blubebbie · 4 months
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shadowheart homophobia arc
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mxcrumplebottom · 3 months
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While I was trying to take portraits of them, Lae'zel ran off to go flirt with Karlach haha. Lae'zel, Shadowheart, and Karlach are in a polyamorous relationship in my game! c:
I can't wait to actually play the game. I'm getting so tired of building and decorating. :c I never wanna see another OMSP in my life.
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ace-malarky · 4 years
last line tag #15
 Which is. it’s still not the latest tag bc I believe @zmlorenz has tagged me again in like the last day or so lmao.
 But hey! if it gets me writing, it’s all good.
 So this is from Expect to Fly! I’m back on that! Finally!
“This is a beginning,” Laestre said, hand at their waist like they were resting it on something that wasn’t there.  “Can we control this?” I asked.  There were cameras being held amongst the crowd. A few reporters coming forward.  “We can guide it,” Vechtir replied.  “Ifernia,” Mum said. “What have you done?”  “I... I stepped down from the fountain, folding in my wings. “I stepped up to the mark,” I replied. “And I’m not letting anyone else choose for me again.”  With Laestre and Vechtir, I went to meet the reporters.
tagging @focusdumbass, @hvamulan, @authorisada
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blubebbie · 3 months
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what if there was a guy. now imagine there was another guy. okay. stay with me now. what if there were another. and they were in love
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blubebbie · 4 months
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its a new custom kinda nervous, y'feel?
first drawing is loosely based off of this post by @dustybones ! i think she'd be a little nervous beforehand...
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ace-malarky · 5 years
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Ok, this chapter practically got rewritten lmao
 Which is fine because I didn’t like much of the character interaction when I read it over, so! I think it’s better now
 I’m still not cutting down works though like. This draft is gonna be even longer haha so that’s fun.
type under the cut!
OLD VERSION (2017, 365words):
I walked back in through the door and came face to face with my parents, who looked like they’d been waiting.
“What’s this I hear about you having wings?” Mum had her arms folded.
I shot a glare at dad as I closed the door. Did no one leave it to me to speak anymore? “What have you heard?”
“That when you were out with Miroth yesterday, you gained a pair in full view of the flyers and half the town.”
“Well,” I said, tugging off my jacket, “That’s about the gist of it. Did he tell you I didn’t mean to?”
She narrowed her eyes. “Yes.”
But of course she didn’t believe that. “It’s the truth.” I whispered the phrase, and my wings appeared. “I didn’t mean to get them. But I have.”
She stared at them, reached out a hand to touch one.
Rather than answer, I curved the wing she was reaching for so that it bumped into her hand. She flinched and pulled her hand back, then slowly extended it again. At least she didn’t seem inclined to rip me to shreds for it right now.
“Well. What do you intend to do now?” That might still come, of course.
“Now?” I frowned. “What… what d’you mean?”
“Now you have wings, what’s your plan?”
Oh… always wanting a plan. I shrugged. “I’m still going to school, if that’s what you mean.” I folded my wings back. “And Vechtir’s giving me extra lessons on the weekends.”
“So everything is going to work out?”
I shrugged. “Just have to see, I guess.”
Mum nodded slowly. “Well then. I… I had better go and see about tea then, hadn’t I?”
As she walked away, I glared at dad again. “Did you have to tell her?”
“Would you have?”
“Yes!” Well… at some point, anyway. “That doesn’t matter. Dad, it was mine to tell.”
“It is a big thing.” He flicked a glance to my wings. “You didn’t really expect me to keep quiet, did you?”
“Yes! Of course I did.” I rubbed my face. “I guess she knows now. Jerk.” I nudged him with a wing as I slipped past and up the stairs.
NEW VERSION (2019, 446 words):
“Hey, mum.” I leant against the back door, trying not to fold my arms.
“Hi, ‘fern. How are you? How was school?” She kept her eyes on the chopping board and the knife in her hands.
Of course she’s holding a knife when I’m trying to do this. I almost turned and left, but I caught dad’s eye. It would be fine. She might get angry, but... it would be fine.
