the-happy-lobster 1 day
L'amour de ma m猫re n'est pas fait de mots doux. Il s'exprime par des 茅treintes sinc猫res mais gauches, par des biscuits de mon enfance, par des tableaux qui nous opposent mais forment une langue commune, par v锚tements contre le froid, par une m锚me entente sur le non-d茅sir d'enfants, par une envie d'explorer et une solitude commune.
A mesure que cette relation se soigne, je me demande si je pourrai un jour 锚tre un bon parent. Ma vision de l'茅ducation d'un enfant s'est toujours bas茅 sur le rejet de la vie, et surtout du malheur, que cette situation a caus茅 脿 ma m猫re. Mais je pense pouvoir 锚tre un bon p猫re, comme le mien l'a 茅t茅 pour moi. Pr茅sent, g茅n茅reux, regardant Forrest Gump comme nous l'avons fait ensemble, apprenant la photographie ou la peinture 脿 cet enfant, lui racontant la m茅moire de mes aventures et de celles de mes parents. C'est difficile 脿 mener dans un monde o霉 la technologie remplace le lien que j'ai form茅 avec lui. Mais je ne suis pas oblig茅e de faire les m锚mes choix. Je ne suis peut-锚tre pas oblig茅e de renier la carri猫re et le mode de vie n茅cessaires 脿 mon bonheur.
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the-happy-lobster 2 days
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you鈥檝e still got time
tiny beautiful things, cheryl strayed | wild geese, mary oliver | anna akhmatova | tuesday, alex dimitrov | sunrise, louise gl眉ck | just thinking, william stafford | night walk, franz wright | why be happy when you could be normal?, jeanette winterson
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the-happy-lobster 6 days
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Jean B茅raud, Une soir茅e, 1878
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the-happy-lobster 6 days
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by Sanne Sannes
unknown photo
unknown photo
Ren茅 Burri, "Tokyo Train"
Henri Cartier-Bresson, "Couple Sleeping on a train. Romania, 1975"
Wolfgang Tillmans, "Friends (1998)"
Erich Auerbach, "Young couple during an all-night jazz session at the Royal Albert Hall in London, 1957"
脡va Besny艖, Young people at Wannsee beach, Berlin Germany 1931
Aracelis Girmay, Kingdom Animalia
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the-happy-lobster 9 days
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The artwork depicts a medieval scene of a knight being knighted by a queen. The painting exudes a sense of honor, bravery, and chivalry, capturing the essence of the medieval era. LEIGHTON effectively portrays the ideals and values of the time period, making this painting a timeless masterpiece.
The painting is divided into two main sections - the queen and her attendants on the left and the knight kneeling before her on the right. This composition creates a sense of balance and harmony, drawing the viewer's attention to the central figure of the knight.
The queen, with her outstretched arm, is the focal point of the painting, symbolizing her role as the bestower of honor and knighthood. The sword also represents the code of chivalry, which was the moral code followed by knights during the medieval era. The placement of the characters and the use of perspective also add depth and dimension to the painting, making it feel almost lifelike.
From the intricate patterns on the queen's gown to the folds in the knight's cloak, each element is meticulously painted, adding to the realism and beauty of the artwork. The facial expressions of the characters also convey emotions, with the queen looking stoic and regal, and the knight appearing humble and obedient. This level of detail is a testament to LEIGHTON'S skill as a painter and his dedication to capturing the essence of the medieval era.
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the-happy-lobster 11 days
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The Hill: Hobbiton-across-the Water by J.R.R. Tolkien
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the-happy-lobster 11 days
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~Source Pinterest~
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the-happy-lobster 11 days
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Tania Crossingham - an artist that specialises in creating beautiful Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts
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the-happy-lobster 11 days
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@roach-works // Melissa Broder, "Problem Area" // Mary Oliver, "The Return" // @annavonsyfert // Koyoharu Gotouge, Demon Slayer // Haruki Murakami, Dance Dance Dance // David Levithan, How They Met and Other Stories // Tennessee Williams, Notebooks
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the-happy-lobster 11 days
If you're lamenting the fact that you used to be able to shoot through a 500-page novel in like a day when you were in middle school and now you can't, it's worth bearing in mind that a big part of that is because when you were in middle school, your reading comprehension sucked. Yes, mental health and the stresses of adult life can definitely be factors, but it's also the case that reading is typically more effortful as an adult because you've learned to Ponder The Implications. The material isn't just skimming over the surface of your brain anymore, and some of the spoons you used to spend on maximising your daily page count are now spent on actually thinking about what you're reading!
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the-happy-lobster 19 days
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Moscow, 1950s.
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the-happy-lobster 20 days
Considering tattoos became fashionable between European aristocrats in the late 19th century and Tsar Nicholas II himself had a massive dragon tattoo on his right arm (that he got done during a trip in Nagasaki in the early 1890s), it's not completely anachronistic to imagine Dmitri Karamazov as having one or multiple tattoos.
Do whatever you want with this information, I'm just saying.
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the-happy-lobster 21 days
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Andrew Scott as Tom Ripley Ripley - Netflix - April 4, 2024
@lgbtqcreators creator bingo - black & white
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the-happy-lobster 21 days
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Rainer Maria Rilke in his letter to Franz Kappus, 16 July 1903, featured in Letters to a Young Poet (translated by Charlie Louth)
Keep reading
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the-happy-lobster 24 days
馃徍Greek Mythology Book List 馃徆
Circe - by Madeline Miller (By far the most recommended!)
The Song of Achilles - by Madeline Miller
Persephone - by Madeline Miller
Helen of Troy - by Margaret George
Stone Blind - by Natalie Haynes
A Thousand Ships - by Natalie Haynes
Lies We Sing to the Sea - by Sarah Underwood
Pandora - by Susan Stokes
The Maidens - by Alex Michaelides
Psyche and Eros - by Luna Mcnamara
Here, the World Entire - by Anwen Kya Hayward
Ariadne & Elektra - by Jennifer Saint
Neon Gods - by Katee Robert
The Penelopiad - by Margaret Atwood
thank you for contributing to the original post! @delienn @mofustudies @booksnpictures @love-margaret @thr3eguess3s @circeisreading @rayosvioleta @friendlyflor @athenaandzeus @notmumtoday @winryrockbellwannabe @wine-darktea @ben-learns-smth
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the-happy-lobster 27 days
exam season <3
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the-happy-lobster 27 days
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