more; he wants Lao Wen like a forest fire that consumes everything in its path, he wants him like the soft creaking of the eaves of a roof heavy with snowfall carrying the impending deluge of cold. He wants Lao Wen in every single way, in every single word.
There sits a soreness between his thighs that throbs and aches with the pained pleasure of being wrung dry. Sleep edges in the corners of his mind but he clings on to wakefulness, holding on to Lao Wen with sweat damp fingers that sweeps through patterns on heated skin.
He wants, oh. Lao Wen kisses the jut of his ankle as his hips move in a brutal thrust and pull of his cock in him, filling the room with the sounds of their bodies meeting in the unmistakable choir of flesh to flesh, moans choked and sobs hitching through rasping breaths. Zhou Zishu can feel the exhaustion taking root in the base of his spine as he desperately sucks in air into his lungs. They won’t be able to go any further beyond this point.
Lao Wen leans in. A graceless arch of his body that forces Zhou Zishu into a half-fold of his own. Dark curtains of hair falls around their faces and he grunts, voice breaking at the effort of keeping his thighs wrapped around Lao Wen’s waist when all he feels like giving into is the easy spread of his legs because all that he is, is Lao Wen’s for the taking.
It is also precisely at the moment that this thought enters his mind that Lao Wen kisses a bruising path up his jaw, lick a firestrip over his cheek as he chuckles. The hands hiking his thighs up release him and he bites off a curse when his shaking limbs are unable to hold themselves steady.
Another thicket of kisses trace his sweat damp brow, down his nose, before a tongue traces open the willing seam of his mouth.
Zhou Zishu shudders into the heated breath on his own as he unravels with a sigh.
Time spills like a slow moving current lazily hugging the shore. Lao Wen must have finished in him again because when he pulls out, Zhou Zishu has the briefest moment to whine at the dull ache of being bereft of his body again.
“Do you know how beautiful you are? It’s truly distracting. I keep having to remind myself to move and stop staring,” Lao Wen says with a tired laugh, throwing his hair back over a shoulder to flop inelegantly down next to Zhou Zishu. He scoffs, throwing his body into the embrace that welcomes him.
They exchange slow and unhurried kisses. Fires banked and dusted to the edges of their desires for when the need rises again.
“You really are too beautiful, Ah Xu,” Lao Wen murmurs into the sweet slide of their mouths moving together. The words tickle at his heart and he smiles. Lao Wen can’t help but be at his most sincerest in moments like these.
“Well,” Zhou Zishu enunciates softly, reaching up to brush long dark hair back. “If I can be beautiful for just one person, I’m glad that it’s you.”
A gleam shines in the darks of Lao Wen’s eyes as he says it. The hands on his hips fold over his flesh tightly. “Don’t do that. Don’t say it like that.”
It’s an old refrain. One they will repeat again before their hairs even show the first signs of grey. But it is one they never tire of; this back and forth of self-depreciation and the loving insistence of good virtues. This was their little thing and it warms him to have it.
“Oh? And what are you going to do to make me stop?” Zhou Zishu teases, suddenly awake and eager again.
Taking it as the invitation it is, Lao Wen smiles.
[Send me a smut prompt number 🌶🍋]
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turtle-steverogers · 4 years
Not Guilty
remember when I was gonna write a murder mystery? well, it kinda took a turn plotwise, but here it finally is
Being a homicide detective is all fun and games until you start to fall for the lead suspect in your most recent case.
warnings: description of a dead body, talk about death
ship: ralbert, platonic spalbert
word count: 2480
Chapter 1
Even before Albert walked in on the dead body, his day wasn’t going well.  
His good uniform shirt hadn’t dried properly the night previous, so he had to go with his old one that was a little bit too small in all the wrong places.  The department was out of his favorite green tea, which meant he had to settle for that fucking dirt coffee Kelly and Conlon kept around for “sanity”.  And he’d been late on his lunch break, since Chief Roosevelt stuck Cortez’s paperwork on him last minute.
So, when he ventured into the bathroom of his favorite sandwich shop, only to find a fresh corpse and more blood than he ever really cared to see propped up neatly on the toilet, all he could find in himself to do was sigh.  And gag a little, but that was a given.
The coppery smell of blood and freshly shut down internal organs cuts brutally through the air and Albert reaches under his button down to pull his undershirt over his nose as he dials Spot’s number.  
