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The main thing that first peaked my interest in Ant Farm was their historic piece “Cadillac Ranch”. I had seen this piece referenced multiple times in various forms of pop culture. It has always seemed like a really strange instillation to me, mostly because of its location (Out in the middle of no where). 
Once I began researching the group  I started to appreciate them even more. the Guys in the group just seem like really cool people. Their work method seems really, fly by the seat of your pants. They just sort of think of things that they would want to see or do and then do it. The group is very much anti establishment which was pretty cool and that theme really defines their body of work.
Many of the interviews I saw of the guys portrayed a really relaxed kind of cooky group of dudes who just like doing fun and unique things. From what I read they were just a bunch of jokesters who wanted to make random and unique pieces of work. I think the coolest thing about them was how they came up with the name of their group, which i talk about in my presentation. Overall I really enjoyed learning about them.
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Artist Research Presentation 
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Final Project: Video 
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Project 2: Still Image
For the still image I decided to take a picture of the front door/hallway of my apartment. For me this passage way is incredibly important. this door/passage way separates the hectic and busy outside world from the safety and comfort I feel at home. 
In terms of the work process taking a still image, to me, feels much more deliberate than taking a video. Video’s have so many different and changing variables in them which can make them sort of unpredictable. With a photograph its possible to capture exactly what you are intending to capture with a little patient and practice. 
I also think its easy to loose a lot of meaning and intent when working with video. Sometimes there is so much going on at once in a video that some of the meaning can get lost. With a photograph there is much less to take in, and every little detail can be appreciated.
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Project 2 Video Art: Passage
The word passage made me think of a passerby or a random person passing on the street. So, for this project I decided to take a video of people walking down the busy street that I work on. I took about ten minutes of video and cut it down and then sped up the playback. I used after effects to create some hand drawn effects onto the video. 
As I was watching the video I began asking myself questions about the people in the video who were unaware that they were being filmed as they walked by. I tried to incorporate some these questions into the video itself. I wanted the whole video to feel a little chaotic to try and capture that feeling of... “never knowing who you could pass on the street.”
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This is kind of the direction I was planning on going with my final project. The figures will be in much more interesting scenes. I also plan on adding text and captions and maybe some minor effects to help create the look I am going for.
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Final Project Ideas
For my final project I wanted to do something involving superheroes/action figures. I’ve always loved comic books and thought that it would be cool to bring that passion to project. I’ve thought about posing the figures in different everyday scenarios to try and comment on the heroic things each of us do on a daily basis.
the project would be heavily influenced by tableau vivant photographers who use figurines to stage various events. I want the project to be mostly composed of images, I will probably be opting for the 8 stills +1 short clip option. I have a pretty clear idea on what direction to take the photographs but haven’t really decided what I want the video clip to look and feel like.
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Reading Response 4 - Cotton
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Project 1: Constructed Realities 
To me dreams have always been a way to experience or see something you could never actually see in real life. They take you to far off places and put you in exceptional situations. I really wanted to capture that feeling with this Project. I work at an escape room and have access to some pretty cool backdrops with which to stage and take pictures of. 
I wanted to really capture the Idea that dreams transport you to different places, so the first picture is taken from the perspective of someone with their head down on a school desk. This is supposed to be the beginning of the narrative, a sleepy student falls asleep waiting for detention to be over. I rearranged some of the desks and props in the room to really capture the feeling of a classroom.
The second picture is supposed to be something out of a spy movie. I put images on the computer to look like classified info. and adjusted the lighting to a redder tint, while also moving around some of the various props. The third picture is supposed to be kind of nightmarish, i rearranged the props in the room and was careful to capture the blood stains on the wall. 
the lighting for each picture is drastically different, which I thought created a dream like feel. I shot from the first person perspective to better emphasize that feeling of falling asleep one place and waking up in a far and exotic location or scenario.   
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In Class Assignment 2: Symbols
   The first image, I think, is an image that symbolizes UTD. I used the cloning stamp tool to touch up some imperfections on the UTD bench. I also adjusted the contrast and color to help desaturate the photo. the second image is supposed to symbolize the summer break we are currently on. The classroom is empty but in the reflection of the window you can see activity going on outside. I cropped this image to focus more not eh classroom. The third image is supposed to symbolize studious activity and school in general. I cropped the image in photoshop and brought down some of the color exposures to take down the brightness of the image. 
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Reading Response 3 - C. Cotton
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In Class Activity 1
This is the low resolution version of the picture I took for the in class assignment. The concept I chose to explore was “Activity”. This bulletin board is full of potential student activities and, I think, represents the topic that I was exploring well.
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“PhotoMonatnage: Part 2“
For this part of the assignment I simply used of the images of an eye I found on the internet and altered it slightly. I added a black border and a black rectangle and created a pun with the words “Eye Know”. I tried to make this like a rebranding of the image.
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For this assignment I ended up using a bunch of pictures I had taken of different pieces of technology and placed them in front of a landscape shot I had taken. I got the pictures of the eyes from the internet and placed them over the technology. I wanted to emphasize the distraction technology can cause.
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Reading Response - Sontag
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“Sense of Place”
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Photo Scavenger Hunt
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