teemates-blog · 5 years
Inspiring Woods, Making Watson Clap, the One-armed Golf Prodigy Hit it Big
Would you be desperate if you were born with only one arm?
Tommy Morrissey, a talented young golfer, was born with only a portion of his right arm. He seems just like any children with disabilities. But unlike the others, he showed a unique talent for golf.
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His attraction toward golf started at 13 months when he would watch the sport on television with his father. And according to his mother Marcia, he seemed to understand golf on TV even before he could speak.
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By 18 months, he began imitating the pros on TV. And if someone tried to change the channel, he would get angry.
His great interest in golf touched his parents, so later they bought him a whole set of plastic golf toys. Unexpectedly, his golf talent was revealed so.
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It’s hard to imagine an 18-month-old one-armed boy can imitate the swings of the greats.
Since then, Tommy started to hit golf shots in the yard for hours at a time.
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Soon after, little Tommy had his own set of golf clubs. By age 2, he learned to take golf lessons on iPad on his own.
Practice makes perfect. By age 2, Tommy can hit 65 yards with only one arm, and by age 3, over 100 yards. It's hard to imagine those shots came from a child with a disability.
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Kids of his age like watching cartoons and playing toy cars, while Tommy seems only to love to play golf.
"Tommy slept with his golf clubs. And it wasn't just one club. He had eight in there. One night we forgot one, and he freaked out and said, I need my driver." his mother said.
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Morrissey’s story caught Tiger Woods’ attention. For several times, Woods met Tommy privately.  Every time he saw Tommy, Tiger would give him a warm smile to encourage this optimistic golf talent.
Whenever Woods met Tommy in golf tour events, he would squat down, talk to him and give him some gifts. Isn’t that different from the Woods you know? It seems Tiger likes Tommy!
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Little Tommy even got a chance to make Bubba Watson, his favorite golfer, watch him swing a driver with one knee down.
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Little Tommy is well-known in the golf world despite his age. Besides Woods and Watson, Fowler and Speith also like this optimistic, brave little golfer, whose smile warms people’s heart.
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Little Tommy is about eight years old now. He is one of the best golfers in the world for his age. And he has already met PGA pros Rickie Fowler, Jordan Spieth, Bubba Watson, and Tiger Woods...
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Little Tommy’ talent is valuable; what more valuable is his positive attitude towards life. Although Morrissey is disabled, he never thinks less of himself and never asks why about his disability.
Tommy, a true inspiration to everyone, is always smiling whenever you see him.
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teemates-blog · 5 years
How to Improve Your Swing Plane
The swing plane is such an important part of the swing in terms of distance, direction, and consistency. If you get the swing plane correct, you will have more chance of hitting solid consistent golf shots.
As one of the most discussed parts of golf instruction, most golfers would agree to the significant importance of the swing plane; however, being only imaginary it is also one of the least understood concepts. One minor mistake in the swinging may have a big impact on the swing plane. 
What is the Swing Plane?
The swing plane is the tilt of the inclined plane made by the club's shaft as it travels when you swing. The swing plane can be on plane, upright or flat.
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When you set up to the golf ball, the club shaft starts at an angle to the ground. Imagine there is a huge pane of glass extending from the club shaft through your chest and form the same angle to the ground. This pane of glass represents the ideal swing plane.
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How Does the Swing Plane Affect Your Shot?
The swing plane affects the direction the golf ball travels when hit and the trajectory of the shot.
A swing plane that is too steep tends to create fat shots and a flat swing plane tends to create thin shots. If your swing gets off plane, you will see shots that miss both left and right of the target, depending on if your plane is too flat or steep. Not only that, but a swing plane that is off will also result in shots that are not hit solid.
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How to Improve Your Swing Plane?
The first mistake golfers would make that gets their swing off plant most likely happens at the takeaway. If you start you swing off plane, the rest of your swing would very likely wrong.
As you start the backswing, the triangle formed by your arms and shoulders moves backward away from the ball as a single unit. The wrists and forearms do not move. Keep your arms and shoulders moving together in one piece to maintain the triangle. 
