tbdlboy88 · 9 months
How do you want little/middle stuff to make you feel?
My Answer: Cute, sweet, innocent, pure, and whole; I dig the giddy, gleeful, & silly kinds of affection🤪
I’m the kid you met at camp ages ago. We went on adventures out on the lake, off the high jump, up the ropes course, and even to the top of the biggest mountain around! You remember me because I was there for you when you got scared that night we camped out of the cabin in the dark, but you never got my number, and I got lost to time…
I hung with the “cool” kids, but was nicer than the rest of ‘em. Truth is, I’m actually a bit nerdy myself (can tell by my TWs waistband sticking out the top of my boxers on the ropes course) and have a secret problem you found out about because I crinkled before bedtime. Didn’t let it stop us from going out far to explore, and never will!
I want a boy who’s got this too, with a lil twist🤭
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tbdlboy88 · 11 months
Daddy talks - Part D
You feel daddy’s finger inside of you, carving, searching. You look into his eyes and he looks into yours. Anxious and vulnerable you are doing the only thing you can do, the only thing you are allowed to do, sucking your pacifier. You are filled from both ends, your mouth is occupied as your hole. But daddy’s eyes, his look, fills you up as well. Daddy looks at you and you know he got you, he is taking care of you. You got lost in his eyes when he got a second finger inside, another moan through your pacifier.
“Now baby, daddy is going to do something really special, you may or may not experience it yet, but it’s going to be really intimate, our special moment, a daddy-son moment, are you ready?” He asked.
You nodded, filled. In some kind of a motion, daddy twisted his fingers inside of you, and hit a spot that sends a wave of pleasure all through your body. It makes you arch your back.
“Yes boy, yes. You like it I can see” he says.
He got his fingers out of your hole, then in, for a few times. In the third insert, again, he hits that spot. Another wave of pleasure pulses through you.
“Daddy!” you bubble through your pacifier.
Again, in out, in out, in out, pleasure.
“Yes boy? Awwww is my boy leaking clear precum from his soft small peepee? Unlike white thick steaming cum from hard cocks like real men” he says as he looks into your eyes, deadly serious, believing every word he says.
For a brief moment you drift from his gaze and to your penis. You never saw your penis dripping like that, soft, small, and leaking like a faucet. It was the opposite of masculinity. You are on another’s man lap, in a babyish position, sucking on a pacifier, he talks to you like a baby, penetrating your anus with his fingers, which makes your small soft peepee drip clear precum all over your stomach. Understanding how you are so not masculine right now, something snapped in you. You begin to make baby voices on daddy’s lap. Whining and cooing.
“Is my boy starting to understand who he is now? Just a daddy’s baby?” he asked without any facial expression, just his penetrating eyes, as his fingers, as the pacifier.
“Ah ha da da” as another wave of pleasure hits. you say with a baby’s voice.
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tbdlboy88 · 1 year
Shoutout to all the toddler regressors out there
We hear a lot about babies and littles, but what about the toddlers?
The ones who:
are perfectly capable of talking but choose to whine and throw a fit instead.
can use the potty, but still like to wear diapers sometimes.
sometimes want big kid clothes and sometimes want onesies.
can technically sit up by themselves, but why do that when you can be held in someone’s lap?!
think that walking is just too hard and inconvenient compared to being carried.
prefer to be fed rather than feed themselves.
eat their food in little bite-sized pieces.
use sippy cups and bottles because why not?
exclaim “I’m big! I can do it myself!” about some things and cry for help with other things.
sometimes want to learn all the things and sometimes think ignorance is bliss.
can be an annoying little menace or the perfect sweet child.
can be a baby one minute and a big kid the next.
Toddlers are the best <3
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tbdlboy88 · 1 year
Birthday Movie - The Complete Trilogy (NSFW 18+ Only)
Authors note: Hello everyone, I compiled each of the Birthday Movie stories here for easy access to the whole thing. If you’d like to view one in particular, each one is up on my blog separately. I want to thank you all for reading and liking my stories. I haven’t tried creative writing before and this has been a very validating and fun experience. You gave me the energy and inspiration to create this work. Shoutout to @paddedlittleparadise for reblogging my first story and helping me find an audience. Enjoy! 
***DISCLAIMER*** Everyone involved in this story is 18+ and is a consenting adult. 
My diapers crinkled loudly as I waddled through the door to my wife’s bedroom. It looked like she was just finishing up as I entered, applying a lascivious shade of red to her lips. I stood in the doorway, dressed in the dinosaur onesie she bought me for my last birthday with my teddy clutched tightly under my arm. It was my birthday and my wife/mommy had promised to get me an extra special present. I’d been beside myself with excitement all day, maintaining a strict regimen of extra good behavior as my thoughts filled with fantasies more suited to the big boy she let me be on very rare occasions. I even ate all the gross baby food she liked to feed me this morning without complaining. I glanced impatiently at the clock as she continued to work.
Finally, she looked away from what she was doing and noticed me, gracing me with a smile and drawing a twinge from my cage. “What’s wrong baby? Wet already?” she asked innocently, pretending not to notice my embarrassed blush.
“Of course not!” I pouted. “I just wanted to know when I was going to get my present. It’s already 6 and you always tuck me in at 7:30 so…” I drawled off, realizing I might be overstepping my bounds.
“Aww, don’t worry, baby.” She stood up and grabbed her purse off the nightstand. “Auntie Kaley should be here with your present any time now.”
I gripped my teddy nervously and shuffled, suddenly filled with dread. Kaley was my wife’s best friend, and she took special care to tease and humiliate me when she was over. She was slightly taller than average, with pert breasts and an ass she loved to show off, especially when she knew I was caged. The first time she babysat me I had gone to bed futilely rubbing at my caged member and wincing at the ache in my balls.   “You aren’t staying here?” I sniffled, hoping to win some sympathy and get her to change her mind.  
“Sorry, baby, Mommy made plans to go out with some friends.” She stepped up to me and hugged me close, nestling my head between her breasts.
I moaned and my trapped dick throbbed wildly in its prison as I inhaled her scent, a sweet mix of pheromones and spice. I squirmed and hugged my teddy tighter as I tried to restrain myself from trying to touch her breasts. The last time that had happened without permission, my punishment had left my bottom flaring red and stinging, covered in angry red heart-shaped marks from the paddle Mommy had bought for me last Valentine’s day.
The doorbell rang and she stepped back excitedly as I inwardly cringed. “Oh, that must be Kaley! Guess that means it’s time for me to leave.” She patted my butt with a soft thump. “You be good for Auntie. Bad little boys don’t get their birthday treats.”
I nodded quickly and squeaked out a hurried, “Yes, Mommy”. Soft crinkles followed me as I waddled behind Mommy to answer the door.
Mommy opened the door with a soft click and Kaley smiled brightly. “It’s so good to see you. You look amazing!”
It was true, I thought. Mommy was wearing a colorful low-cut blouse that highlighted the cleavage of her marvelous breasts and matching jeans that perfectly accentuated her curves. As if her perfect ass needed any more embellishment, she’d topped it off with a set of heels she’d bought last week that caused her to stand several inches taller and perfectly complemented her long legs. My cock dribbled uselessly through the cage as I stood behind her, wishing she would stay to play with me instead of with her friends.
“Thank you! I’ve been wanting to wear this top out for a while. I hope I don’t get hit on too much while I’m out,” Mommy said, giving me a wink. I blushed bright red and looked down. “Thanks for doing this, Kaley. I hope it’s not too much trouble.”
“None at all!” Kaley said. “I love it when I get to spend time with the widdle birthday boy.” She blew a kiss at me and smiled as I blushed and shuffled awkwardly.
“Before I head out, do you have everything?” Mommy asked.
Kaley shifted the satchel she was carrying over her shoulder and began to rummage through it. “Hmm, some bottles, diapers for the little peepee boy, of course—” I shrunk. “—baby powder, wipes, a paci for when he gets fussy… and some other stuff. Yep, looks like it’s all here!”
“I guess I’ll get going then. Have a good night, baby. I love you,” Mommy said, blowing me a kiss.
Despite my embarrassment, I gave her my best smile and clasped my hands behind my back, putting in every little ounce of effort I could into getting her to stay. “I wuv you too, Mommy.”
 Kaley smiled and closed the door as I heard the rumble of the car engine begin to fade. “Well, now that it’s just the two of us, how about I cook up some birthday boy dinner? Would you like that, little buddy?”
I mumbled grumpily and traced little circles into the soft fabric of the carpet, disappointed by my failed bid to keep Mommy from going out to do grown-up things. She’s probably going out to have drinks and go clubbing and stay up past 10 and do other stuff grown-ups get to do… I thought, pouting. Grown-up things that I hadn’t been allowed to do since the last time I had accumulated enough good boy stickers to be out of padding for a day. And that was months ago. It’s so unfair! It was almost impossible to earn enough big boy stickers nowadays. Mommy only gave them out for nigh impossible tasks like keeping my diaper dry for a whole night or lasting longer than a minute during release days, an effort becoming increasingly more difficult as my days in the cage got longer and release days came fewer and further between. Mommy wasn’t compleeeeetely mean, though. She also gave out good boy stickers for… other things… like humping my diapers in front of her friends when they came over. Squirmy, fluttery things, like keeping my buzzy plug on for the whole trip when we went out shopping and wearing my little clothes under my outfit for work. I usually tried to avoid those kinds of tasks, though, because they either ended with me burning red in shame or exhausted and sore. Usually, it ended up being a mix of both.
Kaley startled me from my brooding as she addressed me loudly, “Hey, I asked you what you wanted for dinner, squirt.”
I looked up to see Kaley squatting next to me, wearing a short black skirt that reveled her long tan legs and a stylish red top with a cut that just hinted at the carnal pleasures beneath.  “I unno…” I mumbled as I blushed and looked away.
“Aww,” she teased, “is somebody upset his wife went out to do big girl things and left him with the big scawy babysittur?” She ruffled my hair playfully. “I was thinking about some birthday boy mac and cheese. How does that sound, sweetie?”
“Mac and cheese!?” I replied, perking up at the mention of big boy food. My wife always made my favorite mac’n cheese whenever she decided I deserved a little treat, usually saying it was ‘because I was just so darn cute’. “Can it be the ones with the dinosaurs in it?” I asked excitedly.
“What other kind of birthday boy mac and cheese is there?” Kaley said with a laugh. “Want to come and help me make it?”
“Okay! I’m really good at stirring the cheese!” I said happily, lurching up awkwardly as the bulk of my diaper resisted my movements.
Kaley giggled and helped me up, patting my bum affectionately. “I bet you are, sweetheart!”
I waddled to the kitchen and leapt up to one of the stools at the bar with a soft thump as Kaley began boiling the water.
“You stay there ‘til the cheese is ready to be stirred in, okay? We wouldn’t want Mommy’s precious boy to get bit by mean Mr. Stove,” she said smiling.
I squirmed a little in my seat. When I had told my wife about my desires two years ago, cooking privileges had been one of the first things to go. I was still allowed to hold and stir things, but cooking with the stove or oven was strictly off-limits to little boys according to my new mommy. The prehistoric pasta tinkled softly into the pot as I swung my legs and gripped my seat in anticipation. Kaley finished with her work and turned towards me, leaning over the counter and offering me a scandalous view of her cleavage. Eyes widening, I felt my cock swell against the walls of its plastic prison as I bit my lip in frustration. Kaley loved to tease me like this when she was over, taunting me with the promise of pleasures beyond the confines of my crinkly padding.
“Ooooh, what’s the matter, sweetie? Do you like what you see?” she purred, gently pulling the fabric of her shirt down with an elegant, manicured finger.
I blushed hotly and gripped the edges of the seat even harder as I began to squirm uncomfortably. Mommy hadn’t let me have release, let alone an erection, in so long… my balls ached and I began to emit pathetic whining noises as Kaley’s teasing revealed the soft fabric of her lace bra. She quickly covered herself up and booped me on the nose.
