thatparkinsongirl · 5 years
Merlin knew that he could use a drink - or three. He wasn’t even as picky as usual about what it was. What he was picky about was his company, but Draco was honestly kind of wondering if he picked the right company for the evening. Pansy was very melodramatic and self-centred. While usually that wasn’t the worst thing in the world and he was very much used to it (plus he could hardly comment on the matter, since he was dramatic and arrogant himself) he felt like the current events and whatever was on Pansy’s mind just wouldn’t make a good combination. The sighing that came from her mouth was not a promising start by any means.  “Or maybe you could, I don’t know, go with it,” he suggested dryly when she complained about being married off. “Either go with it or get yourself disowned. There’s no in between and you know it.” And especially not if the in-between meant that it meant Draco had to listen to her complain. He would be fine being married to whoever his parents picked. He would just feel sorry for the woman that got stuck with him. The betrothals were just a truth that the Sacred 28 had to deal with for decades now. They had to keep their blood pure, after all.  He blinked at the words that followed out of Pansy’s mouth and continued to stare at her. Not at all accidentally and rather pointedly. “Do you know what I like in a person?” he asked then. “Compassion. Have you, by any chance, heard of the term?” He rolled his grey eyes, scoffed and leaned back in his chair then. “First of all. Unpleasant people are reappearing daily. And secondly. If any personal unpleasant people reappeared I wouldn’t be here, because I would be dead, you simpering fool.” Unless he were to return after dying, which was not something he put a lot of thought into yet. But his point stood: if Abraxas, Druella, Cygnus or Bellatrix returned he was in for one hell of a time for disappointing the family and what not. He was convinced Bellatrix would waste no time at all torturing him and the other three either raised his father or Bellatrix so that was a good time either. “And did you think we could be walking into Vincent anytime soon, Pansy?” he added. Probably not, because if her last remark was anything to go by she wasn’t thinking.
He was right, of course. She’d complained and complained to her poor friends about this for years, even when they all knew that she could easily fix the problem herself. Refuse and be disowned. She’d tried to imagine that once, back in school. She’d watched the dirt poor Weasley girl, looked at her clothes, her books, and her smile despite that. She was self aware enough to know she couldn’t do it. Her family name, the money, just the money, meant far too much to her to ever give up.
Bitter, at herself truly, and feeling unfairly vindictive, she let the question spill out her mouth. She’d known even as she said it how unforgivably callous it was. Pansy, the bitch, self-centered and nasty to her marrow; even people she called her friends had been victims of her personality; but at least, for the most part she knew they could handle it. They could all give as good as they got. That, of course, did not make it any better, did not remove the dagger from their backs. 
She flinched at his words, the naked, brutal honesty of them. That was the worst part after all, she practically needed the veil of a morbid joke to speak of it. It. The danger, the horror, the tragedy, the sheer fucking inevitability of it. If, (when), Draco’s less savory family members, or honestly any of the Death Eaters, returned they would kill Draco and his parents. It was not something she could think of. This, more than his anger, his hurt, was her punishment for what she’d said.
She would never say it, because even she knew it was line not to be crossed, but she’d never expected him to survive the war. There’d been a part of her all sixth and seventh year that had been quietly preparing herself for it. It had all just been borrowed time for him. 
She looked at him, forcing herself to see the betrayal on his face. She was probably lucky he hadn’t just walked straight out of the restaurant. She couldn’t apologize her way out of this, even if she were the type for apologies. “I deserved that, I know. I won’t make excuses not to you. You’re not going to-” she wouldn’t say, couldn’t. “We’re not going to sit back and wait for them though. We can find out more about whatever the Unspeakables fucked up or find a way to protect you or cross our fingers and hope they get murdered again before they get to you. I’m shit at compassion and you know it but I can do something to help, anything.”
It was probably a lie. Maybe she could help, maybe he would let her. But at the end of the day, she couldn’t help enough.
“Don’t,” she forced out through gritted teeth, “We’re not talking about him.” She had thought about Vince coming back when the Prophet first broke the news and then immediately put him out of her mind. Vincent, who she’d passed in the halls on her way to the passageway out of Hogwarts, Vincent who’d refused her to come with her, Vincent who patted her arm good-naturally and told her, “I’ll be fine”. If he did come back, she thought she might hex him.
