tearsthroughreality · 10 years
"I don't think you understand, he will come. And when he does, he's going to get you."
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"Please... whichever way you came in, go out that way." 
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tearsthroughreality · 10 years
Happy New Year, peeps.
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tearsthroughreality · 10 years
Elizabeth acknowledged his action, nodding her head as a silent 'thank you' as she placed the cigarette between her lips. Shortly after, she took the small stick and blew the smoke out of her mouth, careful not to have it consume Sam's oxygen space.
"Really? How interesting," she commented, keeping her thoughts to herself. No one could imagine themselves handling a dead body, even dressing a carcass from head to toe without exiting the room for a moment of solace. She hated funerals, though hating it now seemed like a bad thing when she has never been to one... ...But she had her reasons. "What was your second option? I mean, if they hadn't chosen you, would you being doing your second choice of a job?"
The beginning of her cigarette was already darkening. She lightly tapped it and set it once more between her red lips.
The man wasn't the first, nor the last, person to take note of the thimble. How strange would she sound if she told him the wholesome truth as to how she ended up losing her right pinkie finger?
She left her past, and the other Elizabeths/Annas, when they all drowned Booker to end the Comstocks across the infinite universes. That was all behind her now.
"Very funny." she responded flatly with a sneer. "... I somehow managed to accidentally cut it off when I was an infant... not by a pencil sharpener."
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A tiny spark produced the flickering flame at the tip of the lighter; it lingered as the tip of her cigarette ignited red hot. Sam utterly hated talking about his job. If anyone asked, he just had an ambiguous position at the Medical Pavilion. It wasn’t an outright lie, at least. 
"I’m actually the funeral director slash mortician next door,” he admitted quietly. He’d gotten everything from blank stares to uncomfortable squirms to giggles to a necrophilia joke or two. “Not many people go into that sort of thing, but here I am. I wasn’t really planning on doing it forever, actually. When the previous guy retired, they automatically promoted me. So for now, at least, there’s nowhere for me to run.”
He did have a new apprentice, who, for what she was worth, was willing to make an effort around him. If anything, Mona had to remain on Sam’s good side after a rough first week. Now, with this Elizabeth woman aware of his unorthodox career choice, he wasn’t expecting a prolonged meeting. She did come for what she needed, after all. 
He couldn’t help but notice the thimble on her awkwardly short pinky. A half-smile skewing his lips, he hoped that she wouldn’t take his comment as anything beyond a lighthearted joke. 
"Pencil sharpener accident?"
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tearsthroughreality · 10 years
There it was, the symbol the Luteces had given her, emblazoned on the back of a monster's hand. This couldn't be the 'condemned wolf' they were talking about, could it?
Footsteps? They were footsteps, but not from shoes people usually wore around here. These were monstrous footsteps that she had heard, ones belonging to whomever—whatever—was in a very unusual suit.
Elizabeth froze in place at the sight of it. The woman’s sapphire eyes caught the familiar symbol, locking her gaze as she mentally compared the symbol to the crumpled card handed to her by the Luteces. 
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Was this..this thing Rosalind said was the condemned wolf? 
If so, had it come looking for her? Perhaps, perhaps not. There was no lamb… or at least that is what she believes.
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tearsthroughreality · 10 years
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tearsthroughreality · 10 years
Elizabeth was suddenly confronted by the Lutece twins. "There's always a lamb..." Robert begun, holding a card out for her to take. "... and the condemned wolf who guards her." Rosalind finished. Printed on this card was a Greek letter, delta. With that, the twins vanished once again.
Them, again!? They simply could not leave her b--
The male's words hooked her attention. 'There's always a lamb...' Maybe in another dimension, yes; but here, there was no lamb. You're bluffing. Elizabeth took the card from Robert's fingers, examining it when the redheaded female spoke of a wild animal. The card only had a Greek letter on it, same goes for its backside. "Delta?" Her eyebrows knitted as she continued to stare at it. 
