thecheckeredchaser · 1 month
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so the good news is that I found the fic about the boy who can smell demons that I was looking for:
However, Dimensions magazine is now behind a pay wall??? It definitely wasn’t just a year ago, so like what happened?? :((
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thecheckeredchaser · 1 month
Ch 10
Insured Gains
Chapter 11- ...Another Opens
Jake got pulled into a meeting with Gibbs and was busy for most of the afternoon. He shot Alexis a text letting her know he was going to miss lunch. He finally wrapped up, surprisingly without any awkward lecture from Morgan. He did make a comment about Jake 'hurrying back to his squeeze'. Jake did hurry back, at almost quitting time.
Alexis sat on her phone and looked up guiltily when she saw Jake. He made it clear he did not care. "Sorry things got messed up."
"I'm sure it was important," she smiled. It was, moderately.
"Want to get dinner? Maybe at a more casual spot this time."
"I'd love to."
"Can I pick you up from your place? Maybe you pack a bag for the weekend?" Her face lit up like a thousand suns.
Jake sat across from Alexis, both in casual clothes at a standard American steakhouse. Jake hoped she thought he looked just as good in street clothes as he did in his suits. Going off her reaction as they walked up to the door together, she was impressed. He was beyond blown away with how her perfect butt looked in jeans. The rest was great, but especially her butt.
They ordered their meals and two appetizers. Jake played with something in his pocket.
"I bet you feel a bit of weight off your shoulders," she said, intentional with her words.
"It turned out better than I thought. I've had a perfect week with you," he said, reaching for her hand across the table. She eagerly took it and kissed it.
"Mine has been magical. Thrilling. I couldn't ask for more," she paused. "Well, I won't." She sipped her water, avoiding his gaze.
"You should ask for whatever you want. In the business world you get nothing done if you don't." He was speaking generally, but realized it applied to what she was probably thinking. She waited a while to respond, which made him nervous.
"That's probably good advice," she finally said, slightly defeated. Jake bit his lip and decided he had to take his own advice. He had full confidence in his desire, but had the underlying fear she did not share it. Her not taking the opportunity he laid out, slightly building his doubt. He took an audible deep breath.
"If you wanted to have more…um time with me, Alexis, I'd more than want that. In a more official sense." The twinkle in her eye gave him all the assurance he needed.
"You really want that? Is it even allowed?" She asked skeptically. Jake pulled out the HR document and put it on the table.
"I'd be a madman to not want to be with you Lexi. Something amazing happened, and that's you. I can't pass someone like you up. Not without trying. But I read over the document and it seems like it's not necessarily against the rules. We just have to disclose it to HR, and avoid making out in the office."
"What about the parking garage?"
"I'll ask one of the owners about that." She looked for where to sign and searched for a pen. Jake hastily stopped her. "Lexi. You didn't read it. I think you should be certain before you sign it. At least wait until the morning. I just wanted to put it on the table, so to speak," he chuckled, taking the document back. Alexis gave an angsty glare back but smiled.
"You make me so impatient, Jake." He shrugged, not changing his position on the matter.
They enjoyed, what was for Jake, a very filling dinner, ending with his consumption of two desserts. He and Alexis volleyed cheeky commentary, and shared stories from their lives. It was nice to enjoy her company off the clock and without the stress of how 'unallowed' it was hanging over them. He wasn't technically wrong, but Gibbs had identified a small clause that exempted him from the rule. A stipulation that Jake thought might have been penned up by Morgan in hopes he might use it some day, which didn't feel great, but he'd absolve himself of his partner's skeevy behavior.
They made it home without tearing off the others clothes, just barely. After reconnecting, a few times, they watched an episode of a show of Alexis' choice. Jake was over the moon that she would be staying for the weekend. He had truly missed having someone to hold close at night. It had been much too long a time since he enjoyed that. He loved how Alexis pushed her butt into his hips, causing his thick belly to press to the small of her back. Her hands reached back to stroke his sides occasionally. She eventually flipped over and massaged his full belly till they both were asleep.
When Alexis woke the next morning she could smell bacon cooking and frying pans clattering in the kitchen. She was overjoyed to be in Jake Andrews' house. It was as if everything was falling perfectly into place. She floated out to the kitchen to find Jake cooking in athletic shorts and a tee shirt, looking very sexy and casual.
"Jake on the weekend," she proclaimed with folded arms.
"Alexis swimming in my shirt."
"It's adorable, right?" She could see the guilty pride he felt. "I didn't know you cooked."
"I get by. Breakfast is my specialty." She observed a stack of thick waffles, scrambled eggs, hash browns, and bacon.
"I guess there is no need to say I'm surprised you're hungry. But I enjoy the little surprise, either way. I like to imagine it everyday." Jake smirked over his shoulder and turned the burners off. He loaded his plate and set it down. He made a smaller one for her. She crossed her legs to keep her morning arousal at bay. Jake began plowing through his breakfast, making Alexis burn for him. The food was delicious, but couldn't distract her from watching him. Jake chugged half his glass of milk and burped deeply. "God," she exclaimed.
"Say it."
"You're a super hot pig Jake," she said, getting up and slinking over to him. She slapped her palm to the side of his gut and shook it, revealing in the heft of it. Another burp gurgled out and she took his fork and stacked it. "What a sexy and greedy hog."
"I'm getting too used to this, Lexi." He leaned his head against her, loving her strokes on his belly and her flirtatious dialogue. "Worried I might get really fat," he teased. She popped another forkful in his mouth.
"Jake, you can get as fat as you want. You could never outgrow my love. As long as I get to fill this belly up every here and there and get to massage it,"she leaned her lips down to his belly, "and to kiss it."
"I can easily give you that. Make it daily at least." Alexis fed him a second plate, filling it more intensely than Jake had himself. And by the end he was panting and groaning. She drummed gently on his belly, causing him to let three burps rumble out of him. She looked over his big belly and beamed. He seemed drowsy from his fullness. She pulled up his shirt and marveled at his puffed up shape. She passed him the rest of his drink and he guzzled it greedily through his stuffed haze. He pressed his hand to his gut and leaned to the side, belching hugely. "You absolutely swear you think that's sexy?"
"I'll show you in your bed how sexy I think it is, in a moment." She planted a kiss on his lips. "Where the heck is that document?" Jake laughed at her eagerness, and explained where he tucked it. She pulled her chair next to him and read through the agreement while rubbing his belly. He lazily rubbed her back, too full to do much else, besides get rubbed down and the occasional moans and groans. By page two she was fondling his lower belly, which always seemed to be so sensitive for him. He burped deeply followed by a heavy sigh.
"A big stuffed pig. Had a little too much breakfast," she patted him lovingly. "But you will be ready for lunch after a nap. Ready to stuff that piggy belly all over again." She pinched him and he burped again, long and steady.
"I'm out of control," he groaned. "And I feel like a total pig. My belly is so stuffed and bloated. I'm absolutely ready for that nap," he said blushing.
Alexis whipped out her pen with a dramatic click. She coyly placed the documents on Jake's belly like a table and signed proudly, turning it for him to sign. "I'm beyond excited."
"I'm so glad you decided to keep me."
"Like there was any doubt." Jake shrugged meekly.
"You could have come to your senses."
"Did I not just sign in front of your eyes?" She pulled him up and pushed him to his room, telling him she'd clean up. When she finished she heard him sleepily call from the room.
She made her way in with the requested Hostess cupcakes from the pantry closet. "You found it!" he cheered, opening it right away.
"Are you really that hungry?" she asked, reaching to smooth her hands over his now topless body.
"I'm absolutely too full. I wanted these though," he said, pushing the rest of one cupcake in his mouth. "I'm one stuffed pig for sure." He moaned and pressed the top of his bloated gut, burping softly.
"And beyond hot. Your appetite is pretty bad at home isn't it?"
"You have no idea," he said, letting her put half of the remaining cupcake into his hungry lips. "This weekend will be all the sample you need. With you around, I'm in big trouble."
"I have no idea what you mean by that." Alexis pushed the last of the chocolatey cupcake into his stuffed body and stroked Jake's belly.
"I mean there are insured gains in my future," he said, patting his belly sleepily, closing his eyes. Alexis rolled her own.
"Cheesy," she declared, cuddling closer. He snorted.
"Whatever. Just rub my belly. It's absolutely huge," he said, kissing the top of her head and sighing pleasurably at her caress.
"Anything for you, Jake," she cooed, dutifully following orders.
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thecheckeredchaser · 1 month
Ch 9
Insured Gains
Chapter 10- One Door Closes
Jake woke to the sound of his alarm and groggily reached for it to shut it off. His brain was a total haze for the first couple seconds, and then the memory of the night before flooded back to him. As of late, his first waking thoughts were about Alexis, so it wasn’t surprising that it happened today. However, yesterday they had embarked on something completely new, for himself at least. Jake looked around to find he was alone in the room, slightly disappointed. He looked at his cell and saw a message from Alexis at 2am. “Goodnight Jake.” The message was punctuated with a pink pig emoji. He felt his face heat up at that. He proceeded to get ready, taking the time to clean up the fast food garbage from last night, as well as the trash from pizza the night before that. He packed what he could into the already full can in the kitchen, which was having its limits pushed as a safe haven for take out wrappers. Jake sighed as he pulled the bag out, but felt a flicker of arousal. “Alexis wouldn’t care,” he muttered to himself. “In fact, she’d reward me for it,” he said proudly.
She had certainly rewarded him yesterday. He almost worried if he thought about it too much, he would realize it was an utterly vivid fantasy he’d had. But going off the full-ish feeling he felt upon waking and the Wendy's bag, he guessed it was really real. He wanted to text her, to get a jump start on her attention and praise, but decided against it. Alexis had the power to make Jake feel completely foolish. He co-owned his own company, where his name was listed first. He had a house, technically two, an expensive car, and a big office. Though he was getting divorced, it seemed a further testament of how established he already was. He was confident of himself and generally in complete control of all parts of his life. And yet, Alexis had to merely join his work force and his rigid exterior was instantly harboring jello. None helped by him starting to look more like it on the outside. Or perhaps perfectly helped.
The ultimate silver lining to bulking up like he had was getting Alexis’ attention. He would never have dreamed of garnering the interest of an essential Playboy model, let alone being completely under the control of one. Jake didn’t love to dwell on how much younger Lexi was, as it started to feel creepy if he did so, but he was enticed by the fact. She could be with anyone she chose. But she chose him. And in her youth, she didn’t hold onto the same old fashioned principles he had. She was a millennial who lived by the philosophy of ‘go big or go home’, ‘YOLO’, and ‘#treat yourself’. He appreciated that spark in her. She liked getting trendy foods for the fun of trying them, and followed blogs to stay up to date on the latest food porn. Certainly the kind the public was aware of, and probably also the kind they weren't aware of.
Jake and his wife had gotten into a true rut of doing and talking about the same things. Her job, friend, and a morning talk show that was mostly gossip, but she discussed it like news. When she started to be insufferable about his weight, it became her new thing to talk about. A coworker told her about this diet. He would need to lose weight if they were going to vacation in Mexico. Was he really comfortable in that shirt? Jake was beyond happy to not have to entertain and dodge those conversations.
He made his way to work and noticed that Alexis’ car was already in the garage. Jake felt his heart flutter. He zipped by Gina, only offering a wave and nod. He didn’t have time to play her little game. She had really amped it up, since Alexis and himself had started actively flirting, and more. He guessed Lexi was right. Gina was picking up on more than he knew.
He stepped out of the elevator and felt his heart burst when her smile greeted him. “Hey,” he said.
“Hey,” she responded, her smile still beaming. He wanted to tell her how disappointed he was that she hadn’t stayed, but didn’t want to put any inadvertent pressure on her to be more romantic with him or to come off clingy. He decided to go to what he was confident in. Work.
“What is on the schedule today?” he said, putting a hand in his pocket. Alexis grinned and looked at her screen, still finding joy in working under him. But her smile shifted into a cringing look. “What?”
“You have a meeting with the lawyers today?” she offered gently.
“Cedar Pines? Again?” he questioned. He scratched his head, confused.
“Your… personal lawyers.” Jake sighed. Of course. He was meeting with the divorce lawyers. He looked at Alexis, clearly taking the hit to his mood. He processed the information and looked at her curiously. “It’s at 8:00,” she said grimacing. “In 40 minutes.”
“Thanks for reminding me. What a blow, huh?” he said, trying to laugh at the situation.
“I got you breakfast.” Lexi lifted a McDonald’s bag up cheerily, the hashbrowns calling to him through the grease stain.
“Because you are perfect.” He took the bag from her and gestured his head to his office, offering her to join him. He enjoyed the sausage biscuit first as an appetizer, before moving onto the sausage egg McMuffin. He was not hungry until she had mentioned it, and he felt himself radiate in his gluttonous routine. He looked up at Alexis who enjoyed a fruit parfait herself. “I really appreciate this Lexi. You have certainly overindulged me a bit lately. Especially yesterday.” He was surprised she had not already brought it up herself.
“It was a phenomenal day and evening. I was a little worried you wouldn’t be hungry enough to eat breakfast,” she teased with a wink.
“So worried that you got me two sandwiches.” His anxiety about the upcoming meeting resurfaced. He had hoped that it would get rescheduled again, as it had last time. Typically it could delay another month or two before everyone was available to have a meeting again. He was hoping he could avoid going to court, but every time he got on the call, his wife reminded him of exactly why her filing was a gift. He wanted it over, but also never wanted to see her again. It disgusted him to hear how she talked about the possessions they collected in their life together. And she found an infinite number of ways to slip in jabs about his weight. His brows furrowed and instantly raised when he looked at Alexis. “Would you want to sit in on the meeting? Secretly,” he asked. She looked beyond intrigued.
“I’m definitely not supposed to,” she said naughtily. He nodded. “I’d love to. As long as you don’t think it will be too invasive for you.”
“For me? Not at all. I think you might enjoy it.”
“More than you enjoyed breakfast?” Jake had just finished sipping his coffee and put the back of his hand to his mouth, unsuccessfully attempting to mute a belch. He watched a surge of pleasure wash over her.
“You make me this way,” he accused, rubbing his belly. It was nothing close to the damage done yesterday. He thought he would never feel full again after that indulgence, but his quick breakfast proved to be sitting atop his lingering bloat from the night before.
“And I’m proud.” she went over and prodded his belly, her touch ever familiar to him. He nearly whimpered as her fingers ran over his belly's dome. He felt himself swoon, thinking of each moment the day prior when he thought he couldn't eat anymore and Lexi encouraged him. That evening she could not get enough of him, nor he of her. "You are just down to chow always huh?" She said playfully, pushing the hash brown to his lips and halfway into his mouth. He was excited by her assertiveness, though eating the hash brown in two bites was very routine for him. It was greasy and crispy. She had him finish the other half and kissed his shimmering lips. She handed him his drink and rubbed his stomach, expectantly. Jake could feel it brewing inside him, and it came to surface with a few loving pats from Alexis.
"Grwaaup." She winked at him and Jake smiled back bashfully, cleaning up his desk.
"I wonder if she'll notice."
"Notice what?"
"How much of a pig you've been. Duh," she said, slipping out of the office to get ready to eavesdrop. Jake's hands subconsciously stroked his gut before he snapped back to business.
She poured herself some tea, and Jake nervously tested his camera and microphone. Since the pandemic and the influx of zoom meetings, he became increasingly worried he’d have a technological faux pas, having seen too many professionals meet their demise that way. Alexis returned and sat curled up in the chair across from his desk with her laptop. He hovered over the ‘start call’ button and clicked after Alexis gave an encouraging and eager nod.
Marcella’s face popped up on the screen and Jake felt his expression go to stone. He respectfully listened to their lawyers do their pleasant introductions and get the meeting started. “When we last met we came to the agreement that Mrs. Andrews,” Jakes’ lawyer started. Jake couldn’t stand to hear her called that and smirked when he looked over at Alexis who was fake gagging. “Will get the boat and Mr. Andrews will keep the cabin. We have just a few things to review and hopefully we can come to an agreement today. Finally.”
“And we cannot revisit those items at all?” Marcella’s voice shook the speakers, from her audio being out of whack.
“I think your lawyer will agree, ma’am, that we have revisited those items ad nauseam.” Jake chuckled at the exasperated expression of his wife’s lawyer, who clearly regretted taking her on as such a difficult client. They began discussing the home the two shared. The same home that Jake had personally designed and had built for the two of them, without her financial support. He thought it was silly to divide up anything and to consider giving her ownership of what was so clearly his. His lawyer knew he wanted the house over everything. Jake glanced back at Lexi, who though trying to get some semblance of work done, could not stop listening to the call. He looked down at his phone as it lit up.
Alexis had sent, “You look so hot. Wish I knew what she looked like”. Jake snuck a picture of his screen and sent it to her. Marcella was not ugly, by any means, but she was no smokeshow. She looked perhaps slightly slimmer than when he had moved out, no doubt in an effort to prove how debilitating his company had been, failing the acknowledge, as always, that it had been the lavish lifestyle she loved so much. He didn’t want to notice how much older she looked, despite wearing enough makeup to supply a circus. Alexis texted again, “4/10”. He had to stop himself from laughing, checking to ensure his mic was off. He assumed this was how kids in high school or college felt, when texting during class. He supposed it could apply to a work meeting, but he could hardly take his attention away to text during that.
“I just feel like there are certain things I should get by default, since Jake doesn’t even use them. And before you ask for specifics Johnathan,” she said snidely to Jake’s lawyer, “I have a list prepared. I think I should get all the workout equipment, including the Bowflex Home Gym. He simply doesn’t have enough will power points to sit on the bench. I also want the value of the hot tub, if I cannot have the house. He won't even take his shirt off at a private pool. Wasteful. But kind. This is unusual, but I think I should get his ring. I know I didn’t purchase it, but it simply does not fit his fat fingers.” Jake braced himself to control his expression as he glanced over the screen. Alexis’ mouth was gaping open. She looked like she wanted to scream and laugh, and when she quietly left the office, Jake assumed it was for exactly that. He could see Marcellla looking at him on the camera, and made an effort to glare directly into the lens. Jake’s lawyer took the opportunity to remind her that this was not her stage to criticize Jake from.
Alexis re-entered with something in her hand. She placed a small paper bag on his desk, remaining out of view. Jake looked in the bag and pulled out two donuts. Jelly and chocolate frosted sprinkle. He didn’t have to ask her if she expected him to eat them, as it was far too obvious. Jake felt the heat on the back of his neck as he brought the bright white jelly donut to his mouth, drinking up Alexis’ stare. She seemed to be looking at him, but entirely focused on the audio from the computer. Marcella had begun a rampage on how frustrating it was to be shushed every time she brought up his weight, because for her it was exactly relevant.
“Would we be sitting here today if Jake could stop himself from stuffing his face? No. Look at him right now!” she shrieked in frustration. Jake took another huge bite, expertly catching the jelly that attempted to escape with his tongue. “I know you do this stuff on purpose Jake. You look like you gained 20 lbs since I saw you last, and that is in your face alone! Stand up. Give us a twirl. I'll do one!” Jake could see that Marcella was still raging, but had been muted by her own lawyer, who proceeded to pull her into a private window. Jake’s lawyer shook his head and gave him a thumbs up. They both knew it would be over soon. Jake pushed the rest of his donut into his mouth. Alexis gestured to him that the corners of his mouth were still powdered and he licked at the corners suggestively, even though on camera.
The lawyer and very aggravated woman both rejoined the main call. The lawyer sighed as he turned his mic on. “Marcella has a last request for Jake before proceeding.” She looked displeased with the intro, but cleared her throat.
“Jake. I would be happy to drop all this. All the lawyers and fighting. If you are committed to getting healthier, I would be more than satisfied in taking you back.” Jake stared at the screen and then to Lexi, who looked like she was watching Jerry Springer. Jake turned back to the screen. He hit unmute.
“I know you are joking now. So glad you found your sense of humor Marcella.”
“Jake, I am not joking. I found success in my weightloss, no doubt you noticed. You could too. We could start a family and live happily together again.” Jake couldn’t keep his face straight or respectful.
“Why am I struggling to remember what that was like?” he said rudely. “Marcella. We are certainly not getting together again. I never wanted a family. You don’t actually like me. And frankly, I don’t really like you.” Jake glanced at his phone to see it blowing up with fire emojis. He picked up the second donut, catching Marcella’s shocked look upon noticing.
“Jake, you don’t have the privilege to be so choosy. You are eating another donut right now. Do you not hear how ridiculous that is? I just don’t know how you think you will find anybody who puts up with your gross habits.” Jake rubbed at his belly, just thinking about how Alexis would more than put up with him and his habits.
“Marcella. Just stop. It’s over. Seriously. What is it you really want so that you can leave me alone?” He stuffed half of the donut in his mouth. She appeared disgusted, but was thinking.
“If I can get the boat, the Porsche, and the little motorcycle you got and never rode, I’ll sign whatever I have to now.” Jake stared back shocked. Alexis looked on, unsure if it was an insane request.
“That’s it? All this and that’s your big ask?” Both the lawyers waited with bated breath.
“And I want to keep all the jewelry!” Jake scoffed, knowing that gifts weren’t on the table for his taking anyway. Jake laughed.
“All yours.” Jake’s lawyer, Johnathan, did not skip a beat, jumping in before anyone had the chance to change their mind. He reported that he would write up the newest proposal and send it over to Marcella’s lawyer for review and signing. Jake ended the call just as Marcella tried to wish him well.
“Oh my god!” Alexis squealed. She ran over and hugged Jake. “That is really good news right?”
“The absolute best. This time tomorrow, I’ll be officially single. Man!” Jake finished the bit of donut he had left.
"She was totally unreal. So shady and yet clearly hoping to stay with you." Alexis ran her hands down his jacket, her most loved enemy. "She was really harsh about all the weight stuff huh?" She offered sympathetically. He shrugged, and played in her hair. He didn't care to dwell on her too much, but was interested in Lexi's perspective. "Did you really outgrow your ring," she asked mischievously.
"That did happen. But I'll say she already tried ordering it smaller because she was really banking on my big weight-loss kicking off. It did not." Alexis laughed heartily. She sighed only to laugh again and attempt to settle herself with another sigh.
"I have some work to get to. I sort of played hookie yesterday," she said with a wink. "I know you adore working," she said sincerely.
"I should too. Maybe we'll get a late lunch?"
"Sounds great."
Ch 11
0 notes
thecheckeredchaser · 1 month
Ch 8
Insured Gains
Chapter 9- Deeds and Words
Jake did not live far at all from the restaurant, which the notion of only heightened Alexis’ arousal, especially paired with Jake’s heavy breathing as the base line. She was beyond hot for Jake. She watched him tap on the wheel impatiently, rubbing his belly with the other. “I’m just around the corner up there,” he said with a huff. Alexis noticed he was actually rubbing more than just his belly. Jake must have been on her exact level.
“I am so incredibly turned on by you Jake,” she said, running her hand softly over his belly. He moaned at her touch and burped softly, with a sigh. “Such a stuffed fat piggy, huh?”
“I’d have to say so,” he conceded. “Can’t believe I ate so much. I’m glad you are feeling as hot as I do, because there are so many reasons someone would not want to get intimate with me right now.”
“Lucky for you I’m no ‘someone’. And I’ll forgive you for being such an old man. ‘Intimate’?” she teased. He shrugged with fluttering eyes, as he pulled into the driveway to a substantial house.
“What would you prefer?” he asked, looking at her seemingly to delay having to move his body out of the car. Alexis lowered her eyes at him and smiled playfully. She leaned closer to him slowly, stopping right in front of where he had met her.
“I guess I’d call it fucking,” she said confidently. Jake blinked at her in shock from her diction. She pressed her lips to his and kissed him hard. Her fingertips dancing on the curve of his belly and running through his thick hair. He moaned into her mouth and ran his own hand up and down her butt and thigh. They eventually pulled away, Jake even more out of breath than during the ride home.