”Oh - it... it was weird.” I shrugged and ran my hand up my arm, pulling my elbow against my chest. “Um-” I stalled.
She looked up. “Is everything alright? What’s happened?”
“I... I wasn’t at school because the White-Wing needed to talk to me.” I let it out in a rush, in one tight breath.
“About... the ruckus at the fledging yesterday?”
“Mhm.” I nodded. “I... was the rogue flyer?” I flinched away in anticipation.
“You what?” Her voice dropped, almost becoming a growl.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to, it just sort of – happened!” I held my hands up, almost a barrier. “Vechtir says they’ll just bind them, anyway, so there’s... no harm done?”
Something in one of the pans was sizzling. Mum turned down the heat and stirred it, tipping in the veg she’d been chopping.
”I... see.” She spoke slowly. “And when you say you didn’t mean to, it wasn’t planned?”
“No! I don’t - I didn’t wannt to do this! It wasn’t - it wasn’t my... choice.” I was avoiding looking at her.
“Hm.” She pursed her lips and continued sorting tea.
I pressed my back into the window of the door, and found it a cooling relief as it soaked through my cardigan and shirt. “I’m sorry. But it’s not – I don’t think I’ll be keeping them. Which is fine.”
“You’re too young for this.”
“I know.”
“You’re still in school.”
“I know.”
“You have your whole life-”
“Mum. Makers above, I know.” I pushed off the window and leant on the counter instead, coming closer. “They will bind them away and that will be it.”
“They’ve said that?”
“What else are they supposed to do?” I shrugged. “I’m too young, I’m still in school. I shouldn’t have wings.”
She nodded slowly. “Alright.”
“I - what?” I looked up.
“You made a mistake, but you’re working to get it fixed. And no one outside knows?”
“You two, my friends, the town flight.” I nodded. “That’s it.”
“Well.” She speared one of the vegetables. “Can you tell your brother it’s tea time.”
“Uh... sure...” I frowned as I straightened up, and backed out of the kitchen.
That was weird. That was – beyond weird. Not what I was expecting at all.
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ace-malarky · 5 years
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I’ve had this one finished for like. a week. but I’ve only just typed up some stuff, so really.
 Not quite a full scene this time, but... this was also one of the slightly more “cringey” chapters so boy things are changing up. Part of it is still character motivation and that - Ifernia still banking on the fact that she isn’t keeping her wings. Vechtir has Outside Reasoning that no one gets to know quite yet.
 Actually I did add a sort of extra scene in between the doctor and Ifernia which I am... not entirely sure about? I mean it’s important in terms of character stuff but I’m not sure if it’s the right way to go about it. Basically it’s just letting Ifernia know that Vechtir is demigender, so Ifernia’s been using the wrong pronouns thus far. She changes at this point, but... up until that point she’s still misgendering eim, albeit unintentionally. Couldn’t find a way to set it in any earlier. Yet.
 Need to do the same with Laestre at some point, as well. Hm.
 Hey ho!
 Writing under the cut.
OLD VERSION (2017, 417)
Vechtir was sitting at the dining room table, a cup of tea in his hands and looking about… twenty years or so younger than the rest of them. He must’ve been older, but… yeah. Aging. Weird.
There were the four of them; both parents, himself, and the person I assumed was the doctor. None of them stopped their conversation as I stumbled in, but Vechtir gave me a slight nod.
I know he’d said Saturday, but I was hoping it’d be… nice Saturday hours. Like the afternoon.
Vechtir excused himself from the table and followed me into the kitchen. “No wings?”
“You are dead to me.” The words were out before I’d fully processed them, and I whipped around to face him, eyes wide. "Uh."
Vechtir hesitated, then laughed. “The… hour doesn’t agree with you?” He glanced at the clock, which showed it to be after nine.
“Not on the weekend, no.” I leant back against the counter, eating the yoghurt I’d pulled out of the fridge.
“My schedule doesn’t give me much free time at other points.”
