TQFO was put on an unintentional and unexpected hiatus, I apologize for the lack of pages but I’m back in the zone and should have some new pages to upload in the coming weeks! Thank you all for your support!
The next couple pages to be uploaded will be in my old art style, please do not be alarmed when the style changes, I’ve learnt lots over the past couple months and will be approaching this comic differently! 🥰
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The Quest for Orcristan
Part One: So It Begins
Chapter One: Strong Beginnings
Pages 5-8
48 notes · View notes
The MidWinter Festival
Word Count: 3170
Pairing: Zelink
The Quest For Orcristan bonus story, contains mild spoilers for the comic itself. Happy Holidays, from me to you!
Love Binkus 💖
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The city of Acana was a far ways off and their resources were running low. Zelda was starting to worry as the snow was getting thicker for their bodies to keep trudging through. They had stopped to rest at a nearby stable, and Zelda had bought them both winter gear for the colder season approaching. After landing in the Isles of Orcristan with nothing to their names, the journey had taken longer than she had planned. Everything was supposed to be smooth sailing, Link was not supposed to be building rafts every time they reached the end of an island, they were supposed to be accompanied by a fleet of soldiers Zelda had hand picked to help in their quest, but they were alone. Goddesses above, it was a miracle they were both alive and together. She sighs, watching as Link digs his way through the snow towards the bushel of spicy peppers peeking out from a lonely branch. She could see the drool on the corner of his lips, and she knew that he didn’t know these peppers were spicy. The native plants and vegetables of Orcristan varied immensely from Hyrule’s more mild vegetation. Oh, she wishes to have her journals. All the work she had done, the recipes for elixirs, all of them had been lost to sea that fateful night and the ones on her person had no chance of surviving the waters that penetrated their delicate pages. She nearly cries from the thought alone but she looks at her fiance once more, who’s bitten into a pepper and was now shoving handfuls of snow into his mouth to cool the burning sensation on his tongue and lips. The sobs catch in her throat and her lip trembles at the sight of him.
Link, him being here with her made her feel a million times better. This situation could have been a lot worse, and she doesn’t know if she could survive without him. She does know, she wouldn't be able to make it. Book wise, Zelda was smart, she could tell you how to survive in a freak storm and could list all the steps in perfect order, but when it came down to it she would freeze in panic and terror. Link, bone headed as he was, may not know the steps and codes, but he was quick on his feet and took every challenge head on. His solutions may not be the best but they somehow always did the trick. Zelda was infinitely grateful for his sharp mind. A sigh tumbles from her lips, the cold air swirling in front of her face resembling the dragons from back home. Link is steaming in a heap in the snow, whining about how hot the peppers were. Giggling, Zelda joins him in the snow and wipes the tears from his eyes, pulling the flask of milk from her bag. She hands it to him and he accepts the offering with as much grace as he can muster up in his state of being. He tries not to drink the last of their milk, letting it sit on his tongue as he caps the flask.
“That should help reduce the side effects of the burns.” Zelda says softly, replacing the flask in her stachel.
“I believe that if cooked in a certain way these peppers can be used to create cold resistance elixirs. Maybe we should take some with us, it will be getting colder from here on out.”
Link fans his face with his mitten clad hands and pants after swallowing his milk. He gathers some of the peppers and places them in his own bag, Zelda gathers the leaves that remained on the plant. She looks around at their surroundings, they were quite a ways off from the stable, she wonders if there would be any towns or stables up ahead. She helps Link up from the snow, seeing as he’s sunken into it. They continue on their journey, not quite sure which was North anymore. All of her studies on the stars had been rendered useless when the skies were stormy and grey, or the view was obstructed by snow storms. Link at one point had a compass but it had gotten lost at sea, just like everything else had. The Master Sword and shield strapped to his back along with his bags were the only items that he had been able to salvage. He holds her hand as they wander, nothing but wearisome travellers in this vast land. Zelda didn’t quite feel like a Queen stranded here on the Isles, no, she felt down trodden and lost. Link, the adventurer, was completely in his element despite the bitter cold. He had a keen eye and sense of direction and his adventuring skills came in handy. Again, Zelda couldn’t begin to describe how thankful she was that he had made it safely to the Isles with her.
It’s been hours, everything had looked the same up until this point but Link had insisted that he smelt something different in the air, something aside from the pine trees lingering like a glinting of hope.
