#yes it’s a little confused abt the timeline but idc
screech-bling · 11 months
we don’t talk enough abt nico’s relationship with food
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when i first started reading this passage, i thought “okay, sure, he has disordered habits. he was starving for days and he’s having issues with PTSD. that kind of trauma and stress would have an effect on your appetite.”
but my entire outlook changed after mr. d said “there is no need to punish yourself with hunger just because it’s what you’re used to.” to which nico simply grumbles in response to.
this seems to imply that nico is PURPOSEFULLY starving himself. trauma and stress are definitely huge contributions to WHY he’s doing it, but the idea that the starvation is self-imposed is… literally self harm.
showing representation that not only seems to not be directly linked to weight, but also portrays disordered habits in a BOY!?!?
shout out to rick and mark for that one. felt seen <3
(ignore that they’re pdf screenshots and not my usual annotated book screenshots, i’m out of town rn)
(EDIT: okay i’m realizing mr d. could just mean this in a ‘hard fact’ way, like ‘ur hurting urself dumbass’, however the use of ‘punish yourself’ awoke something in me and i will now be headcanoning nico as an0rexic/maybe arfid bcz i said so)
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