theanimejunkie 18 days
Haley: *Pointing at Sebastian* We can't manipulate, Haley: *Pointing at Alex* mansplain, Haley: *Pointing at Sam* or malewife our way out of here. Abigail: *Wielding a sword* MANSLAUGHTER IT IS THEN
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theanimejunkie 2 months
Should they be at the club? - Baldur's Gate Edition
Wyll: Wyll likes drinking and set a record for endurance dancing in his teens. He had to give up having teenage fun way too early. Not only should he be at the club, but he's having a great time.
Astarion: Does not enjoy the club as much as he pretends to. He shouldn't be at the club. He should be gossiping at his local sewing circle. Did you hear what Maureen's husband did? The scandal!
Shadowheart: She should be at the club.
Lae'zel: She's terrifying at the club. She should be there.
Karlach: Not only should she be at the club, but it's everything she deserves. I'm offering her a ticket to the club on bended knee.
Gale: He has bad knees, a bad back, and can't talk over the music. He's at his local wine tasting instead.
Halsin: He should not be at the club. He is at his local community centre.
Minthara: See Lae'zel.
Jaheira: Don't be ageist. She should be at the club.
Minsc and Boo: They are at the club and it was Boo's idea.
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theanimejunkie 2 months
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Every friend group should include...
My joking take on this post but with the Baldurs Gate 3 companions
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theanimejunkie 2 months
i feel like a lot of the 'i hate kids' crowd would be more tolerant if they understood that due to a kid's limited experience of the world that 4 hour flight might just be the longest they've ever had to sit still for or that trapped finger might literally be the most pain they've ever felt in their short life or they might not have ever seen a person with pink hair ever so of course they want to touch it or nobody's told them yet that they can't run around the museum and they only just learned cheetahs are the fastest animals so of course they want to put that to the test. how were they supposed to know etc etc.
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theanimejunkie 3 months
my friend told me that her boyfriend got her a super cool rock while they were on vacation together and you would not BELIEVE my disappointment when i realized she was talking about her engagement ring
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theanimejunkie 3 months
She forgor. 馃様
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theanimejunkie 4 months
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time to update the meme
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theanimejunkie 4 months
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Tav wants a baby + companion responses
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theanimejunkie 4 months
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The Sheepthara exploit
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theanimejunkie 4 months
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theanimejunkie 4 months
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Minthara, starting anew
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theanimejunkie 4 months
Baldur's Gate fanartists will draw Astarion like a renaissance painting and Wyll like the cover of an adventure novel and Gale like a Leyendecker drawing and Karlach like the cover of a trashy romance novel (where she is the beefy hunk and her love interest is the swooning maiden) and Lae'zel like a knight in a manuscript and Shadowheart and Minthara like the cover of a lesbian pulp novel and Halsin coming out of a lake like the bear equivalent of the Birth of Venus and they're all so right
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theanimejunkie 4 months
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save me muscular demigoddess save me
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theanimejunkie 5 months
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theanimejunkie 5 months
Anyone have advice on how to make cleaning easier? Dishes especially? I don't wanna use paper/plastic for the environment, but I literally have not been able to wash my dishes since Thanksgiving.
this is your gentle reminder to stop fighting against your adhd and instead structure your life around it
buy a pack of chapsticks and put one in the pocket of all of your coats and jackets because you always forget to bring one and chapped lips is sensory hell
leave important things where you can see them. if they go in a box or a drawer you will forget they exist
put any appointments or deadlines in your phone calendar As Soon As you get them. set a reminder for a week before, a day before, an hour before, as many as you need as often as you need them.
when that little voice in your head says "i dont need to write that down, ill remember it" that is the devil talking!!! write it down anyway!!
plan for down time. have a few hours at the end of every day to just do fun stuff like engage in your hyperfixations. even if you didnt get all of your work done that day, have the rest anyway. you probably spent the whole day beating yourself up for not doing what you Should be doing, so you still need the break.
if you never eat vegetables because its too much effort to chop and cook them, get the frozen or canned shit. it doesnt go off for ages and you just have to microwave it. theres no point buying fresh vegetables if they just keep going off and being left to rot in the bottom of your fridge
if you struggle to decide what to have for dinner every day, take the decision out of it. choose a set of meals and eat those on rotation until you get sick of them, then choose some new ones and do it again.
its not stupid if it works! our brains literally have a chemical deficiency. you are allowed to accommodate yourself. go forth and stop making your life more difficult than it has to be because "this shouldn't be this hard". it is hard, so make it easier.
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theanimejunkie 5 months
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theanimejunkie 5 months
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When all this is over, will you stay with me? For good?
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