I need help
Hello everyone,
This is very uncomfortable to share but at this point, I have to.
I vaguely mentioned it to explain why I had changed my @ again and only explained it fully to a few private students but I've had a stalker for a while and it's turned into some type of erotomania where the guy is convinced I'm madly in love with him, has been sitting in his car in front of my building, spying on me on social media, sending me flowers, getting in touch with former coworkers, compiling his thoughts in a diary that he sends me once in a while (where he built a life where we have three sons that already have names and I'm a housemaker) and after realising that I'm seeing someone has now threatened to hurt him and slashed the tires of his car that was parked at his house 20mn away last night.
The popo is not helping because he hasn't done anything illegal yet and we can't prove he's the one who damaged the car therefore they won't intervene until he actually does something major. Clown emoji.
Now I need to move before he breaks in and/or I'm fully sleep-deprived. In the past two months, I, unfortunately, lost a portion of my income after several students had to take breaks or stop lessons at the same time and being a freelancer I'm not currently in a position where my applications would be taken seriously.
So here's my offer: not only I'm of course available for long-term tutoring, but if this is not something you can do at the moment I would be happy to give you intensive tutoring during your holiday break. For example, depending on your situation, 1h a day for five days would be either 100 or 175 euros. Can be more or fewer hours, more or fewer days, just one weekend, you're in charge of the details.
All info + student reviews are here. If you wanted to help differently, my Paypal is isthisnox at pm dot me (sending to a friend to avoid taxes).
Thank you for reading!
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I recently went to Dubrovnik and it was beautiful
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french cities #2
Lyon, la capitale des Gaules (old city, v pretty)
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Nîmes, la Rome française (the french Roma) :
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Reims, la cité des rois (the Kings’ estate) :
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Nice, “Nissa la bella” :
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Amiens, la petite Venise du Nord :
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Annecy, la petite Rome savoyarde :
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Angers, l’Athènes de l’Ouest :
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how we really speak
after yesterday’s ask i realised that lots of you didn’t know either how lax french is nowadays. so here’s my own little guide. remember this is spoken, private french and doesn’t apply to formal situations.
- we don’t use négations. we say ‘je sais pas’ (i don’t know), ‘il en veut pas’ (he doesn’t want it), on a pas à le faire (we don’t have to do it),
- speaking of which, we don’t really use ‘nous’ either. we use ‘on’ instead. so ‘we’ve arrived’ becomes ‘on est arrivé-es’ or ‘shall we go’ becomes ‘on y va?’,
- speaking of which, our questions are often affirmative sentences with a question mark (understand : a high-pitched tone) at the end : ‘are you coming’ is ‘(est-ce que) tu viens?’ and ‘do you want one’ is ‘(est-ce que) t’en veux un-e?’,
- speaking of which, we chew words. when followed by words starting with a consonant, personal pronouns (in my example sujet and COD) can lose their last letter : ‘i’m telling you!’ is ‘j’te l’dis!’ (or, actually, ‘ch’te l’dis’), or ‘plus’ (more, anymore) becomes ‘pu’ (chais pu), ‘puis’ (then) becomes ‘pi’ (et pi c’est tout)…,
- speaking of which, we’re lazy. so ‘je’ can be ‘che’ (chais pas), ‘il’ can be ‘y’ (look, there’s a cat : r’garde, y’a un chat!) and grunt : lots of ‘euh’ (uh), ‘ah’, ‘bah’ (: hesitation), ‘ben’ (: well), ‘hein’ (: tf?) and ‘rhooo’ or ‘rhaaa’ (: displeasure) ; we often start sentences with ‘but’ : ‘mais tu saoules!’ (you’re annoying),
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- speaking of which, on top of dropping négations, we can drop pronouns, even though it’s a bit rarer. ‘you’re being a pain in my ass’ should be ‘tu me fais chier’ because that person is annoying you specifically, but we can say ‘tu fais chier’, maybe to make it universal, after all we are dramatic,
- speaking of which, we swear a lot and are quite sarcastic, use irony very often. when someone managed to do something we find easy, we’ll go with something like “aaah, putain, t’es un as, toi!” (you’re a real champ),
- speaking of which, we repeat (personal) pronouns - at the beginning or the end of our sentences. when asked a question, we’re likely to answer with ‘moi, j’aime bien les films d’action’ aka ‘me, i prefer action movies’ and go ‘qu’est-ce qu’il en penserait, lui?’ : ‘what would he think, him?’ (tonic pronouns, careful!),
- speaking of which, we like to use a mode called conditionnel to indicate a wish or an hypothesis. so lots of ‘si j’avais su, j’aurais dit oui’ (had i known, i’d have said yes), ‘j’aimerais bien pouvoir-’ (i wish i could-), etc,
- speaking of which, we add useless words : bien (j’aimerais bien), petit (un petit peu : a little bit), très (c’est très vrai : it’s very true), trop (je ne sais trop : i don’t really know), ça (c’est quoi, ça? : what’s this, this?)…
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speaking of which, let’s stop before you all get disgusted and unfollow me. cya! 