The twins' words played like a broken record, echoing with every minute that passed. She swiftly broke the concentration she had on the card, dropping her arm back to her side with the card still in hand. Elizabeth stared off at the nothingness before her, forcing away the thoughts she was getting.
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tearsthroughreality · 10 years
"Everyone's looking for a place." Elizabeth stated with eyes still focused on the other's, catching every detail of the top part of her dress.
Strange, no one in Rapture had strange markings on their skin such like the other did on her arms and chest. Would the dark-haired woman comment on the tattoos? No, not yet, that is.
"If you'd like, you can stay at my place until you get yourself situated." A voice in the back of her mind nagged at her, to ask as to where she came from. The surface, perhaps. There was always new faces coming to Rapture...Even...some children who appeared as if they did not want to abandon whatever their little life was above the water's surface. 
Constanza laughed nervously, “Actually, for some place.” For the past few days, the doctor had been stumbling around in a kind of daze. Never in her life had her eyes lain upon such decadence and prosperity. People called the underwater city Rapture, but Constanza likened it to a modern-era Babylon, or a Pre-War New Vegas.  When she had first arrived, the people had given her the wildest stares, not sure of what to make of her dusty clothing, or her elaborate tattoos. It had been through a combination of pity and fortune that Constanza had been gifted with era-appropriate clothing so that she did not stick out like a sore thumb. Gone were the tattered doctor’s coat and soiled clothes. In their place was clean, blue dress. Unfortunately, the dress sported short-sleeves and an open neckline, which did nothing to hide her rather elaborate tattoo sleeves on both arms, and the bouquet of roses that lined her chest. She fidgeted slightly, nervous at having another person gaze at her very period-inaccurate self.
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tearsthroughreality · 10 years
Fill this in with stuff about you
Age: 17
Where I’m from: USA
Religion: Catholic
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual
Favorite book: Alice in Zombieland
Favorite Movie: The Hunger Games, Disney movies, The Wizard of Oz, Star Wars (Original and Prequel trilogies), the list goes on and on
Favourite TV Show: Once Upon a Time and The Walking Dead (too bad they're not on until FREAKIN MARCH AND FEBJCHFVKFHBGUOVB)
Favourite band/singer: Paramore, Katy Perry, Lana Del Rey, Beyonce, and so much more
Favourite season: Summer (Winter's cool too)
Favourite colour: Red
Favourite male character from a TV show: Daryl Dixon
Favourite female character from a TV show: Regina Mills
Favourite superhero(ine): Iron Man
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tearsthroughreality · 10 years
Though she did not know where the Tear opened to, Elizabeth was thankful it hadn't lead to gigantic bees or she would have had to close it as she did once in the elevator with Booker. Surely he couldn't be her--The young woman turned to face the other, first seeing the clothes she was wearing compared to Elizabeth's. It was obvious why the other woman had said something her way or she wouldn't have at all if the Lamb was wearing some kind of tarnish, damaged cloth. "Hello." a nervous wave of her hand as she greeted the other before introducing herself, "I'm Elizabeth, and you are?"
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"You," Scarlett said as she pushed a strand of blood, red hair out of her face while pointing at her with her other hand, "you are different from all of the little ghosts that pass through here. What’s your story, stranger?"
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tearsthroughreality · 10 years
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"Looking for someone?"
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tearsthroughreality · 10 years
"Pleasure to meet you, Sam." She returned the smile. Her eyes looked at the entrance to the man's 'home away from home'. Why would anyone call a funeral home their home? There wasn't anything pleasant about funerals and where the dead went to be observed by their loved ones. Elizabeth slowly turned her blue gaze away, continuing to walk alongside Sam. "What is it that you exactly do there?" A questioning look displayed upon her face as she guessed, rather displeased by the words that would soon come out of her mouth, "You're not one of those people who stay overnight to fix the bodies, are you?" There was nothing awful about that choice for a career; she thought a person near death--an elderly man--would be the one to do that certain task. If he enjoyed his work, Elizabeth would not think badly of it... as she was doing now...
