#yes hatchetfield is a mostly comedy horror comedy series. yes im going to focus on the horror and religious trauma
webbelzebub · 2 months
something that i think is really interesting abt post npmd grace is her potential crisis of faith upon learning that these 5 eldritch gods are real. grace is a die hard incredibly devout christian and then is suddenly faced with these 5 lovecraftian entities- how is she dealing with that?? that's got to be shaking her world view at least a little right
is it like marvel rules where Thor exists but so do the existing major world religions, so your average Christian views deities like them as extremely powerful beings but not capital G Gods? like where is she going from here? does she continue to believe in both the Lords and God, and just doesn't think about it, living in cognitive dissonance? does she bring it up to the lords considering she's actively in continued contact with them? do the lords allow her to pray to God every night as long as she stays their pawn? *is* she still praying to God every night? does she start formulating her own syncretic belief system, a blend christianity and holy rage and the power of the lords in black??
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