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 If you are on plane in the early part of the backswing, you will just need to rotate your shoulders and bend your wrist as you continue the backswing.
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At the top of your backswing, the club’s butt end should be pointed directly along the target line. If it points outside the target line, it means your swing plane is flat, and if it points inside the target line, it means your swing is upright. Use this as a reference to check if your swing is on the right plane.
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teemates-blog · 5 years
This Awesome Easter Egg in Aquaman, if You’ve Been to Hawaii, You Must Know it!
Recently, DC, which had been lagged behind in its competition against Marvel, completely turned the game ahead by a first-rate movie, Aquaman. After being released in China, it immediately launched a wave of enthusiasm. The box office broke through 650 million in just 3 days. The Douban score is 8.2, and scores on other platforms are up to 9 or above.
Double gains in public praise and the box office, this movie was seen as "the best superhero movie of 2018". This time, DC can finally enjoy its victory for a moment.
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The movie highly restores the comic story , and truly presented the magical underwater world. Of course, the man who stars as the "king of the ocean" in the movie, Jason Momoa, is one of the biggest selling points that drives people to cinema.
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A Walking Hormone, Best Candidate for Aquaman
Staring as as Aquaman, Jason Momoa has a muscular physique of 6'4" height and 210 pounds. I believe many girls rush to the theater only for the masculine look of Jason, regardless of the jealous boyfriend sitting beside them.
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Many people knew Jason from the character of the Dothraki king, Khal Drogo, of Game of Thrones. Coming from the mainland of Westeros, Jason seemed to be just right for the role of Aquaman because of his deep connection with the ocean. Like Aquaman, Jason is also a mixed-race.His father is of Native Hawaiian descent, while his mother is of German, Irish, and Native American ancestry.
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He has grown up at the beach and had never been away from the ocean. Before entering show business, Jason would always go to a surf shop for a part-time job during his vacation. Another happy coincidence, Jason majored in marine biology in college. It is no wonder that Jason can communicate with marine life freely in the movie.His deep understanding and love for the ocean, gave Jason all the bravado and charisma needed to fit the role of Aquaman.
Not Easy to Be Aquaman
In order to give a better performance in Aquama, Jason Momoa did tons of fitness training, endeavoring to engrave his body lines, especially the muscle lines of the chest and back.
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Nevertheless, a muscular physique was not enough to make him a star. Like the story in the movie, Jason had also experienced low points in life and eventually paved the hard road. In 2011, Jason appeared as the Dothraki king, Khal Drogo in Game of Thrones . However, Hollywood never lacks of tough guy, so the audience is a bit tired. Jason’s character died in the first season of Game of Thrones.
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Fortunately, fate takes care of those who are well-prepared. The Dothraki king deeply impressed DC director Zach Schneider. He invited Jason to the audition of Batman vs. Superman . After receiving the call, Jason didn't even ask which character it was and went to the director straightly. He thought to himself: was there another Batman besides Ben Affleck for me to play? Finally, he took the character of Aquaman. Sometimes, you just need a little luck to succeed.
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In the movie, Aquaman’s real name is “Arthur Curry”. He is the son of Atlanna, the princess of the underwater nation of Atlantis, and a lighthouse keeper. He has a semi-human and semi-Atlantis lineage, so the burden of communication between humans and Atlantis falls on his shoulders.
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From a very young age, Arthur shows various super powers from normal people. He can swim at supersonic speeds, and possesses superhuman strength. He not only can breathe freely underwater and on land, but also can communicate with marine lifeforms. Super cool, isn't it!
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The movie tells a story that after learning he is the heir to the underwater kingdom of Atlantis, the adult Arthur returns to the ocean to destroy his brother's dirty plot and becomes the king of Atlantis.
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You don’t want to miss this splendid movie of course, and certainly not the Easter Eggs too. It is said there are 22 Easter Eggs in the movie. Have you found all of them? 
Here is one special “Easter Egg” in the movie that could be easily missed but is a must-have. 
