#yes wukong probably old but so is every other demon we know minus Red son and azure lion is probably old as well
istopaskingmemate · 1 year
ok so apparently wukong is 5000+ years old. for conparason Macaque is 4000, red son is 420 and jin and yin are 5000. I don't know how much the + is but- yeah don't I don't know how this ageing works.
Red son is probably an adult most likely in the demon version of his twenties (given mei is 23). let say he is twenty(to simplify and because 420 might mean something) meaning a demon ages every 21 years which seem too small especially since his Dad has to be around at least macaque's age and is probably not imortal in less PIF did something but he wasn't in the book so- ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
another option is that the writes did research about red son's age in the book which is describe as "over 300 but looking like he was 8". Which means either pueperty hit him like a truck or he aged 10 years in 120 but took 300 to reach 8 which doesn't add up. it would also mean that the journey only happened 120 year ago in lmk which doesn't seem to add up. especially since in real life the book was written 431 years ago.
in conclusion either demon aged like dog or something and age fast when their young and slow as they mature (and pueperty hit red son like a truck) or the ages weren't that deep and I wasted my time (-_-).
btw if you were wondering if demons were to age concertedly every 21 years then macaque is 190, yin and jin are 238, and wukong is of cause 238+ whatever that plus might be.
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