teublueheavy · 5 months
Send "caress" to caress my muse's cheek.
can be an affectionate or eerie gesture
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teublueheavy · 11 months
how would your muse describe mine? (negative associations)
send an emoji (and/or the description of them) to let them know! if it helps, think about finishing the following sentence from the perspective of your muse: "i think you're _____." (terms source)
😡 [RED ANGRY FACE] — aggressive
😒 [UNAMUSED FACE] — aloof
🫵 [INDEX POINTING AT THE VIEWER] — argumentative
👅 [TONGUE] — arrogant
😉 [WINKING FACE] — cheeky
👶 [BABY] — childish
🪃 [BOOMERANG] — cocky
🪞 [MIRROR] — conceited
🩸 [DROP OF BLOOD] — cruel
🚪 [DOOR] — cynical
🔫 [WATER PISTOL] — dangerous
💥 [EXPLOSION] — daring
🌑 [NEW MOON] — dark
⚠️ [WARNING] — defiant
😣 [PERSEVERING FACE] — difficult
🗯️ [ANGRY SPEECH BUBBLE] — dishonest
🖕 [MIDDLE FINGER] — disrespectful
🫠 [MELTING FACE] — ditsy
😭 [LOUDLY CRYING FACE] — emotional
🖤 [BLACK HEART] — evil
🗑️ [WASTEBASKET] — filthy
💔 [BROKEN HEART] — fragile
🌧️ [CLOUD WITH RAIN] — gloomy
🤑 [MONEY-MOUTH FACE] — greedy
🙎 [PERSON POUTING] — grumpy
🧨 [FIRECRACKER] — hateful
🤣 [ROFL FACE] — hyper
🧒 [CHILD] — immature
😖 [CONFOUNDED FACE] — impatient
😪 [SLEEPY FACE] — impolite
🛹 [SKATEBOARD] — impulsive
🐣 [HATCHING CHICK] — innocent
⚡️ [LIGHTNING BOLT] — intense
💦 [WATER DROPLETS] — irrational
❎ [X MARK] — jealous
🥱 [YAWNING FACE] — lazy
😩 [WEARY FACE] — moody
🫲 [LEFTWARD HAND] — needy
🫦 [BITING LIP] — nervous
❌ [CROSS MARK] — offensive
👎 [THUMBS DOWN] — pessimistic
🥢 [CHOPSTICKS] — picky
🧊 [ICE] — prejudiced
👏 [CLAPPING HANDS] — proud
💫 [DIZZY SYMBOL] — sarcastic
🐍 [SNAKE] — sassy
😋 [SMILING FACE LICKING LIPS] — scatterbrained
📒 [LEDGER] — secretive
🏴‍☠️ [PIRATE FLAG] — selfish
🥺 [PLEADING FACE] — sensitive
😴 [SLEEPING FACE] — sleepy
💄 [LIPSTICK] — snobbish
👆 [INDEX FINGER] — strict
🥶 [COLD FACE] — stubborn
🤯 [EXPLODING HEAD] — unstable
💀 [SKULL] — untrustworthy
🤜 [RIGHT-FACING FIST] — uptight
💅 [NAIL POLISH] — vain
⚔️ [CROSSED SWORDS] — vicious
☄️ [COMET] — volatile
👿 [ANGRY FACE WITH HORNS] — wrathful
367 notes · View notes
teublueheavy · 11 months
how would your muse describe mine? (positive associations)
send an emoji (and/or the description of them) to let them know! if it helps, think about finishing the following sentence from the perspective of your muse: "i think you're _____." (terms source)
🐹 [HAMSTER FACE] — adorable
🪵 [WOOD] — adventurous
🤩 [FACE WITH STARRY EYES] — ambitious
🎨 [ARTIST PALETTE] — artistic
💪 [FLEXED BICEP] — brave
⭐️ [STAR] — bright
🫧 [BUBBLES] — bubbly
😶‍🌫️ [FACE IN CLOUDS] — calm
😶 [FACE WITHOUT MOUTH] — careful
☀️ [SUN] — charismatic
🧹 [BROOM] — clean
🖊️ [BALLPOINT PEN] — clever
❤️ [RED HEART] — compassionate
🧡 [ORANGE HEART] — confident
💛 [YELLOW HEART] — considerate
💚 [GREEN HEART] — cool
💙 [BLUE HEART] — cooperative
💜 [PURPLE HEART] — courageous
🖌️ [PAINTBRUSH] — crafty
🤔 [THINKING FACE] — curious