As a king, he should not only have a splendid life experience, but also a place of birth that‘s definitively not mediocrity. Jason Momoa was born in Hawaii, the paradise on earth.
Speaking of Hawaii, one could easily think of those words: vacation, the ocean, the blue sky, the white clouds,the comfortable temperature, and the relaxing mood. Everything of Hawaii reminds you of the good, it is no wonder that Jason has the handsome looks for Aquaman.
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This time, let’s look at Hawaii from a different perspective. Let’s take a look at the golf courses with the most picturesque scenery and all the natural landscapes.
The golf courses presented, Kapalua Plantation Course and Kapalua Bay Course, are known as Hawaii's must-haves. They are located at Kapalua Bay.
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The Superb Layout of the Plantation
Consistently ranked as the #1 golf course in Hawaii, The Plantation Course was designed by Ben Crenshaw and Bill Coore. The course, of lengthy 7,411 yard par 73, was designed on a grand scale in keeping with its location on the slopes of the West Maui Mountains. With dramatic elevation changes, this course offers plenty of downhill tee shot challenges for the pros.  With the aid of the aggressive slope of the 18th fairway - you will enjoy hitting one of the longest drives of your life.
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It all starts from the first hole, with a par 4 and downhill 520 yards. Standing here, you can absolutely feel the magnificent scenery and the charm of the slopes.
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The 5th hole, which is heavily tilted, is only about 500 yards. However, due to the slope of the fairway, the wind and influence of the deep valley makes it even more challenging.
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PGA Tournament Venue
The first tournament of the PGA Tour, the Tournament of Champions, has been held here since 1999. Many golf champions happened here. Dustin Johnson, Justin Thomas, Jordan Spieth, Tiger Woods, and Sergio Garcia all achieved excellent results here. Every year,  previous winners of The Grand Slams, the World Golf Championship and the PGA Tour of would gather around in the tournaments. It is worth watching!
“World’s best”, Not Only for Courses, But Also the Food!
Delicious food is not less than the beautiful scenery. Following my lead, I would make sure you do not miss any delicious cuisine. The restaurant with the best view lies between the 18th hole and the 1st hole. You can enjoy the food while watching the game. Watching games, playing golf and enjoying the cuisine,the three best things are combined perfectly here for you to experience.
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You must try the French toast made from the Maui sweet bread. It is known as the “Best French Toast on the Planet".
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Have You Tried Seascape Golf Before?
If Kapalua Plantation Course has a beautiful sea view in every hole, then the adjacent Kapalua Bay Golf Course can offer you a wonderful experience of playing over the ocean. Kapalaua Bay Course is famous for its breathtaking 17th hole. Seascape golf, why not have a try?
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17th hole in Kapalaua Bay Course
Just to Imagine,after  swinging the club, your gaze follows the fast moving white ball. You couldn’t help but be caught by the splendid views of the mountain and the ocean when you search for the ball in the fresh air. The beauty of the scenery is packed with a view, what other word is there to describe your feeling at the moment, besides “enjoyable”? Take a long and deep breath in the light and salty ocean breeze. Everything is just too perfect!
If you are lucky enough, you could even spot some rainbows over the course after raining.
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Place of the Champions and Stories
The Bay Course opened in 1975 and in that time has hosted over 20 major professional tournaments. Great champions and stories have emerged here, such as Greg Norman’s first win on America soil, Ian Woosnam and David Llwellyn’s thrilling victory for Wales in the World Cup of Golf and Morgan Pressel’s nail-biting win at the Kapalua LPGA classic.  Two of the most popular PGA players ever, Fred Couples and Davis Love III, have each earned victories here - twice.
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pictures from the last round  in Sentry Tournament of Champions by Dustin Johnson, Kapalaua Bay Course, Lahaina, Hawaii, 7th Jan, 2018.
Take a Good Rest after One Round
As in any resorts, hotels are necessary. The hotels in Kapalua would make it uneasy for you to say goodbye.