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Spotted on Twitter
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If you have twins you can't call it Justin because there are two
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Lenin every two years:
Feeling like going back to Russia and fuck things up
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We need a Tripadvisor but for men, imagine the time we'd save girls
- Cheated on me with his colleague Karen
- Cums after three minutes
- Is married
- Never brushes his teeth
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The guy is named Pringles and tweets about ships
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Captain Hook after several weeks at sea
I've been laughing for ten minutes
"Give a handjob to the sailor" (instead of Pamplemousse/Grapefruit)
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Spotted on Twitter
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Flash - a woman came back from a vacation and discovered that a 5'5 courgette grew in her garden, maybe the longest in France
Hmm I want it in my anus
It's not yet too late to delete
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Scaliger Castle, Sirmione, Italy
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Amsterdam in February
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Reblog and put in the tags your comfort song
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625 words you have to know in European Portuguese!
Olá pessoal,  I made this list like one month ago and it took me quite some time, so don’t hesitate to check out the list and the Memrise course! This list is based on this list
o animal | animal o cão | dog  o gato | cat o peixe | fish a ave (o pássaro)* | bird a vaca / o boi | cow / bull o porco | pig o rato | mouse o cavalo | horse o animal | animal
o comboio | train o avião | plane o carro | car o camião | truck a bicicleta | bicycle o autocarro | bus o barco | boat o navio | ship o pneu | tire a gasolina | gasoline o motor | engine o bilhete | ticket o transporte | transportation 
a cidade | city a casa | house o apartamento | apartment a rua | street / road o aeroporto | airport a estação de comboios | train station a ponte | bridge o hotel | hotel o restaurante | restaurant a granja | farm o tribunal | court a escola | school o escritório | office o quarto |  room a vila | town a universidade | university o clube | club o bar | bar o parque | park o acampamento | camp a loja | shop, store o teatro | theatre a biblioteca | library o hospital | hospital a igreja | church o mercado | market o país | country o edifĩcio | building o solo | ground o espaço | (outer)  space o banco | bank a localização | location
o chapéu | hat o vestido | dress o fato | suit a meia | skirt a camisa | shirt a t-shirt | t-shirt as calças | pants, trousers os sapatos | shoes o bolso | pocket o casaco | coat a nódoa | stain a roupa | clothing
vermelho | red verde | green azul claro | light blue azul escuro | dark blue amarelo | yellow cor de rosa | pink laranja | orange negro | black branco | white cinzento | grey a cor | colour
o filho | son a filha | daughter a mãe | mother o pai | father os pais | parents o bebé | baby a mulher | woman o homem | man o irmão | brother a irmã | sister a famĩlia | family o avô | grandfather a avó | grandmother o marido | husband a esposa | wife o rei | king a rainha | queen o presidente | president o vizinho | neighbor o menino | boy a menina | girl a criança | child o adulto | adult o amigo | friend a vítima | victim o jogador (m.) | player o f�� (m.) | fan a multidão | crowd a pessoa | person
o professor (m.) | teacher o aluno | student o médico | doctor o paciente | patient o empregado (m.) | waiter o secretario (m.) | secretary o sacerdote / o padre | priest a policía | police o exército | army o soldado | soldier o artista | artist o autor (m.) | author o gerente | manager o jornalista | reporter o ator (m.) | actor o emprego | job
