thcophagy · 8 hours
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patsy leaving was a classic move, one that ronnie had been forced to get used to when they first started hooking up. there had been multiple times when he'd gone to bed with her beside her and woken up alone, sometimes finding her in the room of another member of the band, sometimes not finding her at all, she liked to make people yearn for her, withholding what they wanted most till they broke and begged. it wouldn't take much to get toby to break now that she'd hooked him but he was different from the rest, he had both of them trying to persue him and that meant working in tandem, she'd had her fun and now it was time for ronnie to take back the reins and soften toby up further. not that he needed to do much, toby already idolised him, he'd likely be more oepen with him than he would with patsy on account of that parasocial relationship he'd developed, feeling as though he'd gotten to know him at least a little through his songs. he wanted to give him whatever quotes he needed for his silly little interview but more than that, he wanted to get a sense of who toby was outside of being the awkward teenager standing in the corner of whatever room the band found themselves in. being a fan of the band was good and all, it didn't tell him anything about him other that he had good taste in music. patsy had gotten some backstory out of him, it'd be easy to continue down that road and see where it led them. "she likes you." ronnie pointed out, eyes flickering up to the smoke detector he'd broken moments after getting into the room for the first time. "and she's a good judge of character." he was inclined to trust her about things, they met a large variety of people on their travels, some with good intentions and some not so much, the majority in fact tended to sway towards the latter but patsy could sniff them out like a bloodhound. they might not have been perfect people, but everyone in the band and those who congregated around them were good, generally, at least. if anyone had thought toby was harbouring bad intentions, he wouldn't have taken a step onto the tour bus in the first place. "you miss home?" he quiered casually, leaning back onto the bed, pushing his weight into his hand so he could keep himself propped up enough to study toby's side profile. he'd likely reject all advances, but a handsome kid like him was bound to start attracting attention. none of the other groupies had tried to get close to him, likely because of patsy scaring them away from what she believed to be hers, but with everyone they came in contact with, someone was going to try and make a move and ronnie felt a twinge of jealousy at the thought. "you're sweet, kid." another drag of his cigarette and ronnie pulled himself up and closer to toby, shuffling enough so that their thighs just about brushed. "it's gonna be weird not seeing you on the edge of the stage when you do eventually leave..." people came and went, it was the nature of the road and their profession, but buttering him up was all too easy to do. "i've gotten used to it... got those stars in your eyes when you're watching us..."
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his overwhelming emotional sensitivity was no doubt a result of his mother coddling him his whole life, but she'd argue that his sensitivity was his greatest strength. toby felt things deeply, he loved hard, he was introspective enough to look below the surface and assess what was truly going on, and he had a gentleness about him that immediately put people at ease. maybe those traits weren't the best for the environment he'd found himself in, but they made him a better writer, and he could only hope it'd make his piece that much more accessible. he was still operating with his article as his number one priority, not expecting to get much out of the experience personally, as he was meant to be nothing more than an objective observer. they all seemed determined to pull him into the mix, though, not taking no for an answer until he felt he had no choice but to join in on their antics. his eyes followed patsy as she left he and ronnie on their own, inexplicably yearning for her attention now that he'd lost it. having her focus on him was scary, as she had a sort of intensity about her that he instinctively wanted to shy away from, but it was exciting all the same. it made him feel special in a different way than ronnie's did. "oh," his tone was almost disappointed when he realized she'd be leaving, though it was probably for the best considering the work he needed to get done. "ok! bye, patsy. enjoy the, um... enjoy your food!" he continued watching her up until the door closed behind her, at which point he turned to face ronnie, completely forgetting about the cigarette he'd been holding until the other man plucked it out of his fingers. "oh, no!" though he didn't know what ronnie was going to say about patsy, he felt the need to reassure him that she wasn't too much for him, and he could handle her intensity. "no, she's great. really cool— i've never met a girl like her before..." whatever they had between them was something toby still didn't understand; they weren't together, but they weren't not together. when he'd asked patsy if she was his girlfriend on his first day there, she'd burst out laughing. relationships just worked differently for musicians, he supposed, or maybe it was the spontaneity of tour life that prevented either of them from making a definitive commitment and putting a label on it. "kinda, yeah... it's a lot to take in all at once. i didn't really get out much back home, just class and work. i'm already kinda looking forward to getting to sleep in my own bed again..." he chuckled to try and make sure ronnie didn't think he didn't want to be there, because he did. this was what he'd been dreaming of, but he was still struggling to adjust to life on the road. his heartbeat kicked up once ronnie sat beside him, unable to hold eye contact for too long before he found his gaze darting around the room for relief. it was hard not to be star struck, especially when he found himself so close to someone he'd looked up to for a while now. "i'm glad, too... i feel really lucky to be here, it's an honor just to get to watch you perform every night. i'm getting paid to hang out with the coolest people in the world, pretty much!"
