tenebrianflower · 3 years
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Luna didn't mind being picked up. It was honestly a comfort, since it was him. She felt safe again. She leaned her chin on his shoulder and smiled softly. "I know. and anyone who tries is in big trouble."
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Angelic pulls away and gently moves some of her hair out of her face and behind her ears. “Indeed, I was worried sick about you. You need to be more careful.”
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“I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to cause you so much worry. But I’m safe. No ones gotten me.” She says with a small smirk. “Not that you’d allow anyone to in the first place.”
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“Of course not.” With that, he picks her up and gives her a piggy back ride as he walks them home. She was his daughter now, and as such, he shall treat her as one of his own. “I won’t let anyone hurt you if I can help it.”
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tenebrianflower · 3 years
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"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to cause you so much worry. But I'm safe. No ones gotten me." She says with a small smirk. "Not that you'd allow anyone to in the first place."
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LuuunnnnNNNAAAA! Quickly Angelic runs to her and brings her into a big hug. “For a very long time.” He hums, happy to see his daughter home again. 
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Luna very happily accepts the hug, and squeezes him back tightly in return. “I guess I should stop going out on my own and getting lost then. Hm? If its been that long.”
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Angelic pulls away and gently moves some of her hair out of her face and behind her ears. “Indeed, I was worried sick about you. You need to be more careful.”
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tenebrianflower · 3 years
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Luna very happily accepts the hug, and squeezes him back tightly in return. "I guess I should stop going out on my own and getting lost then. Hm? If its been that long."
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Perks up. Luna. LUNA LUNA LUNA! His long tail starts to wag behind him.
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“Wow, I wasn’t expecting such a warm welcome! Hello! Since when do you have a tail?”
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LuuunnnnNNNAAAA! Quickly Angelic runs to her and brings her into a big hug. “For a very long time.” He hums, happy to see his daughter home again. 
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tenebrianflower · 3 years
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"Wow, I wasn't expecting such a warm welcome! Hello! Since when do you have a tail?"
Angelic perks up behind Regis and starts to jump around.
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<3!!!!!!! Hello I missed you!!!!!!!
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Perks up. Luna. LUNA LUNA LUNA! His long tail starts to wag behind him.
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tenebrianflower · 3 years
Welcome back!!!! I missed you even though I see you on ig and I think discord too ;o;
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I've been on discord a lot recently because of the tiktok group lol but thats all I really look at there. but yes hi! <3
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tenebrianflower · 3 years
Angelic perks up behind Regis and starts to jump around.
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<3!!!!!!! Hello I missed you!!!!!!!
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tenebrianflower · 3 years
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Wow, Hi tumblr is has been quite a while. I don't know whos even still out there. I joined a tiktok group that has an RP section, and it made me realize how much I miss it here.
I'll be re-opening both my Serah, and Luna accounts for RPs, if anyone wants me. hmu <3
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tenebrianflower · 4 years
Ive yet to miss a year, so happy birthday to my child here 👀 I hopefully will feel well enough to,make Luna tiktoks in a bit
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tenebrianflower · 4 years
I also put on all of my luna cosplays today 💀💀💀 I was so much work
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tenebrianflower · 4 years
I made a few Luna tiktoks today ❤❤❤
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tenebrianflower · 4 years
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tenebrianflower · 4 years
Noctis smiled at the sight of his wife holding their sleeping son "You know, he does seem lonely at times, want to give him a little brother or sister?!" He said half jokingly....
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Luna was still fussing over their son, and hadn’t quite noticed Noctis until he’d spoken. “Oh, hello.” She whispers with a happy smile to Noct. Since becoming a mother, it was quite difficult for her mind to switch between mothering and more... wifely duties. Things just didn’t cross her mind, or process as quickly as they’d used to. 
“I know...” Luna says sadly. “I wish I could afford more time with him, but, I also cannot smother him too much. As much as I’d like to.” Luna looks down, her finger tips gently brushing his hair away from his face. 
Luna’s gaze however, returned to Noctis with a raised brow after a moment.  “Is that a serious proposal, or are you just flirting with me?” She says with a bit of a smirk. “I think someone else is who as been lonely.” 
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tenebrianflower · 4 years
"Mommy..." Luna and Noctis' young son sighs as he falls asleep in her arms...
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Luna smiles softly, simply swaying her body as she holds him. She knew he was tired, and hoped that he wouldn’t fuss with her. “Sssshhh, Sweetheart. I’m right here. I’m not letting you go.” 
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tenebrianflower · 4 years
"Don't worry Mommy, I’ll protect you while Daddy's gone." the four-year-old explained as he climbed up into the Queen's bed. "If anybody comes and hurts you then I'll hurt them back especially if they make you cry."
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Luckily Luna had been sleeping pretty lightly. Just the tilt of the bed giving way alerted her awake. She knew it was not Noctis, for the moment, so she rolled to see who it was. Really, there were only a few answers. 
She smiles softly, pulling herself up and shaking her head. Oh he was so cute. 
“I think you’ve got a ways to go yet.” She says softly. Her arms move to wrap around him, pulling her son into her lap. “While daddy is gone, it is my job to protect you. Silly.” She giggles softly, gently kissing his head. “Though hopefully there will be nothing to protect from, while he is away.” 
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tenebrianflower · 4 years
for muses that need a little love. 
❝  i’m here for you.  ❞
❝  let me help with that.  ❞
❝  i’m here.  ❞
❝  nothing’s gonna hurt you.  ❞
❝  if they do it again, you tell me.  ❞
❝  i’ll protect you. ❞
❝  i’ll make sure nothing bad happens to you.  ❞
❝  let me take a look…  ❞
❝  i’m a phone call away.  ❞
❝  you should have called me.  ❞
❝  here, sleep.  ❞
❝  if you wanna talk, i’m here.  ❞
❝  hey, shh, it’s okay.  ❞
❝  i’ll never let you go.  ❞
❝  you’re with me now.  ❞
❝  nothing’s gonna take you from my side.  ❞
❝  i’ll do what i have to.  ❞
❝  i need you to stay here, okay? i got this.  ❞
❝  it’s safe here.  ❞
❝  i’m fine, let me see your face.  ❞
❝  we’re gonna have to keep ice on that.  ❞
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tenebrianflower · 4 years
Send "You belong to me" to see how my muse reacts.
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tenebrianflower · 4 years
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