a religião | religion o paraíso | heaven o inferno | hell a morte | death o medicamento | medicine o dinheiro | money o dólar | dollar a conta | bill o casamento | marriage a equipa | team a raça | race o sexo | sex (the act) o sexo | sex (gender) o homicídio | murder a prisão | prison a tecnologia | technology a energia | energy a guerra | war a paz | peace o ataque | attack a eleição | election a revista | magazine o jornal | newspaper o veneno | poison a pistola | gun o desporto | sport a corrida.| race (sport) o exercício | exercise o baile | ball o jogo | game o preço | price o contrato | contract a droga | drug o sinal| sign a ciencia | science Deus | God
a banda, o grupo musical | band a canção | song o instrumento | instrument a  música | music o filme | movie a arte | art
o café | coffee a chã | tea o vinho | wine a cerveja | beer o sumo | juice a água | water a leite | milk a bebida | beverage
o ovo | egg o pão | bread a sopa | soup o bolo | cake a torta | pie o frango | chicken a carne de porco | pork a carne de vaca | beef a maçã | apple a banana | banana a laranja | orange o  limão | lemon o milho | corn a arroz | rice o óleo | oil a semente | seed a faca | knife a colher | spoon o gorfo | fork o prato | plate a chávena | cup o pequeno-almoço | breakfast o almoço | lunch a jantar | dinner o açúcar | sugar o sal | salt a garrafa | bottle a comida | food
a mesa | table a cadera | chair a cama | bed o sonho | dream a janela | window   a porta | door o quarto | bedroom a cozinha | kitchen a casa de banho | bathroom o lápis | pencil a caneta | pen a foto | photograph o sabão | soap o livro | book a página | page a chave | key a tinta | paint o cartão | letter a nota | note a parede | wall o papel | paper o teto | ceiling a piscina | pool o cadeado | lock o telefone | telephone o jardim | garden o pátio | yard a agulha | needle a bolsa | bag a caixa | box o presente | gift o anel  | ring a ferramenta | tool
o relógio | watch o candeeiro | lamp o ventoinho | fan o telemóvel | cell phone a rede | network o computador | computer o programa | program (computer) o portátil | laptop a ecrã | screen a câmara | camera a televisão | television o rádio | radio
a cabeça | head o pescoço | neck a cara | face a barba | beard o cabelo | hair o olho | eye a boca | mouth o labio | lip a nariz | nose o dente | tooth a lágrima | tear(drop) a língua | tongue as costas | back o dedo do pé | toe o dedo | finger o pé | foot a mão | hand, hands a perna | leg o braço | arm o ombro | shoulder o coração | heart o sangue | blood o cérebro | brain o joelho | knee o suor | sweat a doença | disease o osso | bone a voz | voice a pele | skin o corpo | body
o mar | sea o océano | ocean o rio | river a montanha | mountain a chuva | rain a neve | snow a árvore | tree o sol | sun a lua | moon o mundo | world Terra | Earth a floresta | forest o ceu | sky a planta | plant o vento | wind a terra | soil/earth a flor | flower o vale | valley a raíz | root o lago | lake a estrela | star a relva | grass a folha | leaf o ar | air a areia | sand a praia | beach a onda | wave o fogo | fire o gelo | ice a ilha | island a colina | hill o calor | heat a natureza | nature
o vidro | glass o metal | metal o plástico | plastic a madeira | wood a pedra | stone o diamante | diamond a argila | clay a poeira | dust o ouro | gold o cobre | copper a prata | silver a matéria | material
o metro | metre o centímetro | centimetre o quilogramo | kilogram a polegada | inch pé | foot a libra | pound a metade | half o círculo | circle o quadrado | square a temperatura | temperature  a data | date o peso | weight a beira | edge a esquina / o canto | corner
a mapa | map o ponto | dot a consoante | consonant a vogal | vowel a luz | light o som | sound sim | yes não | no o pedaço | piece a dor | pain a lesão | injury o buraco | hole a imagem | image o  padrão | pattern o substantivo | noun o verbo | verb o adjetivo | adjective
a cima | top o fundo | bottom o lado | side frente | front atrás| back fora | outside dentro | inside acima | up abaixo | down a esquerda | left a dereita | right a direta | straight o norte | north o sul | south o este | east o oeste | west a  direção | direction