🐱 [CAT FACE] — cute
🏠 [HOUSE] — dedicated
⚓️ [ANCHOR] — dependable
🥇 [GOLD MEDAL] — determined
🌊 [WAVE] — eager
🐚 [SEASHELL] — easygoing
🎬 [CLAPPER BOARD] — encouraging
🌪️ [TORNADO] — energetic
🚗 [CAR] — experienced
👗 [DRESS] — fashionable
🔥 [FIRE] — fiery
💋 [KISS MARK] — flirtatious
☺️ [SMILING FACE] — friendly
💩 [PILE OF POOP] — funny
🎁 [PRESENT] — generous
💐 [BOUQUET] — gifted
👔 [SHIRT AND TIE] — handsome
😀 [GRINNING FACE] — happy
📞 [TELEPHONE RECEIVER] — hardworking
💞 [REVOLVING HEARTS] — helpful
💓 [BEATING HEART] — honest
☁️ [CLOUD] — imaginative
🏹 [BOW AND ARROW] — independent
🍼 [BABY BOTTLE] — innocent
🧐 [FACE WITH MONOCLE] — intelligent
🤪 [GOOFY FACE] — jovial
❓ [RED QUESTION MARK] — logical
💕 [TWO HEARTS] — loving
💍 [RING] — loyal
👞 [DRESS SHOE] — mature
🥼 [LAB COAT] — modest
🔮 [CRYSTAL BALL] — mysterious
🧼 [SOAP] — neat
🧑‍🏫 [TEACHER] — obedient
👀 [EYES] — observant
📖 [OPEN BOOK] — open
👍 [THUMBS UP] — optimistic
🎻 [VIOLIN] — passionate
⌛️ [HOURGLASS] — patient
🎱 [BILLIARDS] — perceptive
🐶 [DOG FACE] — playful
🙇 [PERSON BOWING] — polite
🏃 [RUNNER] — quick
🤫 [SHUSHING FACE] — quiet
📚 [BOOKS] — resourceful
💟 [HEART DECORATION] — respectful
🔖 [BOOKMARK] — responsible
🔬 [MICROSCOPE] — serious
👓 [GLASSES] — smart
👯 [DANCING PEOPLE] — sociable
🫶 [HEART HANDS] — supportive
🧁 [CUPCAKE] — sweet
🌈 [RAINBOW] — tactful
💃 [WOMAN DANCING] — talented
💬 [SPEECH BALLOON] — talkative
💭 [THOUGHT BALLOON] — thoughtful
🎤 [MICROPHONE] — trusting
🐵 [MONKEY FACE] — unique
💰 [MONEY BAG] — unselfish
🎶 [MUSICAL NOTES] — upbeat
🌼 [FLOWER] — warm
🧓 [OLDER ADULT] — wise
569 notes · View notes
teublueheavy · 1 year
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Made a new spray for TF2 :B There’s nothing like a Heavy giving you their sandwich, you feel so special and cared for! right before you get sniped or backstabbed again
1K notes · View notes
teublueheavy · 1 year
Argument Starters !
You know what to do with pronouns and context!
God, why must you jump down my throat at every turn?
You’re such a control freak!
Get your shit together, or I’m leaving you. 
All you think about is yourself!
You’re so selfish!
Fuck off!
Fuck you!
Fuck this!
Go fuck yourself!
Why are you like this?
Why do you always have to insist that you’re right?
Quit crying, you’re acting like a baby. 
I don’t need you to tell me what I can or can’t do. 
I’m leaving you. 
Don’t you dare mention _____!
Oh, so I can’t talk about _____? They were my friend, too!
It’s your fault they’re dead!
How is it my fault?
They’re gone because of you!
You drive off everyone you love because you’re just a scared little child, _____.
What did I ever do to you??
You’re dead to me. 
When will you admit for the first time in your life that you’re wrong!
I wish I never fell in love with you. 
You’re completely different than the person I met.
Shut up!
916 notes · View notes
teublueheavy · 1 year
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You know it’s Medic’s fault.