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thcophagy · 10 hours
[…] perhaps I set the house on fire; but that’s as my fancy goes –
Emily Brontë, from ‘Wuthering Heights’
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thcophagy · 10 hours
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she looked so pretty bathed in sunlight, her skin glossy with sweat, he wanted to drag his tongue across every inch and have the taste of her meld with the cherries he'd been snacking on. she was too sweet, it almost made him not want to mess with her, why ruin something so gentle and pretty? it was in his nature to tease, to try and draw the unknown things out of goody-two-shoes like her. that didn't mean he never thought twice. "you haven't tried." he pointed out with a tired smile, the sun had left his body achy and limp, it was tempting to lay back down beside her and bask in the peacefulness. he didn't though, instead he picked up another cherry and copied in her footsteps, ripping the step off while the fruit sat between his teeth and tossing it aside. he hummed softly before spitting out the pit, then rolled back down beside her, crowding into her space. "plenty. how much time you wanna spend listening to me list them off?" after stretching his arms up over his head, he let one settle beside chanelle's mindlessly playing with her hair as he stared up at the clear, blue sky. "can't keep my hands off of you, there's one to start."
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          her eyes remain closed even as he speaks to her, hazel hues only opening when her companion's shadow blocks the sun's warmth on her face. irises squint at the knotted cherry stem, brows furrowed with half - lidded eyes, her cardigan falling off - shoulder as she leans up on elbows to get a better look.   ❛ i can't do it. ❜    head shakes as she speaks and chanelle is quick to throw in the towel so she doesn't make a fool of herself. instead, she takes another cherry and pops it into her mouth, plucking the stem and tossing it into the field. it's a sour one, causing soft features to pucker before she swallows the fruit whole. she sticks out her tongue in disapproval, followed by another shake of her head, before smiling shyly.   ❛ i've got a weak tongue, i guess. in more ways than one. ❜   she has always exhibited a tendency towards soft - spokenness and a meek demeanor, from childhood and especially now.   ❛ is there anything you can't do, jonas ? ❜
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thcophagy · 12 hours
if anyone else were to talk to him the way lux did, lou knew he wouldn't have so willingly accepted the degradation. he would've put up a fight, try to argue his worth in the face of their belittlement, but lux wasn't just anyone. he craved her cruelty more than her kindness, he wanted her to tear him down till he was nothing but a pile of bones then build him back up, putting the parts together exactly how she wanted so he could be her perfect little doll. somewhere in the back of his head he noted how weird it was to be letting griffyn see this part of himself, they'd always had some kind of boyish competition going on, testosterone-fueled and slightly toxic in a way that young men were often encouraged to be towards each other, and now he was getting see the polar opposite of that behaviour. there wasn't enough space in his head to think too hard about that, not when he was consumed with getting lux's attention back, whining her name again till she finally broke the heated kiss she'd been enveloped in and looked down at her pitiful boyfriend, his t-shirt riding up his stomach to reveal the his pale, flat tummy and his bony hip bones, still littered in little bruises from the last time lux had her mouth on him. it wasn't that he wasn't having fun, he simply wanted to be more involved before he was cast aside. he'd already lost, it was now about keeping their attention for as long as possible in the hopes that they forgot about the game in favour of what they already had right in front of them. obediently, lou opened his mouth per lux's request, his pink tongue lay awaiting her spit like he'd accepted so many times before. still, he moaned like it was the first time and eagerly swallowed both her saliva and the pool of his own, he'd been ready to drool watching them make out and had he been forced to wait any longer, it might have trickled down the corner of his opened mouth, waiting to be licked up. lux was clearly in charge still, unwilling to give up her dominance so easily but it was captivating to watch griffyn try and maintain some level of control, whether that be in physically overpowering her or turning his eyes down to lou and resorting to giving him the pleasure that lux appeared to want to withhold. his tongue peeked out from between his pink lips as a rough roll of griffyn's hips against his own had him mewling, all sense of reason or desire for control suddenly wiped clean from his mind to make room for his body's ache for release. "wait-" lou whimpered, his hips involuntarily bucking against griffyn's hand as the other man fondled him, the dribbling pink tip of his cock almost peering up past the waistband of his underwear. "we can- maybe we can just stay here." it was pointless trying to reason with lux, she was going to get what she wanted no matter how much he begged and pleaded, but maybe having griffyn there could shift things a little more in his favour. he might not have been as hard as he was, but lou could still feel the stiffness of his cock rubbing against his own through the fabric. "p-please?"
all the struggle it took to get there was made more than worth it once lux got to witness the pathetic desperation written all over lou’s pretty features, now rendered completely powerless and at the mercy of her and griffyn’s whims. really, it was just hers, as griffyn’s dominance was only an illusion. he was in control because she wanted him in control, and if she happened to change her mind and decide lou should get to have her, he’d have no choice but to obey. the two men were firmly in her clutches, grasping their strings and making them dance for her like marionettes with the slightest of tugs. lou might have feared she was choosing griffyn over him, but that couldn’t have been farther from the truth; this was her way of having them both, and helping set the stage for the roles they were meant to occupy. each distinct, but both equally important. “this isn’t— it’s not…” she mocked as she guided griffyn’s head to trail his kisses down her neck, her voice a nasally, high-pitched imitation of his own. “do you even hear yourself right now? honestly, lou… have some dignity.��� this form of degradation was nothing new, but they’d never had an audience before. griffyn was there to bear witness to what went on behind closed doors, an honor she wouldn’t have bestowed upon just anyone. any further taunting was swallowed up by griffyn’s mouth overtaking hers once again, his hand snaking around to grasp her by the throat, causing an involuntary whimper to slip past her lips. before she could get too lost in the kiss, lou was whining out once again, this time going so far as to reach for her in his desperate need for attention. “what?” she pulled griffyn’s hair back to separate them, pouting down at lou in mock sympathy. “you don’t like the game? you’re not having fun?” now fully pulling away from griffyn, she leaned down to hover over lou, placing her palms on either side of his head while her hair enveloped them both like a curtain. “you look so pretty when you’re pathetic… open up.” rather than kiss him like he might’ve been hoping for, lux licked into his mouth before she spat onto his tongue, watching him expectantly to see him swallow.
