handsbloodiedmoved · 2 years
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   “Do I look like a psychopath? Because I feel like I’m smiling like a psychopath.” Judith looked over at Riley, raising her eyebrows
@youthstclen​ // liked !!
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phantomguitar · 2 years
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@youthstclen​ whispered:  ‘Trick or Treat!  🎃’ 
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( here’s another promo graphic for you bestie!!!!! <3333 )
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bledstrcng-a · 2 years
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@youthstclen​ whispered:  ✥ Play fighting! (Let Riley play with Uncle Glenn)
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»» ──────ஓ๑☾๑ஓ ────── ««     ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴛɪᴍᴇꜱ  ʜᴇ  ʟᴇᴀʀɴᴇᴅ   in  the  most  surprising  ways  not  to  be  fooled  by  the  person  riley  presented  herself  to  be  on  the  outside.   he  was  always  prepared  to  deal  with  someone  who  had  something  to  say,  her  hot-headed  nature  matched  by  her  fiery  red  hair,  but  this  time  around,  he  wasn’t  equipped  to  deal  with  the  child  pouncing  on  him  from  behind  like  a  cat.   at  first,  he  thought  it  was  someone  like  carl,  who  he  could  be  a  bit  rougher  with  since  he  was  older  and  stronger,  but  as  soon  as  he  recognized  the  voice,  the  tone  of  the  laughter  ringing  in  his  ear,  he  was  all  play,  not  an  ounce  of  seriousness  in  the  way  he  spoke  back.   with  the  girl’s  arms  WRAPPED  around  his  neck,  he  crawled  around  on  the  floor  on  all  fours  for  a  bit  before  rearing  up  on  his  knees,  grabbing  her  legs  as  if  he  was  going  to  have  them  wrap  around  his  torso  for  safety,  before  mercilessly  tickling  at  the  backs  of  her  knees.   he  laughed  along  with  her,  remembering  how  he’d  roughhouse  like  this  with  his  sisters  in  his  youth.   ❝ this  is  why  you  never  sneak  up  on  me! ❞   he  teased.
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liveshauntedmoved · 2 years
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          “Oh no, please god, can you two just...” Storm is about to rip out his hair, thanking whatever is out there that the rest of the band wasn’t here for this chaos, having missed it ; though Storm wonders if the pair do it just for him - to wind him up.
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          A playful smile spread across Andy’s face - it’s full of fake innocence that she knows that Storm sees through but she doesn’t care, “You being a spoil sport there Storm? Me and Riley are perfectly capable of not causing mayhem.” A lie.
sc ( accepting ) | @youthstclen​
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thesoulofasurvivor · 2 years
continued this ask with @youthstclen​  ✌️
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“Don’t be an ass about it.” Riley muttered, sitting down on the chair in the small cabin she called home. “I spent the last two years alone.. I’m allowed to want some company… you just happen to be the only living person around.”
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❝ My lucky day, ❞ She teased, a smile stretched across her face as she spun the switchblade in her hand, catching the handle a second later. She folds the knife and tucks it away into her back pocket, leaning against the wall again, eyes glancing to the side momentarily to look for her stuffed bear that sat beside her. Then she looked over to Riley. ❝ So, you’re saying you like having me around? ❞
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phantomdrummcr · 2 years
@youthstclen  ||  liked.
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»» ──────ஓ๑☓๑ஓ ────── ««     ᴛʜᴇ  ʟᴀꜱᴛ  ᴛʜɪɴɢ   he  remembered  before  being  sucked  into  oblivion  was  that  incredibly  familiar  feeling  of  panic,  the  sensation  of  his  lungs  being  squeezed  and  clawed  and  shrunk  to  at  least  a  fifth  of  their  size,  rendering  him  USELESS  in controlling  his  breathing.   and  in  the  blink  of  an  eye,  he  was  standing  on  his  two  feet,  in  an  unfamiliar  cabin,  all  by  himself,  except  for  a  person  he  assumed  was  living.   a  familiar  track  was  ringing  in  the  air,  something  he  remembered  recording  as  a  solo  song  with  his  bandmates  before  their  untimely  demise.   his  brows  furrowed,  and  he  looked  around,  feeling  that  familiar  panic  rising  in  his  chest.   ❝ ...  w-wait  ...  this  is  crazy.   y-you  just  ...  that’s  MY  song  playing.   do  you  know  what  that  means?   do  you  know  what  that  does?! ❞   of  course  she  didn’t,  alex.   she  was  a  stranger,  who  probably  knew  nothing  about  the  workings  of  ghosts.
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rubiesintherough · 2 years
‘ PATCH. ‘  - [ Wraith ] muse starts to heal / bandage [ Riley ] (Bc child never knows when to quit ;u; )
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His frown was a quiet, subtle anger... not directed her way --- not directed at anything in particular other than shit luck and shittier circumstances. But, anger solved little. Actions did, and he reached for her arm, tugging it toward him to inspect just how bad of an injury they were working with. A moment and he stood, motioning with a firm finger for her to stay put, and he rummaged through his pack of supplies, fishing out a dented box of bandages and medical supplies. Sparse, but good enough for what they needed. 
He splayed it open and dropped it on her lap, motioning once more to imply she should hold it for him while he worked. Water poured over the scratches. Bandage unwound from the roll and rewound around her injured arm, securing it tightly in place with a knot and a pat on her shoulder to signal he was done. 
But, as he was turning away, he paused. And glanced back. And pointed at her newly tended arm with a frown and a shake of his head,   ‘ be more careful ‘.   His supplies were already thin enough as it was. The less he used on patching up the kid... the better. 