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thatparkinsongirl · 5 years
Pansy brushed the snow off her shoulders, shivering despite the warming charm on her robes. She’d just left from yet another unsuccessful meeting with Tiberius McLaggen; unsuccessful in that he still refused to part with that awful grandfather clock but, at least, he was a delight to listen to.
“Oh, a spiked hot chocolate, please?” she asked, half sheepish. Stepping further in, she glanced around, happy to see very little had changed here since she left Hogwarts. If she walked over to the table in the back her, Draco, and Blaise initials were probably still carved into the wood.
Pansy pulled out a chair at the counter. “You work here long? I don’t think I recognize you.”
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Open to everyone Location: The Three Broomsticks, Hogsmeade
January made sure that the Three Broomsticks were actually more quiet than usual. The students were back at Hogwarts again after the winter holidays had finished. The chilly weather outside made sure that most of the people also stayed inside, because who would go outside in the cold when you could stay inside where it was warm. Mary didn’t blame the other people at all. It was only a small distance from her small house just on the outskirts of Hogsmeade to the Three Broomsticks and she was warm inside the inn after all, all day.
The chilly wind came inside for a moment, which made Mary turn towards the door that just closed from behind the counter where she was standing. “Hello! What can I get you?”
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thatparkinsongirl · 5 years
Pansy dropped into the chair heavily with a melodramatic sigh. Her mother, still horrified that Pansy had a job,-“I just don’t understand! We have plenty of money. You don’t need to debase yourself like this!”-was dragging her to a society event this weekend in the hopes of marrying her off to some pureblood. Pansy, rather thought, she’d been lucky enough to get rid of her first fiance, Henry Travers, and had no interest in replacing him with yet another dullard. Although, there was a a chance now, with the Unspeakables’ mess, that her father and Henry might reappear at any time. The very thought was enough to turn her stomach. 
She sighed again, just to hammer in the point. “Mother’s trying to marry me off again. Really if she gets her way, I’m afraid I’ll have to get some advice from Mrs. Zabini.”
She waved a hand at the first waiter that had the misfortune of making eye contact with her. “And how’s your family doing? You all haven’t had any unpleasant people reappearing from their graves, have you?”
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thatparkinsongirl · 5 years
(lyrica okano). There’s [PANSY PARKINSON]. [SHE] is [23] and graduated as a [SLYTHERIN] alumnus. Nowadays the [PUREBLOOD] works as [A BORGIN AND BURKE’S EMPLOYEE]. I heard they are [CURIOUS] and [INDEPENDENT], but also [SELFISH] and [VAIN]. A song that fits them is [LIABILITY by LORDE]. (liv, 21, she/her, est).
Pansy’s full bio is here and here are the fast facts. Pansy’s father and betrothed were both killed during the Battle of Hogwarts but this was no loss to Pansy. The real loss for her was reputation and status. For a time she became quite the shut-in, preferring that to all the whispers and gossip. When she first started venturing out of the manor, it was too sell off some of the darker artifacts in their attic to Borgin and Burkes as there was a rumor going around that aurors were planning to search the homes of families affiliated with the Dark Lord. She took spending some time there, always fascinated by the oddities the store kept. After an interaction with a customer one day, Mr. Burke offered her a job. Pansy, amused and admittedly bored, took him up on it. She started as a shopkeeper-helping customers, learning to repair some of the artifacts, and what not. Eventually though she moved into acquisitions which was just a fancy way of saying she haggled, bartered, and swindled artifacts out of someone’s personal collection and into the shop. She enjoys it.
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thatparkinsongirl · 5 years
Hey all im at work pretty much all day but ill be able to pop in and out so please plot with me and make my day a little less agonizing 😀
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thatparkinsongirl · 6 years
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@quidditchleaguenet december event: favorite friendships - ravenclaw team - the platinum trio 
“your loyalty is the only thing keeping me together. without you both, i would be lost and alone. i would be drifting through life without purpose. i will do anything to keep you safe, because you have chosen me and i have chosen you. family is not blood; my blood dried up years ago and stopped my heart from beating. the people you call family are those who have earned your trust. you have both earned mine. for that, i will forever be indebted to you, and i will always be there to remind you that you are never alone. for my heart has now started to beat once more.” 
