teacherwins · 3 months
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It's my 8 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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teacherwins · 1 year
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「 spring town 」
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teacherwins · 2 years
One time in literature class my professor was talking about myths and Christianity and how in the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice he fails to overcome death but how in the medieval version “Sir Orfeo” the hero succeeds because now this myth was being told in a world where Death was a thing that was overcome and could be, where the King had rescued his bride; and then he started talking about the transition and difference between the pagan world and the advent of Christianity and said “in a world full of stories of gods pursuing people in wrath and lust, can you imagine how it must have been to hear of a God pursuing people in love?” And every few days I still get emotional about that
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teacherwins · 2 years
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Vicente van Gogh (1853-1890)
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teacherwins · 2 years
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teacherwins · 2 years
Sometimes "getting better" means it hurts less to get up in the morning. Means it is a bit easier to step into the shower. Means small things make you smile again. This is okay. "Getting better" doesn't have to be giant steps. I'm so proud of you, no matter what.
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teacherwins · 3 years
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God Wrote a Book x
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teacherwins · 3 years
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teacherwins · 3 years
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teacherwins · 3 years
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teacherwins · 3 years
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teacherwins · 3 years
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teacherwins · 4 years
The Blessing of Brokenness
It was two years ago when I started to have anxiety attacks. Grieving is one of many reasons for that. I lost my grandma way back 2017, and I honestly did not know how to live without her but I tried. Every day, I always decided to get up and make my life feels like it is normal that nothing happened and that she's always with me. I have deprived myself to grieve. I never thought that It would affect me. I became impatient, nagger, and sensitive. I tend to push people away from me worst, I even shouted at them. I know that they are trying to help me but it feels like I can do it on my own.
Years passed and I have thought that I am now okay until another year came and my best friend passed away. I cried the same thing I did to my grandmother then I moved on, but it is just the thought that I made myself believe. Fast forward, a lot of things happen, in the workplace, people around me, I have been involved in an issue which I did not know why I got in there. That was when I started to have anxiety again.
Anxiety attacks, there were times that I became very anxious about what people would be telling me. I experienced like I am being left behind, I experienced being talked about other people and I have thought that time was that they were talking about me and insulting me, not just me being a person but also the faith that I have. I could say that it was part of the anxiety that I have had during that time. There were even days that I am just dragging myself to get up and get to work. I don't feel like living anymore. I have cried countless times at night and decided to quit. But still, I remember what I promised to my grandma that I will continue to fight. I will continue to live. Anyway, fast forward. Then, this pandemic happened, few months since lockdown I was still able to cope up but I experienced that cabin fever that other people are telling me. Cabin fever is a state of mind that can develop when a person is confined to their home and unable to have social interaction. It may involve feelings of restlessness, irritability, or loneliness. These were the times that I started to have anxieties again and with another bomb, the cabin fever. Nights became morning for me, I could not sleep immediately, I have panic attacks, I even hurt myself. These were the times when I could not understand myself and even my faith faints. I have questioned my worth, and I overthink a lot. I can still remember that I asked my clinical psych friend to give me a dosage of sleeping pills because I desperately wanted to rest but thank God, she refused. Months have passed and still, I could not sleep. I have a lot of things going on in my mind. I felt like I am worthless, dumb, and to sum it up, lifeless. It felt like I was not living anymore. I am not important and that taking my own life would not hurt anyone. But I was wrong.
This is now when I decided to go back to the One who controls all things in the universe. I decided to come back to God. I have been helpless and it seems that people could not help me, but God was and is always there not just for me but for us. Perceiving that we could not control what is happening around us, still be reminded that there is a God who controls everything.
Here are the tips I have applied to myself when I am experiencing anxiety attacks:
Anyway, note that clinical psych is still highly suggested like what I did, I consulted a friend of mine who happened to be a clinical psych and she did some magic which helped me a lot in conditioning myself to sleep again, so please do consider it as well.
1. Know that Self Care is also God's Care
Anxiety can happen anytime, anywhere. It put too much pressure on ourselves and as a normal reaction our body would normally shut down. Too many commitments or priorities, too many works and stresses, God does not design us to hustle 24-7, so it is a MUST to take care of ourselves. Pahinga ka rin pag need mo. No need to rush things, it takes time. As the bible says, "Be still and know that I am God." If you cannot control things anymore. Let it go, let God move on your behalf and rest.
2. Fill your mind with Positive Thoughts
One thing that consumes the mind of anxious people is negative things. It is a burden because every day, they do nothing but think negative things about people or the matter that they are facing. Now, the bible tells us to fill our minds with good, pure, and right things because the mind is our battlefield. So, if we keep thinking about negative things therefore, it would have resulted in stress and anxieties. Why not try to take time to listen to music, read, and even laugh for a while. Fill your mind with positive things and that be mindful as well to guard not only your heart but also your mind.
Lastly, this is my favorite part of overcoming anxiety which I have read as well from other sources.
3. Embrace the Blessing of Brokenness
When I was in the worst part of my anxiety attack like I have mentioned above, it was indeed hard for me to get up to the bed and go to work. I did not know that people around were pained to see me like that. Turning point, it was then I decided to bow down and surrender to the Lord the things I could not understand. Every single day, I was praying to heal me and let me overcome the anxiety attacks. My life verse that "no weapon formed against me shall prosper," and that verse from Psalm 23 "even though I walk through the valley of shadows of death I will fear no evil for You are with me." Those became my weapon every single day. It felt like I am in a battle, well, I was! There were times that I am beating my chest and begging God to let me overcome this battle. It was not easy, I shed a lot of tears, I was knocked down. I was broken. But you know what, the Lord is good. I am still here. He knew and He knows what I have and I am still going through, the same thing with you. How the Lord looked at me and how He picked me up, I believed that He can do the same thing with you.
Embrace your brokenness because trust me it will be all worth it. I might not fully overcome the anxiety that I have, but I am very much hopeful that together we would overcome this! There is a way out, and know that God will surely meet you right now. He will meet all your needs and He will restore you. You are loved and with that let us fight the good fight!
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teacherwins · 4 years
Did some mobile photography. Not bad, I guess?
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teacherwins · 4 years
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I believe in free education, one that’s available to everyone; no matter their race, gender, age, wealth, etc… This masterpost was created for every knowledge hungry individual out there. I hope it will serve you well. Enjoy!
FREE ONLINE COURSES (here are listed websites that provide huge variety of courses)
Khan Academy
Academic Earth
Stanford Online
MIT Open Courseware
Open Yale Courses
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University of Reddit
IDEAS, INSPIRATION & NEWS (websites which deliver educational content meant to entertain you and stimulate your brain)
Big Think 
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How Stuff Works
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DIY & HOW-TO’S (Don’t know how to do that? Want to learn how to do it yourself? Here are some great websites.)
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Zebra Keys
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The Chess Website
First Aid for Free
First Aid Web
NHS Choices
Wolfram Demonstrations Project
Please feel free to add more learning focused websites. 
*There are a lot more learning websites out there, but I picked the ones that are, as far as I’m aware, completely free and in my opinion the best/ most useful.
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teacherwins · 4 years
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God Wrote a Book x
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teacherwins · 4 years
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“… I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring,    and my blessing on your descendants.” - Isaiah 44:3 
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