“Oops! Sorry sweetie, the rest is for big boys, and… well, I don’t think I need to explain any further.” She smiled sweetly, a sharp counterpoint to the agony of discontent in my swollen testicles and dripping cage. “Here, I know what will cheer you up!” She quickstepped to the fridge, opening it and bending over, flashing me another exciting view as a faint glimpse of her pantied ass peeked through the skirt.
I squirmed harder in my seat and began rubbing fruitlessly at the crotch of my diaper, desperate for any sensation at all to quell the throbbing in my cage.
Kaley stood back up with a bottle of milk in hand and sauntered back towards me, a devilish grin on her face. “Does Mommy’s little boy want his bottle?” she asked.
I nodded vigorously and began to hump the seat of the chair.
“Ohh, someone is excited for his milkies!” she said in mock delight. She leaned over the counter again and pulled back her blouse, again giving me what I both craved and feared. She began rubbing the tip of the bottle on her breasts, making soft sounds of satisfaction that set my heart to racing and tested the limits of my cage. “Does wittle baby want his milk?” she cooed, dribbling a droplet of milk from the bottle onto her chest. I watched in rapture as the drop disappeared into the abyss between her glorious mounds, irrationally wishing I could trade places with it so that I too could see and feel the secrets beneath. Just as I nodded stupidly and began to lean forward, she abruptly popped the rubber nipple into my mouth and skipped back to the hallway. “I already told you, silly baby, those are for big boys. Now be good and drink your bottle while auntie Kaley goes and gets some things from the car, ‘kay?”
Glumly, I nodded and began to suck.  
 I teethed at the rubber nipple sullenly as Kaley returned. Strangely, she had nothing in hand. “What did you have to do?” I asked, wondering why she had just stepped away for no apparent reason.
“Oh, nothing important,” Kaley said, shrugging off my question and tipping the bottle back into my mouth as she passed, a gentle reminder that little boys didn’t get to question adults. I suckled on the sweet liquid as Kaley checked her phone and giggled. She looked at me and grinned before looking back at her phone. I frowned unhappily and shifted in my seat as she continued to ignore me.
I stared at her suspiciously as she continued to smile, covering her mouth with her hand and shaking her head. I bet she’s talking about me. Why won’t she tell me what she’s doing? This is so unfair! The mixture of humiliation, frustration, and unfulfilled need that had been swirling inside me since Mommy left boiled over. I harrumphed and stood up, dropping the bottle to the floor with a clatter as I clomped around the counter directly into Kaley’s line of sight. Her head darted up from her screen as I stomped on the floor with a bootied foot.  
“Uh oh, what do we have here?” she inquired. Her eyes narrowed and she pursed her lips as she crossed her arms and began tapping her index finger against the skin of her bicep expectantly.
I squatted down angrily and began to push, my face scrunching with the effort. This will teach her to ignore me! The back of my diaper began to tent, pushing against the soft fabric of my onesie as I filled it with my indignance.
Kaley calmly watched me and continued to tap her arm until I was done, raising an eyebrow. “All finished?” she asked, unfazed.
My diaper crinkled as a I shifted to accommodate my mess. I balled my fists at my sides and nodded at her triumphantly.
“Oh, that’s good, then,” she said nonchalantly, turning her attention back to her phone. The hot, righteous feeling of my retribution rapidly cooled at her indifference and I began to shift uncomfortably from foot to foot.
“A-aren’t you going to change me?” I asked shakily, suddenly worried my terrible two had been a terrible mistake.
Kaley looked up and put down her phone, slowly advancing on me with predatory grace as she said, “No, grown-ups get to decide when babies are changed, and you are clearly a baby. I thought you were a big boy who could stir your own mac and cheese, but I guess I was wrong, huh?”
The fleeting memory of my defiance was banished as she continued to advance on me. I began to shrink inwards and made little steps back as I lost ground. “I’m sorry, Miss Kaley. I won’t do it again, please!” I begged as I backed towards the kitchen table.
“Aww, I know you won’t, sweetie. I know you’re just Mommy’s sweet little boy, aren’t you?” she said, words dripping with condescension as she closed the distance between us.
My back bumped against the tall frame of our kitchen chair as I shook in fear. Kaley finished closing the gap between us and pulled the chair out from behind me, the wooden legs squealing against the tiled floor. She grabbed my shoulder in one firm hand and pulled me close, her lips gently brushing my ear as she leaned in. My heart thumped wildly as my fear warred with the sweet smell of her skin and the hot caress of her breath assailed my senses.
“Shh, it’s ok, baby. I’m not going to punish you for lying to me about being a big boy. I already knew. I mean, do you know any other big boys that walk around in onesies and wear big poofy diapers?” She began to gently push on my shoulders, firmly guiding me towards the waiting chair as I squeaked and resisted weakly.
My warm mess spread disgustingly across my bottom as I made contact with the chair and my eyes began to tear up with regret. I’m sorry. This is so yucky. Please change me, Miss Kaley. I want to be big. Please let me stir my mac’n cheeses. I whimpered pleadingly with her as she held me in place.
“I’m going to go finish up dinner and you are going to stay right here. Hopefully, you’ll take the time to think about why you’re sitting there in a poopy diaper and not out on the town with your sexy wife.” Kaley turned to retrieve my bottle from the floor and popped it back into my mouth.
The following ten minutes passed slowly as I squished sadly in my cooling diaper and finished my milk. My tears had dried on my face and I sniffled, rubbing my puffy reddened eyes as Kaley returned with my birthday dinner. I meekly sat still as she fastened my bib, a white cloth rimmed in blue that spelled out in shiny blue letters Mommy’s Messy Boy. I winced at the irony. Kaley decided to revoke the big boy privilege of feeding myself as she situated herself next to me and began spooning up the steaming pasta. The rest of the meal proceeded without incident as Kaley fed me, making cooing, encouraging noises as she guided the spoon to my waiting mouth. I tried to be good and make sure it all got in, but I whined when some of the dinosaurs inevitably ended up on my bib. Sometimes I think Kaley purposely missed just to make me feel extra helpless. After the bowl was empty, Kaley began to rub my back, patting it occasionally and telling me what a good boy I was for finishing my meal.
“Did you like your dinner?” she asked.
I gave a small nod and smiled weakly.
She smiled. “Aww, you are so cute. I think somebody deserves a change for being such a good boy during dinner.”
I brightened at the promise of freedom from my predicament and gave her a bright smile, nodding happily.
“Oh, look who’s excited to get a new diapy!” she tittered. “Well, come on then, baby, let’s get you cleaned up.”
She led me by the hand as we headed upstairs, giggling at my awkward waddle as I tried to avoid contact with my mistake, the diaper drooping between my legs.  We finally arrived at the bathroom and she laid a towel down on the floor. My onesie snapped as she undid the buttons and my diaper drooped further between my legs, losing its support. I whined pathetically and she picked up her phone and snapped a picture, digitally memorializing my shame.
“Okay, Mr. Stinky, lay down,” she commanded playfully, taking enjoyment in my mortified response as I quietly hobbled past and avoided eye contact.
I sat on the soft fabric of the towel and laid back, focusing on the white plaster of the ceiling. My mind drew small patterns in the little hills and valleys created by the uneven coat while Kaley undid the tapes. Kaley hummed as she worked, rolling up the soiled garment and dropping it in the tall can Mommy had specifically bought for these situations. She chuckled at the sight of my jailed willy as she wiped, her efforts doing nothing to wipe away, more-so amplifying, the angry shade of purple in my balls.
“How long has it been since your last humpy day?” she asked tauntingly.
Too long, I thought. “Three months,” I said, covering my eyes as I tried to ignore the beautiful woman before me gently wiping around my crotch.
“Oh my goodness, well now, that is a long time, isn’t it? If it wasn’t for your Mommy giving you milkies every now and then, I bet these little things would have exploded by now!”
I winced in agony as she flicked my engorged testicles, seeing that superior grin Kaley always wore when she tormented me.
“I’m going to unlock you now so we can make your willie all nice and clean. No touching, though. Auntie Kaley will wash you, ‘kay?”
My head bobbed in confirmation. I knew the routine. Mommy always let me free when it was bath time, taking extra special care to gently wash my stiff cocklette throughout the routine, driving me wild with stimulation but always taking precautions to prevent an accidental spurt. When it was over and I was nice and clean, she would gently kiss the tip and apply ice to it. The ice always made me squeal and it hurt extra bad after a warm bath, reverting my cock back to babyhood as it shriveled and went limp. The faucet squeaked as Kaley turned it, steam rising as the hot water poured into the tub. Kaley stood over me, her lacey black panties clearly visible as she looked down. Oh my god… I whined as my cage immediately swelled to capacity and began to drip, my dick bobbing frantically at the sight as it tried to break free. Kaley smiled and lifted her dress, the light of the bathroom illuminating her silky skin. Slowly, she reached into her panties and bit her lip. Mommy, why did you leave me with her!? I despaired.
“Ah, there it is,” she exclaimed, letting her skirt drop and pulling her hand from her panties, producing a small golden key on a chain.
I looked at the key and back to her in confusion. Did she just…?
Kaley knelt between my legs with the key and inserted it into the infernal lock holding my cage tight. Seeing my questioning gaze, Kaley answered as the lock opened with a small click, “Your Mommy told me to keep the key where little boys like you couldn’t reach it. So I thought, what’s more out of reach for her little diapered hubby than a woman’s pussy?”
I cringed and she smiled maliciously as she slowly pulled the cage from my cock, gasping as it popped free, my arousal glistening on the tip. “Aww, it looks like its crying” she said sympathetically. She reached out and flicked it, laughing as I flinched and moved to cover myself. “Hmm, sorry, that probably didn’t help much, did it,” she said callously.
I sniffled and covered myself. She gripped my hand and pulled me up, helping me into the tub. I enjoyed baths. The hot water always brought me comfort and helped to somewhat alleviate the ache in my groin. It was one of the plus sides of being her little boy now, I supposed, as the attention it got me always made me feel as warm and bubbly as the bath she washed me in. Plus, it was always a bonus when I got to splash my wife “accidentally”. The wet fabric of her shirt always gave me a worthwhile view. Though, of course, the trade-off was usually a night of tossing and turning with a glowing red bottom accompanied by a raging ache in the cage. But it was worth it. Probably.
Kaley checked her phone and smiled again.
Why is she always doing that?
She tapped in a quick message and set it down, turning her attention back to me as she reached for the pitcher to wash my hair. I wasn’t allowed to stick my head under the water anymore. Mommy said it was dangerous for babies. “Looks like it’s about 7:30. Guess you’re going to be a little late to your bedtime. Oh well, it is your birthday, so I guess we can let it slide.” Kaley filled the pitcher and tipped it over my hair. I held my nose and kept my eyes shut as the warm water trickled over me. When she was satisfied my hair was wet enough, she reached for a bottle of shampoo and squirted a dollop into her hand, brusquely rubbing it into my scalp. “Who’s the clean little baby,” she cooed as she cleaned me. “That’s right, you are!”
I didn’t even say anything…
She continued speaking, though I didn’t respond. “I bet your Mommy must really love you, getting you this special no-tear shampoo. Now you can get your head all clean and you can make it through bath time without crying. Isn’t that nice?”
I pouted as she again poured the water over my head, rinsing away the sweet-smelling shampoo.
“Okay, little man, time to clean your little man,” she said, giggling at her own wit.
“That’s okay, Kaley… I can do that.” After all the torment she had put my penis through tonight, there was no way I wanted her to handle washing it.
“No can-do, buddy. Your mommy was VERY explicit in saying that you shouldn’t be allowed to wash yourself. She said something about you making stickies in the water when she wasn’t looking.”
