#year of the linux desktop
daniel-nerd · 6 months
year of the linux desktop???
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ayakho · 11 months
I do think that the Linux desktop is an inevitability. The tech industry, generally, is moving in the direction of accessible open standards. Microsoft themselves are no longer reliant on Windows for revenue and have increasingly put work, funding, and contributions into the development of open-source projects.
Of course Microsoft wont take it lying down. They are going to resist it. But not as fiercely as they would have ten years ago.
That said, I don't think there will ever be a "year of the Linux desktop". It will be a slow, gradual process as tech develops and things like the Steam Deck come out. Eventually one day you will replace your current laptop and the HP convertible you pick up to replace it will have a custom SI version of Ubuntu loaded onto it but your work computer will still have Windows on it because of a specialized software that has yet to be ported.
We don't really live in a world where there is any urgency to transition. Technical improvements in hardware and software are becoming slower and more expensive. It's not like the 2000s where the current thing becomes obsolete a week after you take it home.
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bossbotmgr · 6 days
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meirimerens · 5 months
being real one of the things that make me so Afraid of a bachelor route drop that's getting closer with every day is that the laptop i played patho on [the only beast i have that's running windows, and as such can run steam + download games without much hassle] has been sick for a while, i don't think she can handle running P2 anymore (she struggled with it already before. but now i think she would just quit on me) + not sure what repairs would cost. fear and shivers...
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me when updating nvidia drivers completely hard breaks my linux install. And even recovery mode can't save me.
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on the brightside, I'm pretty sure my os isnt backdoored
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joker2019 · 8 months
people who install or even just dual boot windows on their steam deck do you realize you're letting an invasive species in? disrupting a precious habitat?
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emilyzone · 7 months
addendum to my earlier statement that the only reason i havent switched to linux is the flash CS6 compatibility in wine sucks ass: apparently its got a platinum rating now
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aleteoryx · 1 year
yo dear all linux(and BSD) users who see this:
(and hp-ux or solaris or whatever other unixes ppl use)
yknow those funky cat on your screen things? webneko is a good example. that specific style of them, with that size and whatnot, dates to a bit of old japanese unix code called xneko. it was built for like really old unix graphical terminals, only supports monochromatic output, and so on.
unix interfaces live on in POSIX, which all the major *nix OSes conform to. which means if you track down the source code you could probably get it working
now, i didn't track down the original xneko code(although i don't doubt you could). I found a patch called oneko-sakura, which is itself a patch of oneko, itself a patch of xneko.
the code can be located here, and it compiles with no modifications on my modern archlinux system!! i used the following to compile:
gcc oneko.c -LXlib -lXinerama -lX11 -lm -lXext -lxcb -o neko -DSHAPE
the final -DSHAPE tells it to enable the "shape" extension code, which lets the sprite be non-square
all that being said:
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there she goes!!!!!!
so, couple things to note:
the program is, again, old. it has exclusive support for B&W display. no color.
the builtin sprites are in the "xbm" file format, which i can only assume stands for "X11 BitMap". These are files that literally just have a C array initializer in them, and they all get included at compile time. there is no way to runtime-include a sprite
the code's encoded in ISO-2022-JP, a text encoding format basically nonexistent in the english-speaking world. you'll need to convert it. for those of you with command line familiarity, chardetect and iconv were both extremely useful in fixing this.
all the flags have english docs in oneko.man
all that being said, it's so cool!!!!! old ass 90s source code just works on linux!!!!!!!!!! some of the comments are in japanese do you know how cool that is?????? i love that this is just available!!! that this wasn't lost to time!!!!!!!!
anyways, whether or not you decide to install it, i think it's neat, and she's become a fixture of my machine.
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lizclipse · 3 months
i just watched this video on iPhone vs android, and one of the questions that really got to me was 'if i was to switch, much would it ruin your life a little bit', and honestly, yeah, switching from apple to another ecosystem would just be a fucking nightmare
like the thing is, im someone who really enjoys the 'apple ecosystem'. yea big corpo bad etc etc but i just really enjoy using apple stuff, and how well it all fits together bring me joy in my day-to-day. hell, being able to copy something on my phone and paste on my laptop is so bloody useful, and that's just the tip of how well inter-connected it all is. i love using all of it - even how they make uis is something i like (i know people can hate it, but for me macOS is my favourite os ever)
if i had to switch, it'd cost me so, so, so much money, at least to do so entirely, and i could never, ever, do this again. as much as i enjoy this whole ecosystem stuff, i will never in my life lock myself down like this again, even to some goody-two-shoes that promises to make everything open-source or smth. because, despite everything, i do get the little gnawing at the back of my mind that lets me know just how screwed id be if apple dropped off the face of the earth tomorrow. id do whatever it took to never have it happen again
this is just a random ramble tbh. don't be like me, use linux
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daniel-nerd · 7 months
the steam deck oled feels impossible
it has a storage upgrade(double!), bigger battery, bigger screen size, an oled screen, another antenna, support for wifi 6e, a6nm chip instead of a 7nm, 90Hz instead of 60Hz, a small case with another bigger more protective case for the case, its LIGHTER, HDR SUPPORT(people just started working on HDR support for linux like 6 months ago). and its the SAME SIZE!! WITHOUT A PRICE CHANGE!!!
i’ve been using the steam deck for like 4 months now, and around 1.5-2 months of these i’ve used it exclusively. THE STEAM DECK IS AWESOME.
if you’re considering buying one DO IT!! the 256GB model is the original steam deck so you won’t get all the upgrades, but its for the same price as what used to be the 128GB! they just straight up doubled your storage.
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w00fies · 3 months
windows cant get me now >:]c
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ryjelsum · 5 months
'year of the linux desktop' is so funny to me because i would have thought that it would have died out as a meme but it's still something people unironically talk about, therefore keeping the meme alive
the year of the linux desktop already happened anyway it's just that the linuxes are android and chromeos and open source freaks fuckin hate that.
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bunglepaws · 1 year
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this is the worst setting to have as a default, xfce
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debian-official · 19 days
the year of linux on hte desktop is cancelled 2024 is year of making out sloppy style
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