As his phone’s ringing, Albert takes the time to steel himself and assess the body, first checking the pockets for any kind of identification.  When all he comes up with are a couple candy wrappers and a condom, he sighs again.  So, they’ll have to do this the hard way.  Typical.
“Yo, Dasilva, how’s the meatball sub?”
Albert gags again.  The last thing he wants to think about right now is his abandoned meat sandwich covered in red sauce.  No, nope.  Not right now.
“Yeah, uh, no,” Albert says, leaning back on his haunches, “We got a 10-54, possible homicide- multiple stab wounds to the chest and stomach.  I’m gonna need backup down here.”
There’s a pause, then Albert hears Spot groan, “And you’re still at Gianno’s?”
There’s a pause and Albert can picture Spot rubbing his eyes, “Fuck, okay, me and some others’ll be there soon.”
The line goes dead with a click and Albert casts another cursory look over the body.  Dilated eyes stare back at him, a slack jaw giving way to a bluish, swollen looking tongue.  He scrunches his nose, feeling a little dizzy.
“Bruh, you’re lookin’ rough.” 
The body does not answer.
The victim, Albert learns upon returning to the precinct, is some low level reporter for one of the smaller newspapers in New York: the Brooklyn Eagle.  
“Frank Wiesel, but folks call him Weasel.  Fitting, too.  The guys a biased asshole, apparently.  Republican, Conservative, the works.  Probably would fit in better with Fox News instead of a city newspaper, but…”
Spot leans back in his seat, tossing down the manilla case file and taking a long drink from his “10-4 Coffee That” mug.  It’s a stupid mug, but Spot has worshipped it since Jack had passed it over one Christmas Eve in the department, and honestly, Albert hasn’t seen him nearly as passionate over anything, so he bites his tongue. 
“An asshole, huh?” Albert pulls the case file towards himself and flips it open, eyes scanning the scowling face of Wiesel, “Anyone in particular who would have it out for him?  Or is he more of a generally known bastard type.”
“Hard to say,” Spot says, “He wrote some pretty nasty stuff about a few left leaning politicians in the area and got some pretty bad backlash because of that.  Plus his general lack of a filter’s gotten him kicked out of bars here and there around Manhattan, so…”
Albert hums, scrunching his nose.  Wiesel really is ugly.  All 1940s mobster with a stupid bowler hat and beady eyes, mouth turned down under a ratty handlebar mustache, “Has the autopsy come back yet?”
“They’re finishing up the toxicology report,” Spot says, “S’taking a little longer than usual, ‘cause Mush suspects something mighta been up with the vic’s blood.”
“Maybe,” Spot shrugs and pours himself more coffee.  Albert eyes him, wondering how many cups he’s had today and vacantly wondering if Spot would be off put by him taking the pot and drinking directly from it.
“Has the wait staff at Gianno’s been questioned yet?”
“Mostly,” Spot answers.  The look in his eye tells Albert that he’s about to drop something pivotal.
He cocks his head, “Mostly?”
“One waiter went home right before the murder occured.  Claimed a migraine.”
Albert’s eyebrows shoot into his hairline.  Now that is interesting, “And nobody fucking thought to bring this guy in?”
The waiter- Antonio Higgins, according to the file Katherine handed off to Albert and Spot- lives in an older looking apartment complex a few blocks down from Gianno’s.  Despite the slightly dilapidated exterior, the place has a pleasant enough, homey sort of vibe.  The vague smell of pasta sauce wafts through the air, assaulting their nostrils the moment they step into the building.  Distinct Italian villa music plays in soft undertones through the lobby and the walls are adorned with various renaissance-era paintings.  
Albert and Spot exchange a short glance, raising their eyebrows slightly before approaching the front desk.  The lady behind the counter is a stout, but demanding woman, her eyes lined with harsh black rouge and hand gesturing wildly as she speaks on the phone in rapid fire Italian.  A quick glance towards her name tag tells Albert that her name is Maria, which fits her whole Italian mother look.  Albert watches, bemused, as she looks at them inquisitively, then at the badges on their shirts and rolls her eyes, firing off a few more sentences into the receiver before hanging up the landline and placing it back on its phone stand.  