I sulked and spread my legs in deference to Mommy’s wishes, though it was hardly fair. I’d only touched myself one time back when she had just become my Mommy and now I had restricted access even during bath time. So what if I touch myself. She gets to touch HERself. I started as Kaley reached a soapy hand into the water and began stroking my cock. My body shook with the effort as I tried to keep from cumming then and there. After a couple seconds of gut-wrenching bliss, she withdrew her hand and dried it on the nearby towel, acting as if nothing had just happened. As if she hadn’t just given a handjob, albeit a short one, to her best friend’s husband.
“Okay, baby, time to get ready for bed.” She rolled up her short sleeves and helped me rise from the tub. My dick stood horizontally and dripped what was mostly water back into the tub. I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth as I waited for what came next.
“Let’s get you all nice and dry so we can get that cute little butt of yours back in a diaper before you have an accident.”
I opened my eyes as the thick cloth of the towel roughly rubbed against my skin, surprised it wasn’t the crippling cold sensation I was normally subjected to. Kaley helped me step out of the tub and continued to dry me, still ignoring my erect member. What’s going on? I thought excitedly. Kaley finished her work and grasped my wrist, gently pulling my naked form down the hall towards my room. My excitement grew as we got closer to the door. This HAD to be the present my wife had alluded to. I was naked, uncaged, and being led by the wrist back to my room by my wife’s beautiful best friend. I grinned wryly at the thought of the sex I was going to get to have, eager to prove that I was indeed a big boy. Kaley cracked the door and motioned for me to step through. I rushed forward eagerly, nearly tripping over myself in haste as I opened the door.
The room looked much like it had when I had left it to ask Mommy about my present. My changing table sat in one corner, its shelves filled with stacks and stacks of a variety of diapers—white ones, blue ones, ones with dinosaurs and spaceships, even some pink ones for when Mommy decided I wasn’t even man enough to be a little boy. The center of the room was covered with a dark blue rug ringed in black, the letters of the alphabet outlined in bright yellow along the dark edge. By my crib stood Mommy’s rocking chair, a soft cushioned seat next to which leaned the dreaded wooden paddle with the heart-shaped cutout. My bottom gave a twinge of the remembered sting as I finally noticed the difference. Behind the tall bars of my crib lay a gigantic teddy bear, a bright red bow wrapped around it. The stuffed animal was nearly three quarters of my size and lay on its back, beaded eyes staring blankly above to the dark ceiling painted with patterns of stars and moons that glowed in the dark.  More surprisingly, above the head of the teddy bear, atop the pillows at the head of my crib, was Mommy’s laptop. Its dark black screen offered no answers as I turned to Kaley.
I pointed to it and asked, “What’s that for?”
She giggled, “That’s your new teddy, of course, silly baby.”
I frowned as she deliberately misinterpreted my question but kept my mouth shut as she guided me to the changing table, dashing my dreams of adult fun. I hopped up to the table as Kaley perused the rows of diapers, finally settling on a thick pink diaper covered in images of hearts and unicorns. My heart sank as she unfolded it and maneuvered it under me. It looked like I wasn’t going to get to be a big boy after all, though I took some solace in the fact that I hadn’t been stuffed back into the cage.
“Are you ready for your present?” Kaley asked, beaming.
I propped myself up on my elbows as I shrugged, my enthusiasm dulled by a night of disappointment and frustration.
“Aww, you don’t seem very excited. Maybe I should just give your Mommy a call and let her know you don’t want it.”
The mention of Mommy rekindled my interest. The thought of disappointing her by rejecting her gift was too much to bear.
“No, please, Miss Kaley, please, I want it,” I begged, trying to sound cute.
“There we go! Okay, little one.” She reached down, and I held my breath in suspense. “Here it is,” she exclaimed as she held up a large silicone plug before me. It was at least twice as big as the buzzy toy Mommy used when she milked me and the end was a bright red bejeweled heart.
My throat dropped into my gut and I felt my hole tighten in fear. There’s no way that’s going to fit inside me!
Kaley kept that damn grin on her face as she began to lube it, squirting a generous amount into her soft hand and onto the toy. I begged and pleaded with her as she slipped a couple of fingers inside me, preparing the ground for the invasion to come. I closed my eyes and tried to remember that this was what Mommy wanted as she continued to stretch me, slipping a third finger in and causing me to gasp. She continued like that till she deemed I was suitably loose and began pressing the plug into my quivering hole. I made little squeaking noises and my cock twitched as she worked it into me, making soft encouraging noises and telling me how good I was and how my Mommy would be so proud. When the largest part passed my convulsing ring, I sighed in relief as my hole stretched to accommodate the intruder. My cock was limp now and leaked pathetically into my diaper as Kaley taped me up, trapping me with my new plug.
“Did you have fun with that?”
I shook my head a little and groaned at the full feeling in my tummy.
She cocked an eyebrow at me. “Well, it sure looked like you enjoyed it, your little pee pee told me so. Oh well, even if you didn’t like it, that was just part two of your present.”
This night is full of surprises, I thought as I sat up, my new fresh diaper crinkling as only a fresh diaper could. I winced as the movement disturbed the present inside me and looked to Kaley for more information. “What else is there?” I asked. Mommy had never gotten me a second, let alone a third present for my birthday. I must have been extra good. Maybe it was those pictures I colored for her.
“Come on,” Kaley coaxed, motioning towards the crib.
I grimaced as I clumsily made my way to the crib, nearly stumbling several times as the plug, combined with the thick padding of the diaper, made it even more difficult to walk. I climbed inside and Kaley pulled the bars of the crib up, isolating me with teddy 2.0 and the mysterious black screen. I shifted in the crib, trying to find a comfortable position with so much new stuff, and realized I could attain a reasonable level of comfy if I straddled my new teddy.
Kaley pulled out her phone and typed something again, nodding and looking back to me. “Press the power button and put in the password. It’s HappyBirthday123.”
My chin rested on the crown of teddy’s head as I did as she said and waited for the screen to load. Kaley took a seat in Mommy’s rocking chair and placed her elbows on her knees, perching her chin atop her hands and watching me expectantly. I glanced at her suspiciously and gave a small start as the screen flickered to life. Mommy’s radiant visage filled the screen and I felt my heart flutter.
“Hmm, is this thing on? Can you see me, baby?” she asked through the screen.  
I nodded dumbly.
“Oh, good! How is your night with Auntie Kaley going? Were you a good boy?”
I glanced at Kaley and she blew me a little kiss. I blushed and said, “Everything’s fine. Kaley made me dinosaur mac and cheeses and changed me when I made a messy.”
Mommy smiled. “Aww, did you say thank you to Kaley for changing your stinky bottom?”
I looked away and uttered a hasty ‘thank you’ to Kaley so I could answer back truthfully. “Yes.”
My wife’s eyes twinkled knowingly as she gave a soft laugh at my silliness. “Do you want to see your present?”
I nodded eagerly and my dick stiffened with excitement.
“Are you sure?”
I nodded again and whined, my diaper crinkling with impatience.
“Okay… well, if that’s what my little boy wants.” Mommy stepped back from the screen and my heart fell straight to my crotch. She was dressed in dark purple lingerie that did little but outline her womanly gifts. Her dark lace bra pushed her breasts up for display and the fabric of her garter belt teased the eye with a strip of black running down the center of her glowing skin to the connecting fabric beneath. I breathed heavily hugged teddy tightly as I pushed desperately against the padding of the diaper. Mommy turned around and bent over to show me the back, spreading her legs slightly to reveal the delicious surprise of crotchless panties outlining her damp kitty. I began to grind against teddy, my cock sliding against the soft padding. Mommy’s hands slowly drifted up her legs and she grabbed one ass cheek in each hand, pressing against the flesh and turning to wink at me.
Suddenly, she gestured off camera and I sat up in shock. From the empty space surrounding her a man suddenly stepped into frame. He was completely nude and his masculinity was a rival to my wife’s erotic grace. He was easily twice as big as I was, in several ways, and his stance spoke of a calm confidence I had only dreamed of. I felt my bladder let go as I realized what was about to happen, powerless to stop it as much as I was powerless to stop the rapidly swelling padding.
“Happy birthday, baby! This is your new Daddy!” Mommy practically pranced into his arms and laid a graceful hand on his well-toned chest.
I shook my head in disbelief and looked to Kaley. She had her phone in hand and smiled as I looked over, her fingers giving me a little wave. “Happy birthday, cucky-boy,” she taunted.
I looked back to the screen to see the camera had changed positions. Whereas before I had only been able to see a corner of the room, the new angle displayed clean linens spread across a queen-sized bed in what looked like an expensive hotel. Atop that queen-sized bed lounged my queen, her legs spread and rubbing her breasts in anticipation as she waited for her king to take her. I looked on despairingly and wished I could trade places with him. I wasn’t her king. I was her padded little prince. She threw her head back, her hair falling enticingly around her as she bit her lip. She reached a hand up to gently tease her nipple and looked back towards the camera, mouthing, “I love you.”
My mouth worked silently to repeat it as I watched him join her on the bed. He roughly grabbed her by the shoulder and pulled her towards him, locking her into a passionate kiss as she writhed against him. He reached a hand up to fondle her breast and she dug her fingers into his shoulders as he handled her. He gave her nipple a sharp squeeze and she pulled back in surprise. My eyes were riveted on the screen as I watched him push her down, tearing the bra from her shivering form and taking her breast into his mouth.
Kaley startled me as she interrupted my voyeurism by slipping a pacifier between my lips. “Thought you might be jealous,” she explained with a giggle and showed her phone, revealing the same live-stream playing on the laptop. At some point she had scooted the chair closer to my crib, probably eager to see my degradation up close.
“Man, I sure am jealous, though. Your Mommy gets to go out and fuck that big hunk and I’m stuck here babysitting her pathetic little cucky. Oh well, I’ll just have to find other ways to entertain myself.”
I squealed in surprise as the plug in me suddenly began to vibrate, the powerful rumble reverberating through my hot mess of my soaked diaper.  Kaley wore a cunning smile and lifted her other hand, revealing a dialed remote. She turned it and I shook harder as the plug’s intensity increased. Kaley licked her lips and lifted her skirt, revealing she had taken off her panties at some point, showing me the angry red of her swollen cunt as she set her phone down and began to rub her clit.
“Mmmm,” Kaley moaned as I looked back at the screen just in time to see Daddy roughly thrust into my wife. My wife arched her back in pleasure and ground into him, looking back at the camera.
“I, ugnh, bet you wish you could, mmmmh, be – ah!- inside me right now, ba-aaaaah- biee. I’m sorry bu-uhht,” she panted as he continued to piston into her pussy, “but I just can’t sle- ohhhh, -eep with you anymore.”
He grabbed her hips and lifted her from the bed to wrap her around him as he continued to ravage her body. Unconsciously, at some point I had resumed grinding into my diaper, the sound of the plug’s vibrations peaking and plummeting as I furiously humped away, trying to mimic the motions driving Mommy insensate.
Kaley leaned in and began whispering breathily through the bars of the crib, stoking the fires of my shame. “Look how big he is! I bet your Mommy never looked like that when you put that little tinker toy in her. Oh, look, see how she’s looking at him? Doesn’t that just make you jealous?”
I moaned and tears pooled in my eyes as I buried my head in teddy’s fur.
Kaley continued to berate me, her hand moving feverishly as she rubbed at her soaking snatch. “I bet that wet diaper feels a lot like her pussy right now. Hot, wet, hugging your little dicklette while you thrust into it. Not that you would know anymore, I suppose. How long has it been since your Mommy had sex with you? Three months? No, she would have called me afterwards to tell me how disappointed she was. Six months? Hmm, that sounds right but it’s not quite… oh right! It’s been TWO YEARS since you were last inside her.”
My body began to shudder and jerk as I felt myself getting closer. On screen, Daddy was still steadily pumping away, showing no sign of slowing down as Mommy screamed quietly into his neck. The vibrations in my plug suddenly peaked and I squealed loudly into my pacifier as I felt my cock spurt into the soaked padding. The muscles in my abdomen continued to churn and clench as my neglected balls emptied their load, the vibrator shaking every last drop from my quivering button.