I tilted my head to consider his words, then shrugged. “Fair. Little bit of warning, though? Maybe?”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he replied. “I have the first set of your flyer clothes with me.”
“Oh. Right.” The words took a while to register. “Wait – they’re mine? My colour, my size?”
Vechtir laughed as I all but dropped the empty pot onto the counter. “There are more in the making, but we rushed you a set for now.” He gestured back into the dining room. “We’ll have the doctor examine you first, and then…”
“And then we get down to business?” I poured myself some juice. “So… where – what needs to happen for the doc?” I downed the juice and set the glass on the counter beside the yoghurt pot.
Vechtir crooked a grin and turned back into the dining room. “The bathroom would be best, I think?”
The doctor stood up. “This shouldn’t take too long. Ifernia, is it?”
I nodded. “It’s – this way.” I gestured through the other door and still got there first, leading the doctor through into the bathroom.
“Top off, please.”
“Right.” I hesitated.
The doctor pushed the door shut and locked it.
Turning away from them, I pulled my top off and reflexively held it in front of my chest. Since I’d been told Vechtir was there, which meant flying, I’d just gone for Maelanar’s tops, which mean no bra to deal with.
NEW VERSION (2019, 411 words)
“I realise we said midmorning for today,” I said, not quite stumbling into the dining room. “But would it kill you to come the later half of midmorning?”
“Ifernia!” mum hissed, trying to glare at me in a subtle sort of way.
Vechtir laughed, apparently unconcerned with my complete lack of manners. “My apologies. I thought it would be as well to have as much of the day as possible.”
“Yeah, well...” I grumbled, shrugging as I continued through into the kitchen.
“I thought you said you were shattered last night,” said mum, raising her voice so that I could hear her. “That you were going to go to bed early.”
”Going to bed and sleeping aren’t necessarily the same thing?” I folded myself into the chair beside her, cereal in hand. “Music happened.” I had also been distractedly watching things, but they didn’t need to know that.
Vechtir was sitting diagonally across the table from me, a cup of tea between his hands. His wings were out of sight, because (I assumed) the backs of our chairs made having them uncomfortable. “Have you flown much since last time?” Seeing him beside me dad like that, they looked about the same age. I was fairly sure Vechtir was way older. Aging shenanigans.
I shook my head. “Not... really?” There isn’t enough time for everything, and... well... if they’re going to bind my wings, is there any point to it?”
Vechtir kept his face carefully smooth. “They may not bind your wings.”
“I - thought this was an open-and-shut case.” I did frown. “The law is clear.”
“You don’t mind if they do bind your wings, then?”
I shrugged and swallowed my mouthful. “Not... really? I don’t know, I just...”
“It would be safer – and quieter – for us all if she did,” mum said. “No one’s found out yet, and I would like to keep it that way.”
That was valid, but it wasn’t at all my reasoning.
“I understand.” Vechtir nodded. “We will keep them from finding out as best we can.”
The doorbell rang. My parents exchanged a glance.
“That will be my wing specialist,” Vechtir said, standing. “I asked them to join us here.”
“Your - what for...?” I left my empty bowl and scrambled to follow him.
”Even if you are not to keep your wings, we should still have them checked over to make sure all is right.” Vechtir opened the door to a person standing there.
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ace-malarky · 5 years
Character Intro; Zelach Fiarer
Zelach Fiarer - 47 (10/3/1962) - cisfemale, straight - I have no face charaacter - wingless
+routine, running, 
-chaos, being told what she can and can’t do, bullies
Ambivalent towards most things, but with a protective streak a mile wide, there is very little Zelach won’t do to protect her own. She means well (most of the time) but doesn’t always consider how her words may sound before she speaks her piece.
Zelach has never been one to back down from a fight, but her main weapon is her tongue.
Sharp edged and quick, she’s often spoken before she can consider what she’s saying. How it might be taken.
She doesn’t have many friends. She knows a lot of people, across the university and through it the city, but they’re just that; people she knows through work. She’d sit down to a meal with them, but she wouldn’t turn to them for anything unrelated.
