#yeah especially the 'he sees Shinichi first before Conan' part
leonawriter · 7 days
One more thing about The Tasering.
Here it is, happening.
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Here Conan is realising why Kid did that to him.
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Here he is, sitting up and feeling the weight and immediately dropping down again, so as to not give the game away.
Here's Conan explaining Kid's plan.
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Notable is that he is a key part of Kid's getaway plan, just as the other four Detective Boys were key parts of the "get the Kirin's Horn unlocked" plan.
Which leads to this:
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First, note that he's taken off his parka, and you can actually see the Kid Sticker that's stuck on the parka that's covering the ball he's about to kick before he does.
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He kicks hard enough to make sure the sticker is well and truly stuck, but not hard enough or in the correct place to knock him out. Only then does he call the guards.
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And of course Kaito can't figure out that there's something stuck to him - he can't look at his back, and he's got no time to, even if he wanted and figured it out.
The post-script of the chapter even points out what's happened, but...
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I don't think it's just payback for Kid knocking him out.
I think it's Conan's payback for Kid
-Using him as part of a plan to steal something -Using the Detective Boys, his young friends who are sort of his charges since he and Haibara are the eldest by ten years of the group, to follow his orders and be his unwitting henchmen
FAR more than just "payback for knocking me out."
Shinichi has a strict sense of justice. He also doesn't seem to like being used or taken advantage of in a criminal's scheme, especially not if he's not a willing participant.
Then again, even when he did knowingly and willingly steal something from a crime scene (the tapes that held the messages Shiho's mother had left for her), he's still shaky and nervous as hell. He does not like going against the law - partly, I think, because as a detective as good as he is, he sees the truth coming to light as an inevitability, rather than anything that just "might" happen.
So what's happening here is Kid going "You asked if you could help out last time, d'you wanna help out THIS time?/Can we talk one on one once I'm done?" and Conan-Shinichi going "ASSHOLE" and "HELL NO, GET LOST" as well as, beautifully enough, "TAG, YOU'RE IT."
Actually, yeah, that's the big thing here for me - compare Shinichi sending Kaito out to be chased down like this (something relatively benign) with him trying to use the sleep dart on a motorway, or kicking him out of a window... this is relatively non-lethal. The vibe is far more like that of two kids roughhousing.
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tabbi-mysteries · 8 months
Detective Conan Rewatch 471-486
Oops I forgot to write my thoughts down for a few days again
The uncontrollable rental car was actually top tier tho. I'm used to the single ep anime originals being fairly straightforward but this was unique and the characterization was great. We see Kogoro's best side and action hero dad Tagaki and a really smart trick pulled by Conan to save them all. I really liked this one.
Shinichi Kudo's childhood adventures is super cute! It's really nice to see babby Ran and of course Shiinichi. I almost wish we had more of their past and how they fell in love and the development part of all that but I get why we don't and the snippets we do get are cute. We get to see dad KID too which is fun (and babby Kaito too!) However as my friend pointed out this ep does feel like it confuses the nebulous timeline somewhat? Yukiko's been retired from acting for some time now so her still actively studying from Toichi is odd? Maybe? Maybe it's just her hobby now I dunno.
The love of lawyer Eri Kisaki is funny. It's super simple, especially for anyone who owns a cat but it manages to be great regardless. Ran really nearly assaulted a man 😅 well I'm sure Eri could have gotten her off the charges but still
Bad luck grand Prix is well it's an average episode, i certainly didn't think it was bad but it felt like a regular old episode with nothing super standout. I do like the occasional cases that are Kogoro and Conan hanging out all family like though it's sweet.
Genta's certain kill shot was fun! Mostly because my friend saw the title in advance and we've been choking about Genta's upcoming murder plan for a while XD the actual case is still pretty neat tho, although as usual the English is a little rough. I wouldn't say its common but you probably want imp or pixie to describe a mischievous kid not elf. I also kinda agree with Kogoro that it was mean to point at Genta and call him a murderer poor kid.
Real 30 minutes is an odd case. The time... didn't feel super relevant? The character designs were neat though and Conan and Haibara teaming up is always good.
Three days with Heiji Hattori! My boy was back for some more cases and they're fun ones. The first is neat because it feels like they reiterated Conan's trauma regarding cornering a culprit, almost feel like they could have focused on the impact of that ending and what that means to Conan and Heiji more but eh, it was neat to have it still. As for the detective Koushin I really enjoyed it! I've been looking forward to it a lot since reading that manga chapter and having a gathering of detectives is fun, the culprit is great too, I can see why she's so well liked. It's also great to have Hakuba here too although I gotta admit that yeah he seems pretty Sus of Conan, or perhaps just nice about it who knows. I liked the whole sequence at the beginning regarding the backstory too. And finally Heiji did really great! I like how they show how he differs from most other detectives we see who stand back and observe with methodical coldness by being emotionally invested, always having hope for possible best outcomes and willing to come across as wrong and act to gather the evidence he needs. I love him and this episode did a great job of showing why <3
Yellow Alibi is a sad case with a dumbass for a culprit. Who on earth murders someone on a beach and then tries to hide the fact the murder happened on a beach? Has this man never been to a beach before? You never get all the sand off my god.
Mountain Witch's cutlery is a simple little case but well presented, the weapon was neat and the kids were cute.
The vanished policeman was also a cute little simple case. Not much to say about it other than that tho.
Whereabouts of the dark photograph is fun because the crime differs which is neat every so often. Also those two guys will probably never commit a crime in their lives after that experience XD
Beckoning cat from left to right is simple but hey it has cats and Conan and Haibara teaming up which is nice.
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marshmallowgoop · 2 years
SCREAMING?????? At the end of DC episode 118 in the bonus clip after the credits and ending theme while Heiji is overally dramatically revealing he was shot, he says and I quote "I- I don't know which idiot said using force to stop the criminal before they commit suicide was a good idea" I think it's differently translated depending on which dub you watched, but????? Conan's over dramatic pan and his lil "Hattori.." HFBRUDHJD GOOP THESE BOYS!!!!!
I THINK Heiji was referencing episode 78 when Conan remembers the tragic incident from episode 11 The Moonlight Sonata, when he's traumatized from not being able to prevent the culprit from committing suicide.
These boys!!!! I genuinely don't know if he was referencing his pal Kudo or not or if the translation is correct but!!! I need to scream about this somehow!! Sorry for rambling in your inbox Goop!!! 😅
Yeah! I actually GIF'd this scene a while back, using the English translation that's on Crunchyroll right now:
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Heiji: Because some idiot told me... after cornering the culprit with your detective work, you can't let them die. Conan (internally): Hattori...
Sadly, this entire epilogue was omitted from FUNimation's English-language release of the show (for reasons completely unknown to me), so it never got dubbed with FuNi's cast—and I believe Crunchyroll's subtitles are the first time that it's even been officially subbed in English, too. (The videos on Bilibili, which use FUNimation's translation for the first 123 episodes, still don't have English subtitles for this part.)
I think it's a real shame that this after-credits scene got removed, of all after-credits scenes to remove. Heiji is most definitely referencing Episode 78 here:
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Conan/Shinichi: A detective who corners someone with logic, but lets them commit suicide, is no different from a murderer.
And, just like how he was profoundly affected by Shinichi's, "There’s no winning, losing, above, or below when it comes to logic… After all, there’s always only one truth…" in their first meeting (Episode 49), Heiji was profoundly affected by these words, too. He so deeply admires and is inspired by Shinichi, and here, Shinichi realizes that.
Plus, since this is still pretty early in the series, and since Heiji entered the series literally just to beef with him, Shinichi is often suspicious of Heiji's motives. He's always surprised when Heiji insists that there's no case and that he just wanted to hang out (both 77-78 and 118). But with Heiji's speech here, and with his injury, Shinichi understands just how much Heiji sincerely and truly values him.
