tarunyadav19-blog · 6 years
Data set- marscrater_pds.csv
Mars has a interesting story.
So i did a pretty good research and came up with a conclusion that at a time  Mars had water flowing on its surface but now what we see is just iron rich soil,sulfur rocks and most disticntvely(i dont know the spelling xd) the polar caps at both its pole whose composition is primarily  water ice and dry ice aka solidifies c02.
Crater helps us in many way around .
here i am concerned about telling the composition of soil and how was the topography of mars billions years ago
so my code book is same as that provided as it doesnt contain many columns only 6 mainly consisting of cater location ,,crater type crater name .
ejecta morphology is a very important terms in regarding to my hypothesis 
Hypothesis- Can crater ejecta morphology tell about the geographic condition of Mars 
SO water is there on Mars with  rivers and oceans too but as my study tells a a big solar storm ripped out the mars with its magnetic field and then without protection its atmosphere slowly disappeared resulting in loss of liquid water.
with crater with get ejecta  that is ejection of surface soil or fluids present when meteor hit the surface so this ejecta consist of different type which tells our  far the meteor went inside the surface
my bibliography-
Martian impact crater ejecta morphologies as indicators of the distribution of subsurface volatiles Nadine G. Barlow Department of Physics and Astronomy, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA
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tarunyadav19-blog · 6 years
DATA SET=marscrater_pds.csv
compostion of martian surface layers
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