however he’d been imagining their night going, this outcome was far from what griffyn expected. of course, he’d been hoping it’d lead to the three of them getting to fool around, but he’d had no idea lux and lou shared such an unconventional dynamic. she took bossy to a whole new level, surpassing the domineering way she carried herself in her day to day life, and griffyn was both in awe and wildly intimidated. it was the way lou was acting that really threw him, though— completely and utterly at her mercy, willing to take whatever she had to dish out, perfectly pitiful in his display of complete submission. his gut reaction when he heard lux taunting him was to bristle, feeling as though the combination of her teasing and his vulnerable state was a bit too far, but the way she delivered it made it seem commonplace in their relationship. the least he could do was distract her from spewing yet more cruelty, continuing to drive his hips forward into lou as he captured her lips in a messy kiss, their teeth gnashing and tongues mingling. lux was still in control overall, and she made sure to remind him of such with her periodic tugs on his hair, but he still had some form of power to exert over her, challenging her dominance by taking hold of her throat and giving it a light squeeze. just a subtle reminder that, while she might’ve had lou on a tight leash, griffyn still had physical strength over her. they both directed their attention down at him once he whined out for her, with griffyn unable to resist the brief scoff of a chuckle at just how ridiculous this whole situation was. his hand trailed away from lux as he sat upright fully and instead used both to grasp lou’s hips, pulling him in to meet every thrust as he grunted in response to the extra friction, making sure he knew he’d be taken care of as long as griffyn had anything to do with it. his cock had begun to chub up, no way of halting his body’s response to such stimulation, but lou seemed much farther along than him. “i think we have a winner,” he announced, rubbing a hand over his bulge just to make sure. “feels pretty hard to me…”
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thcophagy · 13 hours
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I do think that, even though this literally makes me wanna vomit and I wanna kill you both every day and it’s all gonna end horribly, I do think that we…Puke!…could make a pretty good team.
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thcophagy · 14 hours
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caelum nervously bit down on his lower lip to stop himself from apologising once again, though the desire still sat heavily within his throat. the walls built by his insecurities were sturdy but not impenetrable, with each compliment she offered so casually he could feel himself being tempted to open up, to not throw everything she said away in case it was only told to him because of pity. his self-esteem wasn't so low that he didn't believe she actually thought he was attractive, his belief and trust in portia were too strong to ever think she'd lie about such a thing, yet embracing her flattery was still not as simple as it should've been. it was tempting to lean into her touch but before he could even consider doing so, portia had moved away and caelum was left staring after her like a lost puppy, not yet finished with being petted. another shy smile and caelum had to remind himself how to breathe. how did normal people accept compliments? should he say thank you? should he give one in return? there was plenty he could've said, she was easily the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen, with her soulful, warm eyes and glowing skin, soft as silk, she was the sort of woman most men could see on the street once and never forget and there she was, proclaiming that he was something special. after she stood up, caelum took a long moment to look between her face and her extended hand. there was no valid reason for him to refuse to go with her, other than admitting that all the attention made him feel shy and slightly uneasy, that it tempted him to admit how he felt about her and after what could've been the end of their friendship as they knew it, the last thing caelum wanted was to make things awkward between them again. she was too kind, with each nice thing she said about him he found himself eager to return some of his own, though he knew nothing of tact and would end up letting it all come out, each secret hope he had about one day getting to be with her. his virginity might not have scared her off, but the intensity of his feelings for her might and he was especially careful not to let that secret out so casually as his last. eventually, caelum reached out and took portia's hand, swallowing hers up easily in his much larger one, and let himself be pulled away to wherever it was she had in mind.