“Let’s go fuck,” Jake growled at her. He heaved himself out of the car and did his best to not waddle to the door. The key was in and the pair, but seconds after. Jake locked the door and pulled her down a hallway. Alexis in the seconds she had could see he had a pretty nice modern aesthetic. His house seemed neat and tidy, but she could see the remains of pizza previously ordered, left on the coffee table, not that there was anything but packaging left. She felt her brain swell at the thought of Jake Andrews, her perfectly professional boss, who was always neat and organized, pigging out slobbishly in the privacy of his home. Upon entering his room she could smell his cologne hanging in the air. His bed was already made, and nothing looked out of place. He must only be a mess when it came to food. Jake kicked off his shoes with a grunt and stood beside the bed, watching Alexis look around. She took off her heels and pulled her stockings off, letting her toes wriggle on the thick carpet. She looked at Jake who looked absolutely massive and sexier than she had ever seen him. His arms stuck out just to accommodate the swell of his belly, which was protruding straight in front of him.
“Oh Jake,” she said, walking up to him. Her fingers were instantly on his big belly. She shuddered with a purr. “You are so big.”
“Thanks,” he said with a smirk. “I can’t believe you are here right now,” he said, pulling her hair behind her ear and kissing her.
“Mr. Andrews,” she said, looking up at him, “I have been wanting to be here since I laid eyes on you.” She reached for his jacket and he began pulling it off. “I have been wanting to see you out of these jackets, even though you are delightfully scrumptious in them. But they have truly been my enemy, blocking all peeks of your delicious belly,” she growled, running her hands down his sides, landing on his plentiful love handles.
“They do their job,” he said with a wink.
“I hope enduring everyone’s comments and prodding was worth catching my attention,” she said, reaching for his belt, which was straining taught under his gut.
“I think everything to do with you is worth it Alexis. ”She gently maneuvered her fingers in the nonexistent space between his overhanging belly and buckle, and managed to pull it loose. Jake sighed heavily in relief. “That feels so much better, “he exclaimed, blushing a little from her touch. Her small delicate hands shoved under his heavy gut was a level of contrast that could not be ignored.
“You stuffed this gut pretty full. You need all the space you can get.” She unbuttoned his pants and began to unzip them, his hard on all too apparent.
“Why is it now that I’m starting to feel nervous?” Jake confessed, as she freed his pants from the little shelf of his butt, causing them to fall to the floor. Alexis watched Jake's powerful legs as they stepped out of the pants on the floor, unable to ignore his monstrously strong calves. Thick thighs hugged by black boxer briefs. His shirt hanging down too far to reveal what she had most been looking forward to seeing.
“You have absolutely nothing to be worried about,” she said, her voice dripping in desire. She slipped out of her skirt and blouse, as an offering to distract Jake. He eagerly grabbed her thick butt and ran his hand down her flat stomach.
“You are truly so small,” Jake gushed. Alexis melted at his touch. She loved to be complimented by him. “I’m sure everyone was wondering what you were doing at a buffet with me,” he said, running his hand over her tight chin. “And what they must have thought when they saw you making my plates for me, even more hoggish than I had.” She shuddered at his words and from his fingers running over her breast. “They must have known it was your fault,” Jake said into her ear, gently placing her hand on his belly. She started running her fingers over it, not wanting to over jostle his stuffed gut, but desperate to make close contact. “Max must think you are such a deviant Alexis. And worst of all, he’s right.” Alexis moaned at his words. “I hope it was clear how badly you wanted me to eat all that food. Anyone who looked into those eyes would be able to see it. ‘She is really into that fat pig’.” Alexis gave a light squish to his under belly and Jake was burping seconds later. “Especially super bloated pigs. Uuurrp.” Jake took her hands and placed them at the top of his collar. Her body vibrated with excitement. “I’m sure you have been thinking about this for a bit. I really hope I don’t disappoint.” Alexis could hardly hear him. She felt the rush between her legs intensify as she got to the last buttons, which she had to fight his belly in order to free them. He wore a white undershirt that she could practically see through with how it was stretching to his form. Jake held her hands at the hem of his shirt and she shot her eyes to him. He looked a little scared.
“You could only disappoint me by delaying my view any longer Jake. I am already so hot for you. I can only become more so.” He eased up, and moved his hands away. Alexis did not hesitate for an instant. She literally couldn’t. She was speechless when she rolled the shirt up to the top of his belly, and gasped further when Jake pulled the rest over his head. “Gorgeous,” she whispered. Jake’s belly, though absolutely packed full, had a thick soft layer of fat all around that hung somewhat freely. He was softer than any of the guys in college she had been with before. He was tan all over, which was a pleasant surprise, as was the hair that congregated at the base of his belly button and at the center of his chest. His chest was not as heavy as his belly was, but was thick and slouched to the sides a bit. Alexis breathed out heavily.
“I guess I’m still looking fuckable?” he said.
“Get on your back,” she retorted, unclasping her bra and tossing it aside. Jake raised his eyebrows and gingerly lowered himself on to the bed and shifted to the center. Alexis straddled his thighs and put her hands across his belly. “You were absolutely amazing today Jake,” she said, her breathing pitched with excitement. “I loved watching you put one thing after another into this big hog belly,” she said, shifting it from side to side ever so slightly. Jake groaned, half in pain and half in pleasure. “Too much,” she asked concerned.
“No, just perfect,” he moaned. “I am so damn full.” She lightly jiggled him again. “Braawwp.”
“Ungh. You are such a stuffed pig Jake! I love when you burp for me. It really shows how full you are. How hard you worked to reach your goal.” Jake burped again, as he poked his finger into his own belly button.
Alexis’ legs tightened their grip on his thick thighs in ecstasy.
“You can play with it, but please be nice,” he said, cautiously, as if he knew she had the potential to be less delicate with his belly if not warned. She gently poked the tip of her finger into the deep hole that was surrounded by pillowy fat.
“You are so sexy,” she said, gripping his cock in her hand as she stroked him. Her fingers were infatuated with how thick his belly was right by the opening. She gently poked a little deeper pushing a low gurgly burp from Jake. He groaned in response, but sounded just as turned on as relieved. Alexis could wait no longer. She pulled his underwear down and threw them to the side, shifting out of her own. She lowered herself carefully onto Jake’s substantial erection and pressed her own small abdomen into his massive one.
“My god,” Jake gasped. He pulled his belly up to readjust its position, and Alexis groaned as she felt him slip deeper inside her and his belly push more against her. “You feel incredible Alexis,” he exclaimed, with eyes pressed shut in pleasure. Alexis planted her hand on his chest and watched his belly gently bob and slosh into her as she pumped into him. She reached one hand to the back of his head, the hair on the nape of his neck damp with sweat. She jumped at his lips and kissed him hungrily. She was fighting the desire to just grab his belly hard, but when she put her hands on the sides of his belly, she could feel the ripples of their thrusting, satisfying her urge.
“You are so fat Jake,” she hissed at him.
“I had help,” he said, squeezing her butt with both hands. He started to use his arms to slam her into his body, his hips buckling form under her. His breath was picking up, which was only getting Alexis closer. “Tell me how good I did,” he stammered, desperately. Alexis bit her lip for a microsecond.
“You were such a greedy fat pig Jake. I couldn’t believe how much you managed to stuff in this belly. The way you greedily drank that shake, filling up your belly with its creaminess. You super sexy stuffed belches,” she said, gripping him a little, forcing a small piggish burp out of him. She gasped, her back arching and her fingers grabbing at him as a reflex. “You are so incredibly hot,” she said, thrusting as hard as she could, her breathing faster than ever, her chest bouncing as she did.
“I’m gonna,” Jake said, straining, before he ultimately finished in his assistant at the sound of her euphoric shrieks. Silence filled the room as the two panted with pressure filled eardrums. Alexis flopped into the space next to Jake and looked over at his belly proudly rising and falling in the air, astonished she could be so lucky to have finally achieved her fantasy.
“Unbelievable,” she breathed. “Absolutely unreal. I was just intimate with Jake Andrews,” she squealed, nuzzling into him. She could feel his body shake with his laughing.
“That big of a deal?” he asked, looking down at her, genuinely.
“You do not get it Jake. You are absolutely the hottest guy in the office. I know you have your ever adorable reservations in confidence because of your little belly here,” she said, pinching his very not little belly.” He blushed hard. “But I think everyone knows, a little or a lot of weight could never take away from everything about you that is so hot.”
“You are a charmer,” he chuckled, putting his arm around her. She kissed his chest. They were silent for a few beats and Alexis sighed, wanting to drag the moment out, but knowing it couldn’t last forever.
“What next?” she asked. Jake shrugged his shoulders.
“I was kind of looking forward to walking back into the office.” Alexis looked at the smirk on his face and felt herself heating up all over again. She had thought they’d just leave from the parking lot, as it was getting close to the end of the work day. But they could go back in for the last hour. She pulled him to her lips by his chin and kissed him.
“You are bad,” she mouthed, getting up to clean herself up and prepare for their return to A&G.
Alexis walked into the lobby with as confident and unyielding expressions she could muster and successfully did not falter at Gina’s accusatory look. Jake seemed to have transformed back into his corporate big boss persona, if far more puffed up than usual, and did not seem fazed at all by her. “Mr. Andrews,” she said, thick with shock. “I thought you’d be back sooner. Hope all was well with the projects.” She put on a worried face.
“No need for concern Gina. Any messages?” She shook her head. “Excellent,” he uttered and proceeded. Alexis went to go with him, but Gina called to her back. Alexis watched Jake continue on and reluctantly stayed back looking a bit annoyed.
“What is going on Alexis?” Gina was boring a hole through Alexis, but she wasn’t going to find anything.
“Gina, what gives? I am literally just working. We have to do a write up on the surveying,” Alexis lied.
“But that’s just it. You don’t need to do that. He literally does everything. He practically made the company. You act like Jake Andrews cannot do a thing without you hanging onto him,” Gina accused, from behind her desk. Alexis’ jaw dropped. She didn’t want to go at it with her, but definitely didn’t want her to feel she had won. Alexis knew she already had, the thought of which sprung a small smile on her face.
“Listen Gina, if you think about Jake that much,” she said with a shrug, “go off. I know you used to have a big crush on him.” Alexis could see Gina ponder how she ‘knew’ and the color in her cheeks did not allude to her liking Jake talking about how shamelessly she had flirted with him in the past.
“Alexis. As if. Don’t be like that. I’m sorry for suggesting it. Any crush I had on him was small, and long gone with his diet.” Alexis was satisfied with that and shrugged at Gina.
“See you later.”
Alexis walked onto their floor and sat at her desk. She drummed on it, feeling a buzz of excitement from the afternoon. Her phone began ringing and felt her heart flutter. She picked up.
“Mr. Andrews office, Alexis speaking. How can I help you,” she said soothingly.
“Erm. Hello Alexis. Patch me over to the big boss,” Morgan Gibbs said on the other end. Alexis shuddered in horror and transferred him right away. She watched Jake talk on the phone through the window and he stood up when he hung up. He made his way out to her desk.
“Did she figure it out?” he queried.
“She knows, but I think she doubts it again. How could I like a big slob like you,” she sneered jokingly.
“I have testimonial evidence that you certainly do. It’s quite damning,” he teased back. He grinned. “Gibbs is coming up. He wants to check in on some spreadsheets. He asked if you were okay. Said you sounded a little breathless on the phone,” he said with an accusing look.
“I thought it was you!” she defended herself.
“Naturally. Can you pull them up on your computer? He likes your screen better.” Alexis was confident it was because her computer was 5 years older than all the others. But she pulled up the documents he needed. Soon Gibbs was stepping out of the elevator and instantly took notice of Jake’s inflated appearance. Jake didn’t have his jacket buttoned, and his belly hung proudly over his waistband. Alexis had the perfect view of it seated at her desk.
“Jake! Did you eat a house while you were out?” Morgan looked astonished, gesturing to Jake’s expansive belly. Jake blushed, but remained cool.
“I had my share,” Jake started, shooting Lexi a look. “Maybe and then some. I have been pretty bad lately.” Morgan looked at him wide eyed. He glanced at Alexis not wanting to embarrass his partner in front of her, but feeling compelled to say something.
“Jake you are going to find yourself gaining more than you bargained for if you don’t slow down. You are already putting on quite a bit of weight.” Jake scratched the back of his head, stretching his belly out in a way Alexis could not ignore.
“I appreciate your concern Gibbs, I will certainly consider your warning. Now about the spreadsheets,” Jake began. Gibbs looked at Alexis.
“Alexis! Tell Jake the truth.” He put his hands on his hips. “What do you think about all this? A gorgeous girl like you.” Alexis bit her lip. Jake looked at her amused and curious.
“Well,” she started. “I think you would be crazy to say Jake is not the most handsome man in the office,” she stated, glancing at Jake. “And I don’t know,” she said, with a flippant shrug. “He kind of looks cute with his belly.” She looked at Gibbs who looked back at her surprised. He stared a bit harder and then looked at Jake, squinting.
“You went surveying projects today?” he asked rhetorically, spinning back to Alexis. “With Alexis.” He nodded to himself and dropped the whole conversation. “Yes, explain to me how this spreadsheet works.”
Jake looked at Alexis with raised brows, when Gibbs finally departed to head out the office. “He knows.”
“Pfft. How could he know?” Alexis laughed, mirroring Jake earlier that day.
“Well he sent me the HR paperwork for disclosing an office relationship, HR not on the email either.”
“Shut up! Well yea. I guess he knows. Don’t feel like you have to sign those though. We aren’t in a relationship or anything.” He nodded along.
“I’m not so sure about that. I don’t know what to call it, but this for sure is a relationship of sorts. And we totally crossed the bridge from professional. It’s personal. It’s…” he stopped having lowered his voice gradually to the point he had no sound.
“Sexual,” Alexis muttered. He sighed at the memory. “I enjoyed your company so much,” she moaned.
“Lexi,” he pleaded. “I don’t want to get all worked up again.”
“If you do, does that guarantee a shot at round two?”
“If you’re really asking, let’s just jump to where I say yes.” They waited long enough for Gibbs to be long gone, as well as Gina. Alexis helped pass the time by teasing Jake, whose belly was far more settled, and he was begging her to jiggle his fat gut around. They slipped out of the office and Alexis followed him back to his house, stopping only to grab a quick bite from the drive thru to enjoy before bed. Jake managed to get stuffed again before he and Alexis were entangled once more, neither of them being able to stay awake much long after the pleasure of the evening took them completely.
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thecheckeredchaser · 1 month
Ch 7
Insured Gains
Chapter 8- Exceeding Expectations
Alexis approached the bars with the mantra, "nothing heavy", scanning the many choices. She was ecstatic with how the afternoon was going. For someone absolutely brand new to her interest, she felt he was playing his role perfectly. She didn't want it to end but didn't suspect he could go much longer. She was sure he was more stuffed than he was letting on, but she admired him for his pretending. There were certain signals that she couldn't ignore. She could see him giving the side of his belly, on the side closer to the wall, a gentle rub during his second helping. He'd shifted around looking for a more comfortable position to sit. She could see him playing with his belt, considering if he actually had to let a notch or two out to finish his meal. All things that encouraged her to keep it all up.
She was absolutely swimming in their banter. taunting and teasing with Jake was like playing battleship. They'd go back and forth and a ship was sunk when the other could not take the heat. They would get zinged too good to zip one back. She felt like she was thriving on it.
She returned quickly, in hopes of not giving Jake too much time to realize he was already beyond stuffed. She put the food in front of him, running her hands on his shoulder and grazing his expansive side, before sitting herself. She had caught the eye of the waiter, who had clocked her caress and seemingly took note that she was not eating herself. She offered him a raised brow and returned her attention to Jake.
"I think you might have misheard me. I'd consider a dripping alfredo pasta, with cheese stuffed meatloaf slabs and garlic bread a touch heavy," he said preparing a bite. Alexis tussled her hair, giggling.
"Yikes. Did I do that?" She said slyly. "I figured you were testing me."
"It is certainly you attempting to test me. Good thing I test myself here plenty. And I love this pasta and the meatloaf."
"It shows. Definitely got a pasta and stuffed meatloaf kind of look to ya."
"I look that fit?" he asked, humorously. The waiter came and refilled their drinks, and gave Jake a reminding look. When he left Jake looked at Alexis, debating how he wanted to play his card. He took a drink of his fresh and extra cold beverage. He sighed at its refreshing quality with a smack of his lips. He could see Lexi watching him, with an effort to come off casual, but reading to Jake as desperate. He took a deep breath, and watched how she leaned in slightly in anticipation to see a pig on display. He exhaled cautiously and smiled at her, her disappointed frustration all too obvious. "Everything ok?" He said, continuing to eat.
"Mmhmm," she confirmed, watching him closely. The sexual tension in her was building, as she assumed was the pressure in Jake's gut. He wasn't playing fair, but she didn't want to encourage him to mercilessly tease her for her desires. She knew, if she was patient enough, he'd give her what she wanted. The gas building inside of him would become too uncomfortable and he'd be trying to desperately conceal his piggish sounds. However, she had been playing the patient slow game for months and preferred to have what she wanted. And she wanted to hear and see Jake be a complete slob.
"I forgot to mention," he stared, suspending her fixation for a moment. "The waiter said they have a dessert special for us. Whenever we're ready for it." This was a successful distraction. Her brain started running with the information and decided to let Jake in on her musings.
"Wonder what kind of dessert the chef thought was perfect for a pig like you? And is it really responsible of them? Do you really need extra sugars and carbs after putting a sizable dent in their buffet line? Look at how big your bloated belly looks." Jake glanced down and gently rubbed it to truly gauge the size. He almost burped but kept it back, reminding Alexis where she was mentally, before Jake's misdirection. He appeared to dodge her eyes and put another forkful to his lips. Despite working on it consistently, the pasta seemed to maintain its space on the plate. "They are probably hoping this dessert will push you over the edge, and you'll roll yourself out one more time, too full to ever return." Jake was bright red.
"Geez," he exclaimed. "Do you practice that? Or are they the thoughts you have all the time?" He shifted in his seat again. She smiled at him, flattered.
"Not comfy?" She asked, maliciously. "Belt starting to cut in?" Jake looked at her, playfully annoyed. "I believe you said things would have to loosen up. I think it's time for el cinturón." He looked at her funny. "Your belt, big boy," she said, simultaneously slipping her nylon covered and shoeless foot onto his lap from under the table, reveling in the sensation of his belly heavily pushing into his lap, the warmth, and the tantalized and surprised look on her boss' face. He took her foot into his hand and rubbed it and pressed it to the side of his belly, as he loosened his belt a few notches, punctuated by a heavy sigh, sending his belly out a little further. He watched for Alexis' expression, which was thick with desire. She flexed her foot, pressing deeper into his belly. She could feel how absolutely tight he was.
"Ugh," she heard him grunt and watched his eyes close with pleasure. "Burrgrgrp." Alexis squirmed, her foot retracting back to the floor in excessive stimulation. He burped again, discreetly, but making eye contact. "I'm stuffed Lexi," he confessed. He still had a bit left. Alexis looked at the older man sympathetically, putting aside the absolute throbbing she felt. She would not hold him to his goal if he truly couldn't take it. He had done pretty good.
"I thought you were. I was too ambitious. You were totally scrumptious, Jake."
"Don't sound so conclusive," he said, letting out another stuffed burp. "I thought your type was supposed to help. This is where you either feed me or encourage me, unless I'm mistaken." He paused. "And I doubt that." Alexis was well surprised by his response, but slid the plate to the center. She put as much pasta and meat as would fit on the fork and slowly put it to his lips. He took the bite and made a 'mmm' sound. "Absolutely delicious. And so fattening." Alexis set up another forkful and watched Jake desperately. He swallowed and she went at him again, understanding his ability to finish was dependent on many factors, time being a major one. She felt Jake's hand brush her knee, calling her foot back to massage his belly while she fed him. Alexis didn't feel in control anymore. She kept sending the fork to Jake, who greedily took its contents, despite being a stuffed pig. Or was it because of that. She had started to reach the last bite across to him, but pulled back when she saw the waiter returning. Jake's hand squeezed her foot, and she heard him make the kind of grunt that a parent might make to their child should they be caught doing something they shouldn't. She wasn't sure if he was trying to embarrass her or himself, or if he was completely unaware of the staff member's approach. She leaned into him, following orders and pushed it into his mouth just as the waiter returned. She wiped some sauce from his lip and cleaned it off her own finger before looking at the waiter who, bless him truly, was taking in the scene with as much professionalism as he could. He clearly was taken aback by Jake, and she had to admit potentially herself.
At this point it had to be clear they were not just having an innocent and indulgent lunch. She read Jake's face, which appeared to be a bit surprised by the writer's arrival, but intrigued. She had the upper hand again. She turned back to the waiter, sending a wry smile to Jake.
"I heard there was an offer for dessert? Do you think you can handle it big boy?" Jake's face flushed, but not harder than the waiter's. Jake shrugged sheepishly. "He's got room," she said to the waiter, whose eyebrows could not go higher. He gulped hard before following up.
"One for each of you?" he asked. Alexis looked at Jake, and could sense them both playing out the scene. Order one for each. Jake eats both. But she genuinely looked at him, putting her own hunger aside. He looked like he was approaching a hard wall. She swirled her big toe on his belly flirtatiously.
"You know what," she paused, reading his tag for the first time, "Max, you have been absolutely fantastic. It's very generous, but," she said looking at Jake, who looked on the edge of his seat. "I think one to split would be perfect. We are watching our calories. Might have gone over," she said looking at Jake, offering him to play.
"Eh. I wasn't keeping track today," he said, casually, wiping his mouth with the cloth napkin. Alexis bit her lip."But something sweet would be perfect. Might regret not getting your own, darling," he said, not being able to stop the corner of his mouth curling up.
"Max, I trust you to set our dessert fate. But could I trouble you for a chocolate shake?" She could feel Max quivering under her gaze, which she had not expected. She was completely under Jake's spell and had forgotten that a lot of men found her attractive, and frankly that they existed outside of the capacity to facilitate her time with Jake. She smiled and returned her attention to Jake Andrews. Max hurriedly walked away.
"You're bold," he said, breathing out as if he too had been holding his breath.
"You're not?"
"I'm nothing but fat and full right now," he sighed. "I am still amazed that this is something people really do."
"Jake, we're doing it. You planned it."
"I did. Guilty," he admitted. Max returned with the milkshake and a large slice of chocolate cake, dripping in a fudge and cherry sauce. "Oh Max. That looks amazing." Max said he'd pass it onto the chef and left them to their dessert. Jake gave a steadying huff and picked up his fork, eyeing hers. "You wouldn't pass on the opportunity to actually share it with me, would you?" Alexis felt a rush, as lust was surpassed by her craving for romance. Love even. She smiled sweetly at him and picked up her fork.
"I couldn't Jake," she said warmly. He smiled at her and took another bite.
"This was fun," he said, confidently reaching for her milkshake. He took a long sip and stared at the cup astonished. "Wow. Truly amazing."
"More than fun," she agreed. They chatted and went bite for bite until Jake gave a heavy sigh, paired with a gravelly belch. Jake simultaneously cringed and laughed.
"I don't know if I can finish this," he said, placing his hand under his belly. "Uuurp."
"You've more than reached your goal. You are unbelievably sexy," she cooed.
"Am I?" he said, taking the milkshake again, with lowered eyes.
Ch 9
"You know you are. You have been driving me absolutely wild. I can't believe how much you packed away today. A genuine pig Jake. You must be so stuffed." She watched him finish the shake, feeling herself get excited thinking of how it was filling the gaps in his belly, if there were any at all. She snorted at him, and he responded with a long burp.
"I'm beyond stuffed," he said looking at the hunger in Alexis' eyes. He glanced down at the last two bites, with inspired drive. He took a forkful into his mouth, noting the tension of Alexis' fingers on the table. She was going to lose her grip on reality if she didn't hold the table tight. He finished the last bite and dropped the fork with a clatter. He leaned to one side and took out his wallet, with a slightly pained groan. Before Alexis could gain the nerve to speak and think again, Jake had paid, and made his way to his feet, with the help of morr grunting. "Lexi, I'd like to get to another location pretty soon," he said gently, putting a hand on her shoulder. He pulled her to her feet and adjusted his jacket when her eyes became glued to his distended belly.