She nodded in Sam's way, "Thank you." Elizabeth strained her ears to hear as to what instrument was playing. Of course, it just had to be a violin. If tuned correctly, any low sound coming from the musical instrument would be considered sad. This one was certainly doing just that; giving the entire area a ghostly perspective.
Not wanting to stay any longer within range of the speakers, Elizabeth waited over where he was, leaning her shoulder against the wall with arms crossed and a cigarette between her fingers. 
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"Sam," he responded with a rare, genuine smile as they walked. Just Sam. Passing by the entrance to Twilight Fields, he gestured with his chin. “There’s my home away from home.” Thankfully, the elderly couple who was to show up for a consultation was running late. Those meetings were usually the most awkward. So, when you kick the bucket, sooner rather than later, how would you like us to preserve you, you dusty old sack of skin? Of course, he’d never say that. But the monologue had run across his mind once or twice before, when dealing with the spoiled-rotten elders of Olympus Heights. 
Eternal Flame was just next door. Raising an index finger, he poked his head in, surveying its small lobby area before deeming the coast clear. “C’mon in. Secretary’s out,” he announced, stepping aside to let Elizabeth enter first. Faint traces of a violin oozed from the crackling speakers overhead. They really went all out when it came to the atmosphere.
Sam approached the supply closet, knuckles giving the door a few warning knocks before stepping in. Hm. Empty. In no time at all, he located a pile of gas lighters. “Here we go,” he announced, emerging from the cramped space with the instrument in hand. 
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tearsthroughreality · 10 years
The want I have for Elizabeth to meet Sora is SKY HIGH.
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tearsthroughreality · 10 years
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"You mind... ... I'm not in the mood for sweet company."
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tearsthroughreality · 10 years
4maldehyde said: You’ll pry my Star Destroyer out of my cold, dead - no, completely fried and obliterated - hands! XD
I'm on your side.
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tearsthroughreality · 10 years
As the doors closed behind her, Elizabeth fiddled with her fingers, then with the thimble over where her pinkie finger should be. This was one wait she could tolerate; after all, the mortician did say he would lead her to Eternal Flame.Was it right for her to have this stranger she yet did not know to walk her to that place? ... He certainly did not know her either... The woman absentmindedly ran her fingers through her black hair, easing her hearing unintentionally into conversations as she strolled by before resting by the staircase with her arms crossed as she gazed up. Day dreaming perhaps.
The sound of shoes hitting against the cold floor brought her sapphire pupils to meet the man's. "...Well, least she's one nurse I can get along with." She didn't know the elderly nurse so well, but Elizabeth did speak with her once. 'A pure heart of gold' is what she would say concerning the old nurse. She followed, staying slightly close by his side. "It seems we've both forgotten to introduce ourselves. I'm Elizabeth."
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After depositing a candy wrapper - the only evidence of his lunch - into a nearby trash bin, Sam paused to survey his teeth. A familiar nurse from Dandy Dental shot him a dirty look as he hovered in front of the mirror. He turned away, only to dart back in front of his reflection to comb his fingers through his tousled nut-brown tresses. Technically, he should’ve been back at Twilight ten minutes ago to begin prepping Mr. Godfrey. And technically, his peppy assistant should’ve bothered to come in to work today.
But… a little detour never hurt anyone. 
He slipped past the doors of the lounge, finding her idling by the staircase leading down to the dental wing. Sam checked his watch, brows knit as he attempted to recall which of the regulars were at Eternal Flame’s supply room at this hour. “You might be in luck, actually. It’s Bertha-‘o-clock,” Sam muttered hopefully, referring to a particularly pleasant old nurse. Wasting no time, he motioned for her to follow, taking a sharp right at the end of the hall. 
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tearsthroughreality · 10 years
MANZ, where's all the bioshock rpers at?
Lizbeth is lonely.
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tearsthroughreality · 10 years
4maldehyde replied to your post:When will they ever make a movie that collides...
*gasps* Heathen!
Have you not seen any of the Star Wars AND STar Trek movies. LIGHTSABERS AND ALL. Battling it out until FRIENDSHIP...or until death do the fandoms part.
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