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portia couldn't help but wonder how things had never worked out in his love life before. sure, he'd said he was waiting for a proper relationship in order to lose his virginity, but how could he possibly have never had a girlfriend before? was everyone he'd ever dated out of their goddamn mind, or was his anxiety really that bad that he somehow blew every chance he got? hell, he'd been shy with her since the day they met, and she still wanted to jump his bones. it just didn't make sense to her, especially given how much caelum had going for him when compared to so many other single men. so maybe it really was just that his standards were impossibly high, which she could respect. a man like him deserved only the best, and maybe the best couldn't be found on a dating app, but they had to start somewhere, and it'd at least give her some idea of what he needed to work on going forward. she felt a strange sort of giddiness at the prospect of being his dating coach, having a level of control over his love life that he wouldn't have allowed just anyone to have, which meant he really trusted her. he was in good hands, too— she'd spent more time stalking such apps than she'd ever care to admit, so if anyone knew what worked, it would be portia. it was difficult not to swoon over just how vulnerable he looked curled in on himself, his cheeks turned a rosy pink as he was unable to even meet her eyes. hopefully she'd succeed at helping to bring him out of his shell a bit, but she almost hoped he remained the same timid mouse of a man forever, only to be consumed for her enjoyment. such desires were selfish, though, and she had to put her own wants aside in order to do what was best for him. "what?" she couldn't help but chuckle at his dramatic reaction, head cocked with a slight smile lingering on her lips. "you apologize too much... it's a shame, though. this face was meant to be immortalized." clearly she saw something in caelum that he didn't see in himself, and that hurt. he had so much to be confident about, and yet he remained so insecure, which only made her that much more determined to uplift him, and help him see himself through her eyes. some nice pictures wouldn't change his whole self image, but they couldn't hurt, either. "you don't have to worry about a thing, sugar," she grinned, finally releasing his chin so she could pinch at his cheek. "i bet you five hundred dollars you're gonna wake up to an offer from gq to be on the cover of the next issue when i'm done with you." with his phone still in hand, portia stood up from the couch and reached out for his hand. "c'mon, let's find some good lighting. we gotta highlight those cheekbones... i think i know just the spot!"
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thcophagy · 15 hours
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it was freaky how many different ways they matched each other, if rabbit was smarter he might have found it slightly concerning, maybe wondered whether or not mac was purposefully trying to form a connection with him for some nefarious reason, but luckily for her, all he could think about was how romantic the whole thing was. it was like fate or something, finding each other at just the right time, it was hard to try and stop himself from vibrating in his seat with excitement, especially considering she was telling him about how she'd lost a parent too. was it wrong to be happy about that? it was terrible, obviously, but it was yet another thing that bonded them, something they could talk about together and feel understood. that was all that he'd ever really wanted, after all, to feel understood, no longer a joke in the eyes of everyone. "that's real awful, i'm sorry." it'd broken his heart when his mama died and he'd never really gotten over it, for so long he'd been her carer, his days were spent tending to her every whim and wish and once she was gone, it was like he no longer had a purpose. with the majority of his family leaving town shortly after, rabbit had nothing to guide him, no purpose to stop him from wandering aimlessly through life, days spent in the diner only to come home to an empty trailer, working to maintain something he wasn't even sure he wanted anymore. the death of a parent was torturous, it would be nice to have someone who could relate to that pain. a desire to keep mac pleased was steadily growing larger and larger, it wasn't enough to buy her a warm meal, he wanted to make sure that he was providing whatever he could to ease her troubles, he wanted to be put to use again. his face couldn't grow any pinker if he tried and yet he still found himself flushed as red as a spanked ass anytime she spoke, her little nickname for him one that he was familiar with but had never sounded so appealing from anyone else's mouth before her. he watched her with big, awe-filled eyes as she finished up her meal, downed her coffee and swiftly pulled herself and him up. "wait! wait i gotta pay!" rabbit shoved his hand into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet, throwing down enough cash to cover the meal and then some in his haste to not be left behind. he let himself be pulled out from the diner while his coworkers watched, all with the same amused, judgemental expressions that told him how endless their teasing would be when he returned for his next shift. after pulling out his keys and unlocking the car, rabbit quickly went around to the passenger's side and opened the door for mac, closing it for her once she'd climbed in before running around to his side. "okay... uh, lemme think where to show you first..." he mumbled half under his breath as they began to pull out from the diner car park and onto the main road, his small town awaiting mac's judgement.
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in some strange way, mac felt that she and rabbit might just be kindred spirits. they were each other's compliment, each of them providing what the other lacked, and if they could've melded themselves together, they would've formed one complete person. she had the confidence, but he had the kindness. she was street smart while he was trusting. they could make a good pair, if he proved himself to be as loyal as she hoped he'd be. her whole purpose in town was to lay low until the heat died down and the authorities lost her trail, but she couldn't help but let her mind drift to all the antics she could get away with with him as her accomplice. he was just unassuming enough to help her fly under the radar, so long as he didn't get in her way. all his bashful responses to her flirty teasing just made it that much more fun to her, like some sort of game to try and see just how deeply she could make him blush, how easily she could have him tripping all over his words with the simplest of suggestive statements. like taking candy from a baby, only much more rewarding. who would've thought she could find such fulfillment so easily in such a rinky-dink town? "ah," she nodded in understanding as he elaborated, the syllable slightly muffled from the huge bite of food still in her mouth. living relatives wasn't great, but at least they were out of the picture, for the most part. mac could work with that. "sorry t' hear 'bout your ma. m' daddy died a while back." as did the majority of her family, but she chose to keep that part under wraps for now, afraid that if she gave away too many details about her family or her past that he might somehow find out about who she was. the whole ordeal had been national news at the time, a gruesome story about a gruesome family with a gruesome ending, but seeing as she and her siblings had been minors at the time, their names had been excluded from the court proceedings and various news coverage. the only people who really knew about her and what her family had done were the folks in town and the neighboring cities, but she could never be too careful with what she gave away. even a simpleton like him could connect the dots with a few key pieces of information and the right google searches. right now, she had him eating out of the palm of her hand, and she didn't want to do anything to jeopardize that. her lack of manners weren't enough to scare him off, but belonging to a family of sadistic serial killers could do just that. "i don't reckon that'll be a problem for us, huh bunny?" her grin was so wide it threatened to split her face in half, sure that they could make their own entertainment somehow. if there wasn't any place in town that could interest her, they could always take a trip to the backseat of his car and she'd find herself plenty entertained. "sounds like a plan t' me!" haphazardly wiping at her mouth with her napkin, she didn't even bother to try and keep her lipstick from smudging even further before crumpling it up and tossing it on top of her plate, lifting her coffee mug and swallowing the remainder in several large gulps. "alright!" she announced in her usual thunderous tone. "let's get a move on, then!" sliding out of the booth, she leaned over rabbit's side and grabbed onto his hand to tug him up and onto his feet. "daylight's wastin'!"