"My goodness. I hope it's to bed," she said dreamily.
"Glad you agree."
Ch 9
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thecheckeredchaser · 1 month
Ch 6
Insured Gains
Chapter 7- Approaching Goal
Jake had been anticipating this outing since it was born into his mind on Tuesday. After Alexis confessed that the genre of flirtation that they had been engaging in was that of a fat fetish, a concept he lived so far away from in his life that he couldn't have imagined the existence. He couldn’t stop thinking about it. The signs had all been there, when he thought about it. His brain just wrote everything off, because how could she be into him? She was absolutely gorgeous. Everyone in the office had acknowledged that to Jake at some point since her hire and even more recently her assignment to him. He hadn’t wanted to be ‘that guy’, when he learned she’d be replacing his previous assistant. He chose to actively never say anything about how she looked, and even went so far as to eliminate any actions that showed interest in her as a person. A bit far, but professionalism was his top priority.
But at the start of this week he slipped. Maybe it was that small part of his brain that was hoping she’d be into him and they’d have a hot steamy office romance picked up on the way she looked at him, how she would make excuses to come through his door, and the look in her eyes when she would bring him food. That was not lost on him. The majority of the time, that is what he had her doing for him, of which he wasn’t proud. It was sheer coincidence that Alexis was into exactly what he had been slowly becoming over the last 2 decades. He invited her to lunch, maybe to really see if that part of his brain was completely crazy. He had thought he’d dashed his chances when he completely forgot he was having lunch with a beautiful woman and just plowed through all the food without a thought for manners. He wasn’t sure at what point a person is confidently a food addict, but he was sure losing all sense of self when eating and doing so to excess could be it. Not to mention the frequency.
He at this point was a quiet regular at the restaurant. Some days, Jake would tell Alexis to put lunch with a particular client on his schedule, and just go to lunch at the buffet alone. It had been some months since he found it, and it fit the occasional need he had to just completely stuff himself. After getting over any embarrassment of going alone, with the help of tipping the staff well, who then wouldn’t dare make the experience unpleasant for him, he started going bi-weekly. Coming again, after just being back the week before, felt a little extra greedy to Jake, but he was determined that he was making an excellent choice.
After reading up on Alexis’ peculiarities, it became clear to him that he was not un-peculiar himself. He was fascinated to see so many people just like Alexis. Enjoying the same unusual things that Jake had been learning his whole life were not to be desired. Even more surprising was the examples of people who basked in the admiration. Jake had been living the life of a gainer, except unconsciously and completely filled with anxiety and angst over it. Alexis made that all feel different.
Jake stacked his plate eagerly. He wanted to get back to Alexis and be within the glow of her praise. She had made him feel so appreciated and accepted for exactly how he was and his habits. And even though he had already demolished his first plate, he felt like he was only made hungrier.
Jake sat down in the booth and immediately looked at Alexis for her look or words. She would have some kind of way of showing her approval, and Jake wanted to drink it up. He watched her eyes look at his plate, peer over the table at his belly that rested in his lap, and to his face with a satisfied grin. His skin crawled with pleasure. “You are so greedy,” she teased in a low tone. He came to love and crave her comments, seemingly instantly. “How are you feeling?”
“I feel amazing. Starved.” He watched Alexis break eye contact and smile to the side. He liked to tease her back. Part of him still thought at any moment Alexis could change her mind, which he knew was unlikely, considering how deep she was in at her youthful age. But, each time he drew a response like that from her, he knew he had her too.
“So let me ask you something,” she posed.
“Ask me anything Lexi,” he said.
“It’s considered impolite to ask,” she said as if to warn him. Jake gave a curious look. “How much man am I really looking at Jake?” Jake blushed hard. He hadn’t expected her to ask in that way. He had had a very normal relationship with his weight growing up. He was typically in the upper percentile, but as an athlete, it was expected. However as he made his way through college, the freedom with food choices started to get the better of him. He went from an athletic 220 lbs to a soft and lethargic 270 lbs before his junior year. He maintained this soft look for a while. When he met his wife, he was around there. She was by no means in love with his belly, but found the pudge endearing enough.
But he was eating more freely and as his weight ticked up. His wife took notice and attempted to workshop “their” diet at home. Jake found it irritating and would eat a bit excessively when he was at work to compensate. The way she went about it rubbed him the wrong way, and triggered something else in his brain. His notorious appetite. He had been trying to keep track of his weight, but after he got to 290, he stopped, because he didn’t want to deal with the shame of passing 300. He didn’t know when he did, but he was certain it happened.
“I cannot say with confidence, unfortunately for you. I’m probably over 300 by now.” He felt as if he was shimmering from the proclamation, and not shuddering as he typically would.
“Is it cliche for that to be one of my favorite categories for a guy to be in?”
“From what I read, perhaps. It’s undeniably big. Yet you still try to deny it.”
“Only in jest. I think it’s apparent that you are big Jake.” Jake smiled, laughing, as he dipped his fork at his plate for another bite, only to be greeted by the scratching of it against the plate. He looked down at the plate with furrowed brows. He was astonished to see the plate was empty, aside from the remains of the red sauce from the pasta he had apparently inhaled with the rest. He looked up at Alexis, fully surprised. She looked back at him with an amused look. “You aren’t actually looking at me wondering where it all went right now, are you?”
“I guess I am,” Jake said, settling into the fact that he had finished the plate before he was aware he had started.
“I think It’s my turn. This pig is getting out of control. Are you still starving?” Alexis asked, slowly getting up. Jake just nodded, entranced, feeling as if he was suddenly completely under Alexis’ control. The small woman looked at him hungrily. “Be back with your next.” Jake could feel the blood in his body migrate south, and tried to settle himself with a drink. He felt the air pressure build inside him and rubbed his belly slightly to coax out a belch that he muffled with his fist.. He felt a surge of pleasure run over him, as well as a pang of resentment that he couldn’t have waited for Alexis to be back. Her appreciation was dearly missed. He was certainly embarrassed the first couple times he burped in front of her. A very natural thing that was frowned upon in the presence of women, let alone hot ones you wanted to get into the pants of. Yet, she was infatuated by him when he did. He figured they were both very lucky, because it came with the territory of eating way too much.
The waiter came by and took the empty plates and refilled their drinks. “How is everything Jake?” the waiter asked.
“Excellent. Thank you.” He seemed to linger an extra second, causing Jake to hold his gaze.
“The owner would like to offer you a special dessert for you and your companion when you are ready for it. We by no means are rushing you,” he said, pleasantly. Jake tingled with excitement.
“That sounds great. I will let the lady decide when we are ready for that,” he said, feeling all too scandalous in doing so. The waiter nodded, looking only slightly surprised by his response, and made his way to another guest. Jake often wondered how the waitstaff perceived his patronage. He never wanted them thinking he was a slobbish pig, though he was hoping Alexis did, but imagined that they had to take notice of the fat guy who comes to the buffet semi-regularly. They obviously knew him by name, but he wondered if they talked about him any further than that. He had a feeling Lexi probably was fantasizing about that very sort of thing as she built his plate.
Alexis returned with a plate that had consumed all visible porcelain. She sat and pushed it across to him with a beaming smile. "Jake Andrews is a glutton," she whispered to nobody. Jake popped a spicy tuna roll into his mouth, letting the spicy mayo coat his tongue.
"And that's a top qualifier to be in the running to get onto Lexi's radar," Jake stated. "Lucky me. Lucky you," he said with a wink. Jake made his way through the potluck inspired plate Alexis had brought, with full steam. Sushi, pizza, sausage and peppers, macaroni and cheese, and chicken wings. He couldn’t get enough of the way she looked, marveled, at him. He was starting to feel pretty full once halfway through and debated whether it was more exciting to make her think he was truly bottomless, or start capitalizing on how she melted at his fullness. He took a sip of his soda and let a particularly revealing grumbly burp, garnering a suspicious look from Alexis. He had made enough room to power on.
"I almost thought you were thinking about quitting on me," she said, with lowered eyes.
"Before reaching my goal? Alexis. I reach goals." Jake looked at the remaining wings with a smirk.
"You are pretty well known to exceed them, actually," she said purposefully flattering him and challenging him. He responded by confidently picking up one of the wings.
"I used to house wings in college," he boasted, effortlessly pulling the moist meat off the bare bones, backing up his claim.
"Apparently," she said, raising her eyebrow ring. "Is that where it all started?" she teased.
"It helped. We'd go to this wing spot and if you could eat 24 wings and bed of fries in 24 minutes you got a tee shirt. I eventually got a shirt for each of my friends." Jake remembered liking the praise from his friends then too. He could remember them treating his belly like it was a badge of honor. Taking the 6 wings down felt so natural and familiar to Jake. He finished and washed down the heat with his drink. "Ahhh," he sighed, keeping back a belch as a fellow customer walked by. He rubbed his belly and burped low and deep.
"God," Alexis exclaimed hotly. "You must be getting pretty full now," she said, clearly reading his mind. "Guess you didn't want that lady to hear how much of a pig you were huh? Too embarrassed for that. You've been terrible at keeping it secret from me, I must say." Jake wiped his mouth, feeling too called out to look right at her.
"I care about appearances," he eventually retorted. Folding his arms on the table. He let out a big sigh, all too telling of how full he felt.
"Are you looking for number four? It's probably better for appearances that I go up, so you don't have to waddle around with that big gut of yours. People might think you look fat."
"Cute," he joked back. "Yea go ahead. Just nothing too heavy," he added masochistically. He rubbed at his huge belly anticipating what she would bring back and how he'd manage to cram it in.
Ch 8
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thecheckeredchaser · 1 month
Ch 5
Insured Gains
Chapter 6- Out of the Office
Alexis found herself pulled into a morning chat with Gina again. She had witnessed a disgruntled employee get removed after an HR incident. He had been hitting on one of the cleaning ladies way too much, and did not leave quietly. “He was always a creep,” Alexis said. She had encountered the greaseball in the breakroom before. A real hang on the fridge door as you look in it, type.
“No doubt,” Gina said, gazing out the big glass doors to the street. She spotted Jake Andrews’ large SUV and looked at Alexis playfully. “I think your boyfriend just arrived.” Alexis looked at her cautiously.
“Your boss. What did I say?” she said knowingly. Gina laughed when she saw Alexis get so uptight. “I am joking Lex. Relax. Obviously you would never get with Jake Andrews. He’s cute, but definitely too much of a porker for someone so beautiful as you.” Alexis caught Jake out the corner of his eye, entering the lobby from the parking garage door. Alexis was annoyed that she could be so blatantly rude, but also felt a little absorbed in how utterly wrong she was in her assessment. Jake was exactly the kind of man for her.
“Don’t talk about him like that,” Alexis chided, lowering her voice, trying to let her know he was coming with her eyes. Gina glanced over and smiled.
“He is packing it on, girl,” she said trailing off, just not soon enough. “Good morning Jake!” Jake gave an uneasy look and greeted her, proceeding on in unison with Alexis' turn. Gina rolled her eyes and said goodbye to Alexis, who couldn’t seem to let Mr. Andrews walk to the office without her. She watched the elevator door close with jealous eyes.
“Morning Lexi,” he said.
“Morning Jake.” He looked down at his assistant and gave a tight lipped look.
“Gina was talking about me, wasn’t she?” he asked, confident of the answer. Alexis cringed.
“I told her she shouldn’t be saying anything.”
“You can’t control someone else’s mouth. You save yourself so much stress when you accept that,” he said unbothered. “Also Gina is shallow. What is new? I’d prefer, perhaps, she be more discreet.” They stepped onto their floor and Jake shrugged. “Not the first to notice, and probably not the last.” Alexis got herself settled at her desk and Jake watched. “I’m a little surprised at you,” he said, seriously. Alexis looked at him in confusion. She thought he had just said Gina’s comments were not her problem. “I certainly thought you’d bring breakfast,” he said, cheekily turning to go to his office.
Alexis got on the desk phone and called his office. He picked up. “Jake Andrews at A & G," he said, his voice melodic and vibrato rich.
“You do not play fair,” she accused playfully.
“I just thought it was a possibility. You have been spoiling me recently.”
“I think people are starting to notice too,” she teased. “I can get you anything you want.”
“Maybe we just plan to go out for lunch. You can come with me to survey projects.” Alexis knew that “survey projects” just meant driving around checking on clients and mostly not checking on anyone at all.
“That sounds pretty good. I better get to work then.”
“You certainly should,” Jake said huskily into the phone. “I don’t pay you to just look hot and get me food.” Alexis hung up and shot him a look through the window and could see he was very entertained by his teasing of her.
Alexis looked up from her document when she noticed a shadow hanging over her, clearly her imposing boss. He looked absolutely delicious in his blue suit. His jacket was open and his lavender shirt cradling his beautiful belly, which was looking thicker to her, despite her doubting that being possible. She smiled at Jake Andrews who looked ready to go.
She hadn't realized how much time had passed and was happy the time was finally upon her. She gathered her purse and jacket and followed Jake Andrews to the elevator. She was subtly aware of the nervous feeling she had. The two were leaving the building together, and there was no risk of Gibbs walking in or someone seeing anything. It felt like a date, but she wouldn't let herself fully commit to the thought. He had yet to make any distinction on what he was looking for, which only bothered her slightly. It had truly only been 4 days of expanding the confines of their "professional" relationship. She didn't expect him to fall for her like that, but she certainly felt herself falling fast.
"You're awfully quiet," Jake said, a touch uneasily in the elevator.
"Oh sorry. Just thinking." He seemed satisfied with the response and gave her the space to think. They went up to Gina’s desk. Alexis avoided the amused look Gina gave.
"Hey Jake," Gina said, drawn out.
"We are going to survey some projects. Please pass the message to Gibbs. Gonna be a while," he said, clear and firm.
"I'll let him know Jake." He nodded and turned to go, Alexis turning with him. She looked back at Gina, who also seemed to know the task was a sham. Alexis shrugged at her eyebrow raise.
"She knows," Alexis said, stress in her voice, once they were in the garage.
"Gina? Oh please." Jake continued to his car unbothered. "Gina is so vapid, I'm surprised she manages her position. How would she know?"
"Women notice things. I'm just worried."
"Well, I hear your worry. Let's talk about it over lunch. I'm far too hungry to think at all." That comment helped her get Gina off her mind. Jake's hunger was like a bass drum, constant, steady, and loud. "Are you ok with a buffet?" Alexis beamed.
"You didn't mean to ask me that." Jake smirked.
"I thought you'd be fine with it."
"The real question is are you even sure what you're doing?" The corner of his mouth turned up. He beeped the button on his keys.
"She's open," he said, getting in the SUV after Alexis opened the passenger door. Once in the car, Alexis took a satisfied look around, taking in the cleanliness and fresh leather smell. "I presume the reading I did last night was correct. You feeder girls can't resist establishments of the sort." Alexis stared back at him. "I know a little of what I could be getting into."
"Research?" Jake chuckled in response, as he pulled out of the garage. She drank in the view of him driving from the side. His belly resting heavy in his lap. His strong arm gripped the wheel in a confident and relaxed way. He was a total babe.
"I'm not walking into this unprepared. Is that like me at all?" Alexis acknowledged that he had a point. It fully made sense that Jake would read up on the kink. She wondered if there were things he knew now that she didn't. "If my information is correct, and I know it is, you have already started setting little goals for me once we're there. Especially since I know you're a numbers girl." Alexis blushed.
"What? You're just going to embarrass me now that you have the upper hand again."
"Alexis. Don't pretend you don't bask in my embarrassment." She pretended to be shocked. "Example, you love when anyone mentions my weight. You present more food than anyone should to a coworker, and let me eat it all and feel guilty, while you munch on a healthy meal. You love it. I know it," he said with utmost confidence and conviction. He looked over at her and smiled at her confirming look. "Well out with it. What's your goal for me?" Alexis would pretend she hadn't, but was sure that Jake was fully aware it would be a lie.
"Now I'm embarrassed," she said bashfully.
"Come on. You can tell me. I won't laugh at you. I chose this on purpose. Loosen up Alexis. A few things are gonna have to." Jake winked at her, making her blush harder. Alexis absolutely had already set a goal for him, months ago. The buffet fantasy was so standard, she had run through it pretty soon into spying Jake. She had a feeling he'd easily surpass it.
"I'd be disappointed if you didn't finish 4 plates."
"Wow. Disappointed, she says. Well I doubt I'll disappoint you. I've been a bit out of control lately. I almost wonder if this is a bad idea."
"It's a perfect idea Jake. I'm just worried about one thing."
" ;Huh?" That thought was so far from being on her mind. "I don't know if I can handle it."
"I&ap os;m already so hot just thinking about it. You have been so gluttonous. If this week has been any indication," she began.
"No need for 'if's. Alexis. Think of this as a special treat just for you. I think you will be perfectly fine." Alexis was hoping Jake read enough, because she was already mentally jumping to what she wanted after their lunch.
They pulled up to the restaurant, one of which Alexis had never heard of. From the outside it looked like a high class nightclub. Inside was exactly the same except filled with huge bars of food. The hostess sat them down in a booth in the corner. Her eyes met Jake's and he looked excited, which for Jake was a very subtle difference from happy or content. "Once we get the drink order we're good to go. Hope it's soon because I am hungry." Jake seemed to be acting authentically, not putting on a show or dramatizing the situation. He was a natural. Alexis felt like she couldn't dream to be so chill. She wanted to watch him pack it down so badly. His limits had yet to be discovered by her, and she was beyond curious how far he'd go.
The waiter came over and greeted them warmly. "Welcome and thank you for dining with us. Jake, it's lovely to see you back, and with such an enchanting woman this time," the server said. Jake blushed and Alexis thanked the man, gave her drink order, all while tracking every move of Jake's face. They knew him by name. Jake ordered a Coke and asked that they keep it filled if they could. When he left, Jake looked at Alexis, anticipating her commentary.
"Go on," he said.
"You are a regular? Here?" Jake blushed a little.
"I've been. Shoot me."
"Alone?" She asked a bit nervously. Jake gave a small sigh paired with a laugh.
"I typically prefer to indulge privately. But you aren't the judgemental type. Or maybe the most judgemental, but in my favor." She imagined him pigging out alone at the restaurant. Monthly? Weekly? She'd love to know, but was more ready to start. "Let's go." He got up and headed to the bars.
Alexis did a couple passes around to see the variety, of which there was many. There seemed to be dishes from all corners of the world, and the quality appeared to be very good just looking at it. She would never talk shit about a cheap buffet, as they were very accessible and the only kind she'd known. It was a high rollers spot, she didn't doubt it.
She made her way back with a decently filled plate, in an attempt to prove Jake wrong in what he'd said about her own eating habits. She saw him coming back to the table and actively told herself to not stare as he approached. He slid into the booth with a smirk. His plate was piled high with Chinese food items, which made her remember their lunch earlier in the week.
"How did I do?"
"Exceptionally," Alexis said, entranced.
"Always start with Chinese, in honor of Chinese buffets." They began eating and chatting.
"So does Gina talk about me often?" Jake asked, shoving a monstrous bite in his mouth. Alexis rolled her eyes, after briefly watching his plump lips undulating as he chewed.
"For someone who isn't into you, she certainly does."
"She used to flirt a lot with me." He nodded his head with wide eyes.
"How much?"
"Daily," he scoffed. "Suggested I take her out several times." He left a moment of pause. "I never did. Of course. She must have taken the hint or maybe lost interest. Have you heard I've been packing it on?" Alexis blushed.
"I heard that actually," she said looking at his half eaten plate. He was methodical with his eating.
"She's been tracking everything to do with you. I would bring you lunch, and she'd have something to say."
"She is in a convenient vantage point to observe the comings and goings of people."
"She did say you were cute. But, definitely thinks you're fat."
"She's right," he said with a smirk.
"No use in denying the facts. It's probably because I'm eating way too much. Not that you have been any help."
"I just did what I was told."
"And then some. Even before this week, which has been amazing by the way, you would suggest snack runs."
"Well jeez Jake. The requests were like clockwork," she retorted incredulously. "I learned your patterns in the first 3 days. And did a superb job executing that knowledge."
"You have been excellent." He said, scraping the last of his food onto his fork. "As was this. No?" He reached for his glass and gulped from it.
"Yea, everything is great," she agreed. Jake put down his glass and put his fist to his lips, muffling a long burp. He raised his eyebrows at her, and proceeded to get another plate. Alexis shivered with excitement. He was exactly as sexy as she had hoped he'd be.
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thecheckeredchaser · 1 month
Ch 4
Insured Gains
Chapter 5- Close Call
She found so many parts arousing and was having fun just thinking about the answer. When she did think about it it came down to so many aspects. The soft curves simply looked great to her. Bigger the better. Her eyes were thoroughly drawn to fat. She liked seeing fat guys enjoy big meals, and moaning from being so full. In a sadistic way, she guessed she liked that they had succumbed to their desires, addictions, weaknesses, and were dealing with the consequences. This is also where she could come in, perhaps a slight hero complex, and deliver the belly rub necessary to ease the pain, kisses to soothe the ego, and in the best case, an orgasm for confidence. The burping was a byproduct of being a greedy pig, and the sound of which was music to her ears. The fact that it embarrassed Jake so much to burp in front of her made her want it even more, which is why she brought him a fizzy drink to wash down his lunch. She also could not ignore the social politics of being fat. She liked that it was “bad” to be fat. People in general felt they could openly comment on a person’s weight and it created this tension where the commenter was going to get it handed to them, or the person whose weight is being noted has to accept that the person was rude to say anything but not wrong in their noticing. Alexis found joy in either scenario. She had held her breath when she saw that lawyer casually refer to Jake’s weight. She didn’t know how he would respond, and was highly satisfied with his response. She didn’t like that it bothered him, as he expressed to him, but did at the same time. She would hope if someone was blatantly disrespectful to him about it, he would punch them. She really wanted to see that. She had no doubt Jake could easily knock somebody out. “I couldn’t begin to explain to you Jake. Just know you are very naturally sexy,” Alexis said, reeling from her thoughts. He smiled and shook his head. “What?”
“You are just very interesting. In a good way.” Jake looked at her harder. “I would never have thought a week ago that we would be here, doing this?” he said in disbelief. “I obviously noticed how beautiful and sexy you were as soon as I saw you, and there were fleeting thoughts that found their way coming back to me. But, I kept thinking there was absolutely no way you would even be interested in me. I’m dealing with a divorce, basically because of my weight, and it was out of the question to consider getting in another relationship before I slimmed down again, especially with such a young woman.” Alexis’ eyes went wide.
“I’m sorry what? You are getting divorced… because of your weight?” She felt very protective of Jake. He seemed to be entertained by her surprise and shrugged.
“The wife did not appreciate it. No other way to slice it.” Alexis rolled her eyes and scoffed. She wanted to know so much more about his wife, soon-to-be-ex, but didn’t want to push him to talk about her too much. He seemed to bring her up on his own, which she thought was normal, as they were literally in the process of getting divorced. Especially considering they were engaging in activities she must have been very against.
“You must have been hungry after the meeting too,” she said, circling back.
“I think I was just so into the work. I was just picking at them,” he said, starting the second half of his sandwich.
“Picking pretty hard,” Alexis said. She examined how his belly pushed at his shirt. She wanted to see him without any shirt on at all, pretty badly, but was incredibly into his form being forced into the business attire required at work. And button downs were so unforgiving.
“You like teasing me a lot,” he said, chewing.
“A little bit. Does it bother you?” she asked.
“No. I’m getting used to it.” Jake was starting to slow down, and Alexis was worried he’d tap out. She looked at the clock and knew it would be reasonable to wrap up, as the end of the hour was coming.
“You look like you’re getting pretty full over there.”
“I really am. I might wrap the rest of this up,” he said, a little out of breath. “It is so delicious though.” Alexis got up and closed the blinds.
