tara-firma-blog · 7 years
“I dunno… it’s all I’ve ever known. I wouldn’t know what to do anywhere else.” Ty didn’t really do well with change.
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“If you had a good support system, it would be easier. But change for the sake of it is not always the best move, is it?” Tara said thoughtfully. “Where are you from anyway, stranger?”
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tara-firma-blog · 7 years
Lillian didn’t quite know how to respond to that. She wasn’t used to others caring about her well-being. “Well… thanks I guess.” she managed to mutter out. That was about as close to gratitude as she could get. Making her way up, she peered around Tara curiously. “What do you think we’ll find?”
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“Rowdy, violent, scheming drunk men that aren’t going to be happy when we show up,” Tara supposed. Well, here they were. Should they think of some sort of game plan? “Or just a serious misunderstanding. They could just be playing cards. Maybe they’ll ask us if we want to join in.”
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f2f ;; open
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tara-firma-blog · 7 years
Ty bit his lip, thinking. “I mean… the landscape is really pretty here? Like the forests and stuff. I live in the city, so it’s a nice change.”
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“They are lovely. Did you ever want to move away from the city?” Tara asked, genuinely curious. “I moved from small town to massive city and it’s weird.”
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tara-firma-blog · 7 years
Help me out here. How thirsty is thirsty?
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I told some random girl in an inn that she could come hang out on my tree branch any time, Eli. And then I ran away and cried because she was too good for me.
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tara-firma-blog · 7 years
Well, you got a badass vampire standing right here. That thing would have no chance.
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A badass vampire coven of one. Is that what you call a group of vampires? I don’t really know vampire culture.
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tara-firma-blog · 7 years
“I don’t know, I don’t have them, maybe I will try if I ever get one of those. I am not sure if it works that way, I don’t think the creater would make that easy for us, he trapped inside a game. They don’t want to make our lives easier, but we can definitely try”
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“Yeah, but there’s still items built in that give bonuses. I have several already. Wouldn’t it be the height of hilarious if you were a game creator to make hidden stat changes in something so nondescript?”
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headtrip // f2f  // open
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tara-firma-blog · 7 years
“Oh. I would love to see it.”
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“Then let’s go! I’ll take you right there!”
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tara-firma-blog · 7 years
“I just don’t want ta risk endin’ up losin’ my speed, I would just risk that if it was life or death” he would always put other people before him, so he needed to risk losing his speed to help someone, he would do it without thinking twice. “Now I wonder ‘bout them too, I think that they would still count as shoes though, so we wouldn’t lose speed”
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“But they sound annoying to get used to. Some people say that they make you faster, but I think that only works if you’re in the mindset. Ooh! Maybe if I tell myself that I’m faster with shoes on, then it will make me that way. Let’s try that way of thinking? You can try it too!”
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headtrip // f2f  // open
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tara-firma-blog · 7 years
“Yeah, which is a very terrible elf stereotype.” Sophia huffed, as if she’d been an elf her whole life. “I mean just because we chose to be elves and chose to heal instead of fight in some cases, does not make us weak.” 
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“I do fight, and people still look at me like I’m a weak little girl. But this PvP thing sounds stupid and dangerous anyway,” Tara huffed right back. “I think you’re incredible for healing, though. What’s the point of playing a game like this if everyone does it exactly the same way?”
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headtrip // f2f  // open
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tara-firma-blog · 7 years
“That’s really all.” He shrugged, wondering what else she would have expected. “Boost or no boost. It’s really not that complicated.”
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“It’s not? Then can you explain it to me? I think there has to be so many factors that go into this,” Tara said, not sure why she was just chattering away.
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headtrip // f2f  // open
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tara-firma-blog · 7 years
Ty appreciated her cheeriness. It helped him feel a little less shitty about what was going on. He cast his mind out for something, anything, he liked about the game. He was coming up pretty empty. “Not much, to be honest.”
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“Pshh, you said it wasn’t all bad. What’s at least not terrible? Me? I miss normal food. And make-up. But I like that it’s easy to find gems and things here,” Tara said, hoping that the boy would follow her lead. "Seriously.”
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tara-firma-blog · 7 years
Aidan stroked his chin, as he tried to think about an answer, it was an interesting question, he never thought about. “I mean, I never tried it, so I have no idea” he shrugged, and he thought was too risk to try, because it could actually do it. “I would rather not try it though, ‘cause what if it does? That wouldn’t be a good thin’, so I would rather never findin’ out. Even if I tend ta be a very curious man”
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“So you’re not going to help? Oh, that’s disappointing.” Tara was not sure whether she was disappointed or just stressed from pretending to care about a topic that she had just conjured up from nowhere. She was going to make a point of thinking things more often... “You know those shoes that are like toe socks but have a sole? I wonder about them.”
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headtrip // f2f  // open
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tara-firma-blog · 7 years
Lillian blinked, caught off guard for once. “Wait, what?” She jogged after Tara, trying to keep up. “Eli tried to set us up? Honestly, I’m going to kill him. I don’t need his help, I can find dates just fine thanks.  Also, rude. I’m a catch.” Quietly she followed the paladin. “Aw, you do care.”
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“Doesn’t matter how great you supposedly are. I can’t find a date. Apparently you’re the only other girl Eli knows that’s interested in girls so obviously that means instant compatibility.” Tara grimaced. This messed up set-up was sounding worse and worse as she thought about it. It was usually straight people who pulled this kind of thing. Trying not to clamor up the stairs, she said, “I care about everyone. Take it personally if you want to, but you are not getting hurt if I can prevent it.”
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f2f ;; open
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tara-firma-blog · 7 years
Luke narrowed his eyes at her. What kind of question was that even? “That depends on whether your shoes give you a speed boost or not?” Obviously.
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“No, they’re just boots. I was talking boring shoes or boring bare feet,” Tara said with a frown. “Is that really all”
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headtrip // f2f  // open
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tara-firma-blog · 7 years
Ty blinked. “…Oh. I mean, sure? I don’t really think I’m that interesting a conversation partner though.” He fiddled with his mug. “Um, okay? I guess? I mean, I kind of want to go home, but it isn’t all bad.”
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“Who cares if you’re interesting as long as you’re nice? Are you a nice person? Wait, don’t answer that. That’s a question to be discovered for later,” Tara said cheerily. “Home sounds good. What do you like about here?”
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tara-firma-blog · 7 years
“You make a fair point.”
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“I made a sundial, though! Even though there’s an in-game clock. D’you wanna see?”
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tara-firma-blog · 7 years
“I would double check with her, but there is enough land that we can fit a few more houses. Besides, we elves have to stick together right?” Sophia suggested with a grin. 
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“Sure, then I’ll figure out hat to say to her at some point and ask. Thank you. I suppose we do have to stick together. We’re sort of seen as a frail people, aren’t we?”
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headtrip // f2f  // open
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