The Personalities of Ghosts
A lot of people see ghosts and greatly misinterpret their intentions. They may come off as creepy or even dangerous to many. This is an issue which likely will not go away, but for at least the curious soul I can indulge some of my personal experience.
Ghosts after their passing typically experience a gradual shift out of what they were before (when alive) to a new version of existence. This occurs the longer they are a ghost. This does not mean a loss of “old” personality, but rather a change in behavior, mannerisms, or even some moral principles.
There are a few major components of this to look at:
Ghosts have a completely different perception of the world than humans. This is something I cannot fully describe — for I am not a ghost and usually ghosts themselves have a hard time explaining — but from my rather limited understanding due to their lack of a human body their most basic senses are shifted in their entirety. They seem to function based off of mental and spiritual capacities which vary wildly from our own.
Ghosts have an extremely different set of social cues as compared to humans. This is partly due to #1 but also for the other reasons
Ghosts…. usually have their own shit going on. Whether it be traumas from their life, experiences of loved ones still alive, or even strictly spiritual matters; ghosts usually have their own grievances which you might not even be able to comprehend much less understand.
It is due to this I would encourage engaging with ghosts essentially as if they were almost any other person. I do not mean this in the literal sense incase if it is not abundantly clear — yes it is not normal for a human being to just be in a strangers house — but my point moreso is to be indiscriminate. Conversate with them as if they were your classmates from high school or something akin. Act friendly. They likely will treat you the same. If they come off odd or even a little overbearing then brush it off.
A very large majority of ghosts are not by any means to be feared. I encounter them all of the time and none so far have bothered me or posed a threat. If that were to be the case — and I do want to make this clear — you would know. Simply use your better judgement as you would with anyone else and you will be fine.
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The Witch's Grief
This is a simple guide on grief as a witch or otherwise spiritual practitioner. If anything in this offends or hurts you then please reflect on that instead of taking it out on me.
Death is both an ending and a new beginning. When someone in your life passes it is completely understandable to be upset, for you will no longer be able to see them again as you once knew them. If their life ended early then that is also something to be upset about. These are all valid feelings that should be processed if not for you then for your loved one at least. You seemingly ignoring their death or even letting it ruin their life likely would upset them. In realising that death is a loss you can also acknowledge it as a new beginning for your loved one. They are now passing on to the afterlife -- wherever that may be -- and are now going to be experiencing new experiences, places, ideas... Not to mention that they get to move on from what may have caused your loved one so much pain in their life. This especially applies for the elderly, the chronically/terminally ill, those lost as a result of suicide, etc. What is more important above anything else is that they are now on a new chapter of their soul's story.
Your grief is valid however that grief must be balanced out with gratitude and congratulations for your loved one. This is one of the reasons why I am so heavily against funerals, for they are intended to simply mourn rather than acknowledging what is next for the person. Most people would not wish for their loved ones to simply cry at their memorial, but rather give them a fair well. If that means you cry then so be it, but be aware of what your loved one would have wanted.
This also means being more considerate in a material sense as well. Would they have wanted you to be lavish with the memorial and go in debt for it? Would they have wanted you to host it at a church? Your loved one might -- and likely is -- still around watching what you are doing; especially at the time of their fair-well. If their favorite flower were roses then implement roses. If their favorite color was red then implement red. This is just for them as it is for you so please keep them in your heart as you plan the memorial.
This is a very important part that I need to emphasize very clearly: **under no circumstances should you embalm a corpse.** It is not acceptable under any circumstances whatsoever.
The next part is going to more or less be controversial, and that is post-memorial. I have heard of and encountered many situations where the loved one lingered on the material plane in the afterlife and refused to move on. This however can prove to be at minimum mildly harmful for those who are still alive, for ghosts need to siphon at least a bit of energy to continue their presence here. This is one of the reasons why I would recommend creating a shrine for your passed loved ones, as the Japanese for instance do.
There is however another reason which is much larger than the last. By creating a shrine and actively using it you are giving positive energy to your loved one which will help them in the afterlife. If they were to for instance be reincarnated then this will give them much fortune in that life. Nothing in this world is more powerful than love, and that is a very powerful tool which you should 100% gift to your passed loved ones.
Concerning how to make and use a shrine.... That my friends is quite simple. I would not overcomplicate it. Some type of representation of them such as a picture, a collage, or a painting will do. Something with a decent bit of effort showing how you see them as someone you love. Next is maybe some of their favored personal items. If they liked the ocean then add some seashells. If they liked autumn add some orange leaves. The actual creation of the shrine is not too complicated just overall make it them.
However it is giving to the shrine where many Westerners mess up. I would visit it as much as possible. You can feel free to use your intuition, but I would put the minimum at once a month -- or if the person is not as demanding, maybe has been passed for a while -- once every 3. Ideally you would go to the shrine everyday, say some kind of blessing/prayer, and continue on with your day. Give it regular gifts such as their favorite foods, drinks, items they would have liked, etc.
This process of giving your energy instead of siphoning it makes the process much easier on both ends. Your loved one is much more likely to move on if they feel loved by you and do not feel any type of emotional baggage with this plane. It is because of this combined with the plain benefits it has for the passed that I recommend a shrine.
I post this for I have noticed a lot of ghosts are left neglected by their loved ones.... Maybe not the best way of saying it, for I don't fully blame them. But it is good to know that you are loved still. Overall practice empathy with your passed loved ones. Treat them the way you'd like to be treated once you pass.
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