7K notes · View notes
teublueheavy · 1 year
“Violence is more fun.” He grumbled, glancing to the side. Scarring someone for life was WAY more permanent than making them witness something gay once in their miserable lives. “Heavy was not worried, just pissed.” Boris sighed softly, keeping his hands around the other’s waist. “You are smoking, especially for man.”
❝I don’t like the way they’re looking at you ❞
“I don’t either but I do my best to ignore it.”
Down the isle from them were two women with their shopping carts. They had gone from chatting, to pointing at the two men to glancing and giggling and their attempts at whispering aren’t exactly quiet. Truth is Etuate caught them ogling him about five minutes ago.
Good grief, here they come.
Their heels clack against the flooring and they put on big smiles. “Hello, sir! Me an’ my girlfriend here were just wondering if you were married.” The blonde asks, this only causes Etu to roll his eyes but he’d humor them…just for fun. “No, she passed a few years ago.” The women look at each other excitedly. “So, you’re single?” They both move closer, not only completely ignoring Boris’ existence but also moving him out of the way.
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teublueheavy · 1 year
Ok, the comment about Etu being a black pissed him off. A vein was already popping out of his forehead. A therapist? Him? Boris should laugh himself sick, but he holds his composure. If anything, the giant has caused more people to need a doctor than he’s mentally helped. When Etu turned and gave him a kiss, the Heavy was all too eager to return it, grabbing the other around the waist. 
❝I don’t like the way they’re looking at you ❞
“I don’t either but I do my best to ignore it.”
Down the isle from them were two women with their shopping carts. They had gone from chatting, to pointing at the two men to glancing and giggling and their attempts at whispering aren’t exactly quiet. Truth is Etuate caught them ogling him about five minutes ago.
Good grief, here they come.
Their heels clack against the flooring and they put on big smiles. “Hello, sir! Me an’ my girlfriend here were just wondering if you were married.” The blonde asks, this only causes Etu to roll his eyes but he’d humor them…just for fun. “No, she passed a few years ago.” The women look at each other excitedly. “So, you’re single?” They both move closer, not only completely ignoring Boris’ existence but also moving him out of the way.
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teublueheavy · 1 year
Now, Boris was not afraid to be violent in the slightest. In fact, he quite enjoyed the release of irritation and agitation. It was therapeutic. However, in the middle of a grocery store, with plenty of civilian watchful eyes? Not the smartest move. Silently, he let this continue, seeing where it would go. As soon as he was blocked off, he immediately inserted himself back in, just moving around to the back of Etu. “Little girls so rude. Harassing poor widower for simple date. What make you think he wants another girl, huh?” His thick Russian voice rumbled, irritation clear on his face.
“Was taking lovely friend out to ignore this travesty, but spasibo for bringing sad memory back up.” He threw his hands up in the air. 
❝I don’t like the way they’re looking at you ❞
“I don’t either but I do my best to ignore it.”
Down the isle from them were two women with their shopping carts. They had gone from chatting, to pointing at the two men to glancing and giggling and their attempts at whispering aren’t exactly quiet. Truth is Etuate caught them ogling him about five minutes ago.
Good grief, here they come.
Their heels clack against the flooring and they put on big smiles. “Hello, sir! Me an’ my girlfriend here were just wondering if you were married.” The blonde asks, this only causes Etu to roll his eyes but he’d humor them…just for fun. “No, she passed a few years ago.” The women look at each other excitedly. “So, you’re single?” They both move closer, not only completely ignoring Boris’ existence but also moving him out of the way.
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teublueheavy · 1 year
Send me ❝I don’t like the way they’re looking at you ❞ for my muse’s reaction to yours saying this while feeling jealous/possessive.
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teublueheavy · 1 year
Well, darn. Crime ran in his veins as well. Boris was predisposed to violence and a gruff nature, finding it easy to use his strength and intimidating stature to his advantage. When the other mentioned a potential partner in crime, a wide grin split Boris’ face. “Da, sounds like fun.” he was no stranger to getting his hands dirty, often killing off strong targets purely for sport. Other times, when they insulted him or his family, they got the nice SLOW treatment. It was satisfying and a high he just couldn’t get rid of sometimes. 