I also think this scene contributes to a throughline that's present in a lot of Heiji cases, but I'm actually working on a whole 'nother essay about that, so I won't make this response even more massive ^^;
But, yeah, this is a pretty crucial scene, I'd say—especially because without it, you don't get confirmation that Heiji survives his gunshot wound! Like, RIP Harley Hartwell, I guess??
Beyond that, though, it does a lot for the characters. It's so disappointing the official English release removed this scene and only last year made it available. (Episode 118 originally aired in 1998!)
That said... absolutely thrilled to see it in HD now. Such a good moment.
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detshin · 3 years
back when i used to watch dc almost every other fan i met absolutely despised shinichi, which i couldn't really comprehend, and now, while reading the manga years later, it's even more confusing. i mean, he has his faults and but i remember people hating him for the most benign stuff, especially in the beginning of the series (before character development)- but he's very likeable in the flashbacks that had aired back then?? if he's such a jerk why did anyone befriend him in the first place lmao
Yeah, I also saw some of that hate, but eh- what can you do. 
I agree that the keeping the secret from Ran at this point is controversial, most would say that (even by canon timelines) he should just let her know. I am one of those that think Ran will figure it out on her own before he gets to tell her (because she’s capable of it, she did have her suspicions and stuff). I think most agree she should know, which is one of those parts where some people grow some hate for Shinichi, but where other people can see where he’s coming from, which is my case. Do I agree with keeping the secret? No. Do I get why he’s doing it and that he’s truly doing it with the best intentions at heart? Absolutely. 
And pre-Conan Shinichi is something that’s also a little complicated to understand sometimes. On the first episodes, that is, days before the accident at tropical land, he was seen acting... like a jerk. I think that the media attention maybe finally got to his head and all of that, therefore his behavior. Still, you can see he loved Ran dearly and was not really good at hiding it, throwing her loving looks and heart eyes all the freaking time. 
Now, in all flashbacks we get that are prior to all of that (New York, Ski lodge, aquarium...) he seems... so nice? He’s extremely babey in all of those. His face when he learns that there’s another teen detective around just like him... wow, a babey I’m telling you. 
So yeah, the attention probably got to him a very short time before the events of episode and file one. 
And about your last point. I find it actually hilarious that basically everyone that has become relevant in his life at the moment either didn’t like him at first, or straight up hated him lmao. Ran? confirmed she HATED him at first because of a misunderstanding; Heiji? He came all the way from Osaka just so he could prove himself to be better; Haibara?....do I need to say it?; Kazuha? She was jealous of the guy because of Heiji’s attention to him;... but then they all changed their minds and he became one of their favourite people. I don’t know, I just find it really ironic lmao 
So it’s okay anon! Don’t feel alone on the Shinichi loving hours, feel free to talk to me about it as much as you want, I’m always open to ramble about this sweet boi 
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balancingdiet · 5 years
Tabula Rasa
Detective Conan & Magic Kaito Characters: Shinichi/Kaito Words: 2500 ish Chapter: (1) ... (13) (14) (15)
Shinichi always finds his neighbour weird. But he didn’t expect to find his neighbour lying on a patch of grass and donned in Kaitou Kid’s costume, too.
Shinichi couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but he’d noticed Kuroba’s house had changed since the last time he’d been here.
It could be because of the different circumstances—having your mail stolen and then finding your neighbour on the floor was definitely not a good experience, in comparison to sitting on a comfortable sofa while looking forward to a delicious dinner—but there was something else that was different too.
Shinichi stared at the coffee table in front of him. He definitely didn’t remember it being there when he slept on the same floor beside the sofa, and his memory had no recollection of the flower vase sitting on the television stand too; Kuroba’s house wasn’t as vast and spacious as before, but it wasn’t a bad thing either.
Frankly, his house felt more homely, and permanent.
Unlike some kind of temporary pit stop.
Besides the little, extra furniture that appeared around Kuroba’s home, Shinichi noticed the increase in numbers of doves too. Previously he’d witnessed three that roamed free, but now the number had doubled to six. Two were sitting on an empty wall shelf below the clock, three were spread out and perched on the wide television set, and the last one was on the back of the sofa Shinichi was sitting at. And honestly, that dove was the most threatening one to him since he wasn’t sure when it would suddenly fly and sit on his head.
He decided to save himself from worrying and leave his spot for the kitchen instead.
“Nice timing.” Kuroba glanced at Shinichi over his shoulder before pointing at the counter on the other side of the kitchen. “Can you pass me that bowl of soy sauce over there?”
Shinichi did. The heavenly smell intensified when Kuroba poured the sauce over the rice evenly, and it took Shinichi loads of effort to hold that embarrassing gulp of hunger as he stood dumbly by Kuroba’s side. He soon figured staring at Kuroba’s cooking wasn’t going to help curb his in-coming drools, so he glanced up at the window in front of them, which was coincidentally the perfect view of Kuroba's backyard.
There were three rows of perfectly trimmed rose bushes, and the colour of each rose looked way prettier and brighter than most of the flower shops Shinichi passed on the streets.
Kaitou Kid’s talents never failed to amaze Shinichi sometimes, but Kuroba Kaito wasn’t lacking in that either.
“Are all the roses cultivated for your performances?” Shinichi couldn’t help but ask.
The grin that spread across Kuroba’s cheeks told Shinichi the next thing he was going to say would be probably be stup— “And to offer them to my audiences too, provided they don’t reject them,” Kuroba said.
Shinichi rolled his eyes, and in that brief turn of head, he noticed there was a small, lone bush at the far corner of the backyard, one he didn’t realise existed until now. He squinted his eyes, trying to see what it was.
They were blue roses.
“How on earth…” Shinichi muttered.
Kuroba glanced up and followed Shinichi’s gaze, but he didn’t respond.
“Even though I’m not a fan of plants or flowers, I do know that blue roses can’t be grown naturally,” Shinichi pointed out.
“You’re definitely a genius; those blue roses aren’t grown naturally,” Kuroba said (and Shinichi also detected an underlying, mocking tone somewhere in his voice). “I made them through genetic modification by using normal rose seeds and blue forget-me-nots.”
“Why?” Kuroba echoed as he switched off the fire.
“That’s some really tedious work. I supposed they aren’t for your normal performances?” Shinichi elaborated as he took the two stacked plates that were on his side and handed them to Kuroba, who accepted them wordlessly. “Is it for Kaitou Kid’s use?”
“No, they’re not.”
If it wasn’t for Kid’s purposes… Shinichi supposed the conversation should probably end here—
“It’s a gift for someone,” Kuroba said.
Shinichi couldn’t help but gape at the side of Kuroba’s face as he nonchalantly scooped the rice onto the plates.
Kuroba’s glass wall was still as high and unbreakable, but for the first time, the game of flickering lights wasn’t played according to Kuroba’s bidding anymore. Instead, what Shinichi found in his hand on the opposite side of the glass was a switch.
Kuroba had given him that switch.
But Shinichi had no idea what to do with it.
Shinichi could foresee a dozen of possible conversation routes in his mind, but there was one thing he wanted more right now than seeing another of Kuroba’s vulnerable moment or getting answers to satisfy his never-ending curiosity about Kaitou Kid.
He just wanted some good fried rice.
“I see,” was all Shinichi said before he made his move and began wandering around, pulling drawers to find and set the utensils on the small dining table for two, which was in-between the kitchen and living room (speaking of which, Shinichi wasn’t sure if he remembered seeing the dining table the last time he was here too.)
Kuroba said nothing else either as he brought the plates out.
Sitting opposite of each other, they said their thanks for the food and dug in.
Just a few mouthfuls later, a dove from the television set flew and settled on Kuroba’s shoulder. It leaned towards the spoonful of rice that Kuroba was going to eat.