“Soup, or maybe a chili.” He had licked his lips, and of course the thing that would draw out his sense of direction would be food. The promise of a safe guard from the blistering winds that had picked up as they plowed through the snow. Sure enough Link had been right! Zelda had smelt it sometime after, a scent that could only be described as warmth and comfort. She lets Link’s nose guide them further along, he tugs on her arm and they stumble into a clearing. A town! An honest to Goddess town! Smoke rises from the chimneys of the stone houses and the scent that Link had been drooling over is ever apparent now, pumpkin soup. The chill in her bones melts away from the warmth of the cozy lamp glow above, the close proximity of the houses blocking out the harsh winds. Link looks just as relieved as she is, his cheeks bright red from the wind burn he had received. Her eyes are immediately on his cheeks in worry, the concern filling her weary bones with tension once more.
“Oh gods, Link, your poor face!” His cheeks squish in her hands and his skin burns slightly from her touch. He brushes her hands away, smiling, just happy to be somewhere that wasn’t the mountains of snow they faced to get here.
“I’m okay, let’s find an Inn. I’m sure they’ll have one!” He says, optimistically. Link leads her, taking her hand once more. Zelda takes in the decorations on the houses, the lamp posts outside, even within the windows at the shops. The town was bigger than she had expected when they stumbled into it, and she soon realizes that what she thought was a town was in fact a city. People pass them in the streets, dressed in festive garbs and children hold small books, singing and dancing together. Carollers. Zelda stops an elderly woman in their path, adjusting the hat on her head.
“Excuse me ma’am, I apologize for bothering you…” She starts as Link is tugged back to her side before he wanders off alone.
“My fiance and I seem to be lost, we were wondering where we might be.” She smiles nervously and the woman smiles wide.
“Why, you have found yourselves in the city of Eimburg and just in time for the holidays too!” Her cheerful voice is pleasant and Zelda smiles back warmly.
“Thank you, and if you’d be so kind, could you point us in the direction of the nearest inn?” The woman nods and gives them the directions they were looking for, she wishes them a happy holiday before carrying on her merry way.
“Holidays?” Link looks up to Zelda as she navigates her way through the streets towards the Black Dove Inn the old woman had spoken of.
“Hmm, yes. I believe that in the winter season in Orcristan, the residents of the Isles celebrate a holiday called Midwinter Festival. From what I remember it’s a week-long affair, with candles and gift giving and each day you light a candle on the mantle or the window sill.”
Zelda points to a window in a house where a menorah is on display. Seven candles are placed within it, each a different color. Link’s eyes are fixed upon the colors, the vibrancy of the wax candles, the polished gold of the menorah. He had never heard, or seen, anything quite like it; candles were seldom used in Hyrule thanks to modern technology such as the luminous stone lamps.
“During the Midwinter Festival, families will set up a tree in their homes and they will decorate it with orbs of color and precious gems. Wrapped gifts sit underneath the trees and they stay there until the seventh day when the festival comes to a head. They light the last candle on the menorah and they have a large feast and open their gifts. The festivities come to a close on the eight day.” She explains, Link’s eyes gazing further into the house to see the tree she had talked about. It was barren of decorations, but he assumes it will be decorated soon.
“They’re like small pine trees!” He exclaims, looking back at her. Zelda smiles, nodding.
“Yes, exactly like small pine trees!” She giggles. “There are several festive activities that happen within the week. Ariana had explained them to me once, in a letter years ago. She had sent me extravagant gifts and exotic plant clippings for my research.” Link joins her at her side again and they continue on.
“Maybe, we can afford to stay the week and witness the festival.” He suggests, filled with wonder and awe much like a child. They had been on the move constantly, he was achy and sore, they deserved a break. Zelda loosens the scarf around her neck and smiles.
“I think that’s a wonderful idea, my beloved.”
The inn was warm, and the staff was warmer. Link spoke to the maids and the cooks and everyone else he could find to gather information about the Midwinter Festival. He wanted to be able to participate in something so wonderful such as a holiday. He had bought a small tree from a store closest to the inn while Zelda was out gathering information on their whereabouts. She purchased a compass and a map from a local tourism guide, while Link had spent his money on a cheap menorah and the colored candles to go with it. He studied the menorah set up in the shop and when he got to their room in the inn, set it up the same way. The tree was placed in the corner, barren of decor like all the others he’s seen so far but he had a box of what looked to be what he thought the decorations would look like from what Zelda described. He didn’t know what else was needed for such a holiday but he was confident that he would be able to figure it out. It wasn’t much, but the stress from the journey had been whisked away as soon as Link had put his mind to other things. He wanders out into the hallway again, bumping into Zelda whose nose was buried in the map she bought, pinpointing their location and mapping their journey when they were to leave Eimburg.