“I think you could do it,” she said, making her way over to him. Jake spun his chair towards her as she approached, not sure exactly what she would do next. Alexis looked over his belly, first with her eyes, and then inspecting him with her hands. “Such a big belly,” she cooed, stroking him across his bloated middle. Jake shuddered under her touch, eliciting a smirk from Alexis. “How about you give that soda a little chug,” she suggested. Jake looked at her, a little nervously, but excited. Jake looked up at Alexis who leaned against his desk. She bit her lip in anticipation. He put the bottle to his lips and started drinking from the bottle. After a few seconds, he went to lower the bottle, but Alexis put a gentle hand on the bottom and encouraged him to go a little longer. She finally let the bottle down, with a quarter left, and Jake breathed heavily, clearly trying not to let the gas fly out of him. She firmly patted his belly, and watched him struggle and fail to suppress his belches. Three burps croaking out of him after one another. He looked at Alexis, with lowered brows. “Mmm,” she moaned.
“You are doing that on purpose,” he said, clearly embarrassed.
“It’s sexy,” she said, shrugging. “You're a very cute little pig. And your burps are very hot.” Jake blinked at her.
“I guess I don’t have to be so apologetic about it then. Still feels very rude,” he confessed.
“But how does your belly feel?” she posed, kneading his belly some more.
“It feels a little less full.” Alexis picked up the sandwich and presented it to his mouth,which though hesitating, eagerly tore at the food. Jake devoured the rest of the sandwich in a flash, and Alexis was only disappointed that the moment didn’t last. Alexis found herself standing behind Jake, rubbing his shoulders and reaching down his chest, which was soft and plump, without being overly droopy. He finished his soda, and Alexis squeezed at the sides of his belly. Jake, enjoying the feeling of her hands on him, leaned into her touch and burped repeatedly.
“What a full piggy. Your big stuffed burps say it all Jake,” she said, lifting his belly a little off his lap.
“Ung,” he moaned. “That felt really good.” He said, closing his eyes and leaning his head back into her. She lifted his belly up again and gave it a little shake, causing him to burp again. “Hoof. I am stuffed. You sure you find me sexy? I feel like a slob.” Alexis spun him around and kissed him hard. Making it very clear how she found him, moaning into his mouth. Jake was left breathless when she finally pulled away. “Answered,” he gasped. She smiled at him and pinched his belly, which was not as pinchable with the food packed inside. Jake winked at her.
Both their eyes went wide when they heard the elevator door open. They didn’t share the floor with anyone of note, and the recycling and storage was on the other side of the space, so if someone was getting off, they were coming to see Jake. Alexis scrambled to the chair on the other side of the desk and put her laptop on her lap. Jake shifted in his seat, disposing of his lunch garbage quickly. He looked at Alexis, and the door on a circuit. Jake cleared his throat and called the guest at the door in, in response to their knock.
Alexis spun her head behind her to see Morgan Gibbs, who smiled pleasantly at her.
“Morgan,” Jake said, as cooly as he could. “I was just going over the Cedar case with Alexis. I was going to send you the briefing in a bit.”
“Very good. I heard it went well from the lawyers downstairs. You went head to head with Brian. He really does try to get everything he wants. Little does he know, we are better at that,” Morgan gave a boastful look to Alexis, who charmingly laughed along. She wanted to raise no alarms, and knew Gibbs liked to be hyped up, especially by young women.
“I just wanted to let you know I was leaving early for a tee time. If the building is burning down, people will be expecting you to put it out.”
“I certainly will.” Gibbs looked him over suspiciously.
“What is that look, Andrews? You seem so different this week.” Morgane looked at Alexis for confirmation. “Hasn’t he been extra bubbly this week?” Alexis failed in trying not to blush.
“I think I have noticed a little,” she said, agreeing with the senior partner, who appeared to think he had been what made her blush. He smiled and turned back to Jake, giving an ‘I told you so’ look. He noticed the donuts on his desk.
“Andrews. You must let me take one of these off your hands,” he said, motioning to the jelly filled donut.
“Of course. You are welcome to both,” Jake said, wanting to clear Morgan out of the room. He took the plate and bid the two farewell. Jake sighed when he heard the elevator doors close and looked at Alexis, with a relieved sigh.
“And then there were zero,” she said jokingly.
“There will be more treats in this office. I don’t doubt it.”
Ch 6
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thecheckeredchaser · 1 month
Ch 3
Insured Gains
Chapter 4- Plenty to Hide
Alexis woke up the next morning, eager to get to work. She loved to be in Jake's presence. He was intoxicatingly hot, a true commander, and she loved to make him all mushy and embarrassed, the exact opposite of how he presented regularly.
She was applying light makeup when she got a text. She lit right up when she saw it was from Jake Andrews.
"Good morning Lexi,
Can I call you about something? It's important."
She was surprised he didn't sign the text, but called right away.
"Hey," he said, sounding flustered.
"Hey what's going on?"
"I'm gonna skip the part where I'm super mortified, because we have to be in the office in an hour. None of my suits fit. I need you to go to Coleman's and purchase me some, probably 4. Dark gray, black, blue, maybe a pattern. They know all my information in the system. Just one size up," he said, with an audible grimace.
"Of course I can do that. The store is right around the corner from me."
"Yea I know," he said, absentmindedly. Alexis paused.
"You know my address?"
Jake stuttered, "Oh! I just happened to notice your street when I got your file. I just know that area well. Nothing creepy, I promise." Alexis laughed.
"Ok, no worries. Should I bring them to your house?" she asked. She was disappointed when he said to meet him in the parking garage. He was very concerned with being late, which she understood because he was never late. He was typically 30 minutes early, and if he was late for being early, he was still on time by 5 minutes. She wondered how many things in those close mornings he prioritized work over. How many pots if coffee got left unpoured? Did he ever make the bed? He seemed the type to never forget either.
She hurried to Coleman's and walked briskly up to the counter, taking a moment to notice how fancy the men's formal store was. The benches to try on your shoes were practically full lounge couches. There were a few very important looking men browsing around.
"Good morning, I'd like to purchase some suits for Jake Andrews." The gentleman behind the counter smiled and started clacking on the computer. She gave him the colors he wanted.
"Same size on file?" the man asked.
"One size up," she said as evenly as she could. She didn't want to come off as celebratory, though she felt it. The man, Charles, she noticed his tag, lowered his eyes skeptically.
"Who are you?" He asked inoffensively.
"His personal assistant," she said. His look eased up.
"Listen, I work closely with Jake as well. This is not his first upgrade. I would recommend getting at least 2 more the next-next size. What do you think?" She could hear the genuine concern for Jake and any foreseen inconvenience that may be on its way.
"That is probably not a bad idea."
"Everyone loves Jake. But he needs to be honest with himself. He isn't guaranteed to stabilize just yet." She offered a small agreeing nod. She did think it was a bit wishful to buy 4 new suits only one size up, when he clearly had outgrown all his others, seemingly overnight. How long would he wear them?
"Let's get another gray and blue." They surprisingly had all available, and Alexis was on her way. She got to the garage with 20 minutes to spare. She parked next to Jake's SUV. And got out of her car, laying the suits on her arm. Jake came out to the passenger side of his car and accepted the garments. Alexis inspected his outfit, and giggled. He wore black jogger sweatpants, which were more trendy than she would expect, and a white t-shirt, that seemed to highlight his thickness without being tight at all. On his feet he was already wearing his brown dress shoes which seemed to stick out comically long from the tapered ankles of his sweats.
"Cute outfit," she giggled. He gave a playful look.
"You're teasing me. I feel like my clothes have been doing that all morning." He opened the spacious back seat up and put the suits on the seat, pulling the black shirt that was hanging from the interior hook. He started putting it on and she passed on the changes made to his order. "Charles suggested that?" He asked, a touch of concern in his voice. Alexis didn't want to get him in trouble.
"I think he was just looking out for you. So you weren't pulling the morning suit alarm again."
"No, it makes sense. I appreciate you making that decision." He looked at the items. "And you got the two extra in my favorite colors," Jake beamed.
"You look killer in them," she said, watching him put on his blue tie. Hot.
"Thanks Lexi," he said, smiling adorably. "Well I'm gonna put the rest on in the car. I'll see you up there in a few." She wanted to kiss him, but decided now was not the time. She turned to walk, and he caught her hand. "Thank you for your help Alexis." He held her gaze a moment and let her hand go.
"Anytime," she said warmly.
She got her computer warmed up and started gathering the materials for that day's meeting. Jake came in shortly after, walking, but giving the energy of someone twirling around. He stopped in front of her and actually spun around. "What do you think?"
"You are fishing for compliments you know you deserve. It looks great." The gray suit with the black, blue, and brown was working too well.
"It certainly feels great. I appreciate you not laughing at me on the phone. I spent 10 minutes debating if I had to ask you. Which only made me lose more time." He put his hands in his pockets.
"I'm here for you Jake. No matter what." He nodded and looked at his watch.
"I'm going to get ready before we go, in about an hour. You are going to take the minutes, correct?"
"Yes Mr. Andrews," she said, smirking.
"Excellent. We'll go in a bit." He went to his office and started his business.
Jake and Alexis made their way to the conference room to meet with the lawyers and representatives for Cedar Pines, an apartment complex. They had recently had a fire and the building needed major repairs. When they walked in, some people were already seated, chatting amongst themselves. The room got significantly quieter, which Jake had to be used to, since people didn't tend to speak freely in front of a CEO. Alexis sat next to him and took out her laptop.
A lawyer walked in and clapped Jake on the back before sitting near him. "I'm exhausted this morning, forgive any yawning from me."
"It's quite alright Brian. I hadn't had my coffee this morning either." Jake leaned toward Alexis his cologne entrancing her senses. "Are you up for a coffee run?" He asked her discreetly. She nodded. Jake asked the group for their orders and Alexis scribbled them down. "Get some kind of baked goods too."
She returned with the coffees and a platter of breakfast danishes and donuts for the group. Whatever they had been discussing in her absence, seemed to be put on hold.
"Jake, I had hoped that we'd get something special. Your company always pulls through," one meeting member said.
"Well Alexis is a super assistant. All thanks goes to her," he said looking at her with a subtle grin. Alexis beamed back and offered a welcoming smile to the rest who offered genuine thanks.
The meeting resumed and Alexis took very detailed notes. She felt like a stenographer in a courtroom, and with all the lawyers she figured it was pretty appropriate to feel that way. Brian really argued well for his company and was able to get them a mostly perfect deal. He and Jake had gotten slightly heated during a part of the negotiation relating to vandalism faced after the incident, requiring an additional claim. Jake remained firm and forced them to agree to the extra fees for the extra claim. Alexis was enamored by how he commanded the room, soaking up the power pouring out of him. He closed the meeting up and offered everyone to take more of the baked goods. Brian gathered his belongings and reached out to Jake for a shake.
"Softer edges does not mean softer in the meeting room, eh Jake. Still the "no bull' bull". Nice working with you, always."
"Been getting called soft more than the bull stuff lately. Don't know who started that nickname, but it was fun for a while. But it's also a pleasure to see you again Brian." When they cleared the room, he shot an annoyed look at Alexis, who he knew had been listening. "Little comments like that are starting to really annoy me,” he confided to her, flustered. He noticed the platter on the table with the desserts and sighed. "How are we gonna get rid of these?"
"Maybe I got too much," she said, worried she'd bothered him further.
"No, they were just being modest. People tear food up here. You can only fail without enough when it comes to corporate junkies. Coffee, donuts, bagels. It's the language they speak." Alexis transferred the remaining 7 treats onto a plate she found in one of the cupboards of the meeting room. They went back to their floor and she followed him into his office and placed the plate on his desk. "Is that a smart place?" he questioned.
"I know so," she said, taking a lemon filled danish and returning to her desk coyly. Alexis wanted to make sure that she was getting her job done, despite how thrilling it was to flirt all day at work. She had responsibilities that had pretty big consequences if she neglected them, mostly impacting Jake directly. After getting a few things done. She glanced over at the window into Jake's office and unfortunately could not see more than the length of his back. He was leaning over toward his second monitor. She wondered if he had taken any of the desserts. He wasn't the type to hold back, especially when he was alone. Alexis knew Jake consumed way more at home. He had to. She saw him eat plenty at work, but he was constantly thinking about the politics of eating food at work. She imagined at home, his consciousness was the only limit. She had really wanted to see his house that morning, just the outside would be enough. She liked messing around at work, but would kill to stretch out on a couch together, watch tv, and lazily make their way to bed. Her biggest fear was that the normal stuff was the biggest fantasy she had. Feed her boss and call him a pig, easily done. Get into a romantic relationship and be his genuine girlfriend, fully on pause. He had asked her before, and she put it fully on the table, but didn't want to open herself to rejection. She'd have to disappear if that happened.
She eventually convinced herself she had reason enough to go and see him, to confirm a date she was already sure of. She pushed open the door just as Jake picked up a treat. "What? Do you have a sixth sense?" Alexis giggled.
"I just wanted you to confirm," she trailed off, as he took a bite into the Boston cream donut. "I just wanted to see you," she said. honestly. Jake smiled, clearly flattered.
“I’m still getting used to that,” he thought a second and added, “Go get your laptop, or notebook, something.”
“What for?” she asked, ready to take the orders.
“So it looks like we are working in here,” he said confidently. Alexis hopped up and grabbed her laptop, notebook, colored pens, and pad of sticky notes. She scrambled back in and sat across from him. She surveyed the desk and could see there were two desserts left on the plate. She looked up at him and saw he had been watching her, his brows lowering. “Are you calculating? Desserts?” She smiled guiltily.
“I don’t even know how many I had,” he said, looking a touch concerned.
“Genuinely?” she asked, knowing the answer.
“I think I just had two….three,” he said, indicating the donut he just started. Alexis smiled at him, completely eating up the moment. She was thinking he must block out some of the things he eats. Maybe it was due to the pace he took.
“There were seven. I took one,” she said, holding up a finger. “Making six.” She looked down at the plate, his donut on the napkin, and shot a mockingly quizzical look at his belly. Jake could be seen running the numbers.
“This is my fourth?” he said, looking surprised. His arm brought the donut to his mouth and he took a bite, seemingly to help him think on it. Alexis giggled at this. “I know,” Jake said, laughing a little himself. “The worst part is, I was just starting to think about lunch.” Alexis felt herself getting hot. He really was indulgent.
“Worst part,” she said, fake confused. “Maybe you should finish what you are already eating before you decide that you are ready for lunch.” Jake looked at her in disbelief.
“I think I know. I’m not proud, per se, but I have been thinking about getting a grinder since this morning. And I know exactly where from,” he said, dreamily, taking another big bite.
"The Cut, on Wetmore street. If I had to take a guess." He raised his eyebrows. "I know you better than you think, Jake Andrews."
“I’m impressed. But I think you had ulterior motives encouraging your remembering,” he said with a pointed stare, finishing the donut.
“Sort of like my address?” Alexis said, smiling smugly.
“Fair.” He shrugged and looked at her. She stared back, blankly. Jake cleared his throat and clasped his hands. “I don’t wanna kick you to the road, but the sandwich situation needs to be prioritized. Emergency levels.”
“Are you actually that hungry?” she said getting up to leave. She was a little doubtful that he could truly be so famished.
“I thought you were supposed to be judgment free.”
“I am not judging you. I’m gone. Steak and cheese?” she asked, hanging on the frame. He gave her an affirming look, and she hurried out.
Alexis returned with the food. A whole grinder for Jake, and a salad for herself. She also got a bottle of coke and tea. Jake accepted the sandwich very gratefully. “Thank you for getting this. Sorry if I was a little hangry. I have just been waiting for this moment,” he said, rewrapping the paper around the first half of his sandwich.
“I find your enthusiasm very endearing.” He gave her a playful wink and started on the sandwich.
“Wow. It is better than I had been imagining.” Alexis was absolutely taken with the ravenousness her boss had been exhibiting. She noted that she had seen such behaviors within days of transferring to his office. His patterns became apparent pretty quickly. She just got a much more up close and exclusive view of him now. He was eating the grinder half so greedily that Alexis was starting to squirm in her chair. He reached for the Coke, and took a drink. He took another hungry bite, and was interrupted mid chew by a big burp. He put his hand on his belly and looked up at Alexis, cheeks slightly reddened. She couldn’t get over how hot he was.
“I am literally so turned on by you, Jake.”
“I know, I’m a huge pig,” he said, running his hands over his belly. “I am still a little surprised you find this so sexy,” he said, tearing another big bite out of the grinder, catching a drip of juice before it hit his shirt. “What’s the appealing part?” he asked curiously. Alexis was intrigued by the question.
Ch 5
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thecheckeredchaser · 1 month
Ch 2
Insured Gains
Chapter 3- Personally Interested
Jake walked over to Gibbs who was talking with Eric from the legal department. He shook both their hands and turned to his partner.
"We've done it again. Another successful quarter for the books. I think many will increase their investments," Morgan said, delighted.
"Well, it's exactly what I'd wanted." Eric had turned to observe the room while they chatted, and Jake was suddenly having Eric's elbow jammed into his middle. His brows furrowed, but he looked to where he was looking. The heavy set investor was filling a third container of sandwiches, which was a bit much, but at A&G an investor could kill an intern and get away with it.
"This guy can't help himself," Eric weakly joked.
"The investors make this company what it is. And the food is literally for them. You certainly shouldn't attempt to tease them while they are still here," Jake chided quietly. He glanced at Morgan, who seemed in full agreement. Jake also suspected he was a bit miffed that Eric should be surprised people would want to take his food home, fat or not.
"It's everyone's favorite, too," he added, proudly.
"Well, Jake you just want to not let it be your favorite like that. You might be asking him for his suits soon," Eric said, giving Jake a once over. Jake was taken aback for a moment. He was certainly not familiar enough with Eric for him to feel comfortable enough to say that to him, but his fumbling now was not making that clear. Gibbs cleared his throat and lowered his voice.
"Andrews had just told you not to go after an investor, so you decide to go for an investor and an executive at the company that has made your job. I'm appalled Eric. Can you believe this ridiculousness Andrews," Gibbs said, turning to him. Jake shook his head.
"I was unsure of where he found the right myself. In the future be sure to withhold any personal suggestions unless requested. And do refrain from elbowing either of us or any boss you have in the future." Eric apologized and very quickly left, mortified. Jake turned to Gibbs, who had been so supportive.
"It was not appropriate. I bust your balls, and probably shouldn't, but we are partners. I'd like to think you would tell me if I was bothering you too bad. And I'm no idiot. I can see there are other things in your life going on. Who the hell is Eric? I said united front and meant it Jake."
"I appreciate that."
"Good one with the "boss in the future". Very foreboding. Now, I will gladly take some sandwiches home," he said, taking a to-go box. "Come on Jake, no need for chastity." He laughed at his own joke. Jake joined him in making a container and announced he'd make one for Alexis too. "What a smoke show she is, huh?" Gibbs commented.
"She is a beautiful woman," Jake said, trying not to blush over it. "And a great worker," he added, to resume professionalism. Gibbs cleared his throat and agreed, and then the gentleman parted ways, and Jake headed back to his office. When he got out the elevator to his floor, he was disappointed to see Alexis had gone. He went into his office and began organizing his debriefing notes into his files. He felt his phone buzz and saw he had a few messages from Alexis.
"Hope your meeting is going well."
"All orders are placed. Documents for signing in your basket." He checked the basket and saw several things for him to sign. She had been very busy.
"I'm heading out for coffee and a snack. Want anything for when you get out?"
And the most recent message. "I think I know you well enough." Jake busied himself with signing the documents and looked up when he heard the elevator doors open. Alexis came out and when her eyes met his, they lit up. She came into his office, after putting her purse down.
"How was the meeting?"
"Very successful, but dry. I'm sorry I wasn't getting back to you. I was more wrapped up in it than I thought I'd be."
"You are a working man. I didn't expect replies honestly." She put the bag she had been holding on his desk and handed him an iced coffee. Even though he hadn't experienced hunger at all that day, he reached in the bag.
"You really did not have to get me anything." He could feel his heart beat a little faster. He had been dying to be around her all day, and he was specifically interested in where they had left off. He pulled out a very large cupcake in a plastic clamshell container. "Oh wow. German chocolate. I absolutely love this kind. Did you get one for yourself? We could enjoy it together." She shook her head. "We can split it too. Obviously I don't have to have the whole thing."
"I am all set, but please you should enjoy it." She tucked a sliver of her butt on the edge of his desk and perched up on it.
"I have been eating all day and am still pretty full from lunch. It's probably best to save it for later." He looked up at Alexis, who looked like she wasn't buying it.
"You want it Jake. Eat it," she said simply. He opened it up, feeling a little sheepish about it.
"Thanks Alexis," he said, taking a bite and instantly getting whisked away by the flavors. He moaned and closed his eyes. He could hear Alexis move across the room toward him, behind his desk with him. He opened his eyes when her hands were on his shoulders and her hair started to fall beside his face as her hands reached down his chest. The smell of her shampoo captivated his senses.
"I have been thinking about you all day Jake," she whispered in his ear, kissing his neck. "You were so hot this morning, I've been replaying it in my head." Jake's skin crawled all over at her touch. His eyes darted to the elevator, nervous that anyone would exit onto their floor. He played through several scenarios, including his partner, the cleaning ladies, and even Eric coming to frantically apologize.
"Alexis hold on," he said, placing the cupcake down and putting his arms up in protest. She pulled away and moved to look at him. He pushed his chair back and put his hands on his thighs. She looked far more worried than he felt.
"I'm sorry," she said quickly.
"Please don't be sorry. I just need," he paused. He didn't know exactly what he needed, besides stopping. "I don't know what." He rubbed his thumbs on his temples. Alexis seemed to ease.
"Maybe we should slow down," she said calmly, making her way to the chair across from the desk. Jake sighed, relieved. He mentally was kicking himself for being too frazzled to just let things happen. She clearly took a risk by coming on strong, and he hoped she was considering trying again, later.
"I'm sorry," he said, embarrassed.
"You didn't just jump on your boss," Alexis said lightly, with a smile.
"I'm just worried we'll get caught. That would about end what I have left in my life," he said, sighing heavily, looking at his clasped hands. Alexis' soft delicate fingers came over on his own, their cool feeling soothing him. He looked up at her. "That sounded way sadder than I'd intended," he said, with a short laugh.
"I completely understand Jake. This is why you are the boss," she said with a wink, pulling her hands back and placing them on her knees. "I am honestly a little surprised at myself. Like what am I doing? I just feel kinda crazy about you I guess, and responsibility went right out the window." Jake felt himself blush.
"That's the most surprising part," he said, picking the cupcake up and taking a bite. Alexis' lips curled up in sync with her eyebrow.
"Why does that have to be surprising though?" she said, looking playfully annoyed. Jake smiled. She was funny. He unbuttoned his jacket and looked down at his belly. It pushed against the buttons of his gray button up and rested in his lap, puffed up from his filling day.
"I'm fat. That's one reason," he said, taking another bite of the cupcake. "You've noticed."
"Be surprised that I'm into fat guys all you want. You are very attractive to me." Her eyes washed over him, and he couldn't feel more exposed. She looked back into his eyes and smiled. "You have such a handsome face too," she whined.
"Okay, you don't have to lay it on that thick," he said.
"I'm not! Jake," she paused, looking bewildered. "I can't believe you said that." Jake smiled bashfully.
"Sorry. I don't handle compliments well. My wife had me trained to assume it was underhanded or insincere. I appreciate the kind words." She smiled victoriously. "But fat and old?" he said, squinting at her. She laughed and rolled her eyes.
"Jake. First, I don't even know how old you are. I assume 40ish, but I honestly don't care. You look fantastic."
"I'm 44," he said, eyeing her.
"I said what I said." He kept staring at her. "Oh. I'm 26." Jake raised his eyebrows.
"Wow. I guess I should feel flattered. But right now, I'm only feeling huge. I ate way too much today."
"Tell me all about it," she said leaning back in her chair. Jake told her about all the items he consumed throughout the day, not really focusing on how unusual a thing it was to report on. He realized as he told her that it was quite a lot within a few hours.
