#you think they were attached to them or qas there some sort of detachment from it?
hibiscuslynx · 2 years
been thinkin . Yknow.
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anyway, angsty rambles under the cut
thinking about the states being reckless as teenagers. impulsive, seeking thrill, adventure, plunging headfirst into any situation imaginable and making it out alive from situations they should not have lived through. thinking they were just lucky, absurdly lucky. falling in love, and having a family, and having to bury them. and realizing they’re going to outlive them far more than they thought, than anyone could’ve thought. having to bury kids and grandkids turns into resolving to never love again. to never get close to anyone again. they cannot bear the thought of grieving like this, over and over. and as the decades pass they still grieve. as the decades pass they still mourn and cry out into the night. they’re still here. their loved ones are not. and the decades keep passing and a new type of grief takes hold; the grieving of a memory lost. forgetting voices, laughs, faces, names. never forgetting the feeling. and they vowed never to love again and yet they still fall in love, because at the end of the day they’re still human.
the original 13 are bitter. bitter because they had to figure it out all on their own. they’re protective. protective because they don’t want the rest to figure it out like they did. and they warn, they warn the new states as soon as they can- they warn with weary eyes, burnt-out voices, rude personalities be damned.
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