“Link! Please, watch your step love.” She scolds a bit, stressed out. He tilts his head at her, pouting.
“We’re supposed to be taking a break, Zel. C’mon, I wanna go get some of that soup I smelt earlier.” He gushes, smiling wide. She can’t resist the adorable look on his face and she grants him the yes he so desperately wants to hear. She’s dragged down the hallway she emerged from in seconds, having little to no time to pack up her things. That nose of his once again guides them down the streets towards a restaurant, the smoke billows from the chimney above and Zelda looks to the sign above the door.
“The Lumpy Pumpkin?” She giggles and Link looks up, sure enough. He’s laughing too but he pushes the door to the restaurant open and they wander inside. The smell floods their noises and it’s been so long since they’ve had real, hot food. No, the pepper Link ate earlier does not count. They’re seated, served and Link eats with his usual gusto, causing Zelda to laugh. The soup is delicious, exactly what the two fatigued travellers needed. Link leans back in his seat and Zelda almost has to carry him back to the inn. They settle in for the night after she questions his holiday purchases with a giddy chuckle.
“I thought we deserved to have a little fun.” He yawns, snuggling into her as she wraps her arms around him. Kissing the top of his head, she smiles, thanking him softly. She falls asleep to the soft sounds of his snoring, dreaming of a soft holiday fire curled up next to him.
It’s warm underneath the covers and the morning sun rises as Zelda does. With a yawn she gently untangles herself from behind her sleeping partner. Link snores, his hair haloed around his head, the sun catching the golden strands. She stretches her arms above her head, today marks the first day of the Midwinter Festival and she knew when Link awoke he would want to light the candle with her. Maybe staying in Eimburg would be exactly what they needed in order to carry on to Acana. Still, Zelda couldn’t help but worry, Ariana was expecting them and they still weren’t any closer to the Kingdom’s capital city. A week was a long time, especially when her call was one of despair and desperation. The demise of Orcristan would not come to a halt for a celebration. The thoughts plague her mind as she puts on the kettle for a cup of tea. Her eyes flicker back to Link, a soldier who had been through so much already, he must be exhausted and sick of saving worlds. She wondered how he managed to stay so lighthearted with times of mayhem and deep sadness. Maybe she should be more like him, take it as it comes and figure it out later. The kettle steams and she pulls two mugs from the small cupboards overhead, dropping a tea bag in each before filling them. One she fills half way, she knew Link liked his tea with milk and honey, and if he awoke in time to fix it for himself she wanted to make sure she filled it to the right amount for him. Zelda looks out the window, snow gently falls, and from inside it looks so peaceful and cozy, one thing Hyrule didn’t have a lot of was snow. Unless you were on the mountains, then it was only snow for as far as the eyes could see. She notices Link roll over from the corner of her eye, stretching his arms high above his head with a mighty yawn. She smiles as she turns to face him.
“Good morning, sleepy head. Today is the first day of the Midwinter Festival.” Her smile is warm like blazing fire and her eyes glimmer in the morning sunshine. Link hums, rolling onto his side to face her.
“Good morning, kinda cold without you in bed with me.” He hums, a teasing smile on his face. She closes the gap between them, placing a kiss on his lips, holding her mug of tea.
“I fixed you a cup, would you like milk and honey?” Zelda asks sweetly, Link nods and she wanders off to finish his tea. They sit in the bed and drink tea, Zelda talks about the journey ahead and the routes she had planned out, trying to strategize which route would be easiest to get to their destination. Link only hums in response, sipping his tea and taking the time he had been given to relax. He sighs softly, leaning against his beloved’s shoulder.
“You worry too much, my love.” He says softly, his fingers lacing with hers. She looked down at him, she had no other choice! If he wasn’t to worry and neither was she, then who was to make sure they stayed on track? Who was to make sure they made it to Acana to meet with the Maiden herself? Zelda scoffs.
“I do no such thing, Sir Link. I am simply keeping us on track.” She rationalizes, though she knows the truth, he was right. Zelda worried too much. Enough for the both of them.
“Shall we light the first candle?” She changes the subject quickly, noticing her mug is empty and so is his. Link lights up at the mention of the candles.
“Which one gets lit first?”
A week may have been too long for the travellers to pause their journey to Acana, but a week was exactly what they needed in order to revive their depleted energies. Link was looking more alive, that usual hop in his step had returned and the lively smile on his face was bright enough to light up even the darkest of places yet again. As for Zelda? Well, she had stopped worrying so much, instead focused on her excitable fiance as they sang, ate, rejoiced in festivities with the people of Eimburg and gave gifts. It wasn’t much but Link had carved her a fox over the week, her favourite animal, and she cherished it. She had gotten Link a new tunic, he always needed more because some way or another he would ruin his. It was blue, and she had never seen him in blue before but she thought the color would make his eyes pop.