“Yes, hello officers, how may I help you?” Her heavily accented voice is tinged with annoyance and Albert sees Spot shoot him another glance in his peripheral.
Inwardly, Albert sighs.  He’s never understood why people can’t just be cooperative.
“Hi, ma’am, sorry for the inconvenience,” He trains his voice into something resembling empathy and plasters his most charming smile onto his face.  She doesn’t look amused, “I’m Detective DaSilva and this is my partner, Detective Conlon.  We’re here from the 17th precinct investigating a case regarding the tragedy that occurred over in Gianno’s earlier today and one of the waitstaff there, Antonio Higgins, lives here in your building.  We’ve got a few questions for him, so if you could do us the courtesy of buzzing us up to his room, that would be greatly appreciated.”
Maria’s eyes widen and when she speaks, the previous irritation is absent, “Tonio?  Is he in trouble?  That boy is the sweetest thing, so helpful.  There’s no way he could be who you are looking for.”
Albert tries to soften his expression, “He’s in no trouble yet, ma’am, I assure you.  We’re just following protocol and questioning all employees at Gianno’s.  He went home a little before the incident occurred, so we were not able to question him with the rest of the waitstaff.”
Maria looks a little relieved at this, but her sternness is back when she says, “Alright, I will buzz you up, but don’t do anything to hurt my dear Tonio.  He’s had a tough year and I’d hate for some pish posh detectives to upset him further.”
“Thank you, ma’am.” Spot says, amicably.  
Maria picks up the phone again, presumably to call Higgins’ room and Spot looks at Albert, mouthing, ‘tough year?’  Albert shrugs and shakes his head, turning back to Maria as she hangs up the phone with a friendly, “Si, si, abbi cura, tesoro.”
“Okay,” She says dismissively, waving her hand as she picks up a pen and starts scribbling on some papers, “You can go up.  Elevators are around the corner.  Tonio lives on the 7th floor, room 712B.”
They thank her and head towards the elevators, relieved to find the one that picks them up to be empty.  
“I wonder what this Higgins dude’s been through for the fuckin’ receptionist to be that protective,” Spot says, pressing the button for the seventh floor and wincing when the elevator groans as it begins to ascend.
“Yeah, me too,” Albert agrees, “Sounded kind of cryptic, too.  Hope he’s in a good enough headspace to be helpful.”
And it’s true.  The more fucked up the suspect, the less willing they are to talk.  Vexation is one of the many banes of Albert’s existence.  They arrive at the floor and find room 712B at the end of the hallway.  Spot knocks and in less time than they anticipated, the door swings open to reveal a tired looking man.  He’s a bit taller than either of them with curly blond hair that sits like a mop on top of his head.  His blue eyes are accentuated by the bruise-like bags that sit underneath and the pallor of his skin makes it look like he’s sick; or was sick.  With a wince, Albert remembers that this guy had supposedly gone home with a migraine earlier.  
“Officers,” The man- Antonio- greets tiredly.  He looks bored at their presence and leans his shoulder casually on the doorframe, crossing his arms in front of his chest.  His grey t-shirt stretches obscenely over well-muscled arms and Albert swallows.  Spot snorts next to him.
Recovering, Albert flashes him a quick smile, “Antonio, right?  I’m Detective Dasilva and this is my partner, Detective Conlon.  I’m assuming you’re aware of the incident that occurred over at Gianno’s earlier today?”
Antonio’s bored expression doesn’t waver, but when he sighs, it sounds shaky, “‘Course I heard.  Business is about to go to shit ‘cause of it, too.  No one’s gonna wanna come to a murder scene to eat, so bye-bye good paychecks.”
“Right, I apologise for that,” Albert continues, “But we’ve gotta ask you a few questions regarding the case.”
Antonio’s eyebrows shoot up, “Am I a suspect?”
“Everyone’s a suspect until we find the culprit,” Spot says evenly.
“Right…” Antonio sighs again, “Okay, come in I guess.”  
He opens the door wider to allow them to enter and turns to walk into the apartment, flicking on a few lights along the way.  Albert follows him, noting how excessively clean the apartment is as he makes his way to the kitchen where Antonio is opening a pill bottle and throwing back a few pills, washing them down with what Albert assumes is coffee.  Spot joins him in the mouth of the kitchen, looking as hesitant as Albert feels.  Antonio looks at them, lips quirking upwards into something like a smirk.