Through the haze of my orgasm, I heard Kaley groan and saw that she had her legs up on the crib. She was sliding her fingers in and out of her pussy while working her clit when I saw her begin to shudder and she jerked forward. Her legs slammed down from my crib and she pressed her legs together as she came hard, her eyes clenched tightly and her lips pressed together as she shook.
My eyes began to droop and I realized I was suddenly tired, exhausted by my monumental orgasm and the late hour. It’s only 40 minutes past my bedtime, I shouldn’t be this tired… The buzzing of the plug fell silent as I turned half-lidded eyes back to the screen. Mommy was on her back now, too lost in rapture to hold herself up as Daddy gripped her by the chin and forced her to look at him as he tore into her. I saw her delirious smile as she looked up at him, the camera completely forgotten. My eyes drooped and I laid against teddy, hugging him tightly as I began to drift. The last thing I heard before the gray haze overwhelmed me was Mommy’s stuttered screaming. “Oh my god you’re so bi-I – I – igggggg!”
I am big mommy… I smiled weakly and suckled on my paci as I fell asleep to the lullaby of my wife’s satisfied moans. Mommy’s big boy.
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tbdlboy88 · 2 years
Navigate adultbabystories with Tags
There is a story for every occasion and for every mood.
If you’ll want to read the cute little short stories with adorable pictures, click on -
#Short ABS
If you’ll want to read the text-only, full, multi-part stories, there’s a specific tag to every story -
#Doctor’s orders ABS
#Wet Dreams ABS
#Stuck in VR ABS
#A Power Couple ABS
#Teddy ABS
If you’ll want to read an adorable ABDL short text, one page only, click on -
#One Page ABS
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tbdlboy88 · 2 years
Here’s more of my cute little friend being exposed for the little boy he is, enjoy :)
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tbdlboy88 · 2 years
What I Want
I want to be treated like a little boy.
I want you to help me pick out what to wear, and put on my clothes.
I want you to ask me if I have to potty, because little boys don’t always remember to stop when they’re playing.
I want you to ask me which superhero is on my underwear today, and wonder out loud whether they’ll have to fight the Evil Pee Monster.
I want you to check and make sure that my pants aren’t wet every so often.
I want you to gasp loudly and say, “uh-oh!” when you find I couldn’t stay dry.
I want you to take me by the hand to go change into something dryer, and more appropriate.
I want you to gently but firmly make me put on my pull-ups that you brought with against my protests.
I want you to reassure me that it’s ok to have accidents sometimes, that’s just what little boys do.
I want you to give me my paci to calm me down when I fuss about my new, thicker underwear.
I want you to help me take my pants off so you can check my pull-ups when we get home.
I want you to ask me when my pull-ups got wet ,and how, and why didn’t I say anything to you.
I want you to take me over your lap when I admit I didn’t even try to make it to the potty.
I want you to pull down my wet pull-ups and spank me while commenting on how disappointed you are that I don’t seem to care about not going pee pee in my pants.
I want you to hold me close, and gently rub my red bottom and tell me it’s ok while I cry softly into your chest.
I want you to stand up and tell me that it’s bedtime, and therefore diaper time.
I want you to drag me away while I protest that I don’t need diapers, and it’s still daylight outside.
I want you to ask me if I’ve already forgotten my sore bottom, since backtalk results in spankings.
I want you to lay me down on the diapers you laid out and powder and lotion my bottom.
I want you to tell me that I must be a very little boy indeed to still need diapers at my age.
I want you to ask me if I secretly wanted to be back in diapers when you see how turned on I’ve become.
I want you to tease me about my diapers getting wet during the night while you tape me securely into them.
I want you to give me my paci and cuddle me, and call me little one, and pat and rub my bottom while telling me that you don’t mind that I’m just a little boy, even when I’m naughty.
I want you to tell me that if I’m a good boy tonight and wet my diapers, maybe you’ll give me an extra special change only for really good boys in the morning.
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tbdlboy88 · 2 years
age ranges in littles
now obviously these aren’t applicable to all littles, and some of this list is a little more gendered towards boys because i am one and don’t have a lot of experience with girl littles or nb littles, but i tried my best. /)v(\
little traits:
👶🏻 one year old: -sometimes nonverbal, when verbal, usually a lot of non distinct sounds, or very basic words/baby talk -toilets and potty training are pretty much a definite no -typically wears diapers -hasn’t graduated to a sippy cup yet, so still uses a bottle -will eat solid foods, but nothing too big yet, mostly softer foods that tend to be sweeter -definitely needs a bib when eating regular food because they’re very messy -frustrated more easily -slightly more needy, and wants to be cuddled and held a lot more often -will play with basic learning toys like blocks or rings, and enjoys teething toys(depends on the little, though) -still uses a pacifier -crawls more than walks
🍼 two year old: -much more verbal, but much more babytalk rather than full words -sometimes a bit more bashful -will still use a bottle, but can switch between a sippy cup and bottle; they usually prefer softer mouthed sippy cups to the harder ones -mostly eating solid food, milk is more of a comfort food in a bottle now -still uses a pacifer often -may be starting to potty train, and switching more from diapers to pull ups; likely still wears diapers when sleeping -will put almost anything in their mouth -much more adventurous and playful; likely plays with more educational toys and has taken a slightly larger interest in tv, but too much or too loud hurts their little eyes and ears and they could get overstimulated -typically has a fascination and love for animals and the outdoors -walks more than crawls -may carry around a comfort item everywhere(teddy bear, blanket, paci, etc) -bottom wiggles
🍭 three years old: -definitely using the potty more often -less babytalk, more coherent sentences -might usually decline a bottle, and is adjusting to harder mouthed sippy cups, but probably still prefers softer ones -definitely still uses a pacifier -when using a bottle, sometimes it’s comfort or they’re not feeling too great -dinosaur chicken nuggets are a favorite, and they’re learning that they really don’t like their vegetables -definitely potty training at this point and not using diapers as much at all anymore; usually pullups and overnight diapers -loves games like hide and seek, and is learning tag -still fascinated by the outdoors and likely has a new love for animals -eating hard foods and soft foods, and likely enjoys chips, animal crackers, graham crackers, and different kinds of sweet dry foods -isn’t eating typical baby food as much if at all, but still won’t necessarily eat “adult” food, even if cut into tiny, bite size pieces -requires a lot of attention and a careful eye, because they can be mischievous
🍬 four years old: -doesn’t wear diapers anymore -may not use a pacifier as often -likely wears pullups as a security thing, but is in training pants and can usually stay dry -uses hard mouth or soft mouth sippy cups, and has said goodbye to the bottle(for the most part) -has a new love for tv and different kinds of games that require more coordination -likely loves car rides and trips, as well as trips to the zoo and aquarium, because animals -much more easily bored, but very energetic -likely still messes up on certain letters or words, and could have a slight lisp, but sentences make sense and there is much less babytalk, if any -might be getting more interested in dress up -more interested in art, but less coordinated(think finger painting and macaroni art) -has a stuffed animal collection -monsters in the closet are a common occurence now
👦🏻 five years old: -has likely developed a love for tea parties, imaginary friends, and superheroes and/or princesses -disney is very important to them -they’re likely learning how to read, and their speech is very well formed at this point -they’re definitely out of diapers and pull ups, and only occasionally have accidents, which usually upsets them greatly -rarely uses a pacifier -only uses hard mouthed sippy cups, and is graduating on to regular water bottles -fascinated by just about everything -is likely a picky eater, but not as picky as when they were younger -enjoys coloring -can sing along to literally every disney song, it’s kind of insane -loves candy, chocolates, and anything sweet -a lot more playful and mischievous -likely still requires a nap during the day -enjoys playing with cars and/or baby dolls
👧🏻 six years old: -accidents are almost unheard of -likely has begun to enjoy star wars, star trek, harry potter, or another child friendly fandom -watches a lot of cartoons -eats as much candy as possible when they can get away with it and always regrets it but keeps doing it -can be very naughty or very nice -hates being scolded with a passion -still loves disney -no babytalk, maybe a slight lisp, but sounds just like any other adult when speaking for the most part -might still watch shows geared towards younger groups -can read and do more complex puzzles -still fascinated by the world and loves car rides -pizza is a favorite food, but dino nuggets and mac and cheese are still high up there -mostly uses water bottles rather than sippy cups
🤖 seven/eight years old: -thinks they’re a lot bigger than they actually are -only use water bottles because anything else is “for babies” -watches less disney to seem cooler, likely -more interest in video games and consoles; likely has a 3ds and some games, or maybe a different console -knows a couple swears but wouldn’t dare say them -can sit through movies -loves star wars and superheroes and princesses a lot more -imaginary friends aren’t as common, neither are tea parties -enjoy light up sneakers -love forts and often think people of other genders around their little age, or other people in general have “cooties” -likely more athletic and willing to participate in sporty events -can endure longer car rides and shopping trips -rarely throws tantrums -significantly less clingy
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tbdlboy88 · 2 years
The Daddy's Compendium To Interacting With His ABDL Boy
An ongoing WIP project by Young'N'Rebellious!
I’ve divided the following into 4 categories - Ideas (To be split into Fun Ideas and Punishment Ideas), Activities, Things To Say (To be split into Positive/Reassuring Things and Not So Positive/Teasing Things), and Advice & General ABDL Info/Knowledge.
Feel free to comment anything you feel needs to be added or is missing! Hope this helps somebody as much as it has my own Daddy! I will update this Compendium as I add more stuff and make new revisions! :) Credit to friends, followers, life experiences, myself & personal ABDL experiences, and most notably amazing sources like ABDL Dad’s very well written blogs and like-wise materials!