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thcophagy · 16 hours
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people usually liked to call before they showed up at the farm, there was always the possibility that syd wasn't there, or that he was too busy with all his work to sit and chat, but he couldn't be bothered by the surprise visit when he realised who it was walking up the gravel path. while he had a friendly rapport with the whole town, the fondness he had for artie was apparent, whether it be by making his bakery the first stop in his delivery route even though it'd make more sense for him to be somewhere closer to the end, or slipping him something extra like his attempts at making butter or cheese. it was the only way he knew how to show affection, through acts of service, through gifts brought about by labour, though whether or not artie had realised that was what he was doing had remained debatable. he was an incredibly likeable guy, sweet, gentle, the politest person syd had ever spoken to which only made him more aware of the lack of manners his grandfather had raised him with. as he walked down the path to where artie was crouched, georgia's entire fluffy body vibrating with excitement beneath his hands, it was hard to not beam ear to ear, instead forcing a somewhat neutral expression. "mmm... she's usually pretty skittish around new folks." she'd gotten better with age, though usually she'd choose lurking awkwardly behind syd's legs than interacting with a stranger. there was nothing skittish about her behaviour with artie, her tongue lulled out from the corner of her mouth and she wiggled restlessly beneath the hands scratching her belly, tall beating furiously against the ground. "she must've known you were bringing gifts." syd said with a knowing smirk and desperately tried to ignore how the palms of his hands had begun to sweat in anticipation, his heart fluttering with the warmth that artie's presence brought him. "that's kind of you, thanks." he didn't need to point out that they were one of his favourites from the bakery, he had a feeling that artie already knew that. it could remain unsaid, though syd would ponder it later over one of the danishes and a cup of tea. "you want some water or something? it's a decent ride over, must be thirsty from this heat."
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it only occurred to artie that he maybe should've called first once he was already halfway through his bike ride to the farm, but then again, he hadn't exactly thought too far ahead before he decided to visit. his official excuse was that he'd had too many blueberry danishes left over after he'd closed up the bakery that day and didn't want them to go to waste; in reality, it had been a few days since syd's last delivery, and artie just wanted an excuse to come see him and his farm. though he tried to tell himself it wasn't a big deal, and it wasn't strange to just show up unannounced with a basket of baked goods, the butterflies in his stomach were relentless, doubts plaguing his psyche and shaking his confidence the closer he got to syd's property. another thing he hadn't considered was whether or not he'd even be home— he could've been in town running errands or making deliveries elsewhere, but once he approached the gravel path that cut through the fields and led up to the farmhouse, he saw syd's truck parked in the distance and felt a strange mix of both relief and anxiety. he'd only just abandoned his bike, leaning it up against the simple wooden fence that flanked the perimeter of the property when he saw a flash of fur rushing over to him, gently setting the basket of pastries down before the dog could knock them from his hand. "hello, you!" he greeted as she all but tackled him to the ground, ruffling her fluffy ears with the widest grin on his face. all worries had swiftly abandoned him in the face of such an energetic creature attacking him with all the love a dog could muster, too distracted by her slobbery kisses and her paws pressing against his chest as she leapt up and pounced on him. he had to crouch down just so she'd stop trying to knock him over, beginning to scratch her belly as she immediately rolled on her back. looking up as he heard syd approach him, his heart did a flip in his chest, and he was glad to have the dog still taking up most of his focus so he didn't clam up. "she's lovely," he gushed. "you're a real lover girl, aren't you? there's nothing wrong with that..." for a moment he'd forgotten the purpose of his visit, until her foot nearly kicked the nearby basket over, and he removed one hand to catch it before the danishes hit the ground. "i, ah... i brought these for you. blueberry."
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thcophagy · 17 hours
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"that's the great thing about me, i can always move on and find the next person in need of some assistance." simon shrugged, a sideways smirk painted across his smug features. "where's this coming from, mm? you need something?"
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"useful." james laughed, tongue between his teeth. "and what's the plan for when they find someone more useful, hm?"