“Want anything to drink?” He offers, “I’ve got water, coffee, milk...if you’re weird like that.”
“We’re good, thank you,” Spot declines, stepping further into the kitchen and leaning against one of the counters.  
Albert follows suit, noting with a frown that everything here is impeccably organized as well.  A neat row of cookbooks are pressed against the fridge, descending in order from thickest to thinnest.  The counters are bare and shiny, boasting no crumbs or residue.  Kitchen appliances line the walls neatly, also showing barely any sign of use.  Albert suspects if they opened up the fridge and the cabinets, they’d find neatly stacked dishes and immaculately organized silverware.  
Antonio shrugs, sipping again from his coffee mug, “Suit yourself.”
“Okay,” Spot pulls out his pocket notebook, flipping it open to a blank page and clicking his pen against his chest, “So you claimed to have gone home around 12:20 with a migraine.  Did you take any detours on the way home?”
Antonio’s jaw clenches, “Well, seeing as my head was trying to kill me from the inside out, I wasn’t very keen on going window shopping, so…”
Albert hears Spot blow out a breath through his nose, “I need a direct answer here, sir, if you could please.”
Antonio rolls his eyes, “Yes, I came straight home.”
Undeterred, Spot plows on, “Did you have any connections to the victim, Frank Wiesel?  Was he a regular customer that you knew of?  Anything of that sort?”
“Fuckin’ Weasel was the one to get his ass smoked?” Antonio says, nostrils flaring.
“So you did know the victim,” Albert says.
“Yeah, I fuckin’ knew him.  Worked with my Pa for a while, before leaving him in the dust to go work for some hotshot newspaper.  Asshole if I ever knew him,” Antonio shakes his head, laughing dryly, “‘Bout time he met his maker.”
“Okay, don’t say that to any officer about a murder vic,” Albert admonishes, “And you said he worked with your dad?  What did they do together?”
Antonio shifts, suddenly looking uncomfortable, “I don’t really know, but my Pa never liked him much.  Always complained about how he was tryna ‘do him in for a big one’ whatever that means.  I think it had something to do with accounting, but I’m not entirely certain.”
Spot’s nodding, scribbling rapidly in his notebook, “You met him, yes?”
“Few times,” Antonio says, “ornery fucker.  Homophobic, too.  That was the only front he and my Pa ever agreed on it seemed.  Which worked wonderfully in my favor.”  He says that last part sarcastically and Albert sends a brief look to Spot who grimaces.
“Where’s your dad now?” Albert asks.  The situation Antonio’s painted for his involvement with Wiesel sounds like a breeding ground for motives- if not from him directly, then his father.
“Dead,” Antonio smiles bitterly, “Was fighting cancer for a while and finally kicked the can ‘bout three months ago.”
There’s a tense pause and Spot clears his throat, “I’m sorry for your loss.”
Antonio snorts and Albert senses his frustration building.
“And you were here, in this apartment building, when the murder occurred say around...12:50?”
Antonio blinks, “I already told you I came straight home,” he pauses, “I didn’t fuckin’ kill Weasel.”
“We’re not saying-”
Antonio scoffs, “Kind of sounds like you are.  We done here?  ‘Cause as you seemed to know, I went home because of a migraine, which is still fucking me up.  So, if you don’t mind, I’d like to get some sleep.”
“Yes, my apologies,” Albert says, sensing that they weren’t going to get anything else out of this visit.  He nudges Spot, beginning to back out of the kitchen.  Antonio follows them to the door, watching warily as they step out, “Thank you for your time.  I appreciate your cooperation.  We’ll probably be back sometime this week for a few follow up questions.”
Antonio wrinkles his nose, “Wonderful.”
The door shuts with a resounding click and Albert and Spot stare at it for a long moment.
“Well…” Spot starts.
“Yeah,” Albert says, “There’s some digging to do here.”
“Sure is.”
They begin to retreat back towards the elevators.
“You gotta be careful, though.” Spot says, aiming for casual and missing by a mile.
“About what?” 
“You were totally hot for him.”
Albert thunks his head against the elevator wall, groaning, “Man, shut up.”
Spot just laughs.
i actually know where this one is heading plot wise, so...,.,
thanks for reading, chiefs
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