o verão | summer a primavera | spring o inverno | winter o outono | autumn, fall a estação | season
0 | zero 1 | um, uma 2 | dois, duas 3 | três 4 | quatro 5 | cinco 6 | seis 7 | sete 8 | oito 9 | nove 10 | dez 11 | onze 12 | doze 13 | treze 14 | quatorze 15 | quinze 16 | dezasseis 17 | dezassete 18 | dezoito 19 | dezanove 20 | vinte 21 | vinte e um 22 | vinte e dois 30 | trinta 31 | trinta e um 32 | trinta e dois 40 | quarenta 41 | quarenta e um 42 | quarenta e dois 50 | cinquenta 51 | cinquenta e um 52 | cinquenta e dois 60 | sessenta 61 | sessenta e um  62 | sessenta e dois  70 | setenta 71 | setenta e um 72 | setenta e dois 80 | oitenta 81 | oitenta e um 82 | oitenta e dois 90 | noventa 91 | noventa e um 92 | noventa e dois 100 | cem 101 | cento e um 102 | cento e dois 110 | cento e dez 111 | cento e onze 1 000 (one thousand) | mil 1 001 | mil e um 10 000 (ten thousand) | dez mil 100 000 (one hundred thousand) | cem mil 1 000 000 (one million) | milhão 1 000 000 000 (one billion) | mil milhões first | primero second | segundo third | terceiro fourth | quarto fifth | quinto number | o número
Janeiro | january Fevereiro | february Março | march Abril | april Maio | may Junho | june Júlio | july Agosto | august Setembro | september Outubro | october Novembro | november Dezembro | december
segunda-feira | Monday terça-feira | Tuesday quarta-feira | Wednesday quinta-feira | Thursday sexta-feira | Friday sábado | Saturday domingo | Sunday
o ano | year o mês | month a semana | week o dia | day a hora | hour o minuto | minute o segundo | second a manhã | morning a tarde | afternoon a noite | evening, night o tempo | time
trabalhar | to work jogar | to play andar | to walk correr | to run conduzir | to drive voar | to fly nadar | to swim ir | to go parar | to stop seguir | to follow pensar | to think falar | to speak dizer | to say comer | to eat beber | to drink matar | to kill morrir | to die sorrir | to smile rir | to laugh chorar | to cry comprar | to buy pagar | to pay vender | to sell tirar | to shoot aprender | to learn saltar | to jump cheirar | to smell ouvir | to hear Escutar | to listen provar | to taste tocar | to touch ver | to see, to watch beijar | to kiss queimar | to burn fundir | to melt cavar | to dig explodir | to explode sentar | to sit estar em pé | to stand adorar | to love passar | to pass cortar | to cut lutar | to fight deitar | to lie down dançar | to dance dormir | to sleep acordar | to wake up cantar | to sing contar | to count casar | to marry rezar | to pray ganhar | to win perder | to lose misturar | to mix vergar | to bend lavar | to wash cozinhar | to cook abrir | to open fechar | to close escrever | to write chamar | to call voltar | to turn construir | to build ensinar | to teach crescer | to grow desenhar | to draw alimentar | to feed pegar | to catch lançar | to throw limpar | to clean encontrar | to find cair | to fall empurrar | to push puxar | to pull carregar | to carry quebrar | to break vestir | to wear pendurar | to hang agitar | to shake acenar | to sign levantar | to lift
largo | long curto | short alto | tall largo | wide estreito | narrow grande | big, large pequeno | small, little lento | slow rápido | fast quente | hot frio | cold caloroso | warm fresco |  cool novo | new antigo | old jovem | young velho | old bom | good mau | bad molhado | wet seco | dry doente | sick saudável | healthy barulhento | noisy quieto | quiet feliz | happy triste | sad lindo | beautiful feio | ugly surdo | deaf cego | blind agradável | nice rico | rich pobre | poor gordo | thick fino | thin caro | expensive barato | cheap chato | flat curvo | curved masculino| male feminino | female apertado | tight solto | loose alto | high baixo | low suave | soft duro | hard fundo | deep pouco fundo | shallow limpo | clean sujo | dirty forte | strong fraco | weak morto | dead vivo | alive pesado | heavy leve | light escuro | dark claro | light nuclear | nuclear famoso | famous
Eu | I Tu | you você | you (form.) o senhor | you (very form.) ele | he ela | she nós | we Vocês | you (plural) Eles (m.), Elas (f.) | they
Hope this was helpful!