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thatparkinsongirl · 6 years
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the platinum trio 
“life is an awful, ugly place to not have a best friend.” [x]
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thatparkinsongirl · 6 years
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~Gryffindor Girls~
“Throw me to the wolves and I will return leading the pack”
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thatparkinsongirl · 6 years
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The Parkinson Manor—
The Manor is not a home, as a child you are particularly aware of this. Everything, from the mirror in the East Hall to your mother and father, screams, ‘untouchable’. It’s all shut doors, empty corridors, arched ceilings, and the echo of silence.
There’s a window up high in the north tower that you spent too much time as a child staring out of. From there, you can see for miles across the moor, the lake, the hedge maze out back, the tree you aren’t supposed to climb. You stare out the window and imagine yourself as the heroine of every novel you’ve ever read-the princess locked away in the castle, waiting, wistful, wanting.
You’re seven the first time you try to run away. Across the unforgiving stone tiles, out the heavy oak doors, to the January dead grass. You run and run and run, early morning mist tricking you into thinking you’re further than you really are. There’s nothing out there though. You know that well enough from all your explorations. You can run but you won’t get anywhere.
This isn’t the kind of place you can escape from. Even twenty years down the road, in a house of your own, you’ll carry this place with you.
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thatparkinsongirl · 6 years
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an endless list of my faves (5/?): Pansy Parkinson
the fallen did not choose to fall but merely were pushed
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thatparkinsongirl · 6 years
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pansy parkinson moodboard
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thatparkinsongirl · 6 years
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Dark Hogwarts House aesthetics
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thatparkinsongirl · 6 years
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Ravenclaw aesthetic
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thatparkinsongirl · 6 years
HEY :)) Who wants a closed starter from me? Not sure if I’ll get to it today but yeah :)
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thatparkinsongirl · 6 years
 Draco didn’t appreciate anyone stealing the stuff that he smuggled into the castle and just rolled for himself, but the only one that could get away with and be reprieved with no more than a scold on Draco’s face was Pansy. He wrinkled his nose a little as he glanced aside at his best friend before leaning back against the bench, watching from the corner of his eye how she lit the cigarette and put in between her lips. The moment that she returned it he simply took it back but he didn’t take a drag himself, not yet. Rather, he replied to her words first.  “That’s what we do best. Denying everything until it’s too late and you need someone with you to help you clean up the traces of the mess you made.” Pansy was that person for him, just as he was that person for her. It was what they had been doing all summer, too, when they could. Denial was a better friend that facing facts or being responsible. Being responsible was what got Draco in this mess to begin with.  He placed the cigarette between his lips and inhaled slowly before handing it back over to her. They’d have to find a way to get some more at their first Hogsmeade weekend, because the pace this was going he’d run out soon. Pansy’s further words made him roll his eyes. “It’ll only get worse if I tell you,” he said. “Trust me on that.” Another drag of the cigarette and Draco turned to look back at Pansy, facing her directly in return. “You didn’t tell me what’s going on with you either,” he pointed out.  “You’re seriously making me consider some kind of pact where we tell each other just the minimum of what the other needs to know, just so we don’t have to worry or at last know what we’re worrying about so we can focus on whatever it is we’re doing and not telling each other about,” he said. He toyed with the cigarette briefly before handing it back over to her.
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“And I’ll always be there whether it’s the shards of an antique vase or a body,” Pansy murmured. A promise, not made lightly. An indication that while Pansy didn’t know what Draco was involved in, she understood the gravity of it.  All that mattered was that Draco came out of this alive, the consequences and sacrifices of that could be dealt with later. If need be, both the Malfoys and Parkinsons had property all across the world.
“I believe you and honestly I might be best that I don’t know the details. Deniability, you know,” she replied thoughtfully before taking another slow drag of the cigarette and passing it back to Draco. She hadn’t brought any of her own this year, confident that between Draco, Blaise, and Millie she’d be able to leach plenty off them. That and the fact that her mother had thoroughly searched her belongings, much better than Filch ever could, and thrown anything away that ‘a young pureblood woman shouldn’t possess’.
