terrarenata · 2 years
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╰ ˙ ˖ ❀   opal  lilah  rose   :   portraits.
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terrarenata · 2 years
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SOFT  FRESH  GREEN    —      nice  breeze,  bare  feet  and  freshly  cut  grass.  your  love  is  a  lighthearted  hope  for  the  future.  it's  protecting  your  eyes  from  the  sun  but  enjoying  the  light  rays  still,  it's  laying  on  the  grass  and  feeling  it  tickle  your  neck.  you  look  to  the  side  and  they  look  back  at  you,  full  of  hope  and  plans  too.  you  plan  together  and  laugh  all  day  and  your  sunburn  will  feel  like  them.  your  love  is  delicate,  hesitant.  a  well  curated  binder  full  of  collages  for  a  future  you  can't  be  sure  will  come,  but  you  keep  going,  you  keep  planning,  you  keep  squinting  at  the  sun  and  smiling,  and  running  your  hands  through  the  grass  so  it  will  smell  better.  you  keep  holding  onto  the  bright  sky  even  as  the  sunsets,  even  as  the  starry  night  stares  back.  but  you  keep  on  holding,  you  keep  on  dreaming,  you  close  your  eyes  and  feel  the  sun  on  your  skin  and  convince  yourself  that  the  sunburn  is  good,  it's  something  to  hold  on  to,  just  makes  it  linger  a  bit  longer.  your  love  is  a  lighthearted  hope  for  the  future.  It's  sweet  and  wonderful  and  it  keeps  love  alive,  makes  the  world  a  better  place.  you  run  your  hands  through  the  grass,  clench  your  fingers  tighter  and  keep  making  plans.  and  I  can  only  thank  you  and  hope  I  can  learn  to  love  like  you  someday.
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terrarenata · 2 years
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brows raise at the description of her position,   now deeply curious as to why someone with her skill set is merely a historian.   perhaps the fae are not so particular in regards to abilities determining usefulness as the malakim;   granted,   malakim were essentially bred for their abilities,   as she’s well aware she had been.   her gaze falls to her partner for a moment,   studying the subtle shadows that always clung to him,   nearly unnoticeable if she didn’t already know they were there.   what role did they play in his path to his profession,   if any at all?   assessing gaze lands again on the fae female once more,   intrigued by the discrepancy between her rare gifts and common position.   “   so history is a passion of yours?”   the fae’s question in return earns a snort and an eye roll,   wings shuffling as she offers a dry,   “   NO,   i’m with the other employer of malakim in lunathion.   ”   employer to only a few,   she adds on a bitter mental note,   frown turning almost to a scowl so much so that she looks away entirely,   owner of most.
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her  response  causes  a  flush  to  rise  on  her  cheeks,  glancing  away  for  a  moment  in  an  attempt  to  gain  some  composure  through  her  embarrassment.  she  misses  the  sharp  glare  the  fae  male  throws  in  the  other’s  direction,  too  busy  chastising  herself  for  her  naivety.  “  my  apologies,  i  am  not  from  lunathion  and  whilst  my  knowledge  of  it’s  history  is  better  than  most,  the  present  still  catches  me  out.  ”  offering  a  somewhat  abashed  smile,  returning  to  the  malakh’s  previous  question.  “  history  is  what  brought  me  here.  i  believe  our  relics  and  ancestry  should  be  safeguarded  and  preserved  for  future  generations  to  learn  from.  though,  not  just  the  fae,  of  course.  all  history  matters,  and  thus  all  history  should  be  documented.  ”  her  statement  has  a  sense  of  finality,  as  though  she  would  not  be  budged  on  her  position,  no  matter  what  others  might  think  of  it.  though  she  was  certain  it  was  foolish  to  continue  speaking  so  brazenly  with  a  member  of  the  thirty  third,  knowing  she  could  easily  tell  of  her  abilities  in  order  to  gain  some  kind  of  favour  with  her  employers,  she  would  not  allow  that  fear  to  carve  the  direction  of  her  life.  “  just  through  these  doors  here.  ”  a  dainty  hand  lifts,  gesturing  to  her  left.  “  i’m  unable  to  leave  you  alone  with  it,  but  rest  assured  i’ll  try  my  best  to  answer  any  questions  you  might  have.  ”
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terrarenata · 2 years
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      “well…quite easily,” the doctor assured, with a small shrug. that wasn’t necessarily true, she was being a bit of a showoff, but so long as she had the tardis, it was easy enough. “see that blue box over there? she’s my ship. travels through space and time.”