IDEAS: * Stand outside the bathroom whenever your little one goes potty if he’s not padded at that time, then ask him if he made it in time and check to make sure he did before praising or scolding him accordingly! * Act like your boy is too big for diapers until he gives you a -reason- to put him back in Diapers, Pull-Ups, or Training Pants! * Often ask your boy if he has to go potty, or if he “already went.” Whether he’s diapered or not (more ESPECIALLY if he’s not…) Even better if you can get away with it in public, and -always- ask before or when going anywhere. * If he has to go, ask him how bad and if its an emergency. * Ask him whether he wants to try and be a big boy or to just use his diaper or “have an accident”, give him the choice to try and be a big boy, then go along with it, whether he decides to succeed or to fail at it. * Before you let your ABDL boy rush out the door, have him stop and then check his clothes carefully. Fix the belt on his jeans. Adjust his diaper so that it shows just slightly above the waist and then pull his shirt down carefully over it. Give him a kiss on the cheek and tell him how wonderful he is and how adorable he looks. * If your little guy can’t wear diapers in the day, have him carry a Pull-Ups in his back pack. He might complain that someone might see it or find it. Assure him no one will ever notice. He may never even look at it, but knowing that it’s close at hand will give him a sense of security. * Instead of regular underwear, surprise your little with a pair of training pants! * Slip a pacifier into your boy’s pocket on the way out the door, imagine the blush when he reaches into his pocket and finds it! * If your boy wears a watch, take some diaper tape and attach it around the band. Call him later in the day and ask what time it is. If anyone knows that it’s no ordinary tape it will be him – you’ll hear the smile right through the phone line. * Most important of all, when your boy gets home give him a super long hug. Then say “let’s get you changed”. Don’t turn it into a big production… just “let’s get you changed” is enough – it says that Sunday wasn’t some special day all its own and that even though there’s a whole world of things to do he’s always his daddy’s little boy no matter where they are or what they’re doing! * Punish your boy for having a potty mouth, not just for having potty pants (if even…) * Pretend potty-train your boy even if you know he’s gonna use his diaper and have Onpurpsidents anyways. * Change your boy’s diaper when it leaks whether he wants it changed or not, and if he puts up too much of a fuss put him on time out! * Find ways to subtly make your boy feel little in public, it always makes their cheeks turn so red and adorable! * Set a Bedtime even when he wants to talk or play. * Try to get him to do something “little” (like ride a carousel for example.) Or have him do 2 random sporadic things a day that a cub would do impulsively and reward the behavior. * Punish your boy for sticking his tongue out. * Make your boy sit on Time Out in the corner and think about what he did in his wet or messy diaper or clothing. (with consent) * Bounce your boy on your knee * Give you boy discrete Diaper checks in public * Whisper loving things into your boy’s ears * * * * * * * *
ACTIVITIES: * Read a story to your little! * Feed you boy a bottle of milk (Preferably warm, maybe sweetened too!) * Take him to a Park to play * Teach him how to do something new * Let him help with something (Cooking, Laundry, etc) * Snuggling! * Take your boy to the mall * Watch Childhood Movies and Cartoons with him. * Go see a Movie with him. * Play games with him. * Put a puzzle together with each other (Not one with too many pieces though, that’s too hard and the smaller piece may be choking hazards! ;P) * Color pictures together * Catch bugs together * Go Fishing together * Pretend Potty Training (Play along and encourage them, whether they decide to succeed or fail.) * Give your boy a bubble bath * Build a blanket fort together * Go Hiking in the woods * Take a camping trip and let your boy enjoy nature as a little, free of worries, and pants! * * * * * * * * * * *
THINGS TO SAY: * Call your boy names he likes that make him feel little, blush, or embarrass him. * Remind him how little he is! * Often remind him how little you -think- he is * Tell him how much he means to you! * Remind your little what he needs your help doing! * Randomly ask your boy if he has to go potty. * Ask your boy if he can hold it or if its an emergency * Randomly ask your boy if he had an accident, even if you know he didn’t. * “Let’s get you changed.” * “Be a big boy and hold it, or not, daddy wont tell anybody and will get you cleaned up/changed.” * “I swear to god if you poop your pants…” * “Did you poop your pants?” * “Come here, are you wet again already?” * “You purposely didn’t make it didn’t you?” * “Its okay, accidents happen! Let’s go get you cleaned up/Changed.” * “You’re not going to bed without a Diaper on!” * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
ADVICE & GENERAL ABDL INFO/KNOWLEDGE: * Kiss him on the forehead * Tickle him! * Blow raspberries on their tummy! * Tease your ABDL boy but not too much or too harshly. * Smile at your boy a lot * Give him reassurance * Pat and touch their diaper a lot * Establish your own set of rules and consequences for him. * Don’t make cracks about body hair, it ruins the immersion and fantasy! * Don’t let or make your boy dress himself, that’s Daddy’s job! * Try to let him choose his outfit, I know Daddy needs his fun too sometimes but freedom to be himself and comfortable is an important priority. * Let your boy sit in your lap or on your leg/knee. * Punish your boy when he’s naughty or bratty. Time Outs are a great and reliable alternative to Spankings. Little Boys HATE Time Outs. ;) * Be stern but don’t overdo it, show you still care about them and are loving! * Baby talk your boy but don’t overdo it, just make them feel loved and cared for. * Light touching and eye contact is important to intimacy. * Give your little guy a safe, trusting, and caring space in which to express his little side. * Make sure your boy knows what he did if he poops or pees his pants, it makes them feel so little! * Most ABDL have had a rocky background and are full of insecurities * Make sure your boy leaves padded so that he doesn’t have an accident in public! (Not a noticeable one anyways… accidents still happen.) * Hold onto him, don’t expect him to hold onto you, he’s the young boy, he’s the insecure one who need’s your loving embrace and reassurance! * Check on him during naps and maybe give his diaper seat a reassuring rub. * If you wake up at night for any reason, check on your boy and rub his diaper a little and check it before going back to bed. * Change your boy as frequently as needed, maybe more if he enjoys Diaper changes a lot! * Check your boy’s diaper constantly (At least twice an hour), whether he needs it or not, it makes him feel secure and cared for! It also Keeps him reminded of what a little boy he is for not being able (or choosing not to) to keep his diaper dry or clean. * -Always- get your little dressed/changed for bed and tuck him in! Make sure his plushie is in his arms and his paci is in his mouth! Don’t forget to check under the bed and in the closet for monsters! Check his diaper one last time, just for the heck of it, and if he’s already soggy, tease him a bit so he falls asleep feeling little. :) *It goes without saying that little boys always want to act like big boys even though they need you to help them feel little! Your little boy might Smoke, Drink, Vape, or be a recreational drug user. You are NOT the police, don’t act like it! Decide together what adult habits and vices you are okay with and which ones your little is allowed to have during “Little time”. People often can’t let these vices go no matter how regressed they become so keep that in mind, don’t make your little feel ashamed or self conscious and ruin his immersion/fantasy because of these vices. * A lot of littles like remaining wet or messy for some time, so there doesn’t need to be a rush to change them unless it goes against your personal preference, smells exceptionally ripe, or they ask! * Some littles even enjoy leaking, and wear their dark spots proudly as badges! * It’s not just the diaper that connects him to you. There’s something incredibly powerful and special about being in his diapers, and it is an explicit and needed connection in his relationship to you. * Little boys like to try to be big boys and not tell you when they have to go potty, and they might end up having an accident. When they do, do not scold them but tell them you are proud of them for trying to be a big boy and then change their clothes and clean them up and if possible, put them in a clean Diaper! * Make diaper changes significant; don’t be a robot! Changing a diaper becomes like riding a bike at some point, but that doesn’t mean a Daddy should abstain from talking to their little, teasing them, or letting them help by holding the wipes (careful with giving them the powder though!) * Make eye contact and smile during diaper changes, this makes your boy feel reassured and safe, and reminds him you care and want to get him all cleaned up. * Sometimes little boys have accidents in their big boy pants around the house. If the carpet or furniture gets wet, don’t be angry with your boy! (Unless he did it on purpose!) Remind him that he was a good boy for trying to hold it like a big boy. After you change him, just wipe up or dab the wet spot with a clean damp towel and turn a fan on in the room. The wet spot from his accident will air dry overnight and the moving air from the fan will prevent the area from smelling like a urinal/bathroom. * Do not display unsettledness over furniture or floors, you don’t want your little to feel like you’re prioritizing a couch or strip of fabric before him and his emotional/core needs… * Diapers were not designed to be soaked. No matter WHAT a daddy does he should never get angry at his son for a wet couch, carpet, or clothes. A boy should know that it’s safe and right to use his diapers in what ever way he needs to, and creating any shame around leaks will will make it tougher for the little guy to feel that he belongs in his diapers or might make him nervous to use them.YOU should have asked him if he had to pee and if so how much. And YOU should have known how wet he already was, It’s not his fault so bare no anger. * When cleaning ups leaks, place paper towels over the wet spots before smiling warmly and taking your little to change and THEN wipe or dab up the wet spot all the way and let it air dry! You don’t want your little to feel as though you’re more worried about a couch or rug than them, that can easily make a little feel less important and self conscious. * Sometimes, a wet spot on his bum while in public might be a little embarrassing, but daddy should both provide reassurance and have back-up plans in place – a sweater wrapped around the boy’s waist if it’s serious, a reassuring pat on the shoulder and diapered bum for those “maybe people will notice or maybe not” moments, and a spare pair of shorts or jeans in the diaper bag if it’s a longer day out. * Whenever you take your baby boy anywhere, always bring a bag or backpack with 2 spare sets of clothes and at least 2 fresh diapers, a spare pair of shorts or jeans, as well as wipes, clean hand towels, and powder! You should be ready to discreetly change your little boy anywhere at any time. Even if you don’t use the travel bag, he gains reassurance and feels more little just from you having it around! * Moderation is key, drowning a little in affection all the time can tend to become a chore for both of you after a while, but everyone has their personal limit! * Make sure your boy has his Paci or Stuffy during diaper changes! Or at the very least ask them where they are. * Your boy has a literal list of Core Needs that need to be met. Its both of your job to find out what they are and how to meet them! *If more needs are going unmet than are being met it can affect them negatively emotionally, causing depression, anxiety, or even turning the relationship toxic. * Part-Time Daddies with family, friends, and jobs have it rough! Most ABDL boys long for a full time, living together companion who can be there day and night to respond to their mood shifts and needs as they go in and out of phases and different emotions. Not someone for whom they are their “secret life”, but someone for whom they ARE their life, an equal partner, without shame, secrecy or the closet. Someone with whom they can set them self free with and truly be them self with 24/7/365. Someone who brings out their favorite things about them self and isn’t ashamed of those things. * Not every day will be a walk in the park. If every day was the same or predictable, that would be the same as flat-lining. Hiccups are a sign life; Disagreements happen, fights are a thing, and growing pains are common. Never forget that beyond all these roles are two human beings trying to grow closer. Always keep adventuring and be open to experimenting & experiencing. -Always- keep communicating. The goal should be to integrate the daddy/little dynamic into your life together. Trust in yourselves to find a balance that works for both of you! * Remember that being in a relationship with a Little is as valid and meaningful as any other type of relationship. The Daddy not only has to be the keeper of ALL of his boy’s needs, but also treat him with the unconditional love, respect, and trust as you would -any- relationship. * Remember the ABDL community is a small one, and your Little Boy may want to have other Little friends, as well as other older friends. Remember not every relationship MUST be monogamous to be healthy. Talk honestly with your Little Boy to learn each other’s boundaries regarding interacting with other Littles or Adults. Work together to decide what is right for YOUR relationship, be flexible, never judgmental, and always love your little unconditionally. Remember wherever he might go play and no matter what he will -always- love you the most and come back to be with you! * If your living situation is such that you don’t have your Little Boy living WITH you, remember that even out on his own doing every day adult things, that he still needs to know you are his Daddy and you love him and are there for him! Make a plan with your Little Boy on days you aren’t together to be in touch by voice or text or IM in the morning, at mid day, and at night. Make a schedule that works for you both. NEVER go to sleep for the night without having talked with him, and sleep with your ringers on. ALWAYS be reachable for each other! * * *
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tbdlboy88 · 2 years
Morning Revelation
It’s been six months since I forced my husband to wear diapers to bed. Three months since I dressed him up in onesies and gave him his night teddy bear. One month since he started to wake up wet, having accidents in his sleep. But lately, something different is happening.
Sometimes it happens after I get up, sometimes when I’m still in bed. I see him waking up slowly, half-asleep even, turning into his stomach and starting to hump his wet diaper. I know he likes to cum in his diapers from time to time, mainly around sex, but his recent behavior is deeper than just sex. He developed a need, a need to hump his morning diaper, it doesn’t matter if I’m there or not. He starts slowly, still with his eyes closed. Going back and forth, picking up the pace. The quiet room filled with muffled crinkles. He does it until he makes a cute little noise, tired and content, he stops and goes back to bed for a little while.
Today I got up early and made myself a cup of coffee. I came back to see if my husband got up, but he was still lying there, sleeping. Wearing his adorable cars onesie, still sucking his pacifier and holding his teddy. I love him so much, but I can’t see him as a man anymore, he is just my baby boy.
Like every morning lately, he starts with humping away his diaper. We used to have morning sex, but now he has his diaper and I have an idea. I came closer to the bed and kneeled next to his side. I put one hand over his lower back, the other on his head, playing with his hair. I gave his lower back small pushes, setting a rhythm. I played with the tips of his hair, caressing his ear. 
“That’s my good boy. Good morning. Does my baby like his morning diaper?” I asked silently. He nodded while making noises from sucking his pacifier, still with his eyes closed.
“Good. Do you like being my baby?”
The pace picked up as I asked and he nodded again. I let him go at it for another minute, while I was stroking his body.
“I know you feel like a baby and I feel the same way about you, you are nothing more than a baby, my baby”
He didn’t need my help anymore with his lower back, he was thrusting while holding his teddy bear closer.
“Now that I got you as a baby in my life, I need a real man with me. A man who wants real sex and not to hump his little peepee to his wet dippy” I whispered into his ear.
“Do it baby, make love to your wet diaper while I’ll look for a new daddy” I said and gave his diaper a little spank.