“ you’re crushing my hand. “
Boris jolted awake, looking down. His organic hand was thankfully the one clutching tightly, but he immediately let go, looking almost lost. The Heavy had a sheen of cold sweat on his face, bringing a hand up to rub his face. "Мне жаль..." He mumbled, leaning over to give the other a kiss on the cheek. "Sorry. Please, go back to sleep."
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teublueheavy · 1 year
Boris shrugged, fully ready to just roll over and go back to bed. However, when Etu added in his two sense, the Heavy raised a brow. “Хм?”
“ you’re crushing my hand. “
Boris jolted awake, looking down. His organic hand was thankfully the one clutching tightly, but he immediately let go, looking almost lost. The Heavy had a sheen of cold sweat on his face, bringing a hand up to rub his face. "Мне жаль..." He mumbled, leaning over to give the other a kiss on the cheek. "Sorry. Please, go back to sleep."
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teublueheavy · 1 year
RP starters: Betrayal
“I thought I could trust you!”
“I should’ve known.”
“Are you just going to leave me here?!”
“Where are you going?”
“Why did you do this?”
“Don’t. I don’t need to hear your pathetic excuses anymore.”
“You can still do the right thing!”
“You knew about this all along, didn’t you?”
“I will remember this…”
“I thought we were friends!”
“Please let’s just go back, please.”
“This is a joke, right? Right?”
“What are you doing? What…?
“I still believe there is a good person in you.”
“It was necessary.”
“Did you really think I cared about you?”
“This was my plan all along.”
“There was no other way.”
“How cute. Struggle all you want, you won’t be leaving this place.”
“This is what you get from trusting me.”
“It’s too late to go back.”
“I’m sorry this had to go down like this.”
“That’s right, I lied.”
“It’s all for a good cause.”
“You were so stupid. You should’ve known.”
“Just so you know.. I don’t regret anything.”
“Shame. I kind of liked you.”
“This is my responsibility.” 
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teublueheavy · 1 year
He sighed deeply. “Still feel guilty about it.” The Heavy mumbled, bringing up a hand to smooth his own hair back. “Did not dream when working for Mann company. Was too focused on work.” 
“ you’re crushing my hand. “
Boris jolted awake, looking down. His organic hand was thankfully the one clutching tightly, but he immediately let go, looking almost lost. The Heavy had a sheen of cold sweat on his face, bringing a hand up to rub his face. "Мне жаль..." He mumbled, leaning over to give the other a kiss on the cheek. "Sorry. Please, go back to sleep."
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teublueheavy · 1 year
“Heavy was such coward.” His hands shook. “Would rip them apart and keep their eyeballs as trophies.” Boris growled, breathing heavily through his nose. When the other kissed him, he seemed to relax a bit, returning the hug. “I want to do something.”
“ you’re crushing my hand. “
Boris jolted awake, looking down. His organic hand was thankfully the one clutching tightly, but he immediately let go, looking almost lost. The Heavy had a sheen of cold sweat on his face, bringing a hand up to rub his face. "Мне жаль..." He mumbled, leaning over to give the other a kiss on the cheek. "Sorry. Please, go back to sleep."
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teublueheavy · 1 year
That tired face only made Boris feel even worse, but he nodded. His cybernetic hand rested on his thigh, sighing softly. “Was back at Gulag with father... Watched them shoot him again. Old me still did nothing.” The Heavy winced, turning his face away in shame.
“ you’re crushing my hand. “
Boris jolted awake, looking down. His organic hand was thankfully the one clutching tightly, but he immediately let go, looking almost lost. The Heavy had a sheen of cold sweat on his face, bringing a hand up to rub his face. "Мне жаль..." He mumbled, leaning over to give the other a kiss on the cheek. "Sorry. Please, go back to sleep."
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teublueheavy · 1 year
He put on a small smile. “Is fine. Just dream.” Boris chuckled, rubbing his own eyes as well. “Did not mean to wake you.” The Heavy truly felt foolish for being so afraid of a little dream. He wasn’t a child anymore. But still... everything felt so real...
“ you’re crushing my hand. “
Boris jolted awake, looking down. His organic hand was thankfully the one clutching tightly, but he immediately let go, looking almost lost. The Heavy had a sheen of cold sweat on his face, bringing a hand up to rub his face. "Мне жаль..." He mumbled, leaning over to give the other a kiss on the cheek. "Sorry. Please, go back to sleep."
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