#yu jihyuk is a fox don't you know
mywebfoot · 4 months
In Every Winter Night, Part 1 (Marry My Husband Fanfic)
Author's Note: Starting at the end of Ep 10, this fic explores their growing romance and physical relationship, overcoming the trauma she's had from that horrible ex that will not be named.
Part 1/4
-- Ji Hyuk could hear the words of Ji Won’s confession, but after she said she wanted to be ‘honest’ his lungs just froze. Ji Won’s lips kept moving, saying good things, wonderful things, but they came filtered to him, a tinny sound at the end of a long chamber. The rest of his mind was processing her presence in his home, her closeness… and her approaching lips.
A tiny corner of his brain registered her tentative kiss. The rest was a clashing battle of roaring yearning and iron resolution to stay away from her, so he wouldn’t have to make her suffer with his early passing. Too soon she was retreating, her fingers sliding off his neck in disappointment, her body turning away. 
A loud NO in his mind broke through the cacophony of wants and needs.  A heartbeat later, they were a tangle of hands and lips and heart and mouth. Nothing mattered, nothing could matter. 
They crashed into the wall, driven by the urgent need for more, more contact, more skin, more fire, just more. Vaguely, Ji Hyuk knew he needed to get to a horizontal surface, somewhere, anywhere, but the repeated press of her sweet curves was robbing his mind of direction and aim. Then she shifted, hitching up a hip on the low dresser, opening up her legs and suddenly he was perfectly pressed up against the crotch of her white jeans. He hardened, impossibly more, and almost howled into her mouth. It came out an anguished growl.  She moaned, and it was better than in his sweaty dreams. In those dreams he had made that last thrust, had imagined the burning hot slide and the slick reception he would receive. 
What he had not imagined was the tremor in her arms and her tinny whimper. He froze. His restless hands stilled. Something was wrong. Cupping her shoulders, he leaned back, and peered into her eyes. Even half perched on the dresser, Ji Won’s head only came to his nose, and he had to bend over to get a good look. 
He caught a short, damp glance before Ji Won lowered her eyes. Her slim fingers grasped bunches of his chunky sweater at his shoulders, and an unwilling tear trickled down her cheek. 
Waves of panic hit him.  “What did I do, Kang Ji Won, tell me.” The arousal had made his normally smooth voice gravelly, and it came out harsher than he intended. 
She gulped and he felt wrong, wrong and guilty. What a monster he had been to rush her, to all but molest her. She had initiated things, yes, but that was no excuse…
He pulled back to give her space “I’m so sor—”
Immediately her hands tightened and she locked her legs around his thighs, pulling them back into full contact. Hot streaks of sexual tension burst as his cock came so near to her entrance he could feel her heat. The white jeans were a sexy, but effective barrier. He grit his teeth against the urge to thrust his hips forward.
“No, no, don’t…I just… it’s… ,” helplessly Ji Won looked up at him. The words could not form, and her eyes pleaded for understanding. 
He had not been her friend for long. But he’d watched her, for years, quietly and painfully. In recent weeks he’d even had the joy of listening to her, understanding her dreams and her new resolve to be a different woman. Now, as during those long hours in the office, he examined her minutely. His assessing gaze took in the contradiction of her teary eyes but her legs determinedly gripping him, her lingering shakes but clutching hands. Then came a suspicion that perhaps he wasn’t the source of the problem. That she possibly wanted him as much as he craved her. 
Experimentally, he grasped the hand still curled into his sweater, and locked his eyes on hers to check her response. Gently, he touched his lips to her inner wrist. That made her shudder too, but he was satisfied at the lack of alarm in her eyes.  Whatever it was terrorizing her, it wasn’t him. 
“Come, we need to talk.”
He placed her arm around his neck again, and in one easy move, slipped out of the grasp of her thighs, then turned and lifted her into his arms. He wrapped one arm securely around her back, the other under her knees, and he turned towards his living room. 
Ji Won gasped at the sense of being completely surrounded by Ji Hyuk. Then she relaxed,  trusting him and taking the comfort offered by the embrace of his wiry male body. 
“Tell me.”
He thrust the glass with half a finger of whiskey in it at her. She glanced first at it, then at him. 
After plopping her down, he’d purposely turned to his bar to fix her and himself a drink, and to give her a little space to compose herself.
Uncertainly, she took the drink. Ji Hyuk sat down kitty corner to her, so that he could look into her eyes as she talked. He didn’t touch her, although a part of him wanted to draw her back into his lap and carry on where they had left off. As before, at the beginning of this mad journey into the past, Ji Won looked wounded. As before, he wanted, no, he needed to tend to her first. So he waited, patiently, a frown curling his wide brow. 
Ji Won gazed, unseeing, at the twinkling frosty cityscape exposed by his panorama windows. Her lips twisted in a bitter curl. 
“I didn’t get a venereal disease from that man… but I guess he still had to leave me with something.”
Ji Hyuk stiffened at the mention of the serial cheater that was Park Min Hwan. The next second, he wanted break something. It should have been obvious that she had scars from that fool. His only excuse for not realizing earlier was that his judgement had been destroyed by the wonder of Ji Won’s kiss. 
“He hurt you. Sexually.”
Ji Won jolted a bit at the blunt frankness of his words. 
“Were you forced to have sex with him?” He could barely say the words past his clenched teeth. 
Ji Won shook her head, slowly, then a little more certainly. “In a way, that’s more difficult to admit. I thought I loved him. So I… went along.” Ji Won closed her eyes, in shame, in sorrow. 
“But I don’t think there was a time when I didn’t hate myself a bit more after.”
She heard him shift a little closer, felt the dip in the sofa as he leaned forward. Then she felt the warm clasp of his hand, wrapping her smaller hand almost completely in his. His body heat penetrated the fog of her awful memories and she marvelled. Marvelled at how good it felt, how much she already trusted this man despite confirming their feelings a few short minutes ago. 
“Then let’s do something about that.”
Ji Won opened her eyes to stare into his intense gaze. “What do you mean?”
The left corner of his mouth tipped up, and the little dent she already loved so much formed. “I’m a man with a plan Ji Won-shi. It’s what I do.” He lifted his free hand and gestured to himself. “This old man does earn a living by running an organization.”
His smile faded. “Let me date you,” he said earnestly. “Let me treat you the way a man should treat a precious woman. I want to praise and pamper you until you cannot doubt how much you’re worth. Let me touch you, pet you, make love to you. Please.”
Ji Won already felt her insides heating at his words. Her inner muscles clenched once and she licked her lower lip. His eyes immediately darted to her lips. Watching her reaction carefully, he gave her an open-mouthed, frankly sexual kiss. His tongue darted out to taste her soft lower lip, sweeping a little deeper each time.  She uttered a tiny moan, already wondering if she could handle being the focus of the intimidating man that was Yu Ji Hyuk. 
“And when you’re ready, I’ll show you what I really want to do with that white jeans of yours. ” ---
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
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