"I have no idea what is compelling me to finish this cupcake, but my stomach is so full right now."
"It's that appetite of yours," she replied, deep in fantasy. "You can eat Jake. That's for sure. And I'm completely entranced by that fact." Jake swallowed a mouthful of cupcake and took another bite, feeling Alexis' gaze intensify. "You look like you could use a belly rub, and I'd love to give you one."
"Typically I wouldn't want someone anywhere near me when I feel this full, but I'm not going to deny you the opportunity." He glanced at the window behind her. "Just uh, close the blinds." Alexis did as he asked and made her way back over to him, slowly.
"If you need me to stop, just tell me Jake." She knelt in front of him and spread her fingers across his belly, seeming to be sizing him up. She began to rub the sides and Jake softly moaned, surprised by himself.
"Feels good, huh? I can tell how stuffed you are." Jake was enjoying her touch too much to dig in on how she could know that just from touching him. There wasn't an inch of his stomach she wasn't massaging. He had never been comfortable with people touching his stomach, especially as he had been gaining weight. He had to keep any self consciousness away by reminding himself that Alexis offered to perform the act. She wanted to. Though he was a bit unsure at first, he wanted her to too. "You look so good with this little chubby belly Jake."
"Little?" Alexis looked at him like he was a complete fool to question the comment.
"You have a belly, but it's not that big."
"Feels big to me," he said, pushing the last of his treat in his mouth.
"I can only imagine why," she said playfully. She gave his belly a little poke. Jake burped long and grumbly.
"Ugh. Excuse me." Jake didn't love how slobbish he kept finding himself to be around Alexis, but she never seemed to mind.
"I bet your belly feels a little better now." He acknowledged that she was correct, but he felt no less embarrassed. He reached for the iced coffee and took a long drink. "You feel so nice in my hands," she said, gripping him.
"Well it feels nice on my end too. Really good actually." He finished the coffee and sighed. He was stuffed. Alexis drummed lightly on the side of his belly, and Jake found himself burping again, louder than before. He groaned, annoyed and relieved at the same time.
"What a cute little piggy," Alexis said, before he could say anything. She snorted at him, playfully and jiggled his belly. "You got another one in there," she said, pressing on every angle of his stomach. Jake was once again excited by the name calling. He was thoroughly embarrassed, but couldn't help but like her attention. Very unlike his wife, who in the last year, would get up and walk out the room, if any such bodily function would occur, typically calling him a disgusting pig. The extra movement from Alexis' hands pushed another big burp right out. "There you go. What a hot pig," she praised. "God, I could kiss you," she said, looking into his eyes. Jake's eyes went wide, as he didnt think the events elicited that response, but he was thinking the same thing. He pulled her in for a kiss, and found her kissing him back hungrily. He pulled her closer to him, forcing her to straddle his lap. She rhythmically bounced there, amplifying his excitement. If they didn't stop, Jake was confident he'd be unbuttoning his pants any second, which despite his raging erection, he knew he could not. He slowly and reluctantly broke off the kiss. Alexis got up off his lap and breathlessly leaned on his desk in front of him.
He smiled at her, completely taken by the moment. He rested his hand on her knee a moment and wiped his hand down his face. "Alexis," he began, with a sigh, "What are we getting into here?" He didn't want to make anything weird, but felt like clarity would be helpful. She shrugged with a goofy smile.
"I'm into you Jake. That's what I'm going off of."
"I'm into you too." He didn't know if she intended to have a quick fling with him or if she was looking for something serious. Considering he was still finalizing his divorce, he thought neither was probably best, but was thinking he wouldn't mind the latter.
"Let's just see what happens. I feel like if I say, "Jake, let's date," things will get ruined before they start. If you decide that's what you want to do later, let me know. For now I'm perfectly good with keeping, whatever this is, up and running."
"And what is this, anyway."
"Fat fetish and feeding kink stuff. I assumed you were familiar with it all, since you have been going along with it all." Alexis looked over at him, suspiciously. "You don't know what I'm talking about?"
"That's a fetish? I have never heard of that at all." Alexis looked embarrassed now, and she rarely seemed to be. "So you have been getting me all these treats for that reason." She looked like she was being sent to the gallows. Jake paused, trying a different approach. "All of which I appreciated. I guess I just thought you were nice."
"Oh man," she said.
"Listen, it's fine. If what we have been doing was something you're into, that works, because I was into it too."
"Jake I've been calling you a pig to your face, and you aren't even part of the community," she groaned. Jake felt his cheeks get warm. She looked at his flushed face and smiled. "Maybe you didn't mind that."
"It was new for me. I guess I liked it, surprisingly." Alexis looked at him curiously.
"There is so much more I could show you Jake. If you are interested." He was.
They decided to pack up and walk out together. Everyone else appeared to have already left the office. Once in the parking garage, Jake pulled Alexis in for another kiss and she pressed herself into him firmly and kissed him hard. They eventually pulled back and stared at each other. "See you tomorrow," she said.
"See you tomorrow." She started walking to her car and Jake watched her butt switch from side to side. "No treats tomorrow," he called after her. She spun around, walking backwards.
"Is that an order, Sir?" Jake smiled.
"No," he called back. He wondered what she'd bring.
Ch 4
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thecheckeredchaser · 1 month
Ch 1
Insured Gains
Chapter 2- Professionally Fat
Jake Andrews power walked through the garage to the building, hoping to get there early enough to be able to touch base with Alexis about the night before. He was going to be in a meeting for the day, and didn’t want to leave things where they were. He wasn’t sure what happened yesterday that brought the two of them to kiss in the parking garage. He took a moment to look at the exact spot they stood in before he got onto the elevator. It was absolutely not something he would have done, but once she initiated, he could not turn her down. He had noticed the glances for a few weeks before yesterday. He would catch her peeking at him through the window of his office, but would pretend to be looking at something else. He had thought she was ogling him in horrored amazement of how much he was expanding lately. But after yesterday, he was pretty certain she had been desperately checking him out. And if he was honest with himself, he had been checking Alexis out since she was transferred to working under him as well.
Jake tried not to be obvious, and intended on keeping things strictly professional. He had, for 2 months. But he had been wanting to spend some time with her. During the few late nights they had before, they had had a really nice time. He remembered her taking her heels off and stretching out her stockinged legs, toned and strong. It wasn't as much that he was enticed by their essential nudeness, but her relaxing in his presence, with him. He had to remind himself that he was over 15 years older than her, and a superior can’t date their subordinates. Period. But he invited her to lunch to be closer to her. It seemed to work, despite having some hiccups along the way.
He had not planned on overeating like he had. He had noticed a new constant nagging in him to eat, and Alexis very carelessly ordered too many additional items. He was a slave to food, ever since his marriage took a left turn. He had slowly started to put on weight and his wife was hypercritical of his expansion. She decided she didn’t want to stick around with a fatty, no matter how wealthy. He suspected she was on her way out for the latter point precisely.
Jake was able to find his own place easily, and found himself ordering in food regularly and consuming an ungodly amount. He seemed to be drawing attention from everyone, and he was embarrassed by his weight gain. He thought it pointedly showed the self control his wife thought he detrimentally lacked. But at the same time, he was conscious of the issue, and he was not stopping. He had to remind himself that his clothes were close to not fitting, and he had to be careful, or admit defeat and buy up a size. His suit today had a bit more stretch to it and had been a truly clutch set to have. He woke up feeling the effects of excessive eating the day before. His belly protruding out more than usual. It didn’t mean he wasn’t hungry though.
Jake stepped out the elevator and saw Alexis talking with Gina at the front lobby. He had thought Gina was a nice girl, but seemed far too devious for him to take her ‘flirting’ seriously. He slowed to a stop at the desk and greeted the women professionally.
“Good morning Gina, Alexis.” Gina greeted him, appearing to try to garner extra attention from Jake by squeezing her chest forward, , which he did not give.
“See you Gina,” Alexis said, immediately turning to walk with Jake Andrews. She looked over at him with a small smile, which he returned with a little smirk. They got into the elevator together. The smell of bacon, egg and cheeses filled the large space. He looked over at the bag in Alexis’ hands, noticing the familiar branding, even though he could tell by the scent alone.
“That isn’t from Dave’s Bagels, is it?” he asked, already knowing. She grinned at him, raising her eyebrow ring up.
“I thought you might need proper fuel to get you through the investors meeting.”
“Did you put it on the company card?” he asked. She shook her head, saying she hadn’t been asked. “Well I appreciate that. But, in the future please feel free to use the company card for anything that I need or anything you need in order to get me what I need. Also, send me the total for the sandwich, A&G will reimburse you.”
“And pastry, and espresso,” she said, handing him one of the bags and a tall coffee cup. He blushed, as the monstrously hungry side of him started to stir.
“You are a pretty great assistant,” he looked at her appreciatively. Just before the doors opened he added, “And you are a phenomenal kisser.” He gestured for her to step out, his own heart racing. She looked at him over her shoulder, a bit surprised by his outspokenness, seeming to expect him to play cat and mouse. Her bringing the food was a play. A cute surprise. He was just serving one back.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it. I did so myself,” she said, putting her bag and sweater on the back of her chair. She stopped and waited for him to make another move.
“Would you like to join me in my office for breakfast? We can go over the itinerary for today,” he said.
“I’d love to,” she said, grabbing her notepad and pen. She took the chair from the front of the desk and slid it closer to him. Still to the side of the desk, but not across. She wore a pencil skirt, and though she always kept her legs neatly crossed, he was incredibly turned on by those legs.
They started the conversation very business focused. He went through a whole list of things she needed to do while he was gone, giving very specific directions for some big tasks. When he had finished he was finishing his sandwich. “That was perfect. Thanks again Alexis.” He said, patting his belly.
“I saw them and thought of you. You love Dave’s. And I was in the mood myself. The pastries looked too good, so I had to get you one. I know you like sweet things.” He raised his brows, acknowledging the true statement. He was equally a savory guy as he was a sweet one, but could eat both groups excessively at the same time. He pulled the large danish out of the bag and greedily dipped his finger in the cheese cream in the center. He groaned at its deliciousness, and noticed how intently Alexis was watching him. She tried to casually eat her sandwich, but he was convinced she cared more about seeing him take a bite of the dessert. He felt a little surge of power run through him. He was obviously in an extremely powerful position, but overweight guys did not seem to be the driver of flirtation with hot pierced redheads. But Jake was getting more and more convinced that Alexis did not mind his extra weight or eating habits. She seemed to constantly be paying attention to him.
Jake took a big bite of the flakey treat, enjoying its buttery rich flavor. “It’s fantastic.” He took another hungry bite before he finished chewing the first. He couldn’t help but notice the twitching of her mouth. “Is there something you want to say?” he asked, prodding.
“Can it be unprofessional, Mr. Andrews,” she said with lowered brows. Jake was enticed by the comment.
“I think I can allow it,” he said, taking another bite.
“Your appetite is so sexy.” She said, looking right at him. “That’s what I wanted to say. I feel so much better now.” She looked like she genuinely meant it.
“I have never met someone attracted to that,” he said, feeling a bit aroused by her attention.
“First time for everything, no?” she said, looking from his mouth to his belly rhythmically. He took a long swig of his coffee and let out a low burp.
“Sorry. I don’t know what has gotten into me. I haven't always been a gluttonous pig, I promise.”
“Just recently?” she asked slyly.
“I hope not for much longer.” He had been on a pretty long road of packing on the pounds.
“Might be more fun than you think. I’m a little into gluttonous pigs,” she said, her confident exterior finally faltering, and causing her pale skin to turn pretty pink. He finished the treat and lightly scratched the edge of his belly. She wrung the napkin in her hands and nibbled on her lip.
“Didn’t intend on eating before the meeting. They always order too much for brunch which blends into lunch."
“You can always just stop eating when you want,” she giggled. He had a surging thought that he certainly could not. She got up and walked over to him, putting her hands first on his shoulders and then reaching down his chest. She gave his chest a little squeeze, ‘mmm’ing in his ear. She slid her fingers down the crest of his belly. He ignored his impulse to suck in his gut, knowing he was already too bloated to attempt it. He was really enjoying the feeling of her finger tips running over him. His skin was incredibly sensitive through his shirt. She applied targeted pressure to the side of his belly, eliciting another large burp from him. “You are a fat pig, Jake,” she said, squeezing his belly, causing him to burp again.
“Ugh,” he said, feeling a little relief from his bloat. “Excuse me.” He felt himself getting a bit excited from the name calling, but had to ignore that feeling when he looked at the time and saw he needed to get ready and head to the meeting room. “I’ve got to get ready to go, unfortunately,” he said to Alexis, wanting to kiss her. She must have been thinking the same thing, as she sprung at his lips again, as she had the night before. Her lips felt heavenly against his own. He let his hands fall on her round butt and let his fingers dig in a little, hungrily. He pulled back savoring her closeness for an extra moment. “You are sexy too, in case I had not mentioned that, Lexi,” he said, trying the nickname, and judging by her grin, she had liked it. He kissed her again and shuttled her back to her desk with his eye brows. She stepped back into the office to grab her notepad and to pinch his belly again. He looked at her, in disbelief that her actions were backing up the claims she had about her attraction to him. She did think he was cute. He gathered his materials, being careful not to leave any glass slippers behind. It was convenient for Alexis to bring him stuff, but does not read as organized and professional. He had prided himself on these principles, but had been distracted the day before.
He hustled out his office and stopped at her desk, almost as an instinct to steal moments with her. He hesitated and her sweet look started to shift to concern the longer he stayed speechless. Alexis cleared her throat. "Is there anything else you need for your meeting Jake?"
"No, I should be set. Thank you for taking care of the list today and of course for breakfast." He scanned her desk and pulled off an orange sticky note and jotted his cell onto it. He passed it to her. "Please feel free to text me if you have any questions at all. Probably better than a potentially missed email."
"I will use it for emergencies only," she said, like a dedicated soldier.
"You don't have to treat it that strictly. You are a "personal" assistant, as you emphasized. It's a different relationship. Special even," he said, feeling cheesy. Alexis appeared to enjoy his saying so though. He smiled, nodded firmly, and made his exit.
Once in the solitude of the elevator, Jake was able to feel his rational brain kick into overdrive. He was certain the heavy flirting and petting was bad enough, but the kissing was absolutely crossing a line. He started trying to remember the rule exactly, but couldn't imagine any contortment of the rules would say romantically engaging with a young woman in the office was fine.
Jake tried to rub the tension out of his neck. He didn't want to be stressed about what was happening, especially when he was so excited to see where it went. He hadn’t felt a romantic spark in so long, and was yearning to be around Alexis again. He had just left her, and the thought made the corner of his lips twitch. He felt a little silly, feeling so giddy about it.
The doors to the elevator opened and Gibbs stepped in. “Andrews,” he said, shaking his hand.
“Morning Gibbs,” Jake said.
“What has you smirking to yourself in here? If you have any secret you are keeping I need to know,” Gibbs said, his caterpillar-like brows furrowing. Jake looked at him nervously, his mouth hanging open, stricken with an articulation deficiency. “I do not want you pulling and cheeky pranks on me at this meeting. You know we need to present a strong front.” Gibbs looked back at him seriously. Jake sighed in relief, and reminded himself to be less jumpy about it before it even got started.
“Morgan, I don’t think we ever present a weak front.”
“I don’t either. No need to start. You just looked up to something. Maybe I should allow people to smile at work,” he joked, elbowing Jake in the side. Jake was not particularly fond of the extra attention people seemed to be giving his new weight. He had never experienced so many people touching him in his life. An elbow here, a poke there. He had not considered accidentally gaining weight would be equivalent to an invitation to unsolicited contact with people. However, he was not opposed to how Alexis had touched him. He didn’t know how he truly felt about how attracted she was to him, and seemingly in more ways than he was able to fully detect. Obviously, he understood there were people who like chubby guys, and he supposed some were bound to be into guys bigger than that. He wasn’t mad that she was attracted to him, but he didn’t think she looked the type. He guessed it was foolish to think you could tell what someone was attracted to by looking at them.
“Those idiots in marketing better not screw it up,” Gibbs said, pulling Jake back to reality.
“I’m hoping they don’t, myself,”Jake said. They argued over who would exit the elevator first, Gibbs winning, by planting his feet in old man defiance.
Once settled in the conference room, Jake felt himself focusing on the meeting. The different departments presented their quarterly numbers and the projects they had been working on. It was all very important, but arguably boring. When the doors opened and a fleet of temps pushed in carts with trays of food for the brunch, everyone in the room kept pushing on, but clearly were dying for the food to be out and ready. Investors' meetings were only worth looking forward to because of the food. Gibbs refused to tell anyone where it came from, but everyone pined for it. Jake felt a little guilty for thinking about the food that much, as he had just eaten before coming up to the conference room. He reminded himself it wasn’t more than a sandwich and a pastry, though neither was very small. He wouldn’t overdo it. He didn’t want to make the company look bad because he stuffed his face at a meeting.
Jake got into the line last, to prove to everyone how much self control he had. Boat loads compared to the very fat investor who shamelessly got up as soon as they thought the set up was “basically” done. Jake got himself some french toast, sausage, scrambled eggs, fruit salad, and a muffin. He felt like he was on par with what most people had taken, and noticed that the brunch was exclusively breakfast. He thought it was a better option anyway. Jake tried not to eat too fast, but felt like he was gradually speeding up until the point he was mopping up the remaining syrup on the plate with his last chunks of muffin. He shifted in his chair, feeling his full stomach pushing on his waistband uncomfortably. From under his jacket, he shifted the waist down and allowed his belly to flop over his belt, the feeling of which being far more reliving than any reservations he had about the action. Alexis’ image creeped into his mind.
She had proven very quickly to have a habit of encouraging poor eating choices, something he still did not understand. She seemed to say the most bizarre things. She could rationalize eating an entire buffet by saying, “Well, it would go to waste if you didn’t”, or “Is it like a federal crime to be hungry?” She was a curious woman, that Jake was sure of.
Jake gave his portion of the presentation with Gibbs, riffing off of each other more than usual, getting a few laughs in a room that had been dead aside from the spark from breakfast, which had since been taken away. Jake and Morgan got along well. They were both very dedicated to their work, but the age gap between them did lead Jake to put Gibbs in the “fatherly” or “Great Uncle” territory. By 1:00, lunch was being wheeled in, this time assorted sandwiches and wraps, a salad, chips, and cookies. The investors always seemed to be hungry or at least getting their money’s worth. It was clear that Gibbs wanted to give them nothing to complain about, by serving them twice. Jake had put just one of the sandwich quarters on his plate with some salad, but one of the older women, Linda, let him know that was not allowed.
“Jacob. Why are you being shy? You are a growing boy,” she said, putting another sandwich on his plate. She wasn’t overly loud, but Jake could feel people examining him more closely, whether they were or not.
“I appreciate your concern Linda, but I am trying to stop growing.” She shrugged and tottered to her seat. He decided he wanted the other sandwich pretty badly, when the first was gone in a matter of seconds, it seemed. He certainly wasn't housing it because he was hungry, because he wasn’t. He was actually still a bit full from his first two meals. But as he thought it, he took a double bite, taking a second before he even chewed the first at all. Well, if Alexis was into gluttons, she may have found exactly that. It felt like it was happening to him, but at the end of the day he knew he was just eating way too much of the wrong things. He thought back to this morning, when Alexis had been teasing him with very unflattering comments, yet he wanted to hear more of them.
His wife would drive him crazy with her indirectness. She would constantly comment, but on things around his weight, without saying what she wanted to. Jake was not intentionally gaining weight, but figured that's what happened when you got married. He never made any rude comments to make her feel bad about any of the extra pounds she found in marital bliss. Most specifically the extra weight she found at steakhouses in her deluxe Surf n Turf platters while vacationing around the country. She didn't mind that. What she did mind was how his clothes looked on him, even when they were the right size and tailored. She didn't like the mess he made when he ate, of which he did not. It was just the fact that he was ordering a large amount and while he ate it it had to be somewhere until it was gone. And it was always gone. He knew it was time when she was constantly complaining about him breathing after a big meal. Sometimes he felt like he was eating more than he would just to see if she'd finally say how she really felt. She never did.
Jake was reminded where he was when he was being nudged by Morgan Gibbs to wrap things up. "We hope everyone has found this meeting to be of great value, and we look forward to your brutal honesty in the feedback forms. We encourage you to take any leftover lunch with you. Thankyou for your time and please reach out to Morgan or myself with any questions at any time." Everyone started getting up, many heading to the lunch table with the containers the company provided.
Ch 3
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thecheckeredchaser · 1 month
An assistant takes notice of her bosses gain and sees the perfect opportunity to let him know she appreciates his changing body.
Insured Gains
Chapter 1- Jake Andrews
Alexis dutifully updated Mr. Andrews’ schedule, with the fuel of a perfect temp cup of tea. Tuesday: investors briefing all day. Wednesday: 10:30 meeting with Cedar Pines Realtors. Friday: 8:00 Divorce Attorney. “Happy Friday,” she muttered. She got up from her desk and peeked into the window, through the large “Andrews and Gibbs'' gold frosted lettering. He did not appear to be on a call. She lightly peeked the door open and stuck her head in.
“Come in,” Mr. Andrews called.
Alexis had been working at A&G Insurance for 5 months, just one month shy of the probationary period. She had just recently been promoted to assistant, after the last was fired for stealing time. She felt incredibly lucky to have gotten the assistant job, as it seemed to be an absolute heist to go in and take care of random stuff for an insurance executive. When she thought of the amount of money being transferred in and out of the building, it seemed criminal that she was getting a slice. And not a bad one. She wasn’t really doing much with her English degree, but it got her a seat at the table. It was her best job yet. Not to mention she was ridiculously attracted to Jake Andrews. In fact, she'd probably work more hours for nothing at all, if it meant more time with him.
“Hello Mr. Andrews,” she said brightly. He smiled at her, relaxed. She could melt onto the carpet. “I was wondering if you were using your schedule book. I could quickly copy it in. I know you like it in both places.”
“Oh, that would be great Alexis.” He grabbed the moleskin book and handed it to her from across the table. She savored the smell of his cologne and fought to repress the fantasies that called to her. His thumb brushed against her hand in the pass, and she saw a sudden shift in his expression, as if he felt the same jolt. Alexis had been conducting a case study on Mr. Andrews since her first day. She was his assistant. That was essentially what it was all about. He was very laid back and hardly made a move that wasn’t calculated. That flash on his face was new. He cleared his throat. “I do love the way you write everything out. I appreciate the Google Calendar, but” he began.
“You like both,” she said, knowing what he would say.
“You know,” he said smiling. She hurried out to copy the schedule so she could hurry back in. She took her time to make everything look absolutely perfect and clean, exactly how he liked it.
She was 26 and knew Jake was at least 40 years old. Considering he was an executive and she worked directly under him, she understood that it was a guarantee to be disappointed to even dream about him. It simply couldn't happen. And yet. It was not possible for her to refrain from thinking inappropriately about her boss every other thought.
Mr. Andrews had the kind of hair you wanted to get your rings caught in, his curls succulent and neat. Shaved shorter on the sides, accentuating the hint of salt and pepper creeping up. He was broad shouldered and at 6”2 was an imposing presence in any room. He had played sports every season in high school and a little in college, but had since developed a soft coating on his sides and middle. Alexis, strictly as part of her case study, had noticed Mr. Andrews was coming back from the weekends a little thicker each Monday. It was subtle, but she couldn’t help but think he was coping with his divorce with binging on the weekend. Alexis had already noticed an increase in requests from him to get snacks during the day, and he didn’t want snacks she could get at the machines in the building. She had to drive to his favorite café 5 minutes away, or to the deli on Wetmore. He had a few spots. This was of course on top of and separate from the lunch she got for him daily, as long as he wasn’t at a luncheon with a client. Their company loved to take clients out to lunches. Alexis loved to see Jake come back, having clearly overeaten at the lunch, attempting to carry on his business as if he had no regrets. She would pop in extra, coming up with petty excuses just to catch him rubbing his belly under his desk.