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thcophagy · 1 day
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the longer that she was with the mcdermott family, the less human effie felt. she wasn't a person with a family, with a brother and a sister who might have been wondering where she was (might have been, that was, they weren't that close anymore and her disappearance might have come to be something long expected) and a life outside of survival. no, now she was an animal, something skittish and death-fearing, constantly reminded of how fragile she was and how easy it would be for any of them to tear her apart under the right circumstances, duncan especially. each member had something to make them easy to fear but in her eyes, he was the worst, maybe because he was the one who'd captured her and destined her to the horrors of her new life. he was the monster that lurked in dark shadows, the nightmares she'd had as a kid that left her crying and wetting the bed, his presence had come to mean nothing but terror, not always pain but the threat of it was forever on the horizon. she could run as fast as her legs would let her and cover as much ground as possible to keep them separate but the damage was already done, there was nothing he could do to her once he caught her that would be any worse than everything that had already happened. another awful cherry on top of a disgusting sundae, another awful memory to scar her for a life she couldn't imagine being long-lasting, even if she was let free for whatever reason. dead leaves and dried grass crunched beneath her feet as she ran further and deeper into the mcdermott's playground, the sound of her panicked gasps for air only serving to further give away her location but at that moment her body and her brain couldn't communicate, the only thing they could agree on was to keep running and any nuance had to be thrown away for the sake of survival. she could've been convinced she'd been running for hours by the ache in her legs but she knew realistically it had been a minute at most, she was lucky to have made it as far as she had but lucky actually had nothing to do with it, it was all duncan and his desire to keep their little game going as long as possible. upon stumbling upon a section of the forest where the trees grew closer together, effie clumsily sprinted over, galloping like a deer running away from the bear that wanted to rip out her throat. her legs finally gave out mere moments after disappearing around a particularly thick tree and she collapsed into a pile atop the roots, dirty, twisting things that housed moss that tickled her palms as she scrambled to move herself as close to the truck as she could possibly get. with her knees to her chest, she made herself as small as possible, like that would somehow keep duncan from finding her, as if he wouldn't be able to follow the sound of her hoarse whimpers only finally covered up by her hand when the burn in her throat from a lack of air finally eased.
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duncan had heard somewhere that exercise released endolphins. endoctrines? something like that. bottom line, physical exertion makes you feel alive, and that's exactly what he needed. not only was he allowing effie the opportunity to stretch her legs and get her blood pumping, he was letting her roam free out in the open, letting her get some much needed sunshine and fresh air. it would be good for the both of them. the shift between how weak and feeble she seemed when preparing herself to run, and the frantic sort of strength she mustered up to dart off into the woods was like night and day, but duncan was well acquainted with the complexities of prey. the will to live was surprisingly strong, especially in humans. no matter how mentally broken they became, how beaten down and disenfranchised, the body's natural instinct was to fight, and claw, and struggle for survival. amongst all the ugliness that surrounded him, duncan found that beautiful. head lifted to the heavens, he let out a series of raucous hoots and hollers, firing off another shot up into the sky for no other reason than to exorcise a bit of that pent up energy within him. despite all his recklessness and untamed cruelty, he had to remain at least somewhat calculated. he couldn't let himself get too carried away, lest he rip their victims to shreds before any of the family got to have their fun with them. it may not have seemed that way, but he exercised his own form of self control. it didn't take long for him to lose sight of her within the thicket of trees as she fumbled her way through the mcdermotts' hunting grounds, but he kept track of her movement through her auditory emissions of fear, mentally plotting out the quickest route to reach her while he kept an eye on the stopwatch to watch the seconds tick down. her best bet would probably be to try and put as much distance between them in the twenty five seconds he allowed her to run and then try and find some place to hide, but it'd be a treat for him either way. he didn't necessarily say she couldn't hide. leaving the rules vague had been intentional, wanting to see what she would naturally do to try and survive. whether he got the chance to chase her around the woods all night, or had to track her down like a twisted game of hide and seek, it was nothing but entertainment for him. all too soon, her head start had come to an end, and duncan secured his gun once again before preparing to take off after her. "alrigh' piggy piggy pig! time's up!" he called out, cupping his hands around his mouth to amplify his already booming voice. with that brief warning, he was off, his long-legged gait allowing him to cover more ground in a shorter amount of time than she'd ever be able to. not to mention, he'd had more than two decades to familiarize himself with the area, and he could traverse it in his sleep. there was no threat of getting tripped up by exposed tree roots or snagged by brambles, having mapped out the terrain and frequently explored it to keep up with any changes to the environment. still, she'd had twenty five seconds to try and cover as much ground as she could, so he still had a bit of a chase ahead of him, though he was quickly gaining on her. he wasn't even running at full speed, wanting to pace himself and preserve his energy so he could draw out his little game as long as they could both stand it. "heeeere, piggy," he taunted with an exaggerated snort. "where d'ya think y'er goin', huh?"
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thcophagy · 1 day
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with everything else taken from him, robin had two options: he could grow fearful of everything, push any chance at getting close to someone away out of fear of being hurt, or be brave and accept help when he needed it most. neither was all that appealing but when his indecisiveness could result in him staying out on the street, he had to force some courage. thankfully, maeve had never shown him anything but kindness, she was patient with him in a way he wouldn't have expected most people would be considering his situation. he might not have been the best at showing his appreciation but it was the thought that counted, surely. he eyed the plate suspiciously while she talked, only looking back up to meet her gaze once she'd finished. "i probably shouldn't have." he forced a chuckle before taking the plate and taking it away, sliding it down by the growing pile of washing up beside the sink. "but i wanted to. i know it turned out like shit but i- i gotta thank you somehow... and i'll start by cleaning that up." robin jabbed a thumb behind him, towards the hoard of dirty pans and bowls, an extortionate amount in comparison to the meal he had produced.