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head  tilts,  a  frown  becoming  more  prominent  on  her  features.  “  easy  ?  it’s  easy  to  show  me  all  of  time  and  space  ?  ”  shaking  her  head  in  disbelief,  though  she  turns  to  the  direction  of  the  box.  “  that  thing  is  a  ship  ?  but  it’s  tiny  …  ”  pausing  a  moment,  before  turning  back  to  face  her  with  parted  lips.  “  wait  you  don’t  mean  a  spaceship  ?  like  something  some  kind  of  --  alien,  or  other  being  would  have  ?  ”
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terrarenata · 2 years
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Mary Oliver, from Devotions; “Loneliness”
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terrarenata · 2 years
the  intimacy  of  hands.
[ win ]  –  for the sender’s muse to place a hand on the receiver’s neck and rest their forehead against the receiver’s own for a close congrats or excitement at something. [ brush ]  –  for the sender’s muse to give the receiver’s muse a passing touch along the shoulder’s / back as they walk by. [ hold ]  –  for the sender’s muse to hold the receiver’s muse by the face / neck gently and brush their thumbs along their cheeks to get them to focus on them. [ passing confidence ]  –  for the sender’s muse brush their finger’s against the receiver’s muse’s hand, too scared to hold their hand. [ intertwine ]  –  for the sender’s muse to intertwine their finger’s the receiver’s muse and kiss the back of their hand. [ intertwine & kiss ]  –  for the sender’s muse to intertwine their finger’s the receiver’s muse and kiss the back of their hand. [ intertwine & hold ]  –  for the sender’s muse to intertwine their finger’s the receiver’s muse and hold them during an emotional moment to reassure them. [ wrap ]  –  for the sender’s muse to casually wrap their arms around the receiver’s neck and lean on their shoulder from behind. [ palm kiss ]  –  for the sender’s muse to kiss the palm of receiver’s hand. [ hand kiss ]  –  for the sender’s muse to kiss the back of the receiver’s hand. [ lay ]  –  for the sender’s muse to lay next to the receiver and lay their hand in the receiver muses’ hand. [ reassure ]  –  for the sender’s muse to place their hand over the receiver’s in a moment of stress and squeeze reassuringly. [ squeeze ]  –  for the sender’s muse to place their hands on the receiver’s shoulders from behind, and offer a reassuring / affirming squeeze before moving on. [ pluck ]  –  for the sender to pluck a foreign object ( twig / leaf / etc. ) out of the receiver muses’ hair. [ play ]  –  for the sender’s muse to run their hand up the receiver’s shoulder and play with the hair at the base of their neck as a means of comfort. [ rub ]  –  for the sender muse to rub up and down the receiver’s back / shoulder as a means of comfort. [ shoulder ]  –  for the sender’s muse to place a hand on the receiver’s shoulder to comfort them, or stop them. [ hug ]  –  for the sender’s muse to drag the receiver’s muse into a tight hug by the back of the neck, and play with their hair at the base of their neck in order to comfort them. [ shock ]  –  for the sender to recoil a bit in shock at how quick the receiver latches onto them in a moment of high emotion, before returning the affections. [ cup ]  –  for the sender’s muse to cup the receiver’s face, and brush their thumb along the receiver’s cheek. [ hair ]  –  for the sender to brush a strand of hair out of the receiver’s face. [ hair & lean ]  –  for the sender to brush a strand of hair out of the face, and lean in slowly for a kiss. [ cup & kiss ]  –  for the sender’s muse to cup the receiver muses’ face during an incredibly passionate and long overdue kiss. [ what a rush ]  –  for the long long overdue kiss to end, only for the sender to rest their head on the receiver’s, and comment “do you know how long I’ve wanted to do that?” [ no tears ]  –  for the sender to cup the receiver’s face and brush away their tears with their thumbs. [ no tears & kiss ]  –  for the sender to cup the receiver’s face and brush away their tears with their thumbs & kiss the receiver’s forehead. [ stumble ]  –  for the sender’s muse to catch and help the receiver’s muse keep balance. [ shudder ]  –  for the sender to shudder a little at some gentle touch from the receiver. [ nononono! ]  –  for the sender to hold the receiver’s head / face while they’re injured, brush their thumb along their cheeks & refuse to accept that the receiver is dying. [ acceptance ]  –  for the sender & receiver to sit / lay somewhere in acceptance of their ends together. in a final act of closeness, the sender places their hand in the receiver’s own.
[ prompt ] + reverse  –  to reverse any of the prompts !
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terrarenata · 2 years
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❝ everything  that  people  do  tells  you  a  little  something  about  them.  ❞  ----  independent,  private,  selective  crescent  city  based  original  character  with  several  au’s  and  verses.