She had a nagging fear that he was not into her at all. She had been alone with him enough where he could clearly have made any kind of advance. She tried to remind herself that coming from him would be considered wildly inappropriate, and he was not that kind of man. He took his job very seriously. He could laugh and joke, but at the end of the day he was going to be excellent and you better too if you're associated with him.
Alexis was fairly confident that most men would find her body attractive. She was fit, but busty and had a tight and plump butt. She supposed he could be absolutely not into redheads, but she doubted that. She certainly got attention from other males in the office, and she went out of her way to dress semi-modestly. There were certain outfits that her body couldn’t help but make sexy. She supposed her eyebrow ring could be off putting, but was also never getting rid of it.
She waited until she saw him hang up the phone again, then waited 45 seconds, before returning the schedule book. She slipped into his office and mock tiptoed to his desk. “You do not have to tip toe,” he said, chuckling.
“How did the morning treat you Mr. Andrews?” Alexis asked, putting the book on the corner of his desk gently.
“Can we skip to the part where you call me Jake. I’m getting a little ‘Mr. Andrewsed’ out these days.” He looked a little extra tired that day. "And thank you," he said earnestly, bringing the book over and looking over her work approvingly. "All this talk with the lawyers, you know."
“Absolutely Jake,” she said, trying it out. He smirked and looked up at her. She waded in the blue green sea that was his eyes for a few seconds before she was blushing. She noticed the clock behind him, and it was almost 1 o’clock. He had not given her any lunch request yet. “Was there anything you needed me to get you for lunch?” She offered. He looked down at his own fancy watch and seemed genuinely surprised.
“Well! I didn’t realize it was that late. I guess I am pretty hungry.” He sent her with the business card to pick him up some Chinese food. She was absolutely giddy because he offered her to join him for lunch. He instructed her to order a few specific things, but gave her freedom to get anything she had wanted. She wondered if he was inviting her to spend more time with her, or if he was compensating for having her wait until this late for lunch. She could technically eat whenever, but it was generally understood that she took lunch when he did. She typically ate at her desk, as she preferred to work and eat, instead of sitting in the breakroom with the interns. She would get to have lunch in the meeting room if she was taking minutes, but that was not even close to one-on-one time with Jake. She really hoped this was not an ambush working lunch where he had to complete a task by a deadline. He had only done this to her twice, and had been very apologetic each time. Truthfully, she did not mind either of those times, because she was able to sit around in Jake’s office until near 10 pm. He had taken his tie off, which she found very hot. But if she was to have it her way, it would be a very friendly and not work related lunch.
She returned with the food and walked through the lobby toward the big elevator. She smiled at Gina, the front desk secretary, who responded with a smirk. She was close in age to herself, and they would chat and gossip from time to time. Alexis stopped, smiling more nervously. "Everything okay, Gina?"
"Oh yea Lex. I just can't help but notice you almost exclusively come in through that door with food. Who are you working for again? Gibbs?" She chuckled. This was most likely a joke as Mr. Gibbs was quite healthy even if he was pushing 60. She blushed.
"You know I work for Jake."
"Are you gonna tell him he needs to slow down on the junk, or should I? He and I love our friendly exchanges, but I might have to stop. He's getting way too fat." Gina shook her head in disbelief. Alexis felt a little annoyed by her. Most primarily because she was fat shaming her gorgeously thickening boss, but also insinuated that she was flirting with him. And maybe he was flirting back?
"It's not really either of our place, Gina," she said matter of factly. Alexis shrugged her shoulders, said bye, and made her way to Jake's office.
Mr. Andrews greeted her with a smile. She brought the food in and set it on the corner of his desk. He immediately began taking items out, slipping a golden crab rangoon in his mouth while he did so. He passed her her order of chicken and broccoli and questioned a few other items. "Yours too?" He asked.
"I thought some bonus sides would be nice to split. Do you like gyoza?" She asked, pulling the chair on the other side of the desk closer.
"I like everything," he chuckled. They began eating, having light and friendly conversation. Alexis slowly grazed, while it seemed like Jake was powering through his lunch. He didn't seem rushed, but as if he was completely used to eating quickly. He was enjoying the bonus sides too, which made Alexis feel extra warm inside.
They talked about movies and interests. Jake was very much into football, American and what the rest of the world considered football. He expressed that he had been an even better soccer player than a football player in school. But in college soccer was the first sport he dropped. "It was constant running," he complained. "After my freshman and sophomore 25, I was too out of shape," he said, a hint of disappointment coming through. "I thought I'd be in shape the rest of my life. Pretty silly, huh?"
"I think everyone's "in shape" is temporary."
"That's a comforting thought. Your genes are still going strong," he said, blushing at the compliment he let slip out. Alexis blushed too. He did notice her in that way.
"I just try to eat clean and stay active."
"Probably don't eat take out everyday or spend as much time sitting as I do. I really should make some changes." Alexis did not want their first casual lunch to divulge into Jake's "time to get in shape" epiphany. Not before she had a chance to make her feelings known.
"Mr. Andr- sorry, Jake. It's not a crime to have some meat on your bones."
"Tell my soon-to-be ex wife that. She missed that class. Just one of our many issues." He scraped the bottom of the container for its last morsels.
"There are plenty of women who are unphased by a little extra weight," Alexis said, hoping not to give too much away.
"A little sure. These days I've got a lot." Alexis' face went hot, and Jake seemed to notice. "You don't want to listen to me complain about my problems with food. I'm sorry. It's been on my mind so much lately." He finally put his fork down, with an absent minded groan. He had finished his order of boneless spare ribs and fried rice, two egg rolls, an order of wonton soup, and most of the dumplings and crab rangoon. "I think it completely slipped my mind in the past hour. I'm stuffed." He put a hand to his belly, and stifled a belch with his fist.
"It's a really good place. I'll be sure to keep it on the list," she offered. She didn't want to push her luck or give any reason to not invite her again. "Did we not get the chinese donuts? They are my favorite." Jake inspected the bag again and pulled out a wax paper package with 4 sugary dough balls inside. He went to hand them all to her, but she took one from the bag.
"To share," she said. He didn't need any encouragement from her. He put two away before she could finish her one. She saw him look longingly at the last and willingly offered it to him. He accepted, though seemed a little ashamed to have taken most of her favorite thing.
"Those are dangerous," he said. He finished his can of coke and became that exact shade of red when a huge burp escaped him. "Excuse me! I'm so embarrassed." He looked at Alexis very apologetically.
"Don't be," was all she could muster. She was trying not to play the scene over and over in her head.
"I appreciate you being so kind and for joining me. I didn't realize how lonely lunch in the office had been getting. I do apologize for making myself out to be such a glutton. I'm working on it." She caught a glimpse of his bloated gut pushing the buttons on his blue shirt tight. She wondered how it would feel the touch it. She wanted to be close to his scent, and pressed completely to his skin. She wanted to be all over his stuffed belly. She had to actively pull herself from her thoughts.
"Jake I'd be more than happy to join you again. You are fabulous lunching company."
"You are welcome to join anytime I'm in the office. Might be nice to get to know each other better." He smiled a bit dreamily at her. "Professionally," he stammered out, off balance. Alexis felt she had to disarm any and all mental blocks Jake had to being interested in her.
"I mean, isn’t a personal assistant a bit more personal than professional Jake," she said, a hint of suggestion in her voice. He swallowed hard.
"You probably have a point. Well I do have to run to a meeting with Gibbs." She gave a knowing look. "Of course you know. It's a Monday. Thank you again for your company." He had a steady appointment to meet with Gibbs every Monday around 2:30.
He grabbed his laptop and hurried out of the office. Alexis began to gather the food trash, and turned to see him as the elevator doors closed. He looked very deep in thought and very full, his jacket hanging open, and his belly pushing forward. All the food had been eaten, to Alexis’ delight. She was happy he wasn’t put off by the amount she had purchased. He had only asked for the crab rangoon and his meal. He just happened to be offered most of the other 3 items she ordered. She remembered how he had taken the teriyaki chicken from the skewer and pushed the whole piece in his mouth, nothing short of moaning at its flavor and tenderness. His plump lips smacked as he licked them. She encouraged him to have another and assured him she only wanted one. She giggled at the memory and the fact that he was surprised how stuffed he had gotten. She had watched it all unfold before her.
She tried to refocus on one of her tasks at her desk. She responded to a couple of emails, and after about 20 minutes, she had gotten one from Jake himself.
Please bring me the ledger documents in the black folder on my desk. ASAP.
Thank you!"
She jumped right up, grabbed the folder, and headed up to Gibbs' office. She was excited to see him again and moved as quickly as she could. She tried to steady her breathing while she waited on the elevator. She went directly to the meeting room and knocked before going in.
"Good afternoon Mr. Gibbs," she cordially greeted her boss' business partner. She handed Jake the folder, instantly eyeing the half eaten cupcake and the wrapping paper of a cupcake long gone, all while he watched her chest that was still heaving lightly. He maintained his composure, no doubt due to the presence of his colleague. "Mr. Andrews," she said.
"Thank you Alexis."
"Please take a cupcake. They were for…," Gibbs paused, forgetting, looking at Jake for assistance. He snapped his fingers in an attempt to summon the thought.
"Daniel in accounting," Jake said, proud to remember.
"Ah yes. Daniel! But please help yourself. Andrews clearly couldn't help himself." He laughed heartily at Jake's expense.
"I would love one," she said taking one, not wanting to comment on Jake's indulgence, primarily in fear she would say something revealing. Like, "You don't get to be the big boss by saying no to a cupcake", or "He probably just wanted to top his lunch off with something sweet." She then remembered he had finished lunch with the chinese donuts. She turned and left, giving one last smile to them both, lingering microscopically with her boss.
She went back to her desk and got back to work. Jake returned around 4 and stopped at her desk. She looked up at him pleasantly. "Thanks so much for running that up. I had it right there." He noticed her giving him a funny look. "What," he said self consciously.
"You have chocolate frosting on your mouth," she said, motioning to the corner of her own mouth. He popped his finger in his mouth and rubbed at the corner, popping the finger back in.
"You try to have a secret elevator treat," he joked. Alexis reflected on how it wasn't that long of a ride and began envisioning him scarfing down the cupcake to conceal his weakness to the dessert.
"They were pretty great," she said positively. His eyes washed over her and she squirmed under his gaze.
"You are incredibly kind and accepting. I feel like I've been utterly out of control all day with bad eating, and you have not only looked the other way, but gave me assurance. I appreciate that. But please don't feel like you have to be so nice, just because I'm your boss or anything. My behavior today was outlandish."
Even when expressing deep embarrassment, he came off as self assured and strong. Alexis didn't know what the right thing to say was. She pulled her hair behind her ear and cleared her throat.
"Jake, I appreciate your vulnerability. I am certainly not being pressured to be any way because of your position." She paused, before continuing. "And I just wasn't bothered by your behavior. You don’t have to be so self conscious in front of me." He looked at her, not looking sure. She looked into his eyes and felt herself melt. "And honestly, I find it kind of cute," she said, absolutely not intending to. She pursed her lips in surprise. Jake stared back at her perplexed, but also a light shade of red.
"Cute," he stated doubtfully.
"I'm so sorry. That was not appropriate," she said, lowering her head.
"Don't worry about it. I haven't had a weird compliment in a while. I think its clear you didn't mean to say that." Though Alexis agreed, she sensed he had resolved that she didn't mean what she said, which was woefully incorrect. She just nodded. "Well I'm going to head out. Want to walk out together?" She smiled, the awkward moment dissipating quickly. He grabbed his shoulder bag and waited for Alexis to shut down her computer.
They chatted to the elevator and in the brief pause, as the elevator made its way to them from the ground floor, Jake looked over at her interestingly.
"Cute," he chuckled.
"What?" She questioned.
"Don't ask me. That's what you said," he retorted smugly, stepping out the way for her to step inside. She rolled her eyes, and they landed on his thick belly. "I suppose you've been stealing glances at me because you find me so cute," he joked. She didn't respond, and he shot her a look. He stopped as they went into the parking garage. "Alexis," he said, stopping. She turned and looked at him."Are you genuinely interested in me?" He asked confused.
"I'm very interested in keeping my job, so I think I should just say goodnight and see ya tomorrow." Jake seemed to be contemplating her response. He looked surprised but landed on a pleased smile.
"I like mine too. Goodnight and see you tomorrow, Alexis," he said, resting his hand on her arm. Her fingers reached up to connect with him too, and were resting on the side of his belly. He shifted slightly but met her eyes. He looked like he wanted to say something, and she felt a sudden urge. The next thing she knew, she was leaning into him and putting her lips to his. His lips were still sweet from the cupcakes and absolutely perfect. She heard him make a small moan. She pulled away.
"See you in the morning," she said quickly . She nearly ran to her car. She heard Jake unconsciously mirror the send off back, certainly still wrapped up in the moment. She was half dreading and eagerly awaiting the next day.
Ch 2
9 notes · View notes
thecheckeredchaser · 4 months
I can't even imagine being so cucked. My thicc man is a prize and major flex.
Time to potentially lose some followers but if you wouldn't date a fat person irl you have no right to call yourself a fat admirer and should leave this scene.
We deserve so much more than being fetishised by someone too immersed in fatphobia to want to be seen with a bigger person by their friends and family. If it's shameful to you then literally why are you here???
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thecheckeredchaser · 4 months
I just watched Hot Fuzz again and I need to talk about it.
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The writers for Hot Fuzz have said several times that Nicolas originally had a female love interest but she took up too much time without being connected to the murder plot so they removed her completely and instead gave her core dialogue and scenes to Danny, making him the love interest.
The movie constantly makes connections between Danny and Nicolas’ ex-girlfriend. For example, she complained about Nicolas forgetting her birthday so later on Nicolas panics when nobody told him it was Danny’s birthday. She told him he has to find someone he can love more than work and by the end he chose Danny over working in London. He gifts Danny flowers and wins him a stuffed toy. They spend the night out together followed by Danny inviting Nicolas home. They have a romantic theme that only plays during their emotional scenes. We even see the exact moment Nicolas realise he’s in love with Danny when the old lady asks if he’s buying flowers for a special someone and he says “….Yes” with a shy little smile.
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The only thing missing is an actual kiss but in the Cornetto trilogy romantic relationships are rarely sealed with a kiss. In Shaun of The Dead the main romantic couple Shaun and Liz never kissed once and they had as much physical contact as Nicolas and Danny.
It’s funny to watch this movie and realise it has more queer content than some more modern movies and shows that are hailed as good queer media.
Like, I’ve never heard anyone accuse Hot Fuzz of queerbaiting but because it treats Nicolas and Danny’s relationship the same way most movies treat straight romances in the genre (it was literally originally written as a straight romance) people just didn’t notice it was a queer movie or thought it was a joke on homoerotic buddy cop movies. If it came out today it would absolutely be on the queer movie list.
32K notes · View notes
thecheckeredchaser · 4 months
Role Model
Chapter 1 - The Interview
Ravi desperately tugged at his trousers, trying to get them to close. His shirt bunched up at his shoulders and sat open to reveal a carpet of hair. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, this can't be happening," he said to the room.
"You okay?" Steven called through the open door. Ravi heard footsteps and Steven stook his head through.
"They don't fit," Ravi gestured down at himself and collapsed down on the bed.
"Oh. Well no, it doesn't seem to, umm," Steven cleared his throat. "Why do they need to?"
"My placement interview. I haven't had to wear anything smart for ages and I just sort of assumed they'd be okay," Ravi explained.
"Oh fuck. Oh fuck. For that nuclear place? Fuck! No, no, listen, right, Jason will have something that I bet will fit, because he's put on-" Simon caught himself. "Because he's about your size, I reckon. And he had his interview not long ago, so he'll have something."
Ravi noticed the almost-comment on his recent weight gain, but chose to ignore it. "Nope. Thought of that. He's away until Monday," he said, head buried in his hands.
Simon had already left the room. "He left his door unlocked though," he called through. "He never locks it." Ravi looked up, hope swelling in his chest. "He won't mind if you borrow something."
Ravi entered Jason's room to see Steven stood with the wardrobe open, pulling out a selection of shirts and trousers. "Oh my god, you beautiful, beautiful man! You've saved me, oh my god." Ravi quickly grasped Steven in a hug before picking up one of the shirts he'd pulled out.
Steven went red. "Oh, no, it's nothing really, just thought to check a door." Ravi wasn't paying attention to Steven's nervousness, already tugging down the trousers down his hairy thighs. "I'll umm, I'll leave you to it then," Steven said, leaving the room.
Ravi came into Steven's room a few minutes later, once again dejected. The shirt and trousers were buttoned closed now, but barely. The fabric of the shirt was straining, with a small gap of dark, hairy skin showing between the two buttons at his belly button, and Ravi walked awkwardly, clearly uncomfortable in the too tight clothes. "I can't actually be fatter than Jason can I?" Ravi asked, voice dejected.
Steven stared at Ravi's torso, unable to tear his eyes away. "I don't think you're umm… I think you're probably about the same size still, his placement interview was a couple of months ago now, so he could have put on a little weight since."
"Fuck. I always thought I was at least staying a bit slimmer than him," Ravi was looking down at his middle, rubbing his hands over the straining shirt.
Steven shifted in his seat uncomfortably, still unable to tear his eyes away from the larger man. "I wouldn't say that you're uh," he trailed off, and cleared his throat. "You know, it's not like you're actually, you know, or anything. Just put on a little weight. Stocky. Finding your adult body."
Ravi wasn't paying attention to Steven's discomfort, or the way he'd pulled his iPad over to his lap. "Fuck. I can't go like this, look at me." He poked the tight fabric around one of the straining buttons. "It's too hot to wear a jumper isn't it? I'll swelter."
Steven shook his head and took a deep breath. "It's fine," he told Ravi. "Really, it is. Look, if you put on a tie it'll cover up the buttons, we can use a tie clip to make sure it doesn't move. And a jacket will cover it a little. Can you sit down okay?"
Ravi hesitated, but slowly lowered down onto Steven's computer chair and groaned. "Just about. I feel like I'm getting cut in two." Steven could hear a slight strain to his voice, and did his best to ignore that the fat on Ravi's torso bulged even more as he sat.
"I think you're going to have to put up with it," Steven commiserated. "Just don't eat or drink anything, yeah? You're at your limit."
Ravi nodded and took a deep, steady breath. "Cheers mate. Really. I was freaking out there. This placement is perfect for me."
"Which is why you're going to get it! There's no-one else on the course that can say they've done the exact type of modeling they need." Steven walked over to Ravi and slapped him on the shoulder, before offering him a hand and heaving him up. "When is it?"
"I'm leaving in 20 minutes," Ravi said, unbuttoning his trousers and the top button of his shirt to give him some temporary relief.
"Fucking hell Rav! Give yourself a bit of prep time in future, yeah? Maybe give yourself a bit of time to get some new trousers if you need them."
"I know, I know. Lucky that Jason's a fat bastard too, eh?" Ravi joked and slapped his thick middle.
Steven gave a nervous laugh and ushered Ravi out the room. Once he was alone he let out a long, shuddering exhale and sank down onto his bed, fingers unbuttoning his trousers.
Ravi arrived at the swanky offices to find the other interviewees, most of whom he recognised from his uni course, sat with a woman with short, blue hair and a colourful, cartoon dress. "Ravi?" she asked as he approached. "Heather, we spoke on the phone. I'll be looking after you today." Ravi hoped he imagined the way her eyes flicked down to his shirt before widening a little. "I think that's everyone now, we can go up a touch early and get you all settled."
As Heather led the way, she explained the way the day would work. Ravi only half-listened, having read all of this in the email going over the day. He instead looked around at the other candidates. From what he knew of them, he was the best engineer of the bunch, and he'd already done several projects on the type of nuclear reactors that got developed at the company, but he noticed that all of them were dressed far sharper than he was, with swish suits and crisp ties that seemed to fit them all perfectly.
"And this is where you're going to be based for the day!" Heather announced, gesturing around a conference room. "Help yourself to coffees and teas, and there's some snacks over there, biscuits, donuts, flapjacks, a bit of fruit. We'll bring you lunch at one and I'll come collect you all when we're ready for you." She raised her arm to wave as she left the room. "Good luck guys!"
The other candidates moved to make themselves coffee, while Ravi stared at the plate of donuts and biscuits. He remembered Steven's advice about not eating, as he drummed his fingers against his stomach, but he'd skipped breakfast, and his stomach was rumbling now. One couldn't hurt, he told himself, collecting a few biscuits and hesitating, before grabbing a donut as well and moving to one of the chairs. After all, he wouldn't interview very well if he was hungry. He sat down with a grunt and picked up the first biscuit, telling himself to eat it slowly, as he put the whole thing in his mouth in one go.
"Oh, hi Ravi," Ade, a handsome man on his course, said as he sat down next to him.
"Ade! What are you doing here? I thought you were going for that aerospace placement?" Ravi asked.
Ade rolled his eyes. "Tom got it. His dad works there so he was always going to get it," Ade grumbled.
"Tall hot Tom?" Ravi asked.
Ade shook his head. "Short hot Tom."
"Damn, I'm sorry, that sucks," Ravi commiserated.
Ade shrugged his shoulders. "It's fine. It wasn't very well connected, it turns out." His eyes flicked down to Ravi's waist. "Are you okay? You look a bit… uncomfortable."
Ravi shifted in his seat, fingers working their way around his waistline as he tried to stop it biting into his hips and the flesh around the bottom of his burgeoning belly. "Yeah, no, I'm fine. Clothes are just a bit tight really. You can't tell can you?"
Ade hesitated. "Not at all," he lied. "You look fine."
Heather walked in at that moment. "Ade, you've got your technical task now, and Ravi, you've got your interview."
Ravi quickly swallowed the biscuit he was eating and shoved his donut in his mouth, licking his fingers. He stood up with a slight grunt, and gave a thumbs up to Ade who returned it with a smile. "Good luck!" he told Ade. Ade turned back, but didn't reply.
The interview had gone well, Ravi thought, although he had noticed about 10 minutes in that he still had some powdered sugar from his donut down his front and had to try and discreetly brush it off. He was waiting for his technical task, which according to the schedule he was supposed to have last, at the very end of the day. He'd stretched his legs out and leaned back into his chair, attempting to get relief from the constant irritation of his clothes. He'd even allowed himself to take off his tie and undo his top button, where a mark now sat on his neck.
He was now sat watching the other candidates eat lunch, avoiding going too close to stop himself giving in to temptation.
Ade gestured at the platters. "You go ahead, I'm not eating. The guy that did the technical task said the company's got way too much money, I guess they spend it all on food."
Ravi hesitated before shaking his head, his fingers tracing some of the sorer sections of skin. "I shouldn't. I had a big breakfast."
"Jesus fuck this is a good sandwich though!" Brian, one of the other guys on Ravi's course, practically shouted.
Ravi edged closer to the platter of food. "I guess I should eat lunch really," he reasoned, speaking to no one in particular. "Brain food and all that." He picked up a sandwich and bit into it. It really was a good sandwich, with lots of pastrami and emmental, on a salty rye bread and with pickles throughout. Ravi moaned as he took another bite.
An hour later Ravi stood in the bathroom mirror, staring at the slivers of flesh that were now showing between each button. Giving up on doing up his top button again, he put on his tie, hoping it would disguise the undone button, and went back to the conference room, finding it empty, everyone else having finished their interviews.
He noticed that there was one uneaten sandwich still on the platter and shrugged to himself, finding even this small movement caused his shirt to bunch up uncomfortably now. By this point, he told himself, this shirt was obviously already too small, what was a sandwich going to hurt? He bit into it, savouring the flavours, wondering if the company lunches were always this good. He opted to stand while he waited, unsure about how well his clothes would stand to the strain of sitting down.
Eventually, Heather came to collect him for the final portion of the day, and led him to a room. He immediately felt less self-conscious about his clothes - the man running the technical portion of the task was huge.
His shirt was pulled tight by a soft, pillowy gut spilling out onto his thick thighs, while the outline of two breasts pushed out just above the crest of his gut. Dark, unkempt stubble covered a jowly face and double chin. "Tony," he greeted Adbul in a thick yorkshire accent, standing up with visible effort and offering his hand. "You'll be working with me if you get the place, I'm heading up the project we're recruiting for."