“No, Hiro. This isn’t for you.” Kuroba swatted it away. “Let me eat in peace.”
It pecked Kuroba’s hand.
“So...” Shinichi watched in amusement as Kuroba continued his little battle with the dove. “Is this one of the few doves you said you let out because they are obedient?”
Kuroba gave him a side-eye. “Yeah.”
Shinichi figured there was no point in expressing the very irony that was happening right now. “Did more grow obedient then?” He gestured towards the other five doves in the living room. “I see you let more of your doves out.”
“I didn’t let more out; they are the same entitled few: Hiro, Yoshi, Tamago”—Shinichi cringed at the mention—“Ryo, Sake and Wasabi,” Kuroba said, pointing at each dove briefly as he checked their names off one by one. “There’s two more, Touma and Curry, but I think they are in the garden,” he added.
Shinichi suddenly remembered their previous and almost random conversation that was brought up in a similar fashion when they were eating fried rice, but it happened in Shinichi’s house instead. “So you weren’t kidding when you said you named half of your doves as food?”
Kuroba looked offended. “I never joke about my doves.”
Shinichi barely managed to avoid rolling his eyes as he turned to glance at the doves once more, especially the one still sitting on the back of the couch. He didn’t quite catch it, but he believed that was the direction Kuroba was pointing at when he mentioned Tamago’s name—
“I guess more of them appeared in your presence because they are growing to trust you,” Kuroba suddenly said.
Shinichi shifted in his seat, unsure of what to say. “I see.”
Kuroba chuckled.
Only satisfied after Kuroba gave in and fed it a few grains of rice, Hiro finally flew back to the living room.
“Anyway, did you have a house-warming party I didn’t know of?” Kuroba asked.
Shinchi twiddled with his spoon. “There’s no house-warming party.”
Kuroba raised an eyebrow. “But Hattori Heiji was having a tour around your backyard.”
“It was for a distraction,” Shinichi said, just a second too late to realise he shouldn’t have admitted that. But there was no way to retract his statement, and with Kuroba’s curious eyes staring right at him, it was hard for him to not continue, “Hattori was... trying to distract me.”
Shinichi had talked to Kuroba enough to pick up a skill or two at deflecting conversations, but he found himself hesitating for reasons that were not clear in his head.
“Do you remember what you said about Tabula Rasa?” Shinichi said instead.
Kuroba’s expressionless look and silence seemed to be his answer.
“I supposed it’s similar to the reason why I moved here too,” Shinichi continued, “I wanted to start anew and move on from the entire Edogawa Conan thing.”
Kuroba looked at Shinichi for a long while before lowering to gaze at his food.
“You know...” Kuroba began, “there’s a difference between hiding and starting anew.”
Shinichi blinked.
Kuroba’s eyes were still on the plate, but Shinichi could tell there was a distant look in his eyes. “You should go and find her.”
How did he... “What?”
“You can never start anew when something is still holding you back.” Kuroba glanced up. “The mere fact that you’re running away from the media already say as much.”
Shinichi parted his lips, but his tongue turned tied at the challenging look in Kuroba’s eyes.
Everything grew quiet still between them.
Then, somewhere in the living room, a dove cooed.
“You should really go and find her,” Kuroba said again.
Before the silence started to sink in, a sudden shrill of alarm echoed throughout the house, startling Shinichi out of his plan to rebuke whatever Kuroba had said.
And he still hadn’t found any point to make.
Kuroba pulled out the phone from his pocket and switched off the alarm. Every line of tension in his face was already gone, as if those moments were just a collective hallucination Shinichi had.
“Alright, time for me to go.” Kuroba stood up and carried his plate to the kitchen sink. On the way, he made a unique whistling tune, and the six doves in the living room immediately got into action and flew up to the second floor.
Shinichi didn’t want to admit this, but he was genuinely confused and... a little curious. Finishing his last few mouthfuls, Shinichi picked up his empty plate and headed to the kitchen too.
“Where are you going?” he asked when Kuroba took the plate from him to wash.
Kuroba turned and stared at him. And when Shinichi still didn’t say anything, he laughed. “Are you seriously asking me that?”
Shinichi frowned. “What?”
“I have a heist later.”
It took a couple of seconds before Shinichi registered Kuroba’s words. “You have a heist today?”
Kuroba exaggerated a sigh and showed a small pout. “I’m really hurt, Tantei-kun," Kuroba, or rather, Kaitou Kid said.
He had been so caught up in today’s moment that he’d completely forgotten. “I honestly don’t remember,” Shinichi said, and he was relieved his brain wasn’t fried enough to add an apology behind. “But if you have a heist, why did you even agree to my request?”
“In exchange of being acknowledged as your best neighbour, I find it a worthy deal.”
...What the hell?
“By the way, you’re invited to my heist,” Kuroba said as he placed the clean plates and pan on the drying rack.
Shinichi narrowed his eyes. “It’s not your call.”
“The place is an open public space. Nobody has the call.”
“Fine. Don’t regret what you said,” Shinichi warned.
Kuroba grinned before making some stupid, wooing sounds. “Should I be feeling threatened?”
“If that will keep your guard up, I suggest you should be.” Shinichi gave Kuroba’s kitchen a last glance. “I’ll thank you for the food, Kuroba. But when you’re in that white suit, I won’t recognise him as you.”
“I’d like that.” Shinichi heard Kuroba say before he headed for the door.
Dealing with Kid was complicated enough, let alone the feisty crowd in the large garden that the thief held his heist at, or rather the millionaire, who decided to show-off his gem by placing it on the heart of the statue fountain he publicly donated.
Shinichi had no idea how many times he was pushed and stepped on, but after witnessing Kaitou Kid’s cheeky smile as he stolen the gem and disappeared in just three seconds, it fuelled Shinichi enough to rack his brain in a speed he hadn’t done in a long while, and he figured the only direction that Kid could go to use the wings he had.
After getting pushed and stepped even more, Shinichi found his way up the small hill behind the garden. There were some police officers that were dispatched towards the hill too, but after a short while when their radio cackled to life and someone claimed he saw Kid flew away in another direction, they followed the order to return back to the garden.
Shinichi continued his own way.
The distance between the lamp posts grew bigger and bigger as Shinichi went further up the hill, but by the time he neared the top, the dark trees around him were slightly illuminated by the citylights below.
And the large moon.
And the bold and semi-glowing whiteness that Kaitou Kid’s costume showed.
In his gloved hand that was raised high under the moon was the stolen gem.
Shinichi stopped, crossing his arms as he stared at Kid’s back. “Is that what you’re looking for?”
The dark shadows under his hat covered most of Kid’s face, but Shinichi noted the tension in his shoulders. Only after a long while, Kid finally placed his arm down. He tossed the gem in the air and caught it with his other gloved hand. Then with a wave, it was gone from both.
Kid turned, finally acknowledging Shinichi’s presence and words. “What makes you think I’m looking for anything?” he said.
Shinichi looked unimpressed. “Am I wrong?”
“You sound very scary, Tantei-kun.” Kid pushed the brim of his hat up, revealing the gleam in his monocle. “Besides, I would never dare to say you’re wrong.”
As much as he wished to separate Kuroba and Kaitou Kid apart, their uncanny way to divert the conversation was just too similar.
Shinichi pointed a finger-gun at Kid. “Are you going to surrender now or what.”
There was an odd silence before Kaitou Kid suddenly burst out laughing. “Please don’t do that,” he said, but the charismatic tone that Kid always used wasn’t there. It was Kuroba speaking.
Shinichi frowned. “What?”
Kuroba pointed a finger-gun back. “You look stupid.”
A vein popped in Shinichi’s temple as he balled the same hand into a fist. “Do you want me to kill you?”
“Sorry.” Kuroba heaved a breath to calm himself. “But anyway, thanks for the fun night, despite the shortness of it.”
