#~/ memories are some of the building blocks of life \~ :: halre
amid-ice-and-snow · 2 months
"Is glad I'm not part of your crazy family, Turgon." Halrë grins at his King.
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feeling a bit blegh at the moment.
if you'd like a mini starter with shipping sent your way, poke me or this post. Or it can be platonic/familial.
For all of my elves, yes that includes Ro on the shipping.
Locations will be either Imladris or Valinor - your muse dependent.
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“ i thought you knew ! ” (Halre)
  Silence fell inside the forge for one very long moment. Then Halrë set down the sword mould that he was cleaning and turned to face the older elf.
  "Beleg. Why would I have known? I'm not good with emotions or people. Being subtle doesn't work on me, it never has and I don't listen to rumours."
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amid-ice-and-snow · 5 months
@antleredthrone | in response to this ::
"Thran, you have more chance of smashing Glorfindel than me." there's a flicker of amusement in his gaze and a wry smile on his lips at the words.
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For: Open | Can be specified if asked Muse: Halrë Vatari
Halrë was almost two weeks late.
he was NEVER this late, not without sending a note with the reason why. it was the one order given by his King that had been non-negotiable and until now, had never been ignored. with the winter storms fast approaching, not many elves had the ability to traverse the Echoriad Range in that weather.
even though many of the Gondolindrim didn't like the mute blacksmith, concern was growing as he was one of their main plant gatherers. and it was to gather much needed medical herbs before some of the higher valleys became impassable, which is why Halrë had gone. for he knew the paths better than most.
worried glances were passed among the gate guards when the Great Eagles carefully dropped two very familiar, bloodstained swords at their feet. blades that very few had either the height or strength needed to lift. to have them brought back without any sign of the elf they were usually attached to, wasn't a welcome sight.
it was also news that quickly spread throughout Gondolin, which the guards had tried to prevent. Halrë was missing.
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For: Boromir :: @sonxofxgondor Muse: Halrë Verse: LOTR | AU
if anyone were to ask where they could find Ihain, they would most likely get an answer of "I'm not sure where he is," or "The Mountains possibly." although it would really depend on who was asked, for very few folk actually knew the true location of the old wandering blacksmith. even then, he didn't always stay in contact as few birds could reach his mountainous home.
Halrë didn't know what had brought him to Amon Hen. it wasn't one of his normal places to go but that didn't put him off. sharp hearing caught the sound of a Horn and he followed it quickly, always on alert. taller than most at 7ft5, it wasn't long before the old elf spotted the source of the horn- and the reason behind it. but no one had noticed him yet.
a fact that the Orcs would soon come to regret.
blacksmithing was what most knew Halrë for. yet the two nearly 7ft long swords at his sides weren't for decoration purposes. he just very rarely got involved in fighting, preferring to make weapons instead of using them. being attacked from the back wasn't what the orcs had expected. so it didn't take long for him to reach the Gondorian and the two Hobbits, leaving dead orcs behind him.
"Need a hand?"
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My mind is spinning in random directions. Someone stop me😅
Especially as I'm considering bad things happening to certain Eves
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Tolkien muses
Comment or like this if you would like to have a starter sent your way
I do have a Dark Third Age verse, which the barebones can be found here: Fading Light
Will also be using locations from LOTRO.
Multi-muses: If you’d like a starter sent to a specific muse of yours, just comment
Crossovers welcome | As long I know the verse
Hal (Halbarad) | Commander of Esteldin | AU Canon
Arathorn | 15th Dúnedain Chieftain | Canon - AU from 2933 onwards
Halrë | OC | one of the Elder
Almáriel | White Númenórean | Canon character but only in early version of the Legendarium
Special request only
Aragorn/Strider | Heir of Isildur | Canon - AU unknown
Reposting for those for both new & old followers
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‘ you'll find more cheer in a graveyard. ’ (Halre from Idril)
a snort was the first response Halrë gave, his expression remaining blank. "I'm not surprised. I'm only here because your father asked for some reason." the smith was leaning against the wall, hands resting on the handles of his swords and ignoring the way that the King's gaze kept flicking towards them both.
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(Halrë from Duilin) ‘ don't feel bad, i'm usually about to die. ’
there was one v e r y long pause as everyone surrounding the 7ft5 swordsman, both enemy and ally, took that comment in. those who knew Halrë winced and got the hell away from him. everyone else... either ended up dead (the enemy) or got sent to the ground.
their enemies dreaded seeing the tall mostly mute elf on the battlefield, for he was only ever used as a last resort. a request first made in Gondolin. he had no archery skills but years of practice had made him just as terrifyingly precise at sword throwing; making him someone even archers feared.
"Duilin, get the fuck back here."
his words were a mix of a low growl and a rough, rarely used voice. one hand catching the handle of the blood covered blade, after taking out the older elf's capturers.
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[ TOUCH ]  for sender to trace one of receiver’s scars (Halrë)
"...That better be Beleg..." It was, he knew that. There were very few elves in Gondolin, who could actually touch him without causing him to react suddenly. His friend was one of them. Halrë didn't shift away, just letting him trace the scar that ran nearly the length of his back.
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For: Open Muse: Halrë Verse: Valinor
his grandparents had been rightly concerned that he wouldn't, couldn't, settle in Valinor. it didn't cone as a surprise; Halrë wasn't exactly known for wanting to be around others. his restlessness had been curbed temporarily after being allowed to visit the Dwarves, a request not usually permitted.
yet the former Gondolin blacksmith still couldn't settle. he hadn't visited anyone that he knew, avoiding those like Turgon for reasons unknown to most. eventually Halrë made his home in the mountains, stifling the urge to wander and his only visitors being family.
the quiet blacksmith rarely visited the cities in Valinor. preferring to keep his distance, so he didn't run into anyone who could recognise him. however it wouldn't be long before someone did spot him and word would start to spread. making it harder to avoid certain elves.
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slap or kiss Ecthelion
"Slap- but only gently!"
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❝  will you sleep with me?  i know how that sounds i just mean—  i feel safe when you’re there.  ❞ ( lol halre from the prince)
  With sleep decidedly not happening that night, Halrë had been planning to do an complete sort out of his pack. But hearing Thranduil's voice made him pause, although not for long.
  Anyone else and it wouldn't have happened. the Prince was a different matter altogether. "I know what you mean, Thran." He cut in quietly, setting his pack down and going over to him.
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RECOVER :  for one muse to return the other’s lost belonging. for Halre
No one really knew where the Eldar came from or where he went after visiting the Woodland Realm. Only their King knew his real name and he wasn't about to tell anyone at the old elf's request. When Ihain did visit, it was due to the trade agreements that had been in place since Gondolin fell. This was one of those occasions, except his pack had been moved. Footsteps caught his attention and he glanced up to see the younger elf approaching.
"Lady Calithil."
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[ jewelry ] - to put a piece of jewelry around your muse’s neck (to Halrë from Duilin)
halrë had, for once, been doing nothing but reading. so the only danger would be him dropping said book, which didn't happen.
one of his hands touched the piece of jewellery, before silver eyes shifted to look up at the older elf. quiet uncertainty flickering in his gaze.
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