Ravi accepted Tony's hand, introducing himself, and Tony collapsed back into his chair, creaking filling the room. Ravi gingerly lowered himself into his own chair.
"Right, just to be clear, I'm only going to let people onto my team if they know their stuff, alright? I'm not carrying some lazy student. Don't try and blag your answers. If you don't know something, tell me how you'd work it out," Tony told Ravi. Ravi nodded, slightly taken aback at Tony's bluntness. "Right, you'll have one of those, won't you?" he said, pointing at a tray of pastries and donuts before picking one up and taking a bite, a shower of pastry flakes and sugar falling to join the covering that already sat on the shelf of his stomach. "All your uni mates turned them down. Probably too concerned about their figures." Despite this, there was clearly roughly half the tray missing.
If anything, Ravi felt confident after Tony's warning - he did know his stuff, better than his course mates at least. Despite his shirt feeling like it was about to explode, he reached out and took a pastry covered in chocolate and a donut, sensing that this was some form of initiation. "Good lad!" Tony called across the table, leaning back with a smile and drumming his fingers on his gut.
Ravi answered all of Tony's questions with ease, being familiar with the style of nuclear reactor the company researched and developed. Tony even seemed impressed when Ravi suggested a few minor modifications that could be made to the standard design, discussing his ideas behind each. Ravi periodically took a new pastry, which seemed to win Tony over each time.
Half an hour later, Tony grinned and congratulated Ravi on his answers, before slapping his knees and slowly standing, offering his hand to Ravi to shake. Ravi tensed his middle to stand up and -
"You tore your shirt?" Steven asked incredulously. "Like the buttons popped off? Like, in a story?"
Ravi shook his head confusedly. "What story? No, the seams at the side, see?" He twisted to show Steven, tearing the hole even wider in the process. "Oh fuck. Can you help me get this off?" He began to unbutton the shirt and Steven stood behind him to peel it off his arms.
"How did the interviewer react?" Steven asked, Ravi successfully extracted. Steven stood gripping the ruined shirt, knuckles almost white.
"That's the weird thing!" Ravi said, standing in just his trousers, the zipper pushed apart by his fat. "It made him seem to like me more! He just laughed and told me it 'happens to the best of us', like it's some daily occurrence or something."
"Still, you got the placement, that's the main thing," Steven pointed out.
"Yeah. That Ade from the course got a place too actually."
"Well that's nice," Steven said. "Here," he opened the fridge and offered Ravi a beer. "You deserve this I reckon. A curry too, to celebrate."
Ravi nodded. "Let me get these trousers off first though."
An hour and a half later, the two housemates sat watching a movie, the table in front of them covered in a selection of Indian food, and Ravi now in pyjamas.
"I need to lose some fucking weight," Ravi moaned in between bites, and slapped the paunch that bloated out in front of him. "Look at this thing! I used to have a 30 inch waist when I came to uni!"
Steven looked across at Ravi. "It's just because you've just eaten though. You're bloated." He paused. "What size trousers do you wear now then?" he asked, trying to sound nonchalant.
Ravi scoffed. "Well those ones of Jason's today were 34s, and I managed not to burst out of those at least, so probably 36s." He looked down at himself. "I've got to lose some weight," he repeated to himself, quietly this time.
Steven tried to diffuse the mood. "Hey man, fuck it, it's second year, everyone puts on a little weight at uni, right?"
"You haven't," Ravi pointed out.
"And just think about next year!" Steven continued, ignoring Ravi. "It'll be great! All three of us on great placements at great companies, all living together."
"Yeah, yeah, I think you're right you know," Ravi replied, forgetting his earlier worries and grabbing some more food to pile on his plate. "Next year's going to be so good. And who cares if I've put on a little weight, right?" He lifted up his t-shirt and jiggled his small belly to emphasise his point. Steven smiled and shifted uncomfortably, pulling a pillow over his lap.
Chapter 2 - The First Day
Ravi and Ade at in Heather's office, thoroughly bored. They'd spent the morning filling out forms and going through various HR and safety briefings, and even the studious Ade was beginning to find it difficult to stay awake.
Ravi was disappointed to find out that the endless stream of food provided at the interview was just to attract candidates and wouldn't be a daily occurrence. Still, he was happy he'd opted to but the roomier 38 inch trousers when he'd bought new office-appropriate attire earlier that week, as he was sure that the pinch he'd felt when he'd tried on the 36s would have become unbearable after this long sat down, even if he hadn't eaten.
Ravi had felt self-conscious ever since arriving that day. Despite his clothes now fitting (he cringed, remembering his interview), he felt like a blob next to Ade's broad shoulders and small waist, with biceps straining against a smart and stylish shirt. Meanwhile, Ravi's weight had only climbed higher over the summer, his small paunch now pressing out obviously no matter what he wore.
"You about done then Heather?" Ravi heard a gruff northern voice behind him say. He turned around to see Tony stood, his soft and saggy gut barely contained by his shirt. Ravi couldn't be sure, but he thought he might not have been the only one to have put some weight on over the summer, as Tony's shirt was looking tight.
"Almost Tony," Heather smiled a little nervously. "I was just telling them about the company's current health drive and then I'm done." She turned back to them and handed each a small booklet, which they added to the rest of the paper they'd been given. "As part of our recent initiative to keep everyone happy, healthy and productive, we've replaced all the biscuits with fresh fruit in the main break room, and the company has organised a deal with a gym that's just a short walk from here, where every-"
"No one remembers all this stuff anyway Heather," Tony interrupted. "Come on lads, let's get to lunch."
The two stood, Ravi excited to hear that he was getting rewarded for his excruciatingly boring morning with food. "Well actually I was interested to hear about-" Ade began to say.
"It'll all be in an email. Or the employee handbook. Or somewhere else you'll never look. Come on." Tony started to lead them out the door. "Cheers Heather!" he called to the flustered woman. "Right you two, this company's got more bloody government funding than it knows what to do with, so on everyone's first day they get taken to lunch for far too much money. Still, it won't get used otherwise so I'm not complaining. You two keeping up?" he asked, turning to look at them. Ravi thought it would be difficult not to keep up with the large man's slow pace. "So I'm taking you to a slap up restaurant and you'll order more than you think you can eat."
"Oh, I'll probably just get a salad," Ade explained. "I'm on a diet where I restrict calories during certain-"
"Then you eat your salad and us two will eat everything else that we'll say is getting claimed for you, eh?" Ravi felt a shiver of excitement at the large man lumping Ravi in the same category as him that he couldn't explain. He told himself that he was just excited to be making a better impression on his boss.
They arrived at a restaurant that Ravi knew he'd never otherwise be able to afford, and got seated. "Bloody fancy restaurants with their bloody rickety chairs," Tony grumbled as he sat down.
They sat quietly for a while, pouring over the menu. Ade set his menu aside after a minute or so and sat with a tight-lipped smile while Ravi and Tony didn't look up from their own menus for quite some time. Just the descriptions of the dishes made Ravi's mouth water.
"Made your minds up lads?" Tony asked.
"Like I said-" Ade started.
"A salad, I know, I know." Tony turned to Ravi, a twinkle in his eye. "What about you then?" Just like at his interview, Ravi felt like he was being subtly challenged, but to what he wasn't sure.
"God, there's so much that looks good. The pork belly maybe. The moussaka looks great too."
"Get them both then, it's none of us that's paying," Tony insisted. "Choose two or three starters and sides while you're looking as well, you can't eat like this every day." Ravi thought that Tony might, in fact, eat like this every day.
They ordered, and their starters arrived shortly after, covering the table. Ravi was quietly thankful that Tony had insisted he order a few, as the portion sizes were small and he found himself looking forward to his mains. Despite being intent on his food, Tony clearly made an effort to speak to them both, asking about their university course and their interests outside of their degrees, and in return told them about the company and the team they were joining. Past his somewhat grumpy exterior, Ravi was warming to Tony, realising that he was just impatient and easily annoyed when things weren't being done in what he saw as the right way.
Halfway through his second main, Ravi began to slow the pace of his eating. The food was delicious, but rich, and he felt like there was a ball of lead in his stomach. Still, he soldiered on, unable to shake the fact that he was impressing Tony somehow. And indeed, as the meal went on, Tony seemed to become friendlier with Ravi, while Ade barely interacted with him, clearly bored of the extended meal.
Finally, Ravi put down his fork, breathing heavily and sweat dripping down his back and under his arms. He didn't know the last time he was this full, and his new clothes were already feeling just a touch tighter than was comfortable.
Tony meanwhile was coping far better with the feast he'd just consumed, but it was clear that he was more sluggish than before. Ravi had watched with fascination as the older man's gut had risen like dough throughout lunch, transforming from a thick apron of fat into a soft ball that sat in his lap.
Tony slowly raised his arm to get the attention of a waiter. "They've got this chocolate tart you'll love lad. Nothing like it." Ravi's eyes went wide. He wasn't sure how much more he could eat. Still, he just nodded with a small smile at Tony, even when Ade announced he didn't want dessert, giving him the perfect out.
"Right, this is us," Tony explained, showing them into a large open plan office. The walk back from lunch had been significantly slower than the walk to the restaurant, and it was now late afternoon. "Every team has its own individual space, so everyone here you'll be working with. There's meeting rooms over there," he pointed to an entire side of the room, sided in glass, "and individual working rooms over there if you need them," he pointed to another row of doors. "And this," he spread his arms a little, clearly feeling that this was the highlight of the short office tour, "is the office kitchen. We're not doing that bloody health initiative up here, so there's actual food available, don't worry. Help yourselves to biscuits, coffees, teas. I try to make sure there's usually some cakes or donuts or something most days. I actually want to thank my team, not starve them."
Ravi was thrilled to find that Tony kept their department stocked with treats and snacks, unlike the rest of the company. Despite the large lunch, he followed Tony's lead in grabbing a slice of cake and idly eating it as they walked around the office getting introduced to everyone. Ravi noticed that unlike the rest of the company, which seemed to present a unified clean, put together face, it was clear that this department was more casual, with the suits that he'd seen others wearing done away with in favour of simple shirts and trousers. He gladly took his tie off once it was clear it wasn't needed. He also noticed that in general, most of the team was on the heavier side than most of the rest of the company, especially the men, most of whom had dad bods or beer bellies hanging over their belts. He wondered if the company's health push might be somewhat targeted.
Ravi and Ade spent the rest of the afternoon sorting out their desks. By the time 5 pm rolled around, Ade had a spotless desk and a custom filing system, while Ravi had a pile of stationary piled on top of the various bits of paper he'd been passed throughout the day. Ade was sat deligently making notes on a project brief Tony had given them ("Don't bother looking at it today! First day's always a write-off anyway."), and would occasionally shoot a dirty look across at Ravi whenever he would let out a small burp, or his stomach would let out a loud gurgle. Ravi didn't pay these looks any mind, feeling far too tired and warm while he digested to really notice. Leaning back in his chair with sunlight streaming through the large windows, he felt like a python basking on a warm rock while it digested a particularly large meal. He didn't quite understand why he had such a persistent erection, but was too tired to really question it.
"All they do is eat all day!" Jason cried. "It's like all an office job is, is being bored all day and eating to relieve the boredom."
Steven nodded. "It's the same at mine. They debated about what the best biscuit is for about an hour."
"Golden Crunch Creams," Ravi said. "Best biscuit in the world." He drummed his fingers against his stomach, which had shrunk down a little from his earlier bloat. "I don't know, there's something going on at my placement. Like the manager actively encourages everyone to eat all day." He paused, hesitant to carry on, but unsure why. "He seemed almost impressed with how much I ate at lunch. And everyone's a bit fat. He's the biggest though. I don't know, it's like he's some kind of feeder."
"A what?" Steven asked nervously. "I'm not sure I know that word."
"Someone that likes to feed other people," Jason explained, shaking his head. "Context clues, yeah buddy?"
Steven laughed shakily. Ravi had noticed that Steven was always a little jumpy whenever anyone brought up gaining weight. He knew his family were all thin, so he wondered if Steven felt a lot of pressure to stay in shape. He shook his head, feeling sorry for him.
"Anyway, I'm too tired to cook, shall we order pizzas?" Jason suggested.
Ravi pressed his fingers lightly into his growing belly, feeling the soft layer of fat covering the taut, stretched stomach. "Yeah," he said quietly, "go on then."
Chapter 3 - The Christmas Party
While never reaching the excesses of that first lunch, Ravi was surprised at the sheer amount that Tony encouraged the team to eat throughout each day. Multiple boxes of sweet treats would appear each morning in the kitchen, and Tony would offer them round the office if they hadn't disappeared by the afternoon. Most would refuse, citing diets and growing waistlines, patting their slight paunches, and so inevitably Tony would end up at Ravi's desk, pushing a small pile of pastries, cakes and donuts towards him, usually without asking, making comments that "at least someone knows how to eat properly." Inevitably Ravi's cock would bounce in his increasingly tight trousers at these comments, and after stuffing all of the items into his mouth he would quietly slink down the corridor to the toilet, where he'd lock himself into a stall and fish his cock out, hand pumping madly. As he'd gingerly wipe himself clean afterwards, belly hair sticky, confusion and shame would rise in his chest, which would soon get forgotten about as his tongue would find a small missed crumb stuck on his lips, and he'd wander back to the office wondering if there were any biscuits left in the cupboards.
Ravi's favourite day of the week was Friday. While he knew Steven's and Jason's offices had traditions of bringing in cakes at the end of the week, that would be basically redundant under Tony's fattening regime. Instead, Tony had come up with Fromage Fridays a few years ago, bringing in huge cheese platters in the morning, so that most Friday afternoons would be spent with most people milling around the kitchen, grabbing bites of brie and goats cheese, before heading to the pub. On top of a day's worth of eating and several pints, Ravi would without fail get a greasy kebab or pizza on the way home, stuffing it greedily into his mouth, sauce dripping down onto his straining shirt, while one hand would lazily snake down his trousers as soon as he was back in his room.
Despite the company's health initiative, Ravi still found that the lunches provided in the cafeteria to be far richer and more filling than if he'd had to go out to buy a meal deal. He was quickly growing close to the rest of the team, who were all friendly and keen to get to know him. He noticed that many of them who turned down Tony's offers of sweets often indulged in a large lunch themselves, unable to resist, and maybe explaining why their dad bods weren't going away despite their supposed diets. Ravi was grateful that Tony sat to each lunch with the team, rather than with the other managers, and he quickly got to know the large man. The same couldn't be said for Ade, who would move to a new table each day with a salad brought from home, insisting upon Ravi the importance of networking.
"It's all one company," Ravi said one day. "Who can you realistically network with?"
Ade chuckled and shook his head. "Everyone here has a STEM degree. They all know people, who know people, who know hedge fund managers. It's not what you know Ravi, it's who you know."
Still, Ravi felt that what he knew was helping him out a lot more than who Ade knew, as Tony was consistently impressed with his work, and sent a glowing report back to the university towards Christmas, when the university term would be finishing.
The result of all this gluttony was that Ravi had once again bought a whole new set of clothes, and he realised with some dismay, these were getting uncomfortably tight themselves by the time Christmas rolled around. Whereas before he felt a lot of his gained weight had just filled him out, swelling his skinny adolescent body into the thick body of an adult, he now undeniably had a gut. Almost all of the weight he'd gained since starting his placement had gone straight to his middle, and he now had an almost perfectly spherical hairy ball gut at his centre, almost the same shape as a pregnant woman's, hovering above his waistline without any give or slack. He was starting to find the way it refused to squash or move to get in the way of basic tasks like tying his shoelaces, pushing back against him when he tried to lean down, to be utterly, irresistibly arousing.
Ravi sat at one of the tables at the edge of the dancefloor, nursing a pint. It was the office Christmas party, and he was wearing a jumper covered in Christmas trees, stretched tight over his new belly.
Tony settled down next to him, grunting as he sank into the seat, and put a plate piled high with food down on the table. The chair creaked ominously, and Tony froze for a moment. "One of these collapsed under me a few months ago." Tony explained. "I keep on telling them they need at least a couple of stronger chairs for the not so dainty among us, eh lad?"
Ravi laughed nervously, not sure how to feel that Tony was putting the two of them in the same category. It made him feel oddly proud, almost mature, like Tony had identified him as an equal, even if it was only due to his increasing weight. "Not quite in chair breaking territory yet Tony," he said eventually, giving an unsure slap to his belly, like he'd seen Tony do so often to emphasise a point.
Tony laughed. "I don't suppose you are lad! Don't worry, you'll get there." What the [I]fuck[/I] was that supposed to mean. Ravi laughed nervously again and shifted to hide his growing erection. "You not eating lad?"
"Oh, I've already grabbed some food."
"So? Go get some more. God knows none of these lot will be eating it." Ravi half-smiled in acknowledgement at the suggestion, and carried on drinking his pint. "Well? Go on, I'll keep your pint safe, get a plate," Tony ordered.
Realising Tony wasn't joking or just being friendly, Ravi quickly went to pile a plate high with food. He didn't quite understand the hold Tony had on him, but he found himself unable to resist the older man's every suggestion. Equally, he didn't know why Tony seemed to gravitate towards him, seeking him out at almost every opportunity.
Ravi got back to the table and immediately dug in. "Good lad," Tony said between his own mouthfuls, and Ravi again found himself growing hard.
They ate in silence for a while, before Ravi realised he should say something. "I'm really enjoying it here," he settled on.
Tony continued to chew for almost a full minute before swallowing and replying. "You're doing well lad. Fitting in alright, and your work's bloody good for someone that's still working at getting their degree." Ravi felt a swell of pride and sped up the rate he was eating at, keen not to let Tony down. "Not like that one anyway," he nodded towards Ade, shmoozing with a group of the higher ups.
"He'll be networking," Ravi chipped in around a chicken drumstick.
"Hmm, net's the only type of bloody work he's done since he got here. It's like he's not interested," Tony grumbled.
Ravi shook his head. "I don't think he's bothered about the work really. He wants to go into finance," he said by way of explanation.
"I bloody bet he does! And I never see him bloody eat owt either. Can't trust a man who doesn't eat properly, that's what I say," Tony said, perhaps a little too loudly. By way of response, Ravi took an enormous bite of potato salad.
As if he'd heard them, Ade started to walk over to Tony and Ravi's table. "We should go soon, people are starting to arrive for that uni drinks thing," Ade said. "If you're finished eating that is," he added bitchily.
"Give him a chance!" Tony barked, wiping some hummus off his plate with a large piece of bread. "You can't expect the boy to go out drinking without having eaten anything, can you?"
Ravi nodded, forcing the rest of his food down at a faster rate, before standing up unsteadily, his stomach overly full. He tried to pull his Christmas jumper down but it kept on riding up. "Right, I think I'm," he burped and Ade wrinkled his nose, "ready to go. Cheers Tony, have a good Christmas."
"You too lad! Don't get too drunk tonight, will you?"
Ravi and Ade left and got in a taxi. The ride was basically silent, which suited Ravi fine as he was busy rubbing his stuffed belly. He kept on shifting uncomfortably, and tried to hide a continuous stream of burps. When they arrived, Ade leapt out of the taxi and went into the bar without waiting for Ravi, who made his way much more slowly.
It was obvious that Ravi and Ade were some of the last to arrive, everyone else already clearly drunk. Ravi wove his way through the crowd, more difficult with his increasing girth, and found Jason and Steven.
"Eyyyy!" Jason cried as he saw Ravi. "It's the big man!" He patted Ravi's side. "Drink mate? Drink. I'm going to get a drink. Who else wants a drink?" He stumbled off to the bar, leaving Ravi with Steven, who stood in place, swaying slightly.
Steven mumbled something, eyes fixed somewhere around Ravi's middle. Ravi assumed he might have been trying to focus on something to keep him upright, or to stop from being sick. "What was that?" Ravi asked.
Steven's eyes lazily rose to meet Ravi's and he leaned in, stumbling so that he fell into Ravi's gut. He made no motion to stand up, and Ravi ended up supporting. "Big man," Steven slurred, repeating Jason's words from earlier.
Ravi laughed. "That's right mate! I've gotten pretty fucking fat recently, haven't I? I'm glad you haven't gotten so drunk that you can't see obvious shit."
Steven's face broke into a grin, mere inches away from Ravi's. "Fucking fat," he mumbled.
"Yeah, let's get you say down shall we?" Ravi slung an arm around Steven and maneovered him to a nearby seat. Just as they sat down, Jason appeared with pints for each of them. "I don't reckon he'll be needing his," Ravi told Jason, nodding his head towards Steven, now slumped in his chair, head resting against Ravi's chest. Ravi suspected he might be drooling a little.
"Perfect!" Jason said. "More for me!" He picked up Steven's ex-pint and chugged it down.
Ravi sighed. "I'm going to have to be in charge of you two tonight, aren't I?" He asked wearily.
"Yep!" Jason said cheerfully. Before taking a mouthful of his own pint.
Ravi felt Steven shift slightly and pushed him away, seating him by himself so that he was precariously balanced. Steven's mouth began to move, half-forming words.
"Like a story…" Steven mumbled.
Ravi laughed. "Like what story Steve? One about getting too drunk?" he asked.
Steve shook his head and mumbled something. Ravi could just about make out the word "builders".
"A story about builders! Very exciting." Ravi looked over at Jason and laughed.
Steven patted Ravi's stomach and slurred something that sounded like "gay" or maybe "gain".
"Ah, right," Ravi said. "Gay builders, got it." He turned to Jason. "I reckon he needs to get home."
"Mate, no, come on!" Jason protested.
"You can stay here, but I'm going to go with him," Ravi told him.
"What? No. You've just got here!" Jason said.
"Look at him mate, he's going to end up on the floor," Ravi said, gesturing towards Steven, his head slumped down to his chest.
Jason shrugged. "Fine, fine. We'll have to do a proper night out at some point though, yeah?"
"Yeah, fine, whatever. Just help me get him up, alright?"
Together the two took Steven outside, and Jason went back in as Ravi held him up while he ordered a ride. Once in, Steven collapsed against Ravi, both hands resting on his burgeoning gut. Ravi laughed. In Steven's drunkenness he'd started kneading his gut belly slightly, like a cat making biscuits. He'd have to make sure to make fun of him for it in the morning.
They got home, and Ravi helped Steven out of the car, thanking the driver profusely, and thanking god that Steven hadn't been sick. "Right, let's get you to bed," Ravi told Steven.
"Bed?" Steven asked quietly.
"Yes, we're getting you to bed," Ravi said patiently.
"You bed," Steven said, placing one hand of Ravi's chest.
"Yes, I'll go to bed in a bit too," Ravi reassured him.
"No," Steven said, stumbling up the stairs. "My bed."
Ravi laughed. It was like dealing with a toddler. "Yes, you'll go to your bed, I'll go to my bed."
Ravi helped Steven take his clothes off and put him to bed. Steven reached out and grabbed Ravi's hand.
"Ravi," Steven said quietly.
"Yeah?" Ravi asked
"Ravi," Steven repeated, a smile growing on his face. Ravi chuckled to himself and grabbed him a glass of water before leaving him alone.
Downstairs, Ravi grabbed a beer and looked to see what was in the fridge that he could eat.
Chapter 4 - The Project
Tony had called in the entire department for a meeting, and was detailing a massive new project. He'd ordered huge platters of food "to keep everyone focussed", but in reality most of it was going to Ravi and Tony, with a few others grazing here and there. Ravi felt like if anything all the food was making him less focussed, the heavy food making him drowsy, and he wondered how Tony managed to keep leading the meeting.
While many managers would present standing up, Tony steadfastly insisted on being sat down, citing a desire to improve conversation, but he'd confessed to Ravi that his feet just got tired after too long standing up, and have his usual knowing comment or nod to Ravi, implying he'd know all about that soon enough. Ravi studied Tony's body, the mammoth thighs, the gut that got accentuated as he sat down, the short, pudgy fingers. Tony had clearly put on weight recently, and while Ravi's own gain was much more obvious, he wondered whether he'd actually put on more, or if the weight was just more obvious on Ravi's smaller body. Ravi had absolutely ballooned recently, and new clothes started to feel constricting almost as soon as he'd bought them.
