#yep I take major hints from history and research and tweak things as I go
hydralisk98 · 1 year
Utalics' LibreVast "DataProcessingSystem"
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"Fantasy" computer system inspired by the SEGA DreamCast, StarDragonModels' Cosmos, the Sanyo 3DO TRY, the OUYA, the Famicube and the Nintendo 64DD.
48-bit RISC-V-like Juniper6 SDPm (symbolic data processor module) x2-x6
Using 12-bit words as most fundamental computer unit (the smallest four binary digits )
Twelve generic 12-bit registers ( A,B,C,D,E,F,U,V,W,X,Y,Z; )
Four special-use registers (48-bit program counter, 24-bit storage accumulator, links 4-bit register & 20-bit scientific notation coefficient )
Includes a deque data structure component that can store up to ~64 12-bit elements
A RISC-like ISA { Load value to register, Load from register to register, Load from memory to register, Store register value in memory, Compare register to register, Compare register with value, Branch if equal, Branch if less, Branch if more, Branch unconditionally, Add value to register, Add register to register, Subtract value from register, Substract register from register, Bitwise Shift right, Bitwise Shift left, Bitwise Rotate left, Bitwise Rotate right, deque INJECT, deque PUSH, deque POP, deque EJECT, deque PEEK, deque DROP, deque DUPLICATE, deque SWAP, deque OVER, deque ROTATE CLOCKWISE, deque ROTATE COUNTERCLOCKWISE, deque ROLL, deque BACKPEEK, deque REVERSE ROLL, deque REVERSE DUPLICATE, deque BACKSWAP, deque UNDER, deque BACK ROTATE CLOCKWISE, deque BACK ROTATE COUNTERCLOCKWISE, deque REVERSE DROP, deque PAD, deque REVERSE PAD;), NOT, NOR, NAND, AND, OR, XOR, Carry, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Halt, Noop; }
64-bit wide instructions { 8-bit opcode, (6-8 extension?) 4-bit register, 48-bit data }
Expanded UTF-8 encoding
480x288p RGBA 12-bit/channel screen resolution at 60 FPS
144MW Unified Memory
48MW Video RAM for 48-bit programmable opacity display
48MW Audio RAM for 8D audio
4MW SRAM for libre bootloader & machine-level utilities
48GW Storage (using the last 16GW as swap)
DirectMemoryAccess feature
32-bit stereo sound
SAM= Symbolic Analog Monitor, secular overseer system daemon that handles much software time-sharing functions in a transparent and empowering manner
MAM= Magickal Agent Mentor, group of utilities for spiritual esoteric and user guidance
WAX= Wirebox Analog eXecutive, low-power analog processor for timeless processing
ZeraDPS (ZealOS-like operating system)
VeneraDIS (Linux-like desktop environment / window manager)
Sasha (Fish-like programmable shell)
Nucleus496 (Microkernel with Linux-like reliability)
Brainstorm for Angora
Programmable Autonomous Organizations (eq. to DAOs)
Mesa (multimedia and hypermedia utilities)
Macroware Veina (rich media editor with cell editing & multi-user wiki editing support, between LibreOffice and NVIM)
4Kard (cardfile / hypercard bulletin board and session time-sharing server system)
Fidel (high-level programming language quite similar to the likes of F#)
Matra (OpenXanadu equivalent as global information system / public-access wiki)
Prospero (multi-player game series by Vixen softworks aka Valve)
Solarmonk (single-player game series by Magnata softworks aka Bethesda)
Milix 3D modelling libre software similar to Blender and AutoCAD
INMOS (Assyrian/Morocco own competitor to ITS & CLADO, from '68)
CLADO (first popular operating system in Angora, developed in '59)
ITS (competitor to CLADO, developed in '63)
Perseus (successor / half-merger between most operating systems, timestamped in 1970)
COS-5 (COS-310 DIBOL environment wth Tmux windowing, TAKO Emacs text editor & Bish shell)
SASS (early Windows equivalent from EBM and Macroware, not very popular)
Van (Win98/ME/ArcaOS-like, still not very popular)
Synod (Ring-0 Microsoft Bob equivalence with very cute graphics and successful with the youth)
Nomad (Uxn / Plan9 / Inferno)
Tiger (C-like programming language, similar to Nim, Lobster, Python and Lua)
Chateau (OpenIndiana / Haiku / PhantomOS / macOS)
Arbav subsystem { affirmation-based emulation, voice-operated system and analog GAI modular section }
Symbolic Algebra system { Fractions, soviet balanced ternary operations, simplifier, garbage collection, arbitrary precision arithmetic, mathematical algorithms & special functions, polynomials, artificial neural network emulation alternative, mathematical constants, optimizations, linear & non-linear equations, integral transformations, series operations, matrix operations, statistical computation, plotting graphs, charts/diagrams?, differential equations, signal processing, sound synthesis, SIN/COS/TAN, constraint logic programming, API library of addon functions; }
FastMath Co-Operative Processing Unit { Multiply, Division, Floating Point Arithmetics, Random Number Generator, POSIX-compliance, optimized code generation, string manipulations, base converters, bitwise logic operators?, square roots, exponents, logarithmic, trigonometrics; }
PacoLisp (tiny & versatile low-level) & MiraLisp (much infrastructure & documentation)
HaxelN (virtual memory editor)
Hixi (powerful scripting spreadsheet editor, not by Macroware)
Nao (open media document specification like DolDOC)
Maskoch, disk / partition / physical media editor
Zira I/O, bus, drivers and card expansions
PETSCII-like graphical primitives set
Athena (JVM eq.)
Argdown (extended LaTex / Markdown specification)
Witness (Swift-like)
Mao (visual programming language between Fortran, Turtle graphics and AGAT Robic)
Ruin (very advanced debugger & cryptoanalysis utility suite)
Monada (a famous code poem written in the seventies, similar to a benchmarking "Hello, World!" program for synthetics)
SMall-Talk (professional programming language for databases and parallelist mainframe operations)
Adwa (Multilingual symbolic programming system layer similar to IPL)
'Maniac' operating system (MUSIC/SP eq.)
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