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being kind-hearted was one of her weaknesses in most cases, maeve were sure. it made her more viable to people using her, breaking her heart, taking things from her... but it was in her blood to be good-natured regardless. when robin had arrived and had nowhere else to go, she couldn't say no. not that she wanted to anyway; from what she saw in him, he wasn't a person she had to worry about. she grew trusting of him, and wanted to gain that from him in return. besides, she enjoyed the company with being alone most of her time beforehand. waking up with sleep in her eyes, she smiled as she watched him cook for her. she knew it was burning, could smell it as it happened, but said nothing. she wanted to be grateful, but she knew she probably wouldn't be able to stomach it. a laugh bubbled from her throat at the mention of cereal, biting the inside of her cheek. "i really appreciate it, though. the thought was there." blue eyes glanced up at him, a soft smile on her face. "you didn't have to do this for me."
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thcophagy · 1 day
𝐘𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐀-𝐙 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭
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Remember to specify muse for multi-muse blogs!
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A - Affection: How affectionate are they during sex? Is it different with people they're romantically involved with? Can they sleep with people they aren't?
B - Body: Are they into a specific physique? Why or why not? Are they just preferences or complete turn offs?
C - Chatter: Do they like to talk during the act? If so what do they like to talk about? Is it just dirty talk or something different?
D - Dominance: Are they into those types of power dynamics? Or do they like to stick to whose topping and bottoming? If they are into it why? If they aren't why not?
E - Erotica: Do they read or watch it? Does it get them in the mood? Do they create it themselves?
F - Food: Do they believe certain foods can be aphrodisiacs? If so what foods are like that for them? Do they like using food in the bedroom or is it too messy?
G - Group sex: Have they ever tried it? Would they ever want to try it if they haven't? If they don't enjoy it why not?
H - Humiliation: Are they into it? Why or why not? How far will they go? Do they enjoy being de-humanized or is it more being made fun of?
I - Intensity: Do they like intense scenes? Or are they more a slow and take their time kind of person?
J - Jousting: Do they like having more than one object or person inside of them? If so do they prefer toys or just multiple partners? Are they curious about it?
K - Kiss and Tell: Do they talk about their sex life to others? If they do do they go into detail or are they more casual about it? Do they share photos with other people or are those private?
L - Licking: Do they enjoy using their tongue on their partners or is it too gross? If so what are their favorite places to use their tongue?
M - Masturbation: Is it a part of sex for your muse? Or is it something completely different? Do they enjoy watching their partner or being watched?
N - Nope: Do they enjoy orgasm denial or do they want to see how many times they can make their partner cum? Somewhere in-between?
O - Open: Do they enjoy having things in their mouth? If so what are their favorite oral fixations? (fingers, toys, giving oral, etc.)
P - Preference: Does size really matter to your muse? Whether it be for others or toys in general. Do they have a favorite type of toy they like to use? If so is it the same to use on other people?
Q - Quiet: Do they enjoy trying to see how long their partner can last without making a sound? Do they enjoy loud or quiet partners?
R - Risk: Are they into some risky kinks? (breath play, exhibitionism, blood play, etc.) If so what are their favorites? Do they practice them safely?
S - Suspension: Are they into being suspended like on a swing or during rope play? Or if not, what's the highest place they've ever had sex?
T - TMI: Your opportunity to talk about any dirty thing you want to talk about with your muse. Could be kinks they like or just facts.
U - Underwear: Do they enjoy lingerie or dressing up for their partner? Or is it too much of a hassle? Favorite garments to wear? Do they ever go without underwear?
V - Violation: Are there any kinks your muse flat out won't do or even people they know? Are bringing them up enough to turn your muse away from a potential partner for good? Any pet names get them like that?
W - Water: Do they enjoy shower sex or anywhere else that's wet like a pool or hot tub? Is it too awkward?
X - X Ray: What's going on under your muse's clothes? Do they have any special scars or places they like to be touched or avoided? Describe their physique and anything else you'd like to expand on.
Y - Yes: Do they have any specific turn ons? Things that will automatically make your muse say yes to sleeping with someone else. If not what are some other things that get them in a more romantic mood? Lighting? Dinner?
Z - Zones: Favorite places they like to be touched? Are some less obvious than others? Any places they absolutely hate being touched?
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thcophagy · 1 day
open to: @angeldcgs.
featuring: syd bailey, twenty-nine, bisexual, farmhand.
plot: syd works on his grandfather's farm, providing their small town with a variety of produce, including milk, eggs and occasionally fruit and vegetables, depending on the season. on a particularly hot summer's day, the farm gets visited by the cute baker syd has been harbouring a secret crush on for months.
