Yo humans How do I make my page more interesting
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I wonder whats going in your mind As my true desire is maybe  revaling all the secrets that yout concealing clinging on  to them with fangs made of your own. Thier sharp deadly even so apearently not in your control Infinte praise from the sweatest tongues , from words one can only find inside the deepist depths of ones thoughts ones even the most powerfull emotions All these bearly loosen these fangs Then what I wonder do I do Do I use force the force I not posses do I pray to the heaven for a miracale to happen which undoubtly wont DO i wait for them to grow old and fade away I would but iam sure my effort would be in vein il be a lost cause by then I ponder over the endless possibilitys day and night from all the possible ways I have yet to find a path to success sadly conceiving  defeat is not my forte.. Wonderous it would be finding out your destiny if only stars didnt lie and lines could illuminate the darkness The darkness of your faith lost it is  somewhere or in the hiddin paradox of destiny No less then forever it will take Iam sure thats a small price If thats what it takes To reveal all that you conceal And how develish would it be To hatch an eveil scheme Immoral it maybe but devious my scheme and so it shall be Il rename your destiny
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Divine was the day I presumed Then again what value do I posses Faith can repress my success For neither I nor you knew How a few can change all that We thought was so true Dear infact the lies told or Truth be told bold as moves Can be made nothing more Torturious then leaping into the dark with a heart full of dreams And a floor full spikes But joyious is it to find then wind of faith land me into the eden of your love
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Thier is a ruler who is till remembered today even though he died 50000 years ago. In his rule no knew infastructure was built no land was conqured no great war was fought nor did he make any polices that changed the world like leaders that came after him
So why was he remebered ?
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Motivational or histarical depends on my mood I guess
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