“YYYEEEAAAAHHHHHHHHHH” He shouted while his body tensed and exploded in his diaper.
I got up on my feet, looking at him from above.
He was catching his breath through the pacifier’s mouthguard. He didn’t dare to look at me, I was sensing he was confused.
We never talked about opening our marriage, but he was just a baby and I needed a man. Apparently, I’m not the only one who needed a real man, because I think he liked the idea of having a new daddy. I turned around, walked away, knowing he was looking at me, dazzled and embarrassed by what had just happened.
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tbdlboy88 · 2 years
Nanny’s Notes: The ‘Clothespin’ Method (A Diaper Punishment Technique)
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Nanny’s Notes: The ‘Clothespin’ Method — A Diaper Punishment Technique
Disclaimer: The following post contains adult content and is intended only for adult readers over the age of 18. It is entirely fictional and has been written and shared for entertainment purposes only. All events, scenarios and characters described are pure fantasy. Nothing is to be construed as actual medical or practical advice. All characters described are roleplaying, consenting adults over the age of 18+. As a friendly reminder, all non-fictional BDSM fantasy role-play should always and only be performed safely in the context of fully informed and consenting adults.
Have you ever found yourself babysitting one of your ‘little’ ones, and found yourself becoming irked by their eagerness or impatience to be changed out of their soggy or messy diapers?
I have.
After all, so much of what’s delightful about regressing and humiliating a little one with a regimen of ongoing diaper punishment, is forcing them to experience the true, authentic, infantile embarrassment and shame of wearing and filling their diapers like a naughty toddler, despite being an adult.
And a key part of that experience I seek to impose on my naughty little ones is the genuine helplessness that comes with them filling their diapers and being forced to waddle around in their soggy (even poopy!) diaper mess, until their caregiver decides to grace them with a diaper change.
Therefore, I’ve outlined three methods below which I recommend to fellow caregivers to help them better successfully impose the unique ‘double-punishment’ of diaper punishment—that is forcing your charge to not only use their diapers, but fully experience the infantile helplessness of toddling around in their shameful, messy diaper, waiting to be changed.
The first two methods are more straightforward, but it’s the third method—the one undoubtedly the most devious and novel of the three—that has most inspired me to share these notes today.
1) The ‘Spontaneous Check’ Method
The first method is the most straightforward and routine. It is often recommended as the first ‘go-to’ method of diaper-change-restriction in diaper-punishment / forced-regression punishment regimens.
The basics of the method can be described thusly:
— The charge is never permitted to ask for a diaper change for any reason, at any time, no matter what.
— Instead, like a baby, they must be organically ‘checked’ and properly ‘discovered’ to be wet or messy by their caregiver.
— It is then solely at the discretion of the caregiver if and when to change them.
Of course, any unauthorized requests for a diaper change on behalf of a charge to their caregiver must necessarily be met with the most severe of discipline.
Through this method, the charge grows to learn and internalize the infantile helplessness of knowing that when their diaper is changed is never up to them in any way, shape or form—no matter how soggy, messy, stinky, embarrassing, uncomfortable or otherwise their diaper is for them.
2) The ‘Timer’ Method
A second, slightly more involved method, is one I term ‘The Timer Method’.
It’s applicable to caregivers who may still wish for their charge to exert some responsibility about alerting their caregiver to when they need a change, while also still implementing a systematized sense of humiliating helplessness for the little about the state of their messy diaper.
The basics of this method can be described as the following:
— Every time the charge reports to their caregiver to inform them that they are in need of a diaper change, the caregiver starts a secret timer randomly set between 1 and 60 minutes. The timer and the amount of time set is to only be visible to the caregiver, never to the charge.
— The caregiver then tells their little (after checking and teasing them about their messy diaper) that they will change them ‘soon’, and in the meantime, the little should ‘go play.’ 
— The caregiver will then wait for the hidden, randomly-set timer to finish counting down before approaching their little one again for their change.
For the charge, they will experience the unique sense of frustration and helplessness of not knowing if they’ll be sitting in their poopy mess for one more minute… or one more hour.
Just imagine the look on your little one’s face, when after 20 minutes of anxiously trying to avoid sitting in the poopy mess in the back of their diaper, they finally give up and suffer the embarrassment of sitting and smushing in it anyway. Only to find out just another minute later that their caregiver was just about to finally change them!
Both the routine nature of the imposed diaper change denial period—combined with the random nature of the exact amount of time imposed—will impress a consistent sense of humiliation and helplessness, reinforced when it comes to every single one of your little’s diaper changes.
After all, they will always be forced to wait some duration of time not controlled or known by them. Your little one will be forced to come to terms with the fact that the only thing they know… is that they don’t know. 
In response, they will grow to internalize an authentic sense of ongoing helplessness about the state of their soggy or messy diapers. Thus, constantly psychologically reinforcing their status to them as the pathetic, stinky, diaper-messing baby who is totally dependent on their caregiver.
One more note on the above described method:
Under such a regimen, the caregiver must of course be vigilant for any attempts on behalf of the charge to ‘cheat’ the system by reporting for a diaper change prior to actually needing one, then choosing to use their diaper just before their actual change, in order to avoid actually being subjugated to a random duration of waddling about in their shameful mess.
To prevent this, it’s important that the caregiver accurately check the state of the charge’s diaper before starting the random, hidden timer.
If the charge is requesting a change before actually needing one, it’s important they immediately be subjected to a firm round of severe discipline to nip such deceitful behavior in the bud. 
For example, you might punish them with an extra large, soapy enema, force them to release it in the very diaper they said was already full, and then require them to sit in their filth for an extra long time out.
That way, you can explain to them with a smirk, “Now you know what a full diaper really feels like, you naughty little stinker!”
3) The ‘Clothespin’ Method
The third and final method that I am excited to share with you today is the one that most inspired me to write this post. I call it… The Clothespin Method.
(Warning: This method airs on the more… devious side. It’s not for everyone. 😉)
I have come to appreciate this particular method the most out of the above three because it provides something unique for a dominating caregiver that the other two methods don’t…
That is, it has the ability to inspire in your little one a genuine, baby-like desire to avoid having their diaper changed, no matter how uncomfortably wet or messy they currently are.
After all, could there be anything more cute than a little one under your care suddenly deliberately hiding and trying to avoid you ‘discovering’ their need for a change?
Is there anything more infantilizing that you can picture for your diapered charge, than for them to now be regularly sneaking off to the corner, making a ‘naughty stinky’, and genuinely trying to hide what they did in their pants afterwards like an actual toddler?
Just picture the way their face will turn red when you suddenly sniff the air nearby and loudly announce, “Uh-oh! I think I smell a stinky diaper! Does my little one need a change? Does my little one have a poopy diaper?”
Only for them to respond by insisting they don’t need a change! For them to be suddenly begging and fussing not to be changed out of their stinky mess!
And you’ll smirk as you approach them, pat their naughty, poopy butt, and lightly scold them for being such a naughty baby, trying to pretend they didn’t make a big mess.
Can you think of any behavior more exquisitely infantilizing? More divinely babyish?
I can’t either!
But how do you inspire such an authentic response from your charge?
How do you get them to genuinely seek to try to avoid diaper changes, no matter how messy they are?
After all, your charge is an adult, who no doubt not only resents being forced to wear diapers in the first place, but is certainly eager to escape their humiliating, mushy mess whenever they’re forced to make one.
The solution: The caregiver must institute a consistent practice of deliberately making their submissive’s diaper changes highly unpleasant for them.
In fact, in order to successfully inspire the authentic ‘change avoidance behavior’ described above, diaper changes must become so consistently unpleasant for your charge, that they begin organically trying to avoid them—even when it means them suffering the shame of waddling around in their poopy mess instead!
However, attempting to implement such a thing raises a catch-22 for the caregiver.
For the caregiver, a diaper change should still be defined by the essential, babyish elements that we caregivers love giving them for: The little propped up on the soft diaper changing table, the cool wipes cleaning their most sensitive parts, the essentially nurturing nature of the caregiving act itself.
After all, we caregivers revel in our little one’s humiliation at being tended to in such an intimate, infantilizing way.
So, how do we consistently and easily make our charge’s discomfort level sky-high, without also disturbing the essential nurturing nature of the diaper change process itself?
The answer lies in the simple brilliance of…
The Clothespin Method. The method is actually quite simple to implement, really.
All it requires you do is the following:
— Every time you lay your charge back for their diaper change… Snap a clothespin on their nipple for the duration of the change.
— Or perhaps two clothespins, one for each nipple.
— Or perhaps three, or four, or five, all placed anywhere their skin is sensitive.
Be creative! What is wonderful about this method is how easy it is to adapt to your specific situation, and you can use however many clothespins it takes to inspire the desired level of discomfort on behalf of your charge!
(By the way, most will find that just one clothespin is plenty, trust me.)
And that’s it!
How and why does this work?
Because the regularly applied clothespins immediately make diaper changes so unpleasant for your charge, they will begin actively avoiding them, no matter how badly they need one.
The second you first snap a clothespin on your little one’s nipple, they will instantly discover, that despite their incredibly innocent appearance, the pinching sensation the clothespin inflicts is exquisitely painful and unpleasant!
As a tool, clothespins have numerous specific advantages when it comes to regularly inflicting a desired level of temporary discomfort for your sub:
The pain the clothespins inflict is inherently superficial. (It’s highly unlikely they will result in any serious damage to a charge’s skin, so long as they are only left on for a short duration, and the skin is monitored and not broken.)
They are easy to adjust to the desired and appropriate pain threshold. (Less skin getting pinched is generally more painful. They are even easy to apply to your own skin on your own time to help you get a handle on how to best use them for your desired effect.) 
As an implement, the clothespins are very quick and easy for a caregiver to consistently implement during every diaper change. (As opposed to say, a spanking, which would require much more time and physical effort to perform at every change. Every tool has its place. 😉)
And clothespins are so innocuous and lightweight, they are easy to always carry with you in a diaper bag to implement for even public changes. (Again opposed to something like a spanking, which would be inherently more difficult to accomplish in a semi-public setting, such as a public restroom.)
And once again, despite their innocent appearance and lack of lasting damage, you’ll find that clothespins pack a serious punch for your submissive!
Within seconds after they first feel their pinch, your submissive will be squealing in disbelief that something so innocent looking could be so evil!
(For added effect, I highly recommend you buy some special, extra-cute, nursery-themed clothespins, like little ducky shaped ones! Or bright pink and baby blue ones! Won’t that be an extra humiliating thing for your submissive to regularly succumb to tears from?)
At first, during every diaper change, your little will no doubt scream and fuss and cry at the top of their lungs for you to take your evil little friends off of them. (At the start, you’ll no doubt have to also keep their hands and body tightly restrained to the table for the duration of their changes.)
But you won’t take them off.
Because you’re their caregiver, and you know what’s best!
They’ll soon come to dread your evil little clothespin friends with every fiber of their being. And in turn, they’ll grow to dread their diaper changes, knowing that’s when your evil little clothespin friends always come out to play.
(Which is not to say you shouldn’t ever take the clothespins out otherwise! For example, you might be inspired to start keeping the clothespins pinned to the hem of your dress or atop your apron—a constant visible reminder to your naughty little one that they best always be on their best behavior!)
And of course, your charge will likely scream and beg for you to tell them why. Why you’ve begun pinching them with your cruel little friends at every diaper change.
“Mommy!” They’ll fuss through teary eyes. “Why do I have to always get the clothespins during diapee changes, now?”
And if you’d like, you might respond with something like…
“Well, little one, Mommy’s clothespin friends are part of your punishment for still pooping your diapers, despite how old you are. This is a way for Mommy to remind you, that just because you poop and pee your diapees like a baby, and you still need Mommy to change your diapees like a baby, you still don’t deserve to be as comfortable as a baby when you’re getting changed. Instead, you deserve to always be a little punished for still being such a big baby at your age.”
