Me: *wants to open commissions*
Me: *doesn’t know how to use PayPal*
Me: Fuck.
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Sexualities (+ Genders)
Since it’s Pride Month, I thought it’d would be a suitable time to share the sexualities and genders of the cast (as one of the things of note of The Blood Series is that a lot of the characters are LGBT+, as well as other representation). Some of these may change.
It’s long so click the link to see more!
Main Characters
Jakob Sullivan - Cisgender, heterosexual, heteromantic.
Zlatko Jones - Cisgender, heterosexual, heteromantic.
Alex Wilson - Cisgender, homosexual, homoromantic.
Charlie Parker - Cisgender, homosexual, homoromantic.
Kenna Collier - Cisgender, bisexual, biromantic.
Klara Lullay - Cisgender, bisexual, biromantic.
Eban Jones - Cisgender, heterosexual, heteromantic.
Kasi Smith - Cisgender, heterosexual, heteromantic.
Kai Smith - Cisgender, bisexual, biromantic.
Maddie ‘Forest’ Eyighes - Cisgender, homosexual, homoromantic.
The Dark One - Cisgender, bisexual, biromantic.
Shadow - Transgender, bisexual, biromantic.
Mehmun Salton - Cisgender, asexual, biromantic.
Preston ‘Seventh Sin/Seven’ Sin - Cisgender, bisexual, biromantic.
Meggie ‘Carnal’ Snare - Cisgender, bisexual, biromantic.
Luke Fortunato - Cisgender, asexual, heteromantic.
Ezekiel Fortunato - Transgender, bisexual, questioning.
Kiyoshi Kornai - Intersex, heterosexual, heteromantic. 
Amber Miller - Transgender, bisexual, biromantic.
Johnny Miller - Nonbinary, bisexual, biromantic.
Minor Characters
Nastasia Lavisco - Cisgender, asexual, aromantic.
Aidan Lavisco - Cisgender, homosexual, homoromantic.
Valeriya Jones - Cisgender, heterosexual, heteromantic.
Kyle Smith - Cisgender, bisexual, biromantic.
Justin Gull - Transgender, homosexual, homoromantic.
Damien Roth - Cisgender, bisexual, aromantic.
Ayla - Cisgender, heterosexual, heteromantic.
Loki Lullay - Cisgender, heterosexual, heteromantic.
Malcom - Cisgender, bisexual, biromantic.
Nico Jones - Cisgender, heterosexual, heteromantic.
Davey Sullivan - Cisgender, heterosexual, heteromantic.
Aerron Yelad - Cisgender, homosexual, homoromantic.
Background Characters
School Characters
Jonas - Cisgender, homosexual, homoromantic.
Cassie - Transgender, asexual, biromantic.
Amelia - Cisgender, heterosexual, heteromantic.
Nix - Nonbinary, bisexual, biromantic.
Unknown Town Characters
Jake - Cisgender, heterosexual, biromantic.
Jess - Cisgender, heterosexual, heteromantic.
Deceased Parents
Klaire Lullay - Cisgender, bisexual, biromantic.
Kasey Smith - Cisgender, heterosexual, heteromantic.
Seven Deadly Sins (sans Seven)
Warren Sin - Nonbinary, asexual, aromantic.
Gregory Sin - Cisgender, asexual, heteromantic.
Evelyn Sin - Transgender, heterosexual, heteromantic.
Luc Sin - Genderfluid (Luc, Luci, Lucius), bisexual, biromantic.
Sydd Sin - Cisgender, asexual, aromantic.
Georgie Sin - Nonbinary, bisexual, biromantic.
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What would you guys rather see: this blog’s character pages done or a server for the book series? Respond in the replies, preferably. 
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So... I’m Planning a Book Series
This might not surprise some of you. This might surprise everyone or no one.
So, why am I talking about it here? Well, for starters, to advertise it but also because I’ve remade my blog for the series, which is called The Blood Series (named after the extended quote ‘blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb’). After the blog became cluttered with writing advice, which is not what it was intended for, I decided that I’d need to start again. It looks much better now.
It currently has no posts or followers, and I’m super passionate about this book series especially. I’ve been planning it for about half a decade; I’ve designed history, lore, humanoid species, worlds, afterlifes and about fifty characters for this series. So much dedication has gone into this project and I’d hate for it to die quietly.
I’ll be posting character bios, excerpts and more on the blog, and it’ll be where I answer questions about the series.
The book series’ elevator pitch is this: ten mostly gay teens go on a road trip around England to collect items for a ritual to resurrect the gods while several groups chase them. 
Intrigued? You can follow the blog here. You’ll probably want to read the warning, the cast, the full synopsis and the author pages. 
Please at least reblog this, I’m super passionate about getting this series known, written and published. I’ll most likely have a page with my other ideas for stories somewhere but it’ll be mostly for The Blood Series. I can’t say much about its future, perhaps a Patreon or commissions or something like that. 
Thank you for reading this post, please reblog and, if you’re interested, follow the blog. 
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