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terrarenata · 2 years
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holding the crescent moon. available as a downloadable phone wallpaper if you join my patreon. available as a print on etsy. instagram | website 
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terrarenata · 2 years
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╰ ˙ ˖ ❀   juliet  thorn  of  @stcrlght​​​​​​​​  said  :   “  i  will  not  apologize  for  protecting  you.  ”
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a  gentle  smile  crosses  her  lips,  doe  eyes  lifting  to  study  the  other  for  a  long  moment  before  her  head  shakes  lightly.  one  hand  lifts,  reaching  out  to  touch  her  fingers  to  the  other  woman’s  hand.  “  i  am  not  asking  for  an  apology.  ”  voice  is  light,  turning  her  body  to  face  her  fully,  allowing  the  gentle  smile  to  remain  upon  her  lips  as  she  speaks.  “  i  am  grateful,  of  course.  but  i  cannot  ask  you  to  put  yourself  in  danger  to  protect  me,  juliet.  please  ---  please  tell  me  you  understand  that  …  ?  ”  brows  pull  together,  eyes  wide  as  she  shifts  her  fingers  to  squeeze  against  juliet’s  hand.  “  i  understand  the  protective  instinct,  but  i  can  look  after  myself,  juliet..  ”
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terrarenata · 2 years
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Yrsa Daley-Ward, from bone; “this was the story”
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terrarenata · 2 years
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╰ ˙ ˖ ❀  clarke  griffin  of  @pyrrhicmessiah​​​​​​​​  said  :   “  tell  me  that’s  not  what  i  think  it  is.  ”
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freezing  in  place  momentarily  before  turning  slowly  to  face  the  source  of  the  question,  doe  eyes  wide  as  they  blink  at  her  with  a  small,  somewhat  bashful  smile.  “  well  i  suppose  that  depends  entirely  on  what  you  think  it  is  …  ”  tucking  the  book  closer  to  herself,  clearing  her  throat  as  she  studies  the  other.  “  if  you  thought  it  was  an  important  historical  tome  --  well,  alright.  you  wouldn’t  exactly  be  wrong.  but  it’s  not  that  important.  it  won’t  be  missed  for  the  day  or  two  it  takes  me  to  study  it  !  ”  lips  quirk  a  little  higher,  brows  pulling  together.  “  are  you  going  to  --  write  me  up  or  whatever  it  is  this  kind  of  thing  entails  ?  ”  she  asks  quietly,  hope  that  she  might  allow  her  to  leave  shining  in  her  gaze.
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terrarenata · 2 years
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“uhhh, blueberry…?”
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terrarenata · 2 years
@terrarenata​ liked for a starter.
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            “   he already made his mind up before he came.   ”
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“  do  you  want  him  to  change  his  mind  …  ?  ”  question  paired  with  a  curious  smile,  pushing  the  popcorn  across  to  the  shifter.  “  because  if  anyone  was  going  to  take  on  a  stubborn  mind,  it  would  be  you  april  !  and  i  truly  mean  that  in  the  best  possible  way.  ”
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terrarenata · 2 years
can we speak in flowers. it will be easier for me to understand.
Nayyirah Waheed, from salt.
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terrarenata · 2 years
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         ❝ i didn’t ask for this. ❞   layla had never imagined her life would turn out this way. she’s an archaeologist’s daughter, an archaeologist in her own right; she’s never been much of a hero. there’s never been any call for that. times really are changing. her grip tightens on the steering wheel.   ❝ i don’t think you did either. ❞
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cautious  gaze  settles  on  the  other  woman,  pondering  her  words  for  a  moment,  lower  lip  caught  between  her  teeth  in  thought.  swallowing,  focusing  on  some  point  on  the  horizon,  small  smile  blossoming.  “  i’m  not  certain  anyone  like  us  truly  asked  for  it.  ”  she’s  gentle  in  her  tone,  head  tipping  back  to  settle  against  the  headrest.  “  you  are  good  at  it  though,  for  whatever  it’s  worth...  ”
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terrarenata · 2 years
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MARGARET QUALLEY interviewed for vogue
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terrarenata · 2 years
oh, she was good, wasn’t she. brows furrow, head cants - lips twitching . “ what would i have to lie about ? “ she starts, and scoffs, amusement permeating the confusion , lips stretching into a full fledged grin. “ unless you count the mirthroot i smoked last night. other than that, i don’t keep secrets. and even if i did, it’s none of your business, is it ?”
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gaze  studies  the  other  woman  intently,  narrowing  slightly  with  her  concentration,  before  allowing  a  smile  to  drift  across  her  lips.  “  is  that  a  secret  ?  ”  though  it’s  more  a  tease  than  anything  else.  “  hm.  ”  head  tilts,  allowing  the  smile  to  form  fully.  “  i  suppose  not.  all  i  meant  was  that  if  you  did  need  someone  relatively  unbiased  to  speak  to,  ”  pausing,  shoulders  lifting  in  a  delicate  shrug.  “  well  i’ve  been  told  i’m  an  excellent  listener  !  ”
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