Or, perhaps another explanation you might like…
“Well, honey, Mommy puts her little clothespin friends on you now because she saw you get a hard peepee the other day. I think that means you’re enjoying your diapee changes with Mommy a little too much, so to make sure you remember your place and stay a good baby, Mommy is going to keep putting these little reminder clothespins on you during every change to help make sure you remember to keep always being a good little baby during your diapee changes.”
And of course, alternatively, you can always just choose to simply give no explanation at all!
That is, despite implementing them at every change, never explain the reason for the clothespins to them. Don’t ever even address or hear their questions about them at all!
After all, you’re the one in charge! You don’t have to explain anything to them you don’t feel like explaining.
This will serve as a fantastically effective reminder to your little one that you’re the adult, they’re the baby, and the only thing they ever need to know is that you’re in charge, no matter what!
Whether you choose to give any sort of explanation or not, the clothespins will soon drive your sub mad with an overpowering sense of helplessness and embarrassment that they’re now terrified of their diaper changes. 
You’ll be amazed at how soon their behavior around having their diaper changed resembles that of a real, fussy toddler!
They’ll start quietly hiding from you in the corner when they know their soggy diaper is due for a change.
When playing with toys with their friends, they’ll frantically try to just continue playing, despite having just dropped a huge load in their pants, out of fear of you discovering their accident.
And they might even start fussing and screaming and crying every time you want to change their diaper—no matter how poopy they are—giving you the authentic feeling of chasing down a naughty little one who’s even too much of a baby to even want to get changed out of their squishy messes!
And you’ll giggle and laugh and tease them for being such a baby who loves their diapers, they don’t even want to get changed out of their soggy, poopy messes! 
And you’ll love every minute of their humiliating, infantilizing, diaper-dependent regression, because it all reinforces your total power over them, and makes it crystal clear for you and them and all the rest of the world…
They are your Little.
And you are their Big.
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Nanny Chloe
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tbdlboy88 · 2 years
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After playing with my new construction vehicles I was pretty tired, so I was sent to bed.
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tbdlboy88 · 2 years
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tbdlboy88 · 3 years
My adult baby bukkake
By now I became daddy’s little boy and accepted my role in the house. Nothing was forced on me anymore, I just took it all. I had no resistance in me anymore, not physical nor emotional. I got used to being changed whenever and wherever. Daddy only talks to me like I’m a little boy, not a man. Baby boy’s routine became my routine, and the routine turned me into a baby boy.
Daddy used me however he wanted. Taking my paci out of my mouth and sticking his big one. Spanking me for acting bigger than my appropriate age until I cried. Sometimes even ripping my soak diaper in the middle of the night and fucking me to the nightlight’s light over my giant crib.
The first time he’d let one of his friends use me, I tried to protest, but I got a time out, then spanked so hard I begged daddy for his friend’s dick. I felt so humiliated when I was sent to my crib early that evening. Crying into my pillow while daddy and his friend watched the news in the living room. Then one night while I played with my toys in my room, I heard a group of people coming into the house. I was so ashamed to get out of my room. Letting so many men seeing me like that wasn’t a thing I wanted, but when daddy opened the room’s door wide open, I already knew I had no choice. He changed me into a thick diaper and a romper, clipped a paci to it and stuck it back to my mouth. Daddy put his hand on my back and pushed me outside. In the living room, there were ten men. Most older than me but some younger. Some fit guys and some chubs. Some had a smile when they saw me, some just a grind. Daddy told me to crawl to the playpen in the middle of the room, as I was complied to do. Sitting in the playpen, ten horny men around me were touching themselves. I saw my favorite teddy bear sitting in front of me. I grew a special connection to this teddy over time and took him to my side, which made the men even more aroused. Some of them took their cocks out and came closer to me all around. Some of the men drank from bottles of beer, some glasses of whisky, few smoked cigarettes. The room got filled with smells of alcohol, smoke, a man musk. One of the cocks was so close to me, my mouth got open almost automatically and my paci fell out. Daddy came from my back and put it back, saying “No tasting, only touching” as he grabbed my two hands and put it over the man’s cock. I began to massage it as it grew hard. One man after another they came for my hands to touch their cocks. They loved it and kept on masturbating after I squeezed their raging boners.
Daddy came again, took my teddy bear, laid him on the floor, and said “You are going to lay down over teddy, and hump it until I tell you to”. As he helped me in the not so big playpen to my stomach, he pulled the romper straps down, leaving my back naked.
My diaper was wet, so humping was easy. I got used to humping my diaper. But it was usually alone in my crib, not in a living room full of men above me. I started to hump my diaper as I heard the men moan above me. From behind the playpen bars, I saw that one of the men put his beer bottle down. I kept on humping when I saw cigarette ashes fall to the floor. Daddy was asking one of them if he wanted more whisky. I don’t know how to describe it, but my penis got stiff. I was thrusting and thrusting as the men’s moans got louder. They loved me and I loved myself. I was daddy’s baby, he was proud of me, he was showing me off to his friends. I humped and humped faster and faster until I heard a great moan and felt something hot hitting my back. Suddenly time stood still and a split second became a minute. I felt the cum sticking to my back, the pacifier in my mouth, my stiffy in my wet diaper, and the playpen bars around me. Time got back to normal and I thrust even faster, then a second man came all over me, this time hitting my neck. Again time froze, and I felt the warmth of the cum on my neck and the warmth of my diaper around my penis. After the second time, the time came back to its normal pace, but a minute later a rain of cum rained over me. The men moaned and screamed, letting their manhood all over me. They wanted me, they chose me, they marked me. My back, my head, my puffed padded butt, my toys, my playpen, my little teddy friend. Hot steamy cum was all over. With the smell of cum and drool from my paci gag, I got into ecstasy and humped my diaper like crazy.
I heard one of daddy’s friends saying to him “You’re so lucky to have a baby boy like him”. When I heard it, I came into my diaper so hard, it was the best orgasm I’d ever had.
Still sucking my paci, I laid my head over my sticky teddy bear, finally understanding why daddy turned me from a man to a baby boy.
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tbdlboy88 · 3 years
What is a little boy?
1. A little boy is someone who goes from “Mommy I’m tired” to “No I won’t sleep you can’t make me Mommy!” In about 33 seconds. 2. A little boy refuses to drink anything except for apple juice and milk. 3. A little boy plays with the household cats and gets disappointed when they walk away (like all cats do.) 4. A little boy won’t tell you what he wants for dinner but either agrees with what mommy picks, or disagrees with everything until Dino nuggets and macaroni and cheese is suggested. 5. A little boy refuses to go anywhere without his stuffed mouse. (Named Mousey or Cheezer.) 6. A little boy will always complain there is never enough blankets. Ever. 7. A little boy will flop himself across your lap or sit on it randomly, expecting back rubs and cuddles. 8. A little boy will always pick a bubble bath over a shower. 9. But no bubble bath is complete without his rubber duckies. 10. He also might complain that you got shampoo in his eyes (even if you didn’t) just to get kisses. 11. He will randomly fall asleep everywhere, while coloring on the floor, eating dinner, on mommy’s lap, everywhere. 12. He will want to wear mommy’s socks, tshirts, pajama pants etc because they are cooler than his own. 13. He is too shy to ask for that new stuffie or toy in the store but you can see in his eyes he wants it so…he gets a new toy. 14. A little boy will refuse to go to doctors appointments without mommy because they are too scary. 15. He will probably ask for ice cream afterwards and mommy will give in because he was a good boy even though he hates the doctor. 16. A little boy will ask for trips to the zoo very frequently to see the giraffes. And then want to visit Africa to go see more giraffes. 17. He will probably then ask why there isn’t a giraffe Pokemon, and mommy will tell him that there is and it’s called girafarig. 18. There will be so many days of watching nothing but Winnie the Pooh. 19. Sometimes it will be so sad to see him cry because of anxiety and depression and other things, that’s when he needs mommy the most. 20. Mommy better never get tired of cuddles because they will be happening CONSTANTLY. 21. When there is a shortage of tacos in the house, it is a disaster and we must run to Taco Bell to make sure the shortage is just in our house, not the entire world. 22. Taking medicine at night is an hour long process sometimes. “I don’t want to, mommy!” 23. Little boys have this way of pouting that makes you falter in being stern with them and just hug them instead. 24. Because of 23 you can’t stay mad at them for very long. 25. The question of “Why mommy?” Is repeatedly asked when a little boy doesn’t want to do something. 26. “But, mommyyyyyyy.” 27. Always always ALWAYS have a paci nearby. You never know when your little boy will want it. 28. Some nights he will want to sleep in pajamas, some nights he will refuse so he will be naked. 29. A little boy requires lots of body rubs, important spots are his back, butt, shoulders, arms, head/hair, and tummy. 30. You will have to keep the closet door open at all times to show there are no monsters in it. (Also might not be a good idea to watch Monsters. Inc) 31. Sometimes nightmares will wake him up and he needs to be cuddled and reassured he’s safe before he can sleep again. 32. You may have to watch Big Hero 6 several times in one day. 33. Getting your little boy to sit still can be impossible. (And mommy is the one who has ADHD…) 34. Some days your little boy will be so sad he can’t even get out of bed. Make sure he knows he’s loved, make sure he eats, a bath or shower can wait, make sure he goes potty, and wrap him in lots of blankets and have a movie marathon. Also cuddles. 35. Never. Yell. At. Him. If he does something to upset you, take a few minutes to breathe and calm yourself down, and calmly explain why you got upset. 36. He will probably want to sit on your lap during dinnertime. 37. The best way to get rid of your little boy’s pouty lip is to kiss it and tickle him. 38. No matter how much he tries to convince you, chocolate ice cream is not an acceptable breakfast. 39. A little boy is quite the little rascal sometimes, be patient with him. 40. His hair will get poofy and tangled and everywhere, make sure to brush it at least twice a day. (P.S. He loves when you brush it so he might mess it up on purpose.) 41. “Baby it is 3 in the morning, go to sleep please.” 42. Having a little boy is the most amazing thing in the world. Be patient, understanding, loving, give him all the attention in the universe. 💜
(Mommy can be substituted with Daddy for DDLB)
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tbdlboy88 · 3 years
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When I’m a naughty boy I get punished :(  Today I disobeyed daddy @abdaddyffm so he said I should put my pj’s on and I’ll get a spanking before bedtime. So I have to wear my pj all day :/ 
During dinner I got more and more nervous. After clearing the table he said “Now it’s time for your spanking!” and he took my hand and led me to the bedroom. I had to stand in front of him so he could lower my pants and diaper.
Then I had to lay down on his knee. He took my hand so I couldn’t protect my butt. At first he hit me slowly and not too hard until my butt was lightly red. When I started struggeling he put his leg over my legs so I couldn’t move and he hit me faster and harder until I started crying. Finally I had to bend over the blanket and daddy used a cane on my butt until I had several red welts and I cried like a baby :(
When he thought that I’d learned my lesson I had to stand in a corner so that I could think about why I shouldn’t disobey him and after 30 minutes I was sent to bed.
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tbdlboy88 · 3 years
The Daddy's Compendium To Interacting With His ABDL Boy
An ongoing WIP project by Young'N'Rebellious!
I’ve divided the following into 4 categories - Ideas (To be split into Fun Ideas and Punishment Ideas), Activities, Things To Say (To be split into Positive/Reassuring Things and Not So Positive/Teasing Things), and Advice & General ABDL Info/Knowledge.
Feel free to comment anything you feel needs to be added or is missing! Hope this helps somebody as much as it has my own Daddy! I will update this Compendium as I add more stuff and make new revisions! :) Credit to friends, followers, life experiences, myself & personal ABDL experiences, and most notably amazing sources like ABDL Dad’s very well written blogs and like-wise materials!