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hirofightcr · 2 years
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@youthstclen​ whispered:  ☎
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ɴᴀᴍᴇ:  Little Red™
ʀɪɴɢᴛᴏɴᴇ:  k/da, (g)-idle & wolftyla - the baddest (feat. bea miller & league of legends)
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ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴛᴇxᴛ ʀᴇᴄᴇɪᴠᴇᴅ:  Who the fuck is that marshmallow man and why is he always with you lol
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴛᴇxᴛ ꜱᴇɴᴛ:  because he's my emotional support marshmallow man <3🖕 
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ariebeetumbling · 2 years
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handsbloodiedmoved · 2 years
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@youthstclen​ sent:  “We get it you came back. Now, disappear again.” // from here
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   The words echoed in her ears as she stared at the ceiling, blinking tears away every few seconds. Wiping her eyes, a pointless gesture surely as the tears only started to fall faster. Now disappear again. Judith sighed and sat up, turning on the lamp beside her bed as she ran her hands through her hair. “I guess it’s my turn now...” She mumbled, opening one of her notebooks to a blank page. 
   “I’m sorry. I love you all. -Judith”
   Packing a couple changes of clothes, Judith also grabbed her sketchbook and pencils, sliding them into the front pocket. Heading down to the kitchen quietly, Judith took a few days worth of her rations and put them in a crate, sliding out the back of the house down towards where they kept the vehicles. Loading her supplies into the back of the van she would usually drive when she went out, she drove through the gate just far enough before getting out and closing it once again, taking one last look at the community. “Got your wish.” She sighed as the gate slid into place.
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Getting back in the van, Judith pulled out her map to Shenandoah Park, grateful she’d taken the time to actually map it out so she had a destination she could go to. 
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phantomguitar · 2 years
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@youthstclen whispered:  Trick or Treat!  🎃  →  noah’s edits 3/∞
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lonelyhaunt · 2 years
@youthstclen​ asked: "Do you ever get sad when an old memory resurfaces? It’s funny. Even a good memory can make you cry.”
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“all the time.” a sad smile curled on their lips. “i’ve been dead less than a year and everything is still so fresh. i do wonder if it gets any easier as you get older and those that you once loved pass on.”
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liveshauntedmoved · 2 years
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                         “Do you think we should put a leash on Maya? She’s... a bit unhinged. She’s going to get herself hurt.”
sc | @youthstclen​
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deadveiled · 2 years
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@youthstclen​ whispered:  ☀  Singing them to sleep.
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»» ──────ஓ๑☠๑ஓ ────── ««     ᴇᴠᴇʀ  ꜱɪɴᴄᴇ  ꜱʜᴇ   opened  up  about  her  desire  to  learn  more  about  music,  there  had  been  much  more  of  a  relaxing  presence  about  the  way  his  daughter  moved.   she  always  had  such  a  soothing  voice,  likely  learned  from  her  mother,  and  he  could  tell  that  she  was  slowly  gaining  the  confidence  to  since  for  other  people.   so  she  started  singing  for  him,  and  no  better  of  an  environment  would  it  be  for  her  to  do  so  than  when  he  was  resting  after  breaking  his  ankle.   it  started  off  as  a  soft  hum,  but  the  more  her  confidence  grew,  he  was  easily  able  to  recognize  the  lyrics  of  the  song  she  shared  with  him,  the  one  she  wrote  about  carl.   it  made  his  heart  ACHE  to  remember  his  son,  but  the  memories  they  had  of  the  boy  was  something  they  shared,  even  in  their  grief.   he  reached  over  and  took  his  daughter’s  hand,  blue  eyes  meeting  blue,  giving  her  a  soft  smile.
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thesoulofasurvivor · 2 years
continued from an ask with @youthstclen​​ 🙌
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“I don’t think so… I don’t think they’re even really people after they turn… they’re just the infection… I remember something my uncle Daryl told me… they’d gone to the CDC near the beginning- found a doctor or whatever there. He showed them his research- showed them how this… whatever it is works. He said it was a lot to remember, but he could remember seeing how the brain worked- like a weird video… the front part of the brain- the stuff that holds your personality, your memories.. that part goes dark. The only thing that works is the brain stem, and the part that controls your body. That’s it… you’re just a walking meat puppet.. and all of us are infected.. it’s in us already- it just waits until we die..”
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She wasn’t sure if hearing that made her feel better or worse... Better, maybe? To know they aren’t trapped in their own body with no control over themselves. But knowing that didn’t make the image of her turned father any less haunting. Or her previous best friend. And what exactly does that make her? 
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❝ Does it scare you? ❞ She asks, head tipped slightly to look at Riley from the corner of her eyes. ❝ I mean, thinking about turning into one of those things? Does it scare you? ❞ 
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phantomdrummcr · 2 years
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@youthstclen​ whispered:  ❝ leave me alone to die. ❞
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»» ──────ஓ๑☓๑ஓ ────── ««     ʜɪꜱ  ʙʀᴏᴡꜱ  ꜰᴜʀʀᴏᴡᴇᴅ   in  confusion  at  riley’s  words  ;   what  did  she  mean?   oh,  wait  ...  he  remembered  saying  similar  things  to  his  brother  when  he  came  barging  into  his  bedroom  during  the  holidays  whenever  he  wanted  to  play  outside.   unless  if  it  was  christmas,  then  it  would  go  the  other  way  around  with  alex  HOPPING  up  on  ashton’s  covers  until  he  rolled  out  of  bed  in  a  heap  of  blankets  and  pillow  cases.   he  imagined  she  didn’t  want  to  be  disturbed,  even  if  she  couldn’t  sleep  as  a  ghost.   ❝ i-i  mean,  luke  was  asking  for  you,  so  if  you  want  to  watch  that  halloween  movie  i  heard  you  guys  talking  about,  then  you’d  better  get  up  to  the  attic.   ...  u-unless,  if,  y’know,  you  don’t  want  to  ... ❞
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