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shielded from the sun by the roof of the front porch, syd sat slumped in his grandfather's rocking chair, allowing himself a moment to relax after a long morning of tending to the animals. there was always more work to be done now that all the responsibility for the land had fallen on his shoulders but with the summer heat being particularly cruel that day, a couple minutes pause to drink something cold and chill out with georgia, the scruffy collie who followed him around sat curled at his seat, wouldn't destroy the day's productivity. a couple of droplets of condensation dripped down onto his white t-shirt, already damp with sweat, and syd wiped his mouth dry with the back of his hand after downing what was left in the glass. before he could make a move to stand, georgia's fluffy ears pricked up and she made a rush down the steps leading down from the house, bounding down the path to the road which led away from the farm. "she's friendly!" he yelled to the tall figure heading in his direction, though it was hard to make out details of who exactly it was with the sun beaming directly into his eyes as he followed after the dog. "too friendly, if you ask me." once a little closer, a smile grew quickly on his face as he recognised their guest as the stupidly cute owner of the bakery in town. "she's supposed to protect the animals from predators, foxes and that sort... but she'd roll over and show her belly before she ever thought 'bout showing her teeth."
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thcophagy · 1 day
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"yeah, exactly! but like, how fucking dystopian is it that you have to pay to learn in the first place? that's psycho, no one should have the power to decide whether or not you get to pursue something." school hadn't been something that maggie had ever cared much about. she was smart enough to pull her way through without too much effort but she never graduated, choosing instead to run away from home and go live with her older sister, traversing halfway across the country and leaving behind all hope of a stereotypically successful life. "at least you didn't wanna be a surgeon or something..." she was still waiting for gael to gain the confidence to show her some of his art, though it would be sooner rather than later that the curiosity got the better of her and she would have to start pushing him. someone had to, he was clearly harbouring something under the surface that needed to be released and that was an artist's job, wasn't it? they needed to use their feelings or whatever to create something meaningful, maybe he'd feel a lot less tense if he could harbour all that anxious energy and put it into something. it can't have been easy, keeping himself tucked away like that, never letting someone see all of him. it sounded like a nightmare, she might not have known what it was he was keeping secret from her but she did know that it was a terrible life, having to hold anything in was bad for the soul and while he might have been a little pathetic, he was a good guy and deserved to feel relief. she made a feeble attempt at holding back her laughter as she watched gael collapse onto the rink floor after flailing his arms around to try and catch his balance. "relax, dude. i don't care either way." she kind of liked the idea, actually. if she told him that though, she worried he might crawl away and never return, too embarrassed to ever be able to look her in the eyes again, so she held her tongue, for once. "you do look pretty guilty though..." with her gaze pointed down at her nails as she spoke, maggie did her best to feign innocence when she did eventually look across to him again. "is that what you've been hiding from me? some humiliation kink? loads of people have one of those, gael. honestly, i don't even think it's considered that kinky anymore."
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maggie scared him, but it wasn't the same kind of fear he felt around everyone else. the fear of judgment. it was more like the fear he got from riding the one big rickety rollercoaster at work, the possibility that the car might just derail from the tracks and fly off into the sky mid ride, feeling just on the verge of danger, but exhilarated by the adrenaline. even if at times he had to force himself to be around her, finding himself with his stomach in knots every time they'd agreed to hang out, gael knew that was just the anxiety at work. it had never let him enjoy anything for long before it just had to rear its ugly head and sour his fun, but after some time of getting to know her, his anxious stomach aches became more manageable, and he was almost able to ignore them altogether. he nodded along as he continued stumbling around the rink, enjoying the opportunity to listen to her talk more than he enjoyed having to actually answer. all her little tangents and rants were perhaps the most fascinating part of being in her company. her perspective was so refreshing when compared to the same tired old hive-mind sort of thinking everyone else in town was prone to, allowing him the opportunity to envision a different way of life for himself that he never would've considered otherwise. "that's kinda... that's true. i dunno, it would've been kinda nice to, like... learn stuff. stuff i actually care about. 'cause the funding for my high school's art program got cut my freshman year, so i didn't really get a chance to take any classes, or whatever," he shrugged, trying his best to sound nonchalant so he didn't come off as pathetic as he felt. "but i guess i don't really need a degree to be an artist. just talent." which he had some of, but didn't possess nearly enough confidence to do anything with. it was just a hobby— a form of escapism, mostly— and he wasn't operating under some delusion that it could ever become something more than that. at least his life wasn't completely devoid of any sort of joy; he had maggie. for as long as he could hold her attention, which he was sure wouldn't be long, especially if she ever got close enough to know all the parts of him he worked so hard to keep concealed. this time when he found himself on the verge of toppling over, he wasn't able to right himself in time, too thrown off by her teasing to focus his efforts on regaining coordination. "no, no," he insisted as he struggled to get back on his feet. "i didn't mean, like... i wouldn't. that's... i just meant, like— i was just kidding..."
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thcophagy · 2 days
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Simone Weil, Waiting for God
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thcophagy · 2 days
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"you think i don't know that? that i don't like it?" he drew closer, amusement drawn over his scruffy features. his care, if it could be called that, was sweet, though misguided. "maybe i like being useful."
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          “they’re just trying to use you, what don’t you get about that?”
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thcophagy · 2 days
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ZENDAYA, JOSH O'CONNOR and MIKE FAIST in CHALLENGERS (2024, dir. Luca Guadagnino)
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