“There is nothing fun.” Shinichi narrowed his eyes. “And what about the jewel?”
“In safe hands.”
“Do you mean your hands—”
A sound of fluttering wings interrupted Shinichi, and he looked up, finding a dove right above him. But before he could complain about the few feathers that littered his head, the dove poofed into the gem, and it fell at the rate gravity allowed.
Shinichi caught it.
He glanced up.
Kaitou Kid was gone.
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kitsunelokiversali · 5 years
Day 151 of 365 Writing Prompts:
I went rogue again and wrote more of my KaiShin Sea and Moon extras. Enjoy?
Fandom: DCMK
Pairing: Kuroba Kaito/Kudou Shinichi, KaiShin (Gen rating)
Extra to this series.
All their friends wonder how they met
It’s just about the best day Shinichi’s had in a long time. Kaito is tempted to agree, but that rank’s already reserved for the second he heard Shinichi’s real voice for the first time. Which is a secret. Shinichi will never know. Still, no one’s angry. No one’s crying. Even better, Shinichi hasn’t accidentally acted like Conan yet. Another secret Kaito is bound to reveal at some point; Shinichi acting like a child was the cutest thing ever. The only thing that would make it better… is if they would all stop staring at Shinichi and Kaito like that.
In a feat only Kaito could pull off, all of their friends are gathered around a table. Between Shinichi’s group—Ran, Sonoko, Heiji, Haibara, and the Junior Detective League—and Kaito’s own odd collection of friends—Aoko, Akako, and Hakuba—they have quite the party going. This also means that having every single one of them staring at Shinichi and Kaito like they’re suspects in a crime is extremely unnerving. Every. Single. One.
Finally, Sonoko frees them from the tension with an even worse alternative, “So, like, how did you two even meet?”
The group explodes as Ran jumps in with her own, “I know right? I just don’t get how they could have met!”
Aoko, quickly making up for Kaito’s end, throws back, “I thought I knew all of Kaito’s friends, but then he comes out of nowhere and confesses in the middle of campus!”
“Wait, Shinichi confessed in the middle of campus?” Back to Sonoko, and it was time for Shinichi to get his flush going. He was hoping his friends would never find out about that.
Kaito, apparently forgetting he was under fire too, added, “Yeah, it was the cutest thing ever.”
Sly as ever, Akako smirked at them, “He didn’t look even a bit embarrassed.” Shinichi did not remember seeing the witch there. Aoko, sure. Akako though? He never saw her.
However, he had more important concerns, like glaring at Kaito. There was no need, as Hakuba spoke over the girls as well, “Could it have been your nighttime activities?”
“What? Kuroba, what is that supposed to mean?” Sonoko had gone from glaring at both of them to staring Kaito down. Although not a karate champion like Ran, or hotheaded like Aoko, Sonoko could stare most anyone down. The girl was intense on the best of days, and Kaito got the full weight of her glower for once. Where was the girl that had a crush on his alter ego? That was much easier to deal with!
Used to Sonoko, Shinichi quirked his eyebrow up at Hakuba, responding for Kaito, “I think I would notice if my own boyfriend was taking off in the middle of the night to be an international jewel thief.” Clearly the other detective was about to argue back, so Shinichi continued, “Or do you think you can beat me in a deduction?” It was hard to tell if Hakuba’s flush was from embarrassment or anger, but it certainly shut him up. Sadly, it was time for his sole male friend to jump on that.
“Kudou, I never thought you’d be so bold!” Kazuha and Ran blushed on either side of Heiji while Sonoko and Haibara snickered at him. Groaning, Shinichi dropped his head into his hands, muttering something about his friends being perverts.
Genta, Ayumi, and Mitsuhiko, thankfully quiet up to this point, began whispering amongst each other. With all the innocence of childhood, Ayumi asked, “So you guys sleep together?”
The thief should have been blushing along with Shinichi, but Kaito just grinned and presented the child a rose with a quick sleight of hand. He watched with glee as she gave an amazed gasp, taking the rose with gentle fingers. Genta and Mitsuhiko were tempted to be jealous, but they too were more interested in how Kaito did that. Plus, he was dating Shinichi, so he wasn’t a threat. Watching the three break down how Kaito did the trick (and he’d appreciate his lover not training more critics, thank you) he confirmed Ayumi’s question, “Yep. We pretty much live together now.” No shame. No shame at all.
“In all seriousness, though,” Heiji leaned back, uncaring of the sudden attention all on him, “How did you meet before this last winter?” Only Shinichi, Kaito, and Haibara knew what Heiji actually meant; “How did you meet before the Black Org take-down? While you were Conan?”
“Yeah!” Ran pointed a finger at Shinichi, her eyes lit up with realization. “Weren’t you on that big case for the past few years?”
“Big case?” Kaito’s friends glanced back and forth at each other, not sure what was going on.
“Uh,” Shinichi had no idea how to explain to anyone what had happened. Especially without revealing either of their secrets. His return had been well-documented, and he couldn’t say he met Kaito on breaks from his case or else Ran would get upset. Only the jittery thigh pressed against his own revealed Kaito was just as alarmed. Hakuba accusing him of being Kaitou KID was old news, but Shinichi was actual evidence against him. Not that he thought Shinichi would do that to him, but their meet-cute moment was proof enough. Then the jumping stopped.
Kaito turned to Shinichi, his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes searching, “Actually, now that I think of it… What did happen? The news said you came back towards the end of October, but you didn’t come to my school until December.”
Now is not the time. At least, that’s what Shinichi was hoping to convey by the kick he aimed at Kaito’s shin.
“Eh? So you met while you were on the case?” Ran may not be as good a detective as Shinichi, but she was sharp.
All eyes were back on him and Kaito, most of them looking to Shinichi for answers. Whether or not Kaito was a thief, his whereabouts could be accounted for. Shinichi’s? Not so much.
Looking out the window, Shinichi stared for a second at the bright light capturing green trees lining the sidewalk. Some bore small pink flowers, the petals occasionally falling when a gust of wind tore down the street. Some days it felt like years had passed since he took down the Black Organization with the help of Interpol, the FBI, and the police. Other days it felt like just yesterday, and his neck prickled with the phantom fear of certain death waiting unseen. For so long he had kept the secret, that the idea of revealing it even now sent a shiver down his spine. He remembered Agasa’s warnings, and Haibara standing over his bed a gun in her hand. Sharp eyes glaring down at him and larger hands holding him down, toxic death small and innocuous in their palms.
Shinichi took a chance and glanced at Haibara. The girl shrugged, and he pressed out a huff. He could tell them just a bit, right? Their lives weren’t in danger anymore. People could know now. “About… four-five years ago, I ran into a case. A dangerous one.” Shinichi pursed his lips. He wasn’t even planning on telling them everything, and his heart still beat wildly in his chest. Carefully avoiding any of the eyes watching him, he thought of all the times Ran and Sonoko complained about his mysterious case. Neither of them knew just how dangerous it was, and he was hoping they never would.
“I almost got killed, but somehow survived.” Now was also not the time to mention he shrunk to a six year old’s body. “Luckily they thought I had died, so I hid while I had the chance. There was a chance that if they knew I was still alive, they would kill me and everyone I had contact with. Just to make sure I didn’t talk. So I did everything I could to unearth who they really were, and found out they were only a part of a secret organization known only as the Black Organization.” Shinichi swallowed thickly, glanced at Ran, then looked away just as quickly. At some point, his muscles had tensed up, and Shinichi’s face got harder. More distant.
“I tried to stay around to help if I could,” Ran remembered all the cases Shinichi mysteriously knew of. Had saved her from. “But if word got out of my involvement, they might try to-” That one he couldn’t say. Shrugging it off, Shinichi skipped over it. “I met Kaito on a smaller case. We were nothing more than strangers passing by.” His smirk told of something more than that, but no one stopped him to ask. Kaito, as well, wondered where the story would go. As honest as his lover was, Shinichi could lie. He had five years to get good at it. “We talked a bit, matched wits, and I thought that was that. Then I ran into him again, and I guess,” he peeked over at Kaito, “I guess I was lonely. I wanted to talk to someone that couldn’t be hurt just by being a part of my life.