That too was a problem for another day, a small, tiny one that she couldn’t bother Draco with. Her hand drifted automatically to the dagger still tucked in her pocket. Was it the solution? It would be ironic to use it on the very person who had given it to her, wouldn’t it? What was a small dagger against the most powerful word in the Wizarding world anyway? Pansy’s secrets were contained within her family. They didn’t have the same potential for destruction that Draco’s did. She hadn’t yet made up her mind about how she felt. Draco’s opinion might cloud her own, might turn the tide.
“My problem isn’t going anywhere. It can wait, promise. I haven’t decided if even want to do something about it yet,” she answered leaning into Draco slightly. “No, just don’t let things go too far. If you need help, ask before it’s too late. You don’t have to tell me anything just don’t put your life on the line to protect me from anything. I don’t want that.”
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thatparkinsongirl · 6 years
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Luna knew of the other girl and she knew that she had different beliefs compared to hers. Pansy was a Slytherin— a pureblood. The girl knew exactly what type of girl she was and so she allowed the girls words to go through her ears without faltering. In stead, she laughs hazily. ❛ Nargles aren’t made up! They’re undiscovered. I believe they’re somewhere out there. ❜ She expresses, confidence instilled with each word as she sways forward then backwards.
    She didn’t doubt that her classmates were capable of such a thing. They had no trouble calling her names or whispering about her in the halls. Though still, Luna was unbothered by the thought. She’d much rather believe in something that doesn’t exist then be forced to believe that everyone around her was just cruel. ❛ Though— if Nargles aren’t the ones behind it all.. wouldn’t it be hilarious to find out it was a student? It’d be like a game of hide and seek. ❜
   Luna’s mind wanders to where the shoes could possibly be and eyes widen as an idea pops into her head. ❛ I haven’t checked the middle courtyard. Would you like to join me on my quest to find them? ❜ The girl questions. She’s already expecting a decline because there is no way a Slytherin wants to be stuck around her.
Pansy just stared back at the other girl blankly. She should’ve just ignored her and kept walking. Taunting someone lost some of the thrill when the other person was oblivious to it all.
“Right,” Pansy nodded along, her eyes rolling, “And I believe that one day Professor McGonagall is going to announce to the entire great hall that I’m her very best student and I will be getting Outstandings on all my work from now on.”
She sighed softly, mumbling hide and seek beneath her breath. Some people really could find the positive in anything. Pansy made a vague gesture down the hall. “That’s where I was heading before you distracted me so come on. I’m not helping you look though. I just walking that way.”
Pansy strode off ahead of her hardly waiting for the other girl. It wouldn’t much matter where she looked anyway, Pansy suspected the shoes were probably in the Slytherin common room. Although, she’d seen the way the other Ravenclaws treated her, it was one of them who’d coined her nickname as Loony after all. At least, Slytherins would never target one of their own house, honestly.
“Have you ever tried saying anything to your Head of House about all your things going missing?” she asked. It was a ridiculous question to ask as Pansy was pretty sure she had a pair of the girl’s earrings in her jewelry box from last year still. That didn’t mean that someone shouldn’t try to help the clueless girl.
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thatparkinsongirl · 6 years
Winding her way through the shelves, Pansy searched half-heartedly for the book she needed. The sooner she found it, the sooner she actually had to work on her Potions essay. It hardly mattered anyway; she highly doubted Slughorn graded as harshly as Snape.
She was two minutes from giving up and finding Daphne so they could go and harass the first years. Yesterday they’d scared two Hufflepuffs with the help of Peeves so badly one of them started crying. Every year, it seemed to Pansy the first years looked younger and younger. If she was right about this year though, they would have to grow up fast.
Turning down the next row, she stopped short at the sight of Isobel. She didn’t know why she was surprised, if you were going to run into Isobel anywhere it would be the library.
“Hey nerd, I haven’t seen you since the feast. Did you just camp out here?” Pansy asked, sidling up beside the Ravenclaw.
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