And this is fine, it really is. It gives her more time to focus on her family, on the people that matter.
Zelach never planned on being a housewife, but she isn’t one, not really. She doesn’t have a career, either, but that never mattered. Where she is covers all the bases.
She wouldn’t say she has plans for her children’s futures, exactly, but she has expectations. Finish school, get the grades they need to enter university on a course they want to do. Graft hard, get places. The world is different from when she was young. It’s harder in some ways, softer in others.
The money might have changed, but it’s still necessary. And there is vanishingly little money in being a flyer (as she understands it), so she is not best pleased when Ifernia turns out to be one.
Worse; that she turns out while still in school before she’s taken any exams. Before she could really choose her own path.
So maybe she doesn’t react well, but she’s scared. Worried that Ifernia’s trapped herself in something she can’t fix. She assumes the worst, that Ifernia will be taken from her and made an example of. It doesn’t bear thinking about, but she’s going to have to.
Zelach’s going to protect her family no matter what. And while she doesn’t share Ifernia’s absolute belief that things can go back to the way they were before, she’ll be damned if she’s letting anyone take her daughter away from her before it’s time. Before Ifernia decides to leave on her own.
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ace-malarky · 5 years
Girls girls Girls tag #1
this might be the last one for the moment? Who knows (it’s not, there are more since I added this to drafts. I’m super slow but getting around to them today)
 Tagged by @zmlorenz (I’m sensing a theme and honestly I love it k)
Guide: answer these seven Qs in the voice of your female character(s), and then tag somebody!
Ok we’ll do Ifernia, Miroth, Erith, Kari, and Katie (all Expect to Fly)
Who was your mother and what did she teach you?
Ifernia: Zelach, she taught me that it’s ok to be angry to be heard.
Miroth: Mine - um, she taught me how to hide. Her name is Carisal
Erith: Shantari. She taught me that I was right to be me.
Kari: Uh. Um. Thornton’s... looked after me more than my blood mother did...? She taught me always to help others.
Katie: Miriam. She taught me to keep the faith.
Do you have any sisters (related or not)?
Ifernia: I don’t think I’d count Miroth or Erith as sisters, but Kari almost is. It’s a parallel world thing?
Miroth: I have an older sister
Erith: Nope!
Kari: I have Jen, who’s one of the other foster kids. And there have been others, like Vera and Alison and Michelle, but I never talked to them all that much, so...
Katie: I have two younger
How has your gender shaped your path in life?
Ifernia: I’d like to think it hasn’t changed much, but... I don’t know. I don’t think not wanting to put myself in the centre of attention has anything to do with my gender.
Miroth: Maybe if I were a boy, I could speak up more easily.
Erith: It’s given me a whole lot more comfort. I know who I am.
Kari: It’s a little bit underhanded, to be honest. I mean somehow no one expects me to hit that hard. Apparently it’s a bit of an edge...?
Katie: It’s helped, I think. I still have choices on where to go, but there’s a path to fall back on. I don’t get lost.
What does the woman you admire look like? Who is she?
Ifernia: I know I was only there a month, but I really admire Kari. She’s got that drive to just do things, she’s confident in herself that she can.
Miroth: Erith. She’s not afraid to be herself, not afraid to step up.
Erith: Got to be my mum, I mean she helped me so much when I was younger and still learning, and she’s super supportive of everything I want to try.
Kari: Nicola Adams. Do I really gotta say more.
Katie: Lynda Carter. My dad liked her as Wonder Woman, so I grew up watching her in... a lot of things.
Why do you think women are considered the gentler sex?
Ifernia: because we have the kids, we’re... we look after the family in a way that doesn’t involve so much obvious blustering
Miroth: I - I don’t know. So men can feel like they have to protect us?
Erith: misconception. They all think fighting is harder than things we do they don’t understand.
Kari: because men are dumb as shit?
Katie: because we show caring more easily
What is a piece of your personality that you are proud of?
Ifernia: I don’t know, I guess... I like that I’m approachable? Or I think I’m approachable, anyway.