“We wrote letters to each other every now and then. At some point it became-ahem.” Too emotional. Danger. Shinichi backed out before saying anything more. Skipped over that as well. “I messed up. You know, as I do.” He and Ran shared a smile at that one.
Rolling his shoulders, Shinichi called for one last push, “Well, I caught them. Last year. I officially came back so I could testify and supply all the evidence I had gathered against them. After,” he turned to Kaito for the last bit. “After, I wasn’t sure you’d still be waiting. So I-”
“Shin-chan!” Shinichi blinked, surprised as Kaito grabbed his face with both hands. “I would have waited forever. Do you know that?” As they pressed their foreheads together, their friends began shifting in their seats. Ayumi cooed, not uncomfortable in the slightest, as her friends complained at the cheesiness.
Across from Shinichi, Ran felt a mix of emotions, unsure which to settle on. She was ready to scold Shinichi, having never known just what took him away for so long. Upset that she couldn’t wait for him. Couldn’t be the strength he needed. Happier than words could describe that her childhood love could still be happy despite everything. That he could move on after she couldn’t take anymore. Instead, Ran grabbed Sonoko’s hand, needing the weight to ground her. Of course Sonoko did so without question. This may not have been the future either of them envisioned, but it was a good one. And, looking at the children and Kaito’s friends, it may be an even better one.
Akako sniffed, not quite as upset with Kaito loving another as she pretended, grinning as Aoko nudged her in the shoulder. Hakuba rolled his eyes, done with his friend’s antics, but he could let the two gush over each other for now. Now he was sure Shinichi knew Kaito was a thief, but he wouldn’t call the other out on it. He would catch Kaitou KID all on his own, and he liked it that way.
Heiji was not content to let the lovers go without teasing, so he ignored Kazuha’s whispered gossip and leaned forward. “So, Kudou, when’s the wedding?”
“Heiji!” Kazuha hit Hattori for Shinichi, going off on a rant about ruining a moment. As the discussion rose to new heights, everyone joining back in, Shinichi sat back with a smile on his face. Five years ago, he could only name Ran and Sonoko as his friends, and going home to an empty house was business as usual. Now, even with nightmares and fears that had never been there before, he was surrounded with noise. He had even more friends than ever before, not a single one of them fans or sycophants, and every single one he knew would take on the world for him just like he would for them. While the years had been painfully hard, he would do it all over again just for this moment. To feel Kaito’s warmth beside him as the magician drove the chaos forward and the other detectives argued over their deductions. The children proving their place as the next generation of brilliant detectives. Shinichi had lied again, but seeing the smile on Ran’s face as she rattled along with the other girls made every lie and sacrifice worth it. This really was the best day Shinichi had had in a long time, and he was certain there would be even more like it.
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echoed-truth · 7 years
All caught up!
I stopped reading DC pretty much two years ago at chapter 920 because I was so fed up with a lot of things: the writing and utilization of female characters, especially how major female characters faded away as male characters take over the main plot, how they are kept in the dark even as they are directly involved, the shallow treatment of female relationships in comparison to the male ones, the occasional fanservice; the idolization of childhood crushes, how every single character is shoehorned into a romance, and how the individual characterization suffered as a result; Conan’s alarming omnipotence and the complete absence of criticism; people constantly talking past each other in fandom based on false assumptions.
I didn’t know back then whether that’d mean that I’d be quitting DC for good or not, which scared me because I had been following the series for so long and had invested so much money and time in it... But I knew it wasn’t good to keep reading if all of the frustration overrode - on a weekly basis! - any lingering affection I still had, so I cut myself off from it.
In the meantime, starting from about half a year ago, I got into merch collecting. While I was keeping away from the manga, I’d rage every now and then at all the new DC merch coming out, which is all pretty much presenting Conan/Shinichi, Akai, Amuro, KID and sometimes Heiji as the faces of the series. I know that those are popular characters for good reasons and that smart marketing is to produce whatever’s currently a hot topic, especially when it comes to a series that has been running for this long, but it didn’t help with my bitterness regarding the neglect of female characters within the series. In my opinion, Ran and Ai in particular deserve merch before any of the above (with the exception of the titular character) get any, especially when said merch is bundled or part of a line-up. :| (I'm talking about the recent scale figures and the planned Nendoroids, but also some sticker/strap sets I've seen.)
About 1-2 days ago, I ranted about DC merch again (a set of straps), and a good friend was wondering on Twitter whether anything of note has happened in the series in the past year. I guess someone I know talking about it in some way and expressing frustration was the push I needed to catch up again! I’m all caught up now, and reading the 73 (à 16 pages) chapters didn’t take anywhere as long as I thought it would.
Some rambling under the cut, both positive and negative. No explicit story spoilers.
Reading all of it in one go was less painful than following this series on a weekly basis while dying from impatience and getting upset over the writing of female characters. I’m still upset, but at least it’s not a weekly letdown, which was hard to stomach as a fan. (Also wow, I quit right before that Shinichi/Ran chapter wtf.)
One of the most exciting things about binge-reading this is that of the huge cast, many people met each other for the first time!! Hell yeah I am here for seeing every possible kind of combo (though I doubt most of it will get fleshed out).
Megure is spot-on when he says that most of the time it’s just running into groups of assorted detectives hanging out. EVERYONE IS A DETECTIVE.
Part of it is that there are wayyyyyy too many men now, most of them some genius/specialist of some sort. They set themselves apart from the non-detective characters by being characterized as smart and impressive, but in a cast where everyone is impressive, it’s just... getting very crowded. (There are cases where I constantly wonder "was this really necessary" with regard to this type - Shukichi and Komei in particular.)
Heiji/Kazuha chapters continue to be really stale; as with two years ago, they’re easily one of the worst parts of the entire series to me (and I used to love them waaaay back!). Every time they show up, we’re confronted with the non-progressing romance (see above: romance ruining characterization), while Ran and Kazua are forced into the “I’m so scared and ghosts totally exist HELP” role. Every. Single. Time. It’s mind-boggling it’s handled this way even on the most basic level, which, in DC’s case, is the mystery. If certain characters are associated with a certain types of mystery (folklore and “scary” things in general in this case), doesn’t that make the constellations they’re part of repetitive as a whole?
The recent Ran/Kazuha scene in chapter 983 was SUPER CUTE though. Really beautiful. ;_;
Not sure how I feel about the amount of new characters introduced in all these chapters. O_O I know it’s a new arc and all, but damn, I think it’s about 5-6? wtf @ sushi waiter...
Not sure how to feel about Wakasa either, but it bugs me that she seems like some sort of Jodie rehash - the combination of possibly being a threat, being very clumsy, being secretly capable, and a teacher. Rehashes are nothing new (Eisuke/Masumi as transfer students and siblings, for example, and also the clumsiness in Eisuke/Jodie/Wakasa as they follow their own agenda), but it bugs me because... I really like Jodie, and like other female key players (Ai, Kir), she is underutilized/written out of the story while male characters dominate.
I should be more upset at Amuro because he's almost like the mirror of One Piece's Law (except it's way more blatant and annoying in the case of OP), super special in his own way and now getting all the merch next to Akai as well as other male characters, while major female characters can stew, but I still really like him. IT'S JUST A BUNCH OF THE DC MERCHANDISE THAT I RAGE AT.
That moment in chapter 954 when two of your lowkey crackships are in the same panel bc MAGIC...
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kyogre-blue · 6 years
onesingledreamer replied to your post: rikkamaru said: Like that one, pokemon and zoids...