"... and I really am sorry, I am." Ravi shook his head to focus as he realised Tony was reaching the end of the meeting. "I'll be right there with you, but I reckon there'll be some late nights. I'll not force anyone, and I'll make sure you're fairly compensated, and I'll make sure you get fed, but ultimately that's the situation we're in."
There was some grumbling, but on the whole everyone showed willing, knowing that Tony wouldn't ask them if it wasn't necessary. The meeting slowly dispersed, but Ravi stayed to help Tony finish up the pile of snacks that always got ordered for any large meeting.
"Here, lad," Tony said after a while. "I won't blame you for sacking this project off. This is all extra, it won't impact your placement."
Ravi shook his head and hastily swallowed a mouthful of biscuits. "It sounds interesting. Really. It's what I'd like to do one day so I'd like to help however I can."
Tony nodded. "Right then. I'll talk to Grace about getting you up to speed with what we're looking at with the shielding." He strained to stand up, and walked slowly around the table to clap Ravi on the shoulder. "You're a good lad, lad," he said. Ravi smiled and blushed, unsure of what to say. Tony moved to leave the room. "Finish all this, won't you? I can't be bothered getting someone to clean it all up, and it'll just end up in the bin."
Ravi was left alone, looking at trays of food in front of him. Smiling, he slapped his belly, reveling in the way it rippled and shook, and grabbed a sandwich in each hand.
The start of the project heralded weeks of late nights, each one ending with Tony ordering enough food to feed them all twice over. Some would leave as the food arrived, wanting to get home, others would grab enough food to satiate themselves and run off, while a small group developed who would stay demolishing the food. Even this group would eventually leave, bloated and slowly growing, inevitably leaving just Tony and Ravi determinedly finishing the piles of greasy good.
Ravi didn't think it would be possible, but his growth accelerated. Ripples of fat became rolls which became folds. Thighs dimpled, arms shook, chins multiplied. The centre-peice, as ever, was Ravi's insatiable gut, expanding outwards, sagging down with its sheer, unyielding weight. Again and again, he would find himself weighed down beneath himself, breathing heavily, opposite Tony in much the same state. As soon as he was able to move, Ravi would shuffle off slowly to the bathroom, where he'd strain to reach his achingly hard cock, his arm maneuvering around his own enormous torso to relieve himself, an act that became more awkward by the day as he grew.
One night, after a particularly heavy work dinner of pizzas, Ravi stumbled home. As usual, Tony had ordered far too much food, and Ravi had ended up eating three whole pizzas to himself. He clutched his gurgling stomach and tried to breathe slowly to help himself digest.
"Hey man," Jason greeted him. "We were just about to order a Chinese. What do you want?"
Ravi stifled a burp. "No, it's fine, I've-" He belched. "I ate at work."
Steven shifted in his seat. "Come on," he insisted. "You'll just end up hungry by the time it arrives and I'm not letting you nick any of mine. Besides, it's been ages since we all ate dinner together."
Ravi pondered for a moment, his hand idly scratching at the patch of skin and hair showing underneath his shirt as it rode up. He couldn't really be considering eating, could he? He was already so stuffed. But he thought about the feeling of being stuffed beyond his limits, about how much he was enjoying getting bigger, about how Tony seemed so proud of his growing appetite and growing body. He nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, go on then. Add a crispy chilli beef for me."
Steven tapped on his phone. "I'll add some extra sides and stuff as well, so there's enough for all of us."
Ravi cleared his throat. "I'm not sure how much I'll…" His voice was barely audible and unconvincing.
"Ordered!" Steven said. "Right, shall I get us all a beer?"
A while later the three of them sat in front of the TV and a table full of empty containers. Steven had long finished, and sat with his head leant back and clutching his small bloat. Jason was hunched over his food, eyes occasionally flicking towards Ravi, and slowly, with tortured breaths, forced the last of his food in, eager to not be seen to be giving up.
Ravi leant back, his arms spread wide and his face bright red. His plate was balanced precariously on his gut, and while his stomach was uncomfortably tight, he still carried on eating mindlessly, having become accustomed to pushing in food far past his limit. Below his gut, his cock was hard as steel, and he hoped that his two housemates were either too full themselves to notice, or that his large gut might block their view.
Finally, after what seemed like an age, Ravi and Jason finished the last of the food, taking their last mouthful at the same time. Jason flopped back, his face pale and strained. Ravi felt incapable of leaning forward or moving much at all, so simply left his plate balanced on his spherical gut.
Ravi belched, and the sound rolled around the room. Steven turned his head lazily to look at him. "Fuck me…" he whispered, staring in awe at Ravi's bloated body.
Ravi grinned through his pained expression. "I might have overdone it a little bit, eh?" He attempted to massage his gut a little and winced at the additional pressure.
"You ate more than me," Jason said weakly in between strained breaths. "I thought you'd said you'd already eaten."
"Do you think I'm overdoing it?" Ravi asked, looking down at the rising dome of fat in front of him.
"No mate," Steven said quickly. "You're enjoying yourself. Plenty of time to worry about dieting when you're older, eh?"
"I guess," Ravi said, unsure. He turned to look at Steven. "Look at you though, eh? You almost ate as much as us two. You'll be as fat as us both soon enough."
Steven closed his eyes and let out a small groan. He took a few deep breaths before opening his eyes and answering. "God I hope not." He gave a weak chuckle. "One of us has got to stay slim, at least."
"I hope you're not lumping me in with him," Jason said, his hands splayed out on his beer belly. "He's got 50 pounds on me easily these days."
"I umm, I should go to bed," Steven said suddenly, straining to stand. "Big day tomorrow. Night you two," he said as he rushed out the room.
"I should go too," Ravi said, mustering the energy to move his plate onto the table and hoist himself up. "Got to give a chance for all this to digest."
"I don't know how you eat like this all the time man," Jason said, not making any effort to move. "I can barely move."
Ravi slapped his gut, and admired the way it shook. "You get used to it I suppose."
As Ravi grew, his gut maintained its large spherical shape, but was starting to become soft and sag down. A thick layer of fat now sat on top of it, which Ravi would find himself absentmindedly playing with while he was working. The fat had started to distribute more around his body as well, his limbs thickening with fat rapidly, and his face starting to take on the jowly look that was so familiar on Tony's face, complete with the start of a double chin.
After one particularly late night, Tony and Ravi sat alone, surrounded by empty pizza boxes. Everyone else had left earlier, but the two of them couldn't tear themselves away from leftover food, so had stayed far later. Ravi had come to enjoy these one-on-one moments with Tony, and was grateful for them, knowing that hardly anyone else had the opportunity to talk to him on a personal level so frequently.
"Right, you've got to get home lad," Tony said finally, slapping his thighs and standing up. "It's too bloody late."
"It's fine, it's fine, really, I enjoy the work," Ravi protested. Even so, he stood and moved across the office to his desk, where he bent down to pick up his bag and-
"Everything okay lad?"
"Yeah, don't worry it's just-"
Tony whistled as he saw the seat of Ravi's trousers split wide open, revealing his boxers. "I bet that's been a long time coming, eh? Those have been painted on you for weeks."
Ravi tried to ignore the implication that Tony had been looking at his trousers, and his arse, for weeks, as he fought against a stiffening penis. "I just can't afford to keep on buying new clothes every two months!" he said with a sigh.
Tony laughed. "I was exactly the same when I was your size, felt like I was putting on a pound a day sometimes." Ravi was confused by the casual way Tony talked about gaining weight, the way he'd compare the two of them, and his growing arousal. He picked up his bag to cover his crotch. "Here, what size do you wear?"
Ravi sighed. "God knows nowadays. 44 waist maybe? And at least a couple of Xs to keep the L on my shirts company." He could feel himself growing red. Why couldn't he control himself around food? Why did he seem to enjoy it so much?
"Right, don't keep on buying new clothes, I reckon I'll have something that will fit you tucked away somewhere. Sam likes to keep them around to see how they fit." Ravi raised an eyebrow at this. Why would Tony's wife keep old clothes around when it was obvious that he'd not fit back into them anytime soon? "They might be a bit out of fashion, but that's quite trendy these days isn't it? Bit retro."
Ravi was beyond grateful, and he arrived early the next day wearing a too small t-shirt and some sweatpants. Tony passed him a large bag of clothes, and he went to the toilets to change. He opened up the bag and pulled out a shirt and a pair of dark trousers, holding them up to check the size. He couldn't really be this size, could he? There seemed to be acres of fabric here. But sure enough, as he slipped them on, he found them to be a perfect fit. He thought back to just a year ago, when he'd been as trim as any of his mates, and was now twice the size of some of them.
He unbuttoned the trousers almost immediately as his arousal grew. Despite knowing Tony obviously must have been this size at some point, having this tangible evidence that he was following in the footsteps of his boss gave him an odd sense of pride. He reached around his gut, larger and rounder than ever, to pump at his achingly hard cock and before long, streams of cum were coating the underside of his heaving gut.
He sat in the stall for a while catching his breath, hands idly roaming the flesh he'd gained over the last few months. Some time later he regained his composure and stood shakily, returning to the office as a few more people arrived. He tried to grin and act normal, but found himself in the kitchen all morning, cleaning out the selection of snacks.
Chapter 5 - The Breakthrough
"This is brilliant. This is…" Tony had the reactor model that Ravi had been working on up on the screen. "How did you come up with this?" Tony asked Ravi after some time looking at the various aspects of the shielding.
"I just used the ideas that you wanted me to look at and played around with them a bit." Ravi explained. "Honestly, I just took what you had already and-"
"No," Tony cut Ravi off. "I'm not letting you be humble about this. You're taking full credit. I'm going to show this to the director today. This could save the company millions Ravi, completely revolutionise how we deal with some of the safety protocols. You should be proud." Tony was beaming with pride at Ravi at this point, and Ravi blushed, unused to much praise at all from the gruff man.
Tony struggled to his feet. The recent long nights had hit both of their waistlines hard, and Tony's gut now completely dominated his frame, a soft pillow of fat that hung over his waist and flowed to fill his shirts. Above it, the outline of two soft man-breasts could be seen sinking down into his armpits. Still, Ravi knew that he'd put on even more weight than the older man, and his own large orb of a belly now strained against even Tony's old shirts that he'd lent him. While Tony was still significantly heavier than him, Ravi was nervous about the trend that was emerging, and had even recently wondered if he'd ever get up to Tony's size, the idea sending a thrill up Ravi's spine and deep in his groin that he didn't understand.
"This," Tony accentuated the word by slapping his gut, sending ripples across his entire body, "calls for a celebration I think." He walked around the desk, his body bumping into each piece of furniture he passed, and slapped Ravi on the shoulder. Ravi wondered how much his own body jiggled like Tony's. "You've done bloody well lad, there's a lot of qualified engineers at this company paid too bloody much to do work not half as good as this. Dinner tonight I think." He looked around. "Don't tell that skinny mate of yours, eh? I'm thanking you, not Ade. He's spent more time networking than he has doing work." Tony walked off, and Ravi watched how he almost waddled, each thigh sliding past each other, and fat swaying from side to side with each step. He wondered if his own walk had changed, and if anyone had noticed.
Tony had left early, passing Ravi a slip of paper with an address on, and said something about organising dinner. He'd debated with Ravi (at him, really) about various restaurants they could go to, but ended up settling on inviting Ravi to his own house. "Sam's cooking's the best you'll have. And there'll be enough for us both, don't you worry." He slapped his huge gut to make his point. Ravi had heard enough about Tony's wife's cooking over the past few months to know he should be excited.
Later that night, Ravi stood outside a large townhouse and rung the doorbell, before being greeted by a man he'd not met. "Hi, I don't know if I've got the right house, sorry, I'm-"
"Ravi! Of course, of course! I'm Samir, Tony's husband. You can call me Sam," the man introduced himself. Ravi stayed on the doorway for a moment, completely shocked. He'd assumed that Sam was some doting housewife intent on feeding up her man. However, the Sam that stood in front of him was tall, easily 6 and a half feet tall, and almost completely bald, with a thick beard, a lean muscular body, and skin the same dark brown as Ravi's, wearing a shirt that showed off bulging arms.
Ravi realised he hadn't moved, and Sam still stood beckoning him through the doorway. He shuffled in and Sam took his jacket.
"Are you okay?" Sam asked. "You seem a little dazed."
"Sorry, no, I'm fine. It's just, well, if I'm honest, I wasn't actually expecting you to be, well, you know…" Ravi trailed off, embarrassed.
"A man?" Sam laughed. "Tony has a habit of flying under people's gaydars. I think it's the accent. Don't worry, it happens all the time. Right! This way! He can't stop talking about you, you know. Absolute wonder boy according to him."
Ravi didn't know if he was more shocked to find out Tony was gay or that his husband was so exuberant and cheerful, completely contrasting with his gruff manager. He was also confused about the contrast between their bodies - Sam could only be described as an absolute dilf, who clearly took care of his looks and went to the gym, whereas Tony was an absolute barge of a man, with scruffy stubble on a soft, jowly face.
Sam led Ravi through to an expensive looking kitchen, every surface covered with food, some cooked, some still being prepared. "Tony will be down in a second. There's some snacks on the table, help yourself. Can I get you a drink? Wine? Beer?"
Ravi nodded and grabbed a handful of crisps from the table. "A beer would be good, thanks." He looked around at all the food across the surfaces. "I didn't realise more people were coming."
Tony laughed as he walked in the room, his footsteps setting some wine glasses rattling and clinking against each other. "It's just us lad," he explained.
"Oh, the food, I assumed-"
"Don't you worry about all that, it'll all get put to good use."
Sam smiled. "I sometimes go a bit overboard when I'm cooking. I trained as a chef, so I like trying out new recipes if I get a willing audience." He handed Ravi his beer in a tall, elegant glass. "Don't worry if you don't want to eat too much, it'll all keep, we can send you off with some leftovers."
Tony laughed again. "No worries about that with this one," he slapped Ravi on his shoulder. "He's put away more than me a couple of times."
Ravi felt oddly proud at the comment. He rubbed his heavy gut through Tony's old shirt and smiled at Sam. "It all looks amazing."
"Let's get you two sat down then! I've got your first dish almost ready to come out, and I'm working on the second" Sam said, moving over to the oven and bending down to check its contents.
"Are you not joining us?" Ravi asked, a little confused.
"Oh, I'll be around, but I won't really eat. I tend to fill up just by tasting bits here and there as I go. I'll grab something if I get hungry, don't worry about me, you two enjoy yourselves."
Tony and Ravi sat down, and Tony raised his glass to Ravi. "To a bloody nuclear engineering genius!" Ravi bashfully joined in the toast.
Sam brought the first dish over, a huge rack of ribs, and set it down between them, quickly putting an enormous portion on each of their plates. The meat was delicious, some of the best Ravi had ever tasted. He ate it quickly, unable to slow down, and almost as soon as he was done, another plate was put down in front of him, piled high with buttery spiced potatoes and several chicken thighs in a spicy curry sauce.
It must have been hours later, when Ravi looked up from his plate to see Tony sat with his head tilted back, snoring gently. Ravi had grown used to the way that Tony's soft flab would rise like dough when he'd eaten a lot, but this was the most full he'd ever seen him, and his belly now sat in an enormous mound in front of him, riding high and heavy on his lap.
"Looks like you win," Sam said from behind him, placing yet another plate in front of him, some kind of fried dumpling.
"I bet that doesn't happen too often," Ravi said, his voice strained with the pressure of all the food in his gut.
"I don't remember the last time I saw anyone beat him. You must like eating," Sam took a seat next to Ravi and picked a dumpling up with his fingers.
"Oh yeah, the food was amazing, you're a great cook."
"Thank you. But that's not what I meant. It doesn't matter how good the food is, does it? You just like eating." Sam lifted up the dumpling to Ravi's lips and held it there, expectantly. Ravi hesitated before closing his eyes and opening his mouth, letting Sam push in the small doughy parcel. As he bit into it a mix of sweetness and saltiness exploded in his mouth at once and he moaned involuntarily.
"I guess," Ravi admitted. "I like the way food tastes. And how I feel after a good meal."
"And the effects?" Sam kept his voice light and casual, but laced every word with hidden meaning.
"I like to feel full," Ravi replied shakily.
"Oh you like more than just feeling full. Lots of people like feeling full," Sam said as he held another dumpling up to Ravi's mouth, who obediently took it. "You like feeling fat."
Ravi didn't say anything, he wasn't sure he could say anything. Instead he just sat and chewed, waiting for the next dumpling. His cock throbbed inside Sam's husband's old trousers.
"He can't stop talking about you, you know. Comes home every day talking about the wonder boy," Sam said, breaking the silence. He stood up and walked behind Ravi, picking up yet another dumpling and feeding him from behind.
"Oh, well umm," Ravi stuttered a little as he spoke, unsure what to say. "The project went really well and it was a team effort really."
Sam chuckled softly. "Oh I don't mean the engineering. He's proud of you, don't get me wrong. No, I mean, he can not stop talking about the boy that's come in and gained. All. This. Weight." He lightly patted the side of Ravi's gut as he said each of the words. "He's been coming home, asking me to cook more and more for him. I should thank you really, he hasn't been this excited about gaining in years." Ravi was about to ask what Sam meant by gaining. "He reached 400 pounds the other week. And he's not a very tall man. Can you imagine what that much weight feels like? I don't suppose you'll have to one day soon."
Ravi was silent. He didn't know what he could say. Sam filled the silence again. "And what about you? You must be closing in on 300 pounds, at least?"
"I haven't really weighed myself in a long time," Ravi said quietly, confused about the conversation and his own reaction to it. "It's not the kind of thing I'm that bothered by."
Sam pushed another dumpling into Ravi's mouth, before hooking his hands beneath his armpits, and smoothly, easily, raised him to his feet. "You sweet, oblivious boy. Come on then, follow me." Ravi staggered a little under the weight of the meal he'd just eaten, but obediently waddled after Sam up the stairs.
Sam stopped in a bathroom in front of a large, metal scales. "Hop on then," he ordered.
"I'm not really sure that I…" Ravi trailed off.
"Hop. On." Sam gave Ravi a gentle push and he relented. Sam bent down to check it for him, Ravi unable to see past the crest of his own body.
"308 pounds! Congratulations!" Sam said, a grin growing on his face. "The big three-oh-oh! I bet none of your little uni friends can say that can they?"
Ravi stared, dumbfounded. He had no idea he'd put on some much weight. "Well I've just had a big meal…"
Sam burst out laughing at this. "And how many people do you think weigh 308 pounds after a big meal? Do you think I would? Would your friends? How many people do you think could even eat as much as you have tonight? No, this is all you, Ravi," he placed his hands under Ravi's gut and shook it, setting it jiggling. "There's no need to be coy with me. Look at my husband. I know what you big boys like. I know what you want."
"And what's that?" Ravi asked shakily.
Sam leant in close and practically whispered. "You want to eat so fucking much." He leant back a little and smiled. "Do you feel absolutely stuffed Ravi?"
"I've eaten a lot, I feel really full, yeah," Ravi replied.
Sam shook his head. "That's not what I asked, is it Ravi? No, I asked you whether you were absolutely, unbearably, deliciously stuffed."
"No," Ravi replied quietly.
"No, what?" Sam's eyes were boring into his own.
Ravi took a deep breath. "Not yet."
"That's my boy!" Sam said softly. "Why don't you come with me?" He took Ravi's hand and led him back downstairs to the kitchen table where Tony still sat snoring softly.
"This," Sam said, approaching Ravi and holding a jug of thick brown liquid he'd fetched from the fridge, "is called a gainer shake. It's one of Tony's, but he won't miss it, don't worry. What do you think it does?"
"I don't know,' Ravi replied, his voice shaking.
"What does it do, Ravi?"
"It goes inside me," Ravi said, yearning for the promised feeling of fullness.
"Oh yes!" Sam said softly. "Oh yes, it'll certainly go inside you. But then, my little Ravi, what it will do, is make you fatter and fatter and fatter, and more full than you could possibly imagine." He laid a hand on the shelf of Ravi's stomach. "Would you like that Ravi?"
Ravi whimpered and nodded. Sam raised his chin with a single finger, and began to gently pour the mix down his throat, slowly so as not to overwhelm him. The shake was too thick, too sweet, too cold, to be truly enjoyable, but Ravi didn't really care. He only cared about swallowing the mixture, only cared what it would do to his body.
"There we go, that's a good boy, there we go," Sam cooed to Ravi. Ravi was unbearably, overwhelmingly full, but he couldn't stop. Each second the ecstasy of his stretching stomach grew.
Finally, the shake stopped trickling into his mouth, and Ravi squirmed in his seat, desperate for more. He panted, searching for oxygen to help his stomach digest. Sam gently massaged Ravi's gut.
"There's another jug in the fridge in the bedroom," Tony said, awake now and looking at Ravi. He heaved himself up, grunting as he did so, and made his slow way over to where Ravi was sat, almost immobilised by the leaden weight in his stomach. Tony leant over and whispered in his ear so that Ravi could feel the rough stubble rub against his cheek. "How about it lad? Will you drink another one of those shakes for me?"
Ravi could barely reply and simply gave a soft moan, full of desire. Tony grinned and turned to Sam. "You'll go get it, won't you love? I'm not making it up the stairs any time soon." He slapped his full gut.
As Sam ran upstairs, Tony turned back to Ravi. "This is what you've wanted all year, isn't it lad? Me and this fat gut feeding you bigger and bigger? When will you stop, do you think? Will you be able to? I thought I'd stop after the first 20 pounds, then 50, 100. 250 pounds later look at me." He spread his arms as if revealing a magic trick. "Will that be you boy? You've made a good start, but I think we'll need to push you on just a little further."
Sam was back now, and wasted no time in tilting Ravi's head back up. Despite being more full, Ravi managed to drink this one even faster, keen to impress Tony, who leant over him, whispering gentle encouragement in Ravi's ear. As he did so, his soft, warm flesh pushed into and enveloped Ravi's side, sending him wild and driving him onwards.
By the time the jug was finished, it was well past midnight. Ravi sat practically shaking from the exertion of pushing so much into his gut. He raised his arm to rub it gingerly, but even the gentlest touch caused him to wince in pain.
"Right then love," he heard Tony say to Sam. "I reckon we need to get this one in a taxi, what do you think? Mhm, these dumplings are amazing, are there any more?"
Ravi could hear them cleaning up around him, but couldn't even react. Instead they just moved around him, Tony's gut occasionally bumping into him. Eventually he felt his arms being draped over two shoulders, one set firm and square, one set soft and rounded, and he felt himself being lifted up and supported to the door, his legs staggering as he was all but carried outside. He felt Tony and Sam lower him into the taxi and Tony leant in close. "I'll see you at work on Monday lad. You rest up. We'll have to do this again sometime."
Ravi was surprised to find that no-one else was home, but couldn't bring himself to care very much, as he stumbled through the front door clutching his stuffed stomach, and staggered to the living room where he collapsed on the sofa. He briefly thought about going to his room, but the thought of climbing the stairs made him groan. Sluggishly, he undid the buttons on his agonised shirt and trousers, sighing as his gut surged forward in the new space afforded to it.
Ravi lay there for what might have been ten minutes or an hour, not even able to summon the energy to rub his aching belly and only able to take short shallow breaths, interrupted only by his constant stream of burps. He swore he could feel stretch marks forming in real time.
Ravi heard the front door open and Steven stumbled in, softly singing some song Ravi couldn't quite make out. After a few seconds Ravi heard a soft "Jesus fuck," from his housemate. He turned his head lazily, not even able to lift it properly, to find Steven frozen, staring with wide eyes at the fat man splayed out on the sofa. Ravi supposed he must look quite a sight, his fat hairy gut spilling out of his unbuttoned shirt, and the top of his trousers wide open to reveal his underwear.
"Steