#yes he’s a femboy twink but he’s a buff femboy twink
minteaspoon · 1 year
hear me out, hear me out;
abo au of luke pulling an odysseus after being sent to another world by an athena equivalent of that world, and trying to find a way back home but goes through what odysseus had to go through in the myths - also he develops a quim in that world cause duh it’s abo and we love to see a luke having an existential crisis about being able to conceive a child and everyone freaking out about it:)
bonus points if he marries a penelope equivalent - who definitely pegs him - and has a kid and it’s just an angst fest of “does he want to stay in this world with his wife and child, with his friends who fought with him, and with a goddess who taught and mothered him or should he go back to his original world, to westeros and to his mother and brothers, and fight for and alongside them if need be while dealing with possibly unrequited love with his uncle who still obsessed over him and tons of other guys that found out he turned from a femboy twink to a buff femboy twink with a quim?”
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