I grew up with DC as a kid, like, my mom watched it so I did too. It’s so interesting seeing someone not used to this nonsense react to it! I think I’m just used to all the filler episodes at this point, it’s just status quo XD. Did you get introduced to DC through a study in scarlette?
Yeah, I started from Study in Scarlette and then went to actually watch the anime (though I did MK1412 first) so I could understand what I had just read. Starting from fanfic is always an experience because let me tell you, what fic thinks is canon is wildly different from actual canon. 
Although DCMK is a special challenge because there So Much canon to wade through. Like, at what point does Conan get two cellphones? I only just confirmed he even has two because the original 130 episodes were obviously from before people had cellphones in general. 
(Most puzzling fanon: Kaitou Kid supposedly pulling pranks on the task force and especially the hair dying thing. What part of canon did they even get that from?? Second most confusing fanon: What Kid actually calls Conan. I swear, I heard him use ‘tantei-kun’ like only once, back in Magic Lovers and only in disguise...? AC says it’s from the movies, but I don’t want to go check)
rikkamaru said:
I'm irritated I'm going back to illegal streaming to get the DC episodes that no one legally has subbed in english, but I want all the episodes so bad. The Shi in ShinShi is Haibara's original name, Miyano Shiho. Some people specifically like to pair them as their older selves I guess? And don't want to say that Shinichi is with Haibara, with the implied physical age gap that creates. Yeah, I don't care for how the anime treats the idea of CoAi, hilariously the movies are what made me ship it.
The few released in english DC movies have them interact as intellectual equals who have to remind each other to act like children and will stumble but ultimately try to understand the other, which I really like. (And sorry, didn't mean to push a button with Ran, their entire situation just frustrates me and I just can't care for the ship as much anymore). I actually haven't read a study in scarlette yet, really need to! I got into the ship through an old fic called Criminal Intentions
by Xialdon. It hasn't updated in years, but it explored the idea of Shinichi going to more heists than just the clock tower before being shrunk, and was really well written. It's where I picked up the headcanon about Shinichi enjoying Kid heists but ultimately saying that there are far worse people out there than a thief that returns what he steals and so isn't obsessed with catching Kid when there is murder about.
If it’s the same Criminal Intentions, I literally just read it like two days ago. I definitely recognize the style of fanon going on there (and enjoy it, tbh, I’m still a fangirl), but it’s really interesting how relatively little basis in canon it has. Like, in the entire anime, there’s basically only one instance each where Conan thinks about Kid outside of a heist he’s taken to by others (plus, yes, the april fools thing where he just likes riddles that much) and where Kid directly indicates he likes the excitement of having someone come close to catching him. Otherwise, they’re actually relatively lukewarm toward each other and just happen to cooperate decently because they’re both fundamentally good guys. I like the fic interpretations tho, I admit. 
I’ve only watched the Kid cameo movies, so the only CoAi was in Sunflowers of Inferno iirc, and it was like... tsundere. So tsundere. Their non-shipping interactions are great tho. Haibara is a lowkey fave. She’s just so memorable. 
(Don’t worry, I'm not upset about Ran, I just want to limit my ranting if possible. Like, I’m sure everyone here already knows that I can complain endlessly, once I get started and boy do I have a lot of complaints about shinran.) 
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shioritsumi · 7 years
Detective Conan next-gen concepts and stuff....
First of all, I originally made up the elder siblings when I was in middle school, and their old names stuck with me despite being DUMB but I keep forgetting what I rename them every time....
-Working nicknames are Ame and Kairi, Ame being the younger brother, and Kairi the older sister. Kairi is a more typical teenaged girl, and doesn’t really dip into anything too unusual. Ame is the younger brother who mostly does housework and otherwise feminine hobbies. 
-Youngest child Conan has osteoarthritis, and was born with a bunch of health problems, so he’s lived overseas in LA with his grandparents until recently when it was finally determined his health had improved enough that he could survive the plane trip to Japan to live with his parents and siblings without any serious problems. 
-Ame’s school situation is....he’s a good student, and gets great grades, but he’s also not popular and terrible at sports. In fact, he’s pretty seriously bullied, in a situation that’s known about by most of his classmates, and ignored by them as well. As for why, no one’s really certain? Something about him just seems to rub the local bullies the wrong way. 
-Kairi’s school situation is normal. She has friends, she goes shopping, karaoke, she’s about the most typical teenaged girl ever. She’s a third year, as compared to her first year brother, and first grade baby brother. 
-I decided to add in a character whose original story went no where. He’s now the ‘bad influence’ friend on Conan. In other words, meet Johnathan Ishikawa, whose parents keep trying to introduce him as Shinji. He’s got a sort of difficult background but the important parts are....he’s a teen detective, with serious PTSD from attending too many crime scenes since he was a kid. He has medication, but since his parents attend the school of getting RID of all his symptoms instead of managing them, the medication is WAY strong and he becomes uber goofy and loopy, making him Shinji. To the point where even his childhood friend looks at his more serious crude nature and thinks HE might be the personality that’s a symptom of his condition. He’s not pleased with the assessment. He’s a frank and helpful friend to Conan and the other detectives, though, albeit a sometimes temporary one. (He has to limit his direct exposure to crime scenes while off his meds to avoid triggering anything.) 
-Ame’s childhood friends with the KazuHei son. He deeply admires Ame and everything he does, and becomes a sort of teen detective on his own, to...impress Ame...? Conan and Johnny kind of look at them from a distance and are like, “......he looks pretty gay for your brother.” “He says he just ‘deeply admires Ame’, but yeah.” Meanwhile, Ame is oblivious and thinks his Osakan friend is just the coolest thing ever??? Like, he’s a teen detective and he plays baseball and does kendo and he’s so good at stuff???? And people like him and he’s cool????
-Ame is not actually a teen detective, but he IS a teen who ends up right next to two teen detectives who also ends up inadvertantly solving a lot of cases himself. Most of his stuff is attributed to his dad, so he’s never gotten any real attention. He’d rather not have attention anyways, so it’s all cool. 
-There’s a new Detective Boys league, made up of the kids of the previous group. Conan’s their newest member!
-Conan uses Shinichi’s old super shoes for daily use. They stimulate the muscles in his feet and allow him to move about like a normal kid, almost. His legs are still pretty weak, and his stamina is low, but he can walk for normal periods without having to worry about too much pain. 
-Conan’s health condition means a permanent excuse from gym. But he probably gets guff from at least one gym teacher at first. Not everyone’s going to believe a seven-year old can have osteoarthritis. Or that a kid his age can get sick so badly so often. “Would you like to see my list of pre-existing conditions?”
-Ame usually picks Conan up from school, literally. He carries Conan on his back or shoulders when they walk home. When they’re at crime scenes, as well. Conan’s usually being carried by someone, especially if the ground is uneven. 
-Kogoro has mixed feelings on Conan. For one thing, when he stays at the Mouri household, or even visits, it’s like having Conan Edogawa back again. BUT....well, this IS his grandson, his youngest grandson. And the kid’s sick. So that sucks. But does he have to be such a smartass?
-That said, Conan and Johnny would both probably get along pretty well with Eva. 
-Shinichi has mixed feelings on Johnny. There’s a teenager hanging around his sickly 7-year old son, and taking him to solve mysteries. Also he hears the teen has violent tendencies and crude language. “Oh, don’t worry, Kudo-san; I always warn him before I say or do anything questionable, don’t be like me. And you know what he says? Conan, what do you say?” “I don’t think it’s possible for me to ever be as messed up like you.” “Yes, that’s what you say. See, Kudo-san, he’s good. No problems here.” Shinichi isn’t at all comforted by this. Heiji reminds him he did basically the same thing when he was shrunk down to a 6-year old. (”It’s not the same, Hattori!” “It kind of is....” )
0 notes
Yuri on Ice 12 (FINAL) | Erased 1 | SGRS 14 | Nanbaka 12 – 14
I’m still fleshing out my set for this season as well as filling out stuff from one year ago...yeah, yeah. You’re telling me I’ve got dedication, having to deal with stuff twice, right?