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The Ritz-Carlton
In addition to the ocean view, there are hot springs and professional badminton courts. There are other facilities available, too. I have to mention the most famous restaurants in Maui are Kapalua Cliff House and Merriman's Maui. Kapalua Cliff House offers the perfect sunset seascape meal and Merriman has Maui exquisite cuisine. My appetite was left on Hawaii and it is now calling me.
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There is a sense of place that captures the soul and inspires guests to return again and again.
Kapalua Resort has more to explore than just golf courses. Its 22,000-acre natural paradise setting is home to exotic species found nowhere else on the planet. Marine life teems and thrives in protected sanctuaries. 
High atop the resort in the West Maui Mountain range, Pu’u Kukui is one of the largest private nature preserves in Hawaii. This majestic haven is home to 20 percent of Hawaii's native plants, including three native bird species, five extremely rare snails, and 18 native plants found nowhere else in the world.
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The two golf courses are certified Audubon sanctuaries, protecting 23 species of birds. This revered designation by Audubon International is a result of the resort's sound environmental management practices to preserve and protect wildlife living on or near the golf courses.
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They are also Hawaii State Marine Life Conservation Districts, and home to ancient lava formations, splendid coral gardens and spectacular marine life, making some of Hawaii's most spectacular snorkeling sites.
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Credit: Jeasea
Having seen all these beautiful views, don’t you want to grab your bag and just go? Hold on sec. Please don't hesitate to follow us if you like what we introduced here.
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teemates-blog · 5 years
Three Chipping Techniques. You Can Put Green Like a Pro!
Drill: Imagine a cup full of water is attached to the shaft, and you don’t want any water, as little as possible, to spill out in your chipping. That is, you need to reduce your wrist movement slightly and increase the amount of rotation in the body. Another thing is remember to keep the angle between your wrist and the shaft during your downswing.
Drill: Imagine you are about to toss a golf ball to someone. Now try to feel and remember your wrist move. The drill is apply the same wrist move in your pitching. With this technique, the golf ball can have good flight and roll.
3.Flop shot
Drill: Imagine a door knob is in front of you, and you want to open the door, so you rotate the knob. Feel the move of you hand. The tip for making a good flop shot is to apply this wrist move in your swing. At the time of striking, quickly move your wrist like rotating a door handle. The open face should be pointing to the sky in your downswing.
Which of the above do you think is the most difficult? Do you have any techniques to share? Please let me know!😄
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teemates-blog · 5 years
Take Me to This Course in Hawaii If You Love Me Really
This is how the story began.
There is a purple island at the northern end of Hawaii, and it is said that the God of Hawaii lives here. Kauai Island, if translated by its pronunciation, has a very sweet Chinese name with the meaning of “island of cuteness”. In the island, there is a holy place, like a love letter written to you.
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Love You When I Met you
Love You More When I knew You
The renowned Princeville Makai Golf Club at Princeville Resort in Kauai Island opened in 1971 and attracted many golfers. The Makai Course winds it way around native woodlands and the spectacular coastline. I fell in love already when I first met you.
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In order to give golfers a perfect experience, six million dollar was spent in redesigning the course in 2009. The designer, PGA legend, Robert Trent Jones Jr. was invited back to do the renovation.
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After the renovation, Princeville Marques Golf Club has been ranked among the best golf courses in the world. In addition to being selected as one of the top 100 golf courses in the United States by Golf Digest, it has also been ranked as one of the top five most beautiful golf courses in the National Geographic Traveler. Love is better expressed in action than words.
No Risk Can Stop Me From Loving You
The course has 7,200 yards in length, par 72. One commented this way "In all my scope of travels, I have never seen a place more beautiful than Kauai. It makes people feel like they are in the paradise. It all comes from Makai’s stunning 3rd hole."
3rd Hole - 181 yards par 3 - Standing in a distance, one could easily think it is an ordinary downhill hole. After you get to the tee box you get enjoy views of the rugged mountains and brilliants blue ocean in the background. The green is protected by two bunkers and a ponds. The view from the tee box is so clean that it gives you an illusion of entering Alice’s Wonderland.