Yes, a week was a long time for the Hylian travellers, but they said goodbye to the friends they had made in Eimburg with full satchels and full hearts. The journey to Acana would seem less dreadful, and Zelda was thankful for that. They walked down the streets and came to the arched entry way of Eimburg, where a beautiful bunch of white flowers hung overhead. Link had it placed there, a little Hylian tradition to end their holiday, and he pulls her down for a kiss. Zelda gasps in surprise, but easily falls deeper into the kiss, lifting him so he wasn’t standing on his toes. Their lips pull away and she looks above them, shaking her head with a smile.
“Mistletoe...” She looks at him, wonder and love in her eyes. Link smiles, brushing the hair from Zelda’s face. She hugs him closer, and she’s never felt more at home with him in her arms. Their lips meet once more, passion and warmth spreading from her body to his. Link whispers against her lips, his hand on her cheek.
“Happy holidays, Zelda.”
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The most wonderful human being created me these gorgeous art pieces of Link, Zelda and Ariana from my comic series The Quest For Orcristan.
These are commissioned pieces made by @pluviatrix
The Quest for Orcristan belongs to myself, @binkus-and-smelda
Logo added with permission!
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The holiday season is fast approaching and I have some quick announcements to make!
💖I intend to upload the next couple pages on Thursday the 23rd! That’s way earlier than I expected but I realized that the end of the month would not be achievable given Christmas and New Years.
🌸 I have some holiday content planned out for the comic series that I will post here! All finished works regarding this series will always be posted to this blog first and foremost, all other behind the scenes content will be posted to my main blog @binkus-and-smelda
Tagging system (on @binkus-and-smelda )
All comic pages can easily be found under the tag #the quest for orcristan
All other content can be found under the tag #the side quest for orcristan
Thank you so much to everyone for the support on this series!
Much love;
Binkus 💖
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The Quest For Orcristan
Part One: So It Begins
Chapter One: Strong Beginnings
Pages 1-4
160 notes · View notes
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The Quest For Orcristan
Part One: So It Begins
Special thank you to the talented and lovely @the-ceo for colouring this page!
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Introducing the two main characters;
Zelda and Link
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5’9 without heels, 6’0 with heels
25 years old
Possesses the blood of the Goddess Hylia
Fully fledged scholar
Trained in the Royal Knights Academy alongside her royal guards
Proficient in Sheikah Technology and engineering
Dabbles in alchemy and has made elixirs and potions that can increase your life force and stamina
Engaged to Link, her (retired) appointed knight
5’2 without boots, 5’3 with boots
28 years old
The Hero of Legend incarnate
He’s had possession of the Master Sword since he was a child
Captain of the Royal Guard before becoming Princess Zelda’s appointed knight
Trained in the Royal Knights Academy at age 16
He can’t read or write well, Link isn’t very studious
Lightning fast, a very skilled fighter, his talent is unmatched amongst the knights of the Kingdom
Overconfident, cocky bastard
Engaged to Princess Zelda
Orcristan is the country nearest to Hyrule, rumoured that 100 000 years ago the two lands were once one. These two lands share legends and religions, traditions and customs. Walking amongst the people were the Three Golden Goddesses, Din, Nauru, and Farore and the White Goddess Hylia. It is said that when the land split the goddesses were separated. The Three Golden Goddesses residing in Orcristan while Hylia in Hyrule. Similar to how Zelda and Link are the reincarnates of Hylia and her chosen hero, the Three Golden Goddesses became mortals in order to bring peace to the land. Each Golden Goddess with an incarnate of her own. Din, the Golden Goddess of Power, rules over the land of Orcristan, her incarnation is destined to always be the ruler of Orcristan. In a constant power struggle with Demise, Din scattered the pieces of the triforce throughout the land in order to keep the God of darkness from finding them.
After the return and defeat of Ganon to Hyrule, Demise made his return to Orcristan in search of the pieces of the triforce. Arianna, the one who carries the blood of the Golden Goddess Din, sends a cry for help to Link and Zelda, in hopes that the Goddesses chosen heroes could help hold back the threat of Demise. With the powers of the Master Sword and the Sealing powers of the Goddess Hylia combined with the powers of the Golden Goddesses, Arianna hopes to seal away Demise forever.
The journey will be long and nothing like anything Link and Zelda have ever encountered before. They soon come to realize they play much bigger roles in the fate of the world than they thought they had…
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