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Já, nem and até
In most cases, “já” can be translated as “already” ex : já vi a casa em Sesimbra ex : As maçãs já acabaram There, however, are some idiomatic cases where this translation does not help: 1. já não - not anymore.  ex : Eles viveram em Braga, mas já não vivem (They used to live in Braga, but not anymore) 2. até já - see you soon 3. já agora - now that ex : Já que chegamos a este ponto… (now that we have arrived at this point..) 4. vou sair já - I’m about to go 5. já que - since/because ex : Tentamos novamente amanhã, já que hoje parece impossível (We’ll try again tomorrow, since today seemed impossible)
There is a similar situation with “nem”. Normally, it is translated as “neither, nor” Ex : não havia maçãs nem peras (There were neither apples nor pears) But, “nem” also has some idiomatic translations: 1. nem mais, nem menos -no more, no less Levitou exatamente 50cm, nem mais nem menos. (He levitated exactly 50cm - no more and no less.) 2. nem sempre - not always ex : Mas nem sempre é fácil gritar. (to cry out, however, is not always easy) 3. nem sequer - not even  ex : Sabes, nem sequer vou perguntar. (you know, I am not even going to ask) 4. nem um/uma - not one ex : comprei quatro telemovéis, e nem um funcionava. (I bought 4 phones, and not one worked) 5. que nem - as, like ex : isto é duro que nem pedra. (this is hard as stone) 6. sem mais nem menos, sem mais nem quê - out of the blue ex : Ela confessou-se ontem sem mais nem menos. (She confessed to me yesterday, out of the blue.) 7. nem que - even if ex : não posso matar essa formiga, nem que quisesse (I can’t kill this ant, even if I wanted to) 8. nem todo - not every ex : nem todo relacionamento significa casamento. (not every relationship is meant for marriage.) 9. nem todos - not everyone ex : nem todos gostam dessa ideia. (not everyone likes that idea) 10. nem tudo - not everything ex : nem tudo depende de ti. (Not everything depends on you)
Normally translated as “untill/till”, but also known in the forms of: 1. até de hoje para oite dias - see you next week (not like many still say this tho) 2. até logo - see you later 3. até que enfim - at last, finally ex : Cavalheiros, até que enfim boas notícias. (Gentlemen, finally some good news) 4. até à vista - see you next time 5. até que - until ex : Não decolaremos até que tu desligues. (We can’t take off till you hang up.) 6. até (mesmo) - even ex : Os outros têm anos, até mesmo décadas de idade. (The others are years, even decades, old.) 7. até onde, até que ponto - how far ex : não sabemos até que ponto ela vai. (we don’t know how far she’ll go) 
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Usage of você, tu and o senhor
There are many ways to say “you” in Pt-Pt. So, prepare for a loooongggg explanation guys! (TLDR: see bottom)
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 "Você" simply is not used much in Portugal. At best it is a treatment of equals that do not know (or like) each other well. It is considered rude, crude, insulting, and uneducated. It is tolerated from Brazilian speakers and others who clearly are not from Portugal as it is understood they probably learned the Brazilian version of PT.