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13th Hole - 255 Yard Par 3 - The golfer needs to focus past the distracting view of this hole and get geared up for the task at hand; a daunting 255 yard par three.
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The hole features a jungle ravine to the left and o.b. if you spray it way right. The green is further protected by two bunkers right of the putting surface and two more to the left. The green calls for a draw, another challenge for most players. The combination of distracting views, long length, and the amount of trouble on this hole make it a major Bogey Beware to contend with.
So what if the challenge was big?
Nothing can stop me from running towards you.
No matter the experiences were good or bad, those had all became my best memories.
Companionship Is the Best Filter
However, if you come to Princeville Makai just to play golf, your other half would be angry because the most beautiful sunset in Hawaii is waiting for you. During the late afternoon, the golf cart will take you on a well-designed course tour- the Sunset Golf Cart Tour at Makai Golf Course.
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You two ride a golf cart. It stops at 6 locations along the way, passing the Queen's Bath, the Kilauea Lighthouse, Puff the Magic Dragon, Anini Reef and numerous North Shore Beaches and Hanalei Bay.
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When the day is getting dark, let the cart park on the shore and sit on the trimmed lawn with your loved one, enjoying the most fascinating sunset on the northern tip of Hawaii. You think I was watching the sunset, but I was looking at the silhouette of your beautiful face. That day was nothing much different than every other day, but it was your companionship gave the finest filters on every picture.
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Let’s Become Fat Together and Lose Weight Together
If you think about it, spending your lifetime together is just eating lots of meals together. How can I miss the special grill of Princeville Makai! From 7am to 5pm seven days a week, “Makai Grill” continues to serve delicious food.
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The prices are also very reasonable.
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Studies have shown that 62% of people think that they have a tendency to become fat after they are in a relationship; 72% think that their partner has obviously become fat. But you have nothing to worry about even if you gain a little weight. It is much easier to lose weight if you do it with your partner.
Makai offers unique sunrise yoga. After waking up from bed in Princeville Resourt, it is a good choice to practise yoga with friends, hearing and seeing waves crash below. You can also relax on the beach, or snorkel in the crystal clear waters enjoying a customized service.
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Take Your Time in Planning Romance   But Take the Promotion Now
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The Sunset Golf Cart Tour Experience Is Now in Promotion
Only $60 Per Golf Cart/ 2 person max per Golf Cart
For larger groups, guides is offered for groups of 10 people or more and beverage cart accompaniment for groups of 20 or more. 
There is more to life than daily necessities. I want to take you to the ocean and the starry night.
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teemates-blog · 5 years
A Course with a wonderful Landscape and Golf Museum, and Can Be Used for Tournaments, Can be Booked with this Price
The discount introduced today is for Cinnabar Hills Golf Club.
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Cinnabar Hill Golf Club is in California. Peacefully tucked in and around the hills, a short drive south of the busy Silicon Valley, it blends championship-caliber golf with spectacular views.
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Picturesque Landscape
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If views of the lake and canyon in swinging clubs are necessities to constitute a rich landform of a large golf course; and The wedding venue is just a standard for a golf course; then...
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Then the wildlife wandering around are the biggest surprises from the natural scenery.
You can see deer walking in couples, and red-tailed hawk flying over grass and perched in a tree. In unknown corners, hundreds of birds sing time from time.
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Cinnabar Hills Golf Club places great emphasis on protecting the environment and water resources, which is one of the reasons for the beautiful environment there.
In addition, the founder Lee Brandenburg's love for golf culture led to the birth of the The Lee Brandenburg Historical Golf Museum within the clubhouse.
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A museum free of admission
The Lee Brandenburg Historical Golf Museum was named after the founder's name, and the golf artifacts on display range from historical books, golf balls, clubs, photographs, to some very special pieces.
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In the museum you can see:
The US Open Trophy
The British Open Trophy
The Masters Trophy
The Ryder Cup Trophy
The Wanamaker Trophy
US Amateur Trophy
It fulfills the desires of many people to see all the famous trophies in one place.