Miroth: That after everything, I still understand. Or maybe that’s weak, I don’t know, but... I care. I still care about them.
Erith: I like that I'm reliable, and the one they all turn to for comfort. I’m good at comfort.
Kari: Contrary to popular belief, I can actually listen to people. I can discuss things in a calm and sensible manner. If they’re not being dumb as shit.
Katie: I like being playful, even if there’s not always a call for it. I can brighten anyone’s day.
When did you accept your own body and its strengths/weaknesses?
Ifernia: Still... still working on that. Lot has changed recently.
Miroth: On a good day, it’s everything I like about myself. On a bad day... well, it’s hard.
Erith: It’s still not quite the body I want but I’m getting there.
Kari: When I won my first fight and didn’t feel as beaten myself. It’s got my back, you know?
Katie: It was a gift, so... I do my best to accept it as is.
tagging @power-of-ages-writeblr, @renee-gracie
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ace-malarky · 5 years
Character Intro; Girench Fiarer
The last of the main world cast! Without going into the rest of the flyers, anyway. Still unsure if I’m going there.
Girench Fiarer - 49 (17/8/1960) - cismale, demi - I have no face character - wingless
+research, discussions, helping people
-losing control [of his temper], heavy storms, sleeping late
 He’s quiet and soft spoken and cares deeply, although he doesn’t always show it in ways that people expect. Likes being the one falling back on. Definitely the steady parent, the bedrock of the whole family. 
Girench doesn’t like conflict. Ifernia gets that from him, but couples it with Zelach’s temper.
He would like to live quietly, in peace with his family and at peace with the world. He understands that this cannot happen easily, and so he works with everything he’s got towards it.
It’s how he met Zelach; she stumbled into his building – well, the building he worked out of, as part of a team – and announced that there had been a fight.
She didn’t say that she had been involved in it, that someone had punched her hard enough to crack ribs until after it had been dealt with, after the ambulances had been and gone. The police were there to take statements, and she sat down for a moment to wait.
Girench found her passed out along the couch, arms loose about her side. He sat with her until she woke up, gave her his number, and had to watch as she refused any help for getting home.
Even after they’re married, and have kids of their own, he doesn’t stop; he can’t stop. The flyer he was named for was said to be like this, too. Always caring for others above the self, wanting to see everyone safe.
Girench wonders, sometimes, if by naming people after their ancestors they give them a piece of their soul. If Girench Peach-Wing lived in him, through him as he tried to make his part of the world better.
There isn’t much about reincarnation in the flyer’s belief system. They’re too long-lived to think about anything but rest, once they’ve served their time. There is in other religions, he knows, but it seems false to pick and choose among the crop; he is a Maker’s man, through and through.
Still. Perhaps there’s something to it. Every time Ifernia crouches above a cliff, or stands on a wall – he believes a little bit more in reincarnation, because in those moments he doesn’t always recognise his daughter in herself. He sees – someone different. Someone fearless and fighting and wanting. It doesn’t ever last long, just... long enough for him to worry. Long enough that, when she does come home with wings and saying there was a voice that controlled her, he believes her.
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ace-malarky · 5 years
OC Group; Expect to Fly
And this! This is the last one!
 This is the cast for my main (atm) WIP. There are wings and school hijinks and parallel worlds and some fire.
Ifernia Fiarer, Saich Hayrath, Miroth Ashaana, Erith Faerathi, Zelt Savaar, Urart Kinroy, Vechtir White-Wing, Merphis Royal-Wing, Laestre Cherry-Wing, Salyr Silver-Wing, Askir Copper-Wing, Artan Fiarer, Alarhys Visenov, Green-Wing, Crimson-Wng, Turquoise-Wing, Umber-Wing, Pink-Wing, Indigo-Wing, Girench Fiarer, Zelach Fiarer, Kari, Ash, Sebastian, Katie, Billy, Abraham, Jen, Casey, Alice Thornton, Ken, Rolf, Chaucer, Mark, Sascha Cooper, Merriam
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