the-unawoken ยท 3 years
To The Stars. . .
Let's see if I still know how to do this. . .
It was quiet, in the depths of space. The lull of nothingness paired with the endless blanket of stars that danced forever onward in their travels.. It could easily put someone to rest. Back on Earth, her mother would always show her which constellations were where, when they had time. "Though it doesn't matter anymore," Hannah Shepard always mentioned, "I've always found it interesting." When Shepard asked why, Hannah would laugh and brush back her child's hair, keeping it out of her twinkling eyes. Her mother would muse about Shepard's intrigue, mentioning how she would be out there herself one day. Though it didn't take her long to discover the real reason, it never stopped her from wanting to know more about what was out there. Was it the stories she grew up with? The one's her mother and her always told? Was it the curiosity of finding more? Of discovering new worlds? Or the determination behind it? Her eyes shut tight as the thoughts lingered - strands trying to connect and remind her on what was the true pushing point of her journey. But each thought led back to the one that started it all.. Had it always been this quiet, Shepard wondered, as her hands pried at back of her helmet, grasping for her oxygen cord. One would think with all the chaos around her - pieces of the Normandy jettisoning right past her - that there would be some noise. . She felt a swift jab to her abdomen, a sheet of the Normandy's exterior piercing her suit - and her. Though the pain rushed through her body - though she struggled to reach the cord and connect her oxygen tank again, she couldn't help but look up and strain to see the stars.. Just one last time. -
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