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Course Details
Cinnabar Hills Golf Club has 27 holes for players to play in a variety of hitting experiences. The course is well-kept and can accommodate 20 to 270 players for tournaments.
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Many who went to Cinnabar Hills Golf Club commented so.
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The most frequent words used are: fun, great and amazing. From those words we can see they obviously had a pleasant trip.
Cinnabar Hills Golf Club offers booking prices between $44-$59 for non-members on weekdays.
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If you book on GolfNow, although the prices are not much different, there are some discounts for certain periods of time, and you could receive reward points on GolfNow too.
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The point exchange equation currently used on GolfNow is 100 points=$10
Recently, if you use the coupon code "GROUNDHOG20" in paying, you can get another twenty percent off in addition.
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teemates-blog · 6 years
Forty Percent Off! Besides golf, this course has more to offer. I am all about the food!
The pleasure of playing golf not only lies in the swinging of clubs, but also greatly lies in the conquering of a golf course.
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The golf course we introduced today is named Wente Vineyards Golf Course in California, U.S.A.
Livermore Valley, an area well-known for its wine industry, is one of California’s oldest wine regions. The founder, Robert Livermore, planted the first commercial vines in 1840s, followed by C. H. Wente and James Concannon, who planted the grapes and founded their wineries in 1880s, which became and still are famous wineries today. In California , 80% of Chardonnays are from here.
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Livermore is about one hour east of San Francisco. It gives you the pleasure of entering a secret garden. Visiting wine country is nothing much special, but in Livermore, a wine country of privacy, it is such a great pleasure to play golf with a couple of old friends, and enjoy the picturesque view of grape vines budding to fruit under the changing of four seasons.
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Designed by golfing great Greg Norman, the 18-hole championship course is a picturesque 7,181-yard, par-72, upscale, daily-fee golf course. With three distinct topographies, native woodlands, mature vineyards and rolling hills of natural grasslands, Wente Golf Course gives you extraordinary visual enjoyment that can match Peder Mork Monsted, the Danish realist painter offered in his landscape paintings.
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The interesting part is, besides the picturesque course, it is the food here that attracts golfers come here over and over.  
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I tasted the best burger I ever here in The Grill, a restaurant in Wente. One sunny - side up egg on top of crisp and refreshing tomato slices, with tempting CAB beef covered with fresh lettuce. Bon ape-tit! Hole in one!1883 burger, a burger that makes you hungry even you just had it.
Surprisingly,most of the good the comments on yelp from golfers mentioned about the delicious food here. For more delicacies, it’s worth coming here and find out yourself.
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Of course, Wente never fails its fame for wines. With 135 years of wine making history, Wente had cultivated five generations of wine makers. The well-chosen  viticulture areas, Arroyo Seco and Monterey, have optimal water, good drainage and cool climates and are best for growing of grapes such as Chardonnay, Pinot Noirs and Riesling.
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The extraction of every drip in wine making is like writing a poem where numbers of stories lie behind words and lines, just like the sweetness in a sip.
Wente offers speical tasting room for members who love wine culture. After the end of one golf game, you can take a cup of fine wine, taste it in peace, and enjoy a moment of your own. THE NTH DEGREE is recommended as the best choice for wine lovers.
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Different wines have different stories, like in golf game different holes offer their unique views .
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Life is like going to a new golf course. You never know. When you thought this hole is the most beautiful one, the one next could be even more beautiful.
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There are views and food, and of course also a surprise.
Forty percent off, a discount in Wente golf course that even the most frequent customer might not know.
  Regular price:
 For non-members
Mon.-Thur. 69$-119$ (price varies upon time selected)
Fri.-Sun. 79$-149$ (price varies upon time selected)
For now
 $599.00 for 10 ROUNDS, WEEKDAY, M-TH  (59$ for one round)
 $600.00 for 5 ROUNDS, ANYTIME(weekends included) (120$ for one round)
The discount packages are offered til 30th Dec., 2018, and one year valid from the purchasing date. The package can only be used under the name of member who purchased and may not be used for other people..
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