IDEAS: * Stand outside the bathroom whenever your little one goes potty if he’s not padded at that time, then ask him if he made it in time and check to make sure he did before praising or scolding him accordingly! * Act like your boy is too big for diapers until he gives you a -reason- to put him back in Diapers, Pull-Ups, or Training Pants! * Often ask your boy if he has to go potty, or if he “already went.” Whether he’s diapered or not (more ESPECIALLY if he’s not…) Even better if you can get away with it in public, and -always- ask before or when going anywhere. * If he has to go, ask him how bad and if its an emergency. * Ask him whether he wants to try and be a big boy or to just use his diaper or “have an accident”, give him the choice to try and be a big boy, then go along with it, whether he decides to succeed or to fail at it. * Before you let your ABDL boy rush out the door, have him stop and then check his clothes carefully. Fix the belt on his jeans. Adjust his diaper so that it shows just slightly above the waist and then pull his shirt down carefully over it. Give him a kiss on the cheek and tell him how wonderful he is and how adorable he looks. * If your little guy can’t wear diapers in the day, have him carry a Pull-Ups in his back pack. He might complain that someone might see it or find it. Assure him no one will ever notice. He may never even look at it, but knowing that it’s close at hand will give him a sense of security. * Instead of regular underwear, surprise your little with a pair of training pants! * Slip a pacifier into your boy’s pocket on the way out the door, imagine the blush when he reaches into his pocket and finds it! * If your boy wears a watch, take some diaper tape and attach it around the band. Call him later in the day and ask what time it is. If anyone knows that it’s no ordinary tape it will be him – you’ll hear the smile right through the phone line. * Most important of all, when your boy gets home give him a super long hug. Then say “let’s get you changed”. Don’t turn it into a big production… just “let’s get you changed” is enough – it says that Sunday wasn’t some special day all its own and that even though there’s a whole world of things to do he’s always his daddy’s little boy no matter where they are or what they’re doing! * Punish your boy for having a potty mouth, not just for having potty pants (if even…) * Pretend potty-train your boy even if you know he’s gonna use his diaper and have Onpurpsidents anyways. * Change your boy’s diaper when it leaks whether he wants it changed or not, and if he puts up too much of a fuss put him on time out! * Find ways to subtly make your boy feel little in public, it always makes their cheeks turn so red and adorable! * Set a Bedtime even when he wants to talk or play. * Try to get him to do something “little” (like ride a carousel for example.) Or have him do 2 random sporadic things a day that a cub would do impulsively and reward the behavior. * Punish your boy for sticking his tongue out. * Make your boy sit on Time Out in the corner and think about what he did in his wet or messy diaper or clothing. (with consent) * Bounce your boy on your knee * Give you boy discrete Diaper checks in public * Whisper loving things into your boy’s ears * * * * * * * *
ACTIVITIES: * Read a story to your little! * Feed you boy a bottle of milk (Preferably warm, maybe sweetened too!) * Take him to a Park to play * Teach him how to do something new * Let him help with something (Cooking, Laundry, etc) * Snuggling! * Take your boy to the mall * Watch Childhood Movies and Cartoons with him. * Go see a Movie with him. * Play games with him. * Put a puzzle together with each other (Not one with too many pieces though, that’s too hard and the smaller piece may be choking hazards! ;P) * Color pictures together * Catch bugs together * Go Fishing together * Pretend Potty Training (Play along and encourage them, whether they decide to succeed or fail.) * Give your boy a bubble bath * Build a blanket fort together * Go Hiking in the woods * Take a camping trip and let your boy enjoy nature as a little, free of worries, and pants! * * * * * * * * * * *
THINGS TO SAY: * Call your boy names he likes that make him feel little, blush, or embarrass him. * Remind him how little he is! * Often remind him how little you -think- he is * Tell him how much he means to you! * Remind your little what he needs your help doing! * Randomly ask your boy if he has to go potty. * Ask your boy if he can hold it or if its an emergency * Randomly ask your boy if he had an accident, even if you know he didn’t. * “Let’s get you changed.” * “Be a big boy and hold it, or not, daddy wont tell anybody and will get you cleaned up/changed.” * “I swear to god if you poop your pants…” * “Did you poop your pants?” * “Come here, are you wet again already?” * “You purposely didn’t make it didn’t you?” * “Its okay, accidents happen! Let’s go get you cleaned up/Changed.” * “You’re not going to bed without a Diaper on!” * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
ADVICE & GENERAL ABDL INFO/KNOWLEDGE: * Kiss him on the forehead * Tickle him! * Blow raspberries on their tummy! * Tease your ABDL boy but not too much or too harshly. * Smile at your boy a lot * Give him reassurance * Pat and touch their diaper a lot * Establish your own set of rules and consequences for him. * Don’t make cracks about body hair, it ruins the immersion and fantasy! * Don’t let or make your boy dress himself, that’s Daddy’s job! * Try to let him choose his outfit, I know Daddy needs his fun too sometimes but freedom to be himself and comfortable is an important priority. * Let your boy sit in your lap or on your leg/knee. * Punish your boy when he’s naughty or bratty. Time Outs are a great and reliable alternative to Spankings. Little Boys HATE Time Outs. ;) * Be stern but don’t overdo it, show you still care about them and are loving! * Baby talk your boy but don’t overdo it, just make them feel loved and cared for. * Light touching and eye contact is important to intimacy. * Give your little guy a safe, trusting, and caring space in which to express his little side. * Make sure your boy knows what he did if he poops or pees his pants, it makes them feel so little! * Most ABDL have had a rocky background and are full of insecurities * Make sure your boy leaves padded so that he doesn’t have an accident in public! (Not a noticeable one anyways… accidents still happen.) * Hold onto him, don’t expect him to hold onto you, he’s the young boy, he’s the insecure one who need’s your loving embrace and reassurance! * Check on him during naps and maybe give his diaper seat a reassuring rub. * If you wake up at night for any reason, check on your boy and rub his diaper a little and check it before going back to bed. * Change your boy as frequently as needed, maybe more if he enjoys Diaper changes a lot! * Check your boy’s diaper constantly (At least twice an hour), whether he needs it or not, it makes him feel secure and cared for! It also Keeps him reminded of what a little boy he is for not being able (or choosing not to) to keep his diaper dry or clean. * -Always- get your little dressed/changed for bed and tuck him in! Make sure his plushie is in his arms and his paci is in his mouth! Don’t forget to check under the bed and in the closet for monsters! Check his diaper one last time, just for the heck of it, and if he’s already soggy, tease him a bit so he falls asleep feeling little. :) *It goes without saying that little boys always want to act like big boys even though they need you to help them feel little! Your little boy might Smoke, Drink, Vape, or be a recreational drug user. You are NOT the police, don’t act like it! Decide together what adult habits and vices you are okay with and which ones your little is allowed to have during “Little time”. People often can’t let these vices go no matter how regressed they become so keep that in mind, don’t make your little feel ashamed or self conscious and ruin his immersion/fantasy because of these vices. * A lot of littles like remaining wet or messy for some time, so there doesn’t need to be a rush to change them unless it goes against your personal preference, smells exceptionally ripe, or they ask! * Some littles even enjoy leaking, and wear their dark spots proudly as badges! * It’s not just the diaper that connects him to you. There’s something incredibly powerful and special about being in his diapers, and it is an explicit and needed connection in his relationship to you. * Little boys like to try to be big boys and not tell you when they have to go potty, and they might end up having an accident. When they do, do not scold them but tell them you are proud of them for trying to be a big boy and then change their clothes and clean them up and if possible, put them in a clean Diaper! * Make diaper changes significant; don’t be a robot! Changing a diaper becomes like riding a bike at some point, but that doesn’t mean a Daddy should abstain from talking to their little, teasing them, or letting them help by holding the wipes (careful with giving them the powder though!) * Make eye contact and smile during diaper changes, this makes your boy feel reassured and safe, and reminds him you care and want to get him all cleaned up. * Sometimes little boys have accidents in their big boy pants around the house. If the carpet or furniture gets wet, don’t be angry with your boy! (Unless he did it on purpose!) Remind him that he was a good boy for trying to hold it like a big boy. After you change him, just wipe up or dab the wet spot with a clean damp towel and turn a fan on in the room. The wet spot from his accident will air dry overnight and the moving air from the fan will prevent the area from smelling like a urinal/bathroom. * Do not display unsettledness over furniture or floors, you don’t want your little to feel like you’re prioritizing a couch or strip of fabric before him and his emotional/core needs… * Diapers were not designed to be soaked. No matter WHAT a daddy does he should never get angry at his son for a wet couch, carpet, or clothes. A boy should know that it’s safe and right to use his diapers in what ever way he needs to, and creating any shame around leaks will will make it tougher for the little guy to feel that he belongs in his diapers or might make him nervous to use them.YOU should have asked him if he had to pee and if so how much. And YOU should have known how wet he already was, It’s not his fault so bare no anger. * When cleaning ups leaks, place paper towels over the wet spots before smiling warmly and taking your little to change and THEN wipe or dab up the wet spot all the way and let it air dry! You don’t want your little to feel as though you’re more worried about a couch or rug than them, that can easily make a little feel less important and self conscious. * Sometimes, a wet spot on his bum while in public might be a little embarrassing, but daddy should both provide reassurance and have back-up plans in place – a sweater wrapped around the boy’s waist if it’s serious, a reassuring pat on the shoulder and diapered bum for those “maybe people will notice or maybe not” moments, and a spare pair of shorts or jeans in the diaper bag if it’s a longer day out. * Whenever you take your baby boy anywhere, always bring a bag or backpack with 2 spare sets of clothes and at least 2 fresh diapers, a spare pair of shorts or jeans, as well as wipes, clean hand towels, and powder! You should be ready to discreetly change your little boy anywhere at any time. Even if you don’t use the travel bag, he gains reassurance and feels more little just from you having it around! * Moderation is key, drowning a little in affection all the time can tend to become a chore for both of you after a while, but everyone has their personal limit! * Make sure your boy has his Paci or Stuffy during diaper changes! Or at the very least ask them where they are. * Your boy has a literal list of Core Needs that need to be met. Its both of your job to find out what they are and how to meet them! *If more needs are going unmet than are being met it can affect them negatively emotionally, causing depression, anxiety, or even turning the relationship toxic. * Part-Time Daddies with family, friends, and jobs have it rough! Most ABDL boys long for a full time, living together companion who can be there day and night to respond to their mood shifts and needs as they go in and out of phases and different emotions. Not someone for whom they are their “secret life”, but someone for whom they ARE their life, an equal partner, without shame, secrecy or the closet. Someone with whom they can set them self free with and truly be them self with 24/7/365. Someone who brings out their favorite things about them self and isn’t ashamed of those things. * Not every day will be a walk in the park. If every day was the same or predictable, that would be the same as flat-lining. Hiccups are a sign life; Disagreements happen, fights are a thing, and growing pains are common. Never forget that beyond all these roles are two human beings trying to grow closer. Always keep adventuring and be open to experimenting & experiencing. -Always- keep communicating. The goal should be to integrate the daddy/little dynamic into your life together. Trust in yourselves to find a balance that works for both of you! * Remember that being in a relationship with a Little is as valid and meaningful as any other type of relationship. The Daddy not only has to be the keeper of ALL of his boy’s needs, but also treat him with the unconditional love, respect, and trust as you would -any- relationship. * Remember the ABDL community is a small one, and your Little Boy may want to have other Little friends, as well as other older friends. Remember not every relationship MUST be monogamous to be healthy. Talk honestly with your Little Boy to learn each other’s boundaries regarding interacting with other Littles or Adults. Work together to decide what is right for YOUR relationship, be flexible, never judgmental, and always love your little unconditionally. Remember wherever he might go play and no matter what he will -always- love you the most and come back to be with you! * If your living situation is such that you don’t have your Little Boy living WITH you, remember that even out on his own doing every day adult things, that he still needs to know you are his Daddy and you love him and are there for him! Make a plan with your Little Boy on days you aren’t together to be in touch by voice or text or IM in the morning, at mid day, and at night. Make a schedule that works for you both. NEVER go to sleep for the night without having talked with him, and sleep with your ringers on. ALWAYS be reachable for each other! * * *
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