Vocês is now just the plural, formal or not.
Nonetheless, these are indirect 3rd Person “treatment” pronouns much like “sir” or “mister” or “ma'am” would be in English.
Vós is the plural of tu. It is not used as much in the south as in the north but that makes sense as it still is very much used in Galician (Spain) from which the Portuguese language was born. And “vosso/a” for the plural possessive is used all over Portugal (and the other PT places besides Brazil). Because “vós” is not used so much anymore some people consider it formal because when they do see it, it is in the bible (same with “tu” for a lot of Brazilians) but it is the direct 2nd Person Plural.
This is good too and, as you can see not even those in the same place can fully agree:
In Portugal if people are not comfortable or familiar enough for “tu” then they will use; O/A Senhor/a (with or without name but some use surnames while others use given names with the honorific); the educational title such as, “O Engenheiro” (pretty much anyone with a degree in Portugal gets the title of “Doutor”) or; simply the name, O Nuno/A Maria.
Of course these are all also 3rd Person “treatment” pronouns as well so can be for talking to, or about someone.
Here, a 5-year old quote from a native PT speaker at the Duolingo boards: https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/1272499/Tu-Voce
At any rate, you rarely hear “você”, which is implicit, but rather “O senhor/a senhora”, “O Doutor”, etc. or you simply omit the subject altogether, which is the by far the most common usage, I’d say. See examples below:
* Desculpe, pode abrir-me a porta, por favor? instead of: * Desculpe, O SENHOR pode abrir-me a aporta, por favor?  – and by the way, you would never say something like: * Desculpe, VOCÊ pode abrir-me a aporta, por favor?
In Brazil, tu is regularly used by some 27 million people there which is actually more than the population of Portugal so not really something to dismiss.
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And of course, the formal “you” in Brazil is the same as in Portugal.
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Summarized (TLDR) Tu - Singular informal (use it for friends and family) Você - Not used much and considered uneducated and rude Vocês - Plural Vós - Plural (not used much… a bit of an archaism)
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* O exercício é bom para mim
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50 helpful conversational phrases for Portuguese learners #2
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31. Não é que não … — It’s not that I don’t …
32. Não te preocupes — No worries
33. Não sejas pateta — Don’t be silly
34. Sabes melhor do que isso — You know better than that
35. Não te preocupes, posso conseguir sozinho — Don’t worry, I can make it on my own
36. Provavelmente não. A não ser … — Not likely. Unless …
37. Por nada em especial — No reason in particular
38. Por que é que perguntas? — Why do you ask?
40. Como queiras — Suit yourself
41. Esquece / fica assim — Skip it / Never mind
42. Nunca me ocorreu que … — It never occurred to me that…
43. Só queria o melhor — I meant only the best
43. Mete-te na tua vida — Mind your own business
44. Pensa nisso — Think it over
45. Café? — se não houver problema — Coffee? — If it is no bother.
46. Estás no caminho certo — You are on the right track
47. Vamos lá, vamos acabar com isso — Come on. Let’s get this over with
48. Tanto faz — Whatever
49. Vamos fazer o seguinte — Here’s what we’ll do
50. Não sei — It beats me
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Moodboard Portuguese
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Traveling in Portuguese
【 general 】
o seguro | insurance
a bagagem | baggage
declarar | to declare
a alfândega | customs
fazer o check-in | to check in
a paragem | stopover
a plataforma | platform
o voo | flight
【 adventure 】
a aterragem | landing
a aventura | adventure
a bússola | compass
a descolagem | take-off
os binóculos | binoculars
【 suitcase 】
o bilhete de avião | plane ticket
a escova de dentes | toothbrush
o cartão de crédito | credit card
o carregador | phone charger
o protetor solar | sunscreen
a pasta de dentes | toothpaste
o dinheiro em espécie | cash
o livro | book
os óculos escuros | sunglasses
a maquiagem | makeup
o passaporte | passport
o pente | comb
a tomada | power plug
o adaptador | adapter
a roupa interior | underwear
a mala | suitcase
a roupa | clothes
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