I’ve decided I won’t merge the old (Le Take) notes with the new ones, as there are some show takes (such as Sekkou Boys) that will get lost in the process. Besides, Le Take is pretty shameful by itself.
Why do I do simulcast commentaries? I figure someday, someone’ll benefit from all the info I give. Or maybe it’s just Boueibu fans who want another opinion on stuff. *shrugs*
Final ep, eh? I wonder if I’ll miss this show…
Apparently Stephane Lambiel is a famous sports commentator in RL.
Waitasec – JJ trained under Ciaociao? Now there’s something to see.
Still can’t tell that brunette is his mum.
Who’s the woman next to Ciaociao? (Her name, I mean.)
That’s…cute, Phichit. Real cute.
Pinchos? Rinchos? Rinchus? I dunno what that eyecatch says…
Everyone’s basically crying right now! *applauds*
It’s fairly predictable when someone becomes so fixated on somebody else’s actions that they’re going to get distracted (in this show, at least). Thus, it’s pretty easy to see Chris’s demise.
“Kya---” is a squee, not an OMG. Get it right, folks.
Symphony no. 9 – a name I’ve become quite familiar with through Classicaloid. The second’s not famous like the first, which is why Otabek choosing it represents him as a supporting person really well.
That…was surprising! I read a PP on Tumblr about how men normally don’t have a couples skate, but women do, but this…not only was it the Stay Close to Me from the beginning, it was a couple one too.
“See you next level” – People already spoilt that for me ages ago, but yeah. Hopefully I can see you next level.
(Erased ep 1)
Boku Dake ga Inai Machi was one of the bigger hyped shows IIRC and by virtue of its being a mystery, of course I wanted in. Also, Sachiko Fujinuma is Conan…
Okay people, let’s get this straight. Boku Dake ga Inai Machi means “The Town in Which Only I am Missing”. It’s dumb to change it, although I can see why the change happened.
CGI taxi. Probably the worst type of vehicle to blow your budget on.
That voice. It’s Conan…but a little deeper.
I found this site handy for unpiecing certain parts of this show, as well as Gugure! and a few other shows. It really helped for the title phrases especially.
This show really delves into the psychology and sociology…that’s one of the better parts of this.
CGI cars. Honestly people, don’t waste your budgets on CGI cars…
Obviously a Wikipedia parody.
According to the site linked a few dot points ago, you’re not allowed to ride on a bike the way Airi is in this scene.
I bet Sachiko ships them despite the age gap…oops, I forgot she says that. She does ship them, just not manically as shippers usually do.
Why is there a frog? “Speak no evil” or something?
That face…no wonder people think it’s obvious who killed Sachiko.
The cutting off of part of the screen is a good effect, visually speaking. It allows for contrast between present and past.
(SGRS ep 14)
CR was being a butt, so I had to use a YT mirror for this. Certainly, it was ripped, but it was a much nicer experience than dealing with Shockwave Flash and error pages over and over.
The 4th wall break…actually works really well.
President of the Rakugo Association? Nice, Kiku. Real smooth.
Lemme get this straight, people. It’s Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu: Sukeroku Futatabi-hen. Not Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu: Descending Stories – the second part is a localised, shorter name.
As soon as I heard the voice of Shinichi (Detective Conan), my jaw dropped. I haven’t heard that voice in ages, and for an Osakan character too! (You can tell he’s Osakan due to the –han.)
Wa-wait…Mangetsu? O-oh, sorry. I’m not good at identifying voices of seiyuu after all. It was Koji Yusa, not Kappei Yamaguchi.
What anyone would give for a parent like Yakumo 8th…yeah. People would give a lot for that sort of freedom…
Oh. Okay. Kyoto people use similar honorifics to Osakans.
I’d recognise that as a Louis Vuitton bag anywhere. Lots of Asians have fake ones like it…haha. *sweatdrops* Google says it’s a woman’s handbag.
As a writer myself, I can see the parallels to the typical artist. I’m far from fully fledged, though…the only books I can call “published” are the ones I’ve made with my own hands or posted online.
Yotaro still remembers the promises after 10 years? I can’t even remember what I’ve said a few minutes ago sometimes, let alone remember something like that…even though I pride myself on my memory.
(Nanbaka ep 12)
Uh, what language is “Wartezimmer”? Update: Oh, German.
The exact word for “monster” used here is “bakemono”. I can tell from the lip flaps, even without sound.
This Elf looks like Tanya from Youjo Senki…*shudders* Not only does he look like an elf, but isn’t “elf” 11 in German? Update: You’re wondering why I’m talking about Elf despite having no indication as to how I knew his name? Spoilers, o’course.
Having watched ConRevo prior to this,let’s just say justice is not a word one should sling around lightly.
Haven’t laughed like this for Nanbaka in a while…I miss the days where Nanbaka really was a comedy anime.
They even went Hetalia mochi on us…? With bouncing head effects, to boot.
His name is “Mitsuru” (3 cranes), which is why Hajime’s calling him a crane.
“Don’t get caught” takes on a new meaning here.
Aw, sweetpe-oh? Ah! Elf?!!!!
If I were watching that weekly, that would be a bad cliffhanger…but I’m not, so it doesn’t matter.
(ep 13)
Why the brain? Shouldn’t Elf go for Musashi first, since that guy’s lethal? Jyugo’s hardly a liability compared to Musashi.
This Elf guy blew the metaphorical doors right open…and I just imagined the story flowing out of them like blood.
Handsome guys aren’t useless! They make a show more entertaining!
(ep 14)
Mitsuru!!! You’ve done it again, and by that I mean you’ve ruined the mood!
I was worried about the OP at first for a little, but then Rin! Rin! Hi! Hi! came back and I rejoiced. It does sound a little different, though.
Mitsuru! Geddout of here!
Finally, Mitsuru does something good.
Poor R(bleep)mba.
Unfortunately, we haven’t learnt the name of that movie until now. So…thanks, Mitsuru.
Smol, unmasked Tsukumo is such a cutie. Dangit, I wanna take him home…wait, he’s on my computer, in my home. (It’s not enough, though. Gimme a plushie of it!)
Makibishi = caltrops. Japanese ones, to be specific.
According to Google-sensei, 10000 yen = about $100. Pretty expensive, Mitsuru.
COMP now? Also, Kuu was the one who said “meow”, but Rock’s dialogue was right before it. Subbers must’ve somehow confused the two.
183 cm? Pretty tall, Kenshiro. Pretty tall.
Herbivore men. You know what they are, right?...Right, Kenshiro?
You can at least laugh at how hard the narrator (not sure it’s Mitsuru any more) is trying…I guess this is the “so bad it’s good” category?
0 notes
marshmallowgoop · 2 years
Wow! Fascinating explanation and interpretation Goop! Heiji's father is a piece of shit, and I'm glad you (and from what I've seen, the fandom as well) agrees! And it's such an interesting thing to think about, like after passing the defensive and cocky Heiji, you see that he's quite sweet and caring! I can definitely see him being insecure, especially when he makes very obvious mistakes in his deductions sometimes and others will correct him ╮(─▽─)╭
Heiji absolutely has big shoes to fill, thank hell someone pointed that out!
Might I also add the fact that when Shinichi shows up in the episode, even while saying Harley is wrong, he doesn't belittle him or insult him at all? He tells him to go back and think on an important peace of evidence (the position of the key in the victims pocket) which causes Harley to correct and rethink his theory, and he sees that Kudo is not intimidating whatsoever.
I think it leaves a good impression on Harley for future events, leading up to their friendship now. Obviously they're still competitive with each other, but they're not rivals at all.
They're so sweet with each other and I adore their friendship so much (。-_-。) 💗
[In response to this post]
Thank you for reading. It's true that I'm not... exactly a fan of Heizo Hattori, and I think one of the (many) sad things about his parenting is that his choices help feed into exactly what he was probably trying to avoid. Heiji definitely has big shoes to fill, but he's also very privileged and undoubtedly gets opportunities and special treatment that others don't, purely because of his lineage. So, Heizo is harsh and cold as a father, hoping that fame won't get to Heiji's head... and yet, Heiji winds up acting like a cocky, arrogant kid anyway. As a cover, in my mind, for his overwhelming insecurity, which is, at least in part, because of that treatment. It's... really, really awful.
I'm not sure how to properly respond to the rest of this ask, so what follows is some overly long and rambling thoughts because goodness, I have so many of them. But the short of it is that I agree! Yes! I love Heiji and Shinichi's friendship, and I think they're a fantastic duo!
But if you are interested in reading on, do note there will be some pretty major spoilers for "The Desperate Revival" and Episode 345 here.
So, first, I gotta say: I don't remember being particularly fond of Heiji back when I was first introduced to this show. But in my recent go through, I skipped ahead to "The Desperate Revival" before rewatching everything else up until that point, and in revisiting it, I found myself so endlessly endeared to Heiji at the end of Episode 189. He's on the plane back to Osaka after visiting Conan in the hospital, and he's quiet, clearly deep in thought, very solemn and subdued and not at all his usual upbeat self, and he tells Kazuha, dead seriously, that he has something important to attend to that he can't not do:
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Heiji: I have something to do that day. I can't get out of it. It's important...
This moment genuinely had a profound effect on me. I was touched. While I can't say I agree with Heiji's plan to help Shinichi—please just let Ran know already!—the lengths he was willing to go to in order to bring his friend peace of mind gave me one of the most emotional reactions I've ever had to this series. I became very attached to the character.
Because, yeah, Heiji sure does come off arrogant and cocky at times, especially in his first appearance, where he acts as though he's better than everyone and that the only thing that matters is his own reputation. But he does deeply care for those around him; I mean, when he's asked to impersonate a guy who's supposed to be dead, and who will presumably get actually dead if found alive, his immediate response is to message an "OK" composed entirely out of heart emojis (Episode 345):
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And, well, as I already discussed, I view his overblown self-confidence as a front to cover up his self-doubt. He's not at all a one-dimensional jerk.
Anyway, I also felt a need to bring up 189 here because I think the episode ties well into the point about Shinichi not belittling Heiji, too. While I do see Heiji as insecure and unconfident in himself, I feel like Shinichi, even within minutes of being in the same room with the guy, recognizes Heiji's skill, and, yes, respects it. There's a reason that Conan follows along to investigate the Tsujimura case in Episode 48, despite feeling horribly sick, and that's to keep an eye on Heiji. He knows Heiji's a good detective, and he's afraid of what his so-called "rival" will discover about him.
Maybe I'm totally off the mark, but I get the sense that there's this... popular impression that Shinichi doesn't think too highly of Heiji, and their relationship is hugely lopsided in one direction. And, sure, Shinichi/Conan can certainly get irritated by Heiji's antics on occasion, but I think it's clear even in their first interactions that Shinichi respects Heiji and cares about him enough to sincerely want him to improve.
Because you're right. Shinichi critiques Heiji's deduction in Episode 49, but he's not insulting about it, and when Heiji—very gracefully, if I must say so!—admits that he misinterpreted the case, Shinichi doesn't just brush him off. The antidote is losing its effect, and he feels awful, but Shinichi still dedicates his time to Heiji and makes sure to leave him with a healthier mindset:
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Shinichi: There's no winning, losing, above, or below when it comes to logic... After all... there's always only one truth...
Which, yeah. You could argue that that's just the kind of person Shinichi is; he sees value in everyone and frequently moralizes to murderers, too. But those lectures tend to be a lot more... biting, and impersonal. An outsider's perspective. "You did wrong, and now you're going to be punished for it. There's no way that the person you're avenging would be happy with what you did."
His speech to Heiji, in contrast, comes off as very personal and emotional and passionate, and that's because it is. Detective work is what Shinichi does. It makes his heart sing. And I don't think he'd share his deep-seated insight about being a detective to someone he thought nothing of, who he figured sucked so much at the job that they should just quit.
Which encourages Heiji and means the world to him! Of course it does. He's—at least as I see it—so used to being considered inferior to others, to insults, put-downs. But Shinichi does no such thing. He trusts Heiji with his near-and-dear-to-his-heart beliefs about being a detective, and he trusts that Heiji will take those beliefs to his heart and be stronger for it.
Oooor, you know, I'm looking too deeply into it. But I will say this: I think Conan's behavior around Heiji in their second encounter (Episodes 57-58) is quite... telling. He immediately falls into deducting with Heiji as though he's in his own body, and he fears—rightfully—that Heiji is onto the truth:
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Conan: But it's all over if he catches me during my explanation.
Which. I mean. Even after dozens of cases with, like, Inspector Megure, Conan had never once feared that an actual police detective would figure him out. But in their second meeting, he's anxious around Heiji for that very reason. This isn't somebody he doesn't respect or value as a detective, at all.
And I started this whole tangent with Episode 189 because I think it's also clear that Shinichi trusts and respects Heiji a whole lot as a person, too, which is super obvious in 189 but also far before that. In as soon as their third encounter (Episodes 77-78), Conan opens up to Heiji about what happened in "The Piano Sonata 'Moonlight' Murders," Episode 11, where he couldn't stop a culprit from committing suicide, and I have to wonder if he'd ever revealed his guilt and regret concerning that case to anyone, prior to that moment.
I've written before about Heiji being the metaphorical key to Conan and Ai's true selves, arguing that it's Heiji's gift of alcohol in Episode 48 that helps the both of them reach an antidote that returns them to their own bodies. But maybe, in a sense, Heiji also serves to unlock some of the emotions that Shinichi keeps buried and hidden, too. It speaks absolute volumes to me that Dr. Agasa calls upon Heiji, out in Osaka, to comfort Shinichi in Episode 189, and the way that Conan does wind up spilling everything on his mind to Heiji is one of the most poignant moments of the series for me:
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Conan: Hattori, listen... What would you do... What do you think is right?
I think it really speaks for itself. This is someone Shinichi values, respects, and trusts. Deeply. There's a remarkable openness and honesty in the vulnerability he displays here, in the softness of his voice, and from someone whose current situation necessitates near constant lying, that's huge.
In any case, I probably went way too far. But, yes! These two are so sweet, and I love that even when they do have disagreements, they're very healthy disagreements, with both respecting the other's insight. I think they both are so good for each other—that Heiji is someone Shinichi can trust and rely on when he's forced to keep so many secrets, and that Shinichi is someone who respects and values Heiji when he's so plagued by self-doubt.
(Also, as an aside... as much as I love FUNimation's English dub, I can't deny that it, well, kind of really borks up the end of Episode 49. And I feel like I should maybe be more miffed about it, but it just. Kinda cracks me up?
(Because, from what I understand, the dub tried to fix a continuity error; in the manga-equivalent of Episode 5, Conan learns Gin and Vodka's codenames, but the anime altered the story so much that this didn't happen. So, to fill in a gap (in Episode 54) that the original script didn't bother to, the dub has Harley of all people just. Ominously namedrop "Gin" and "Vodka" in the closing minutes of Episode 49. And it makes absolutely no sense and goodness. Jimmy is collapsing in front of him, and Harley's just going off about alcohol.
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Conan (internally): A while back, Harley told me that those [Gin and Vodka] were the code names of the guys in black who poisoned me and made me shrink.
(And, like, I mean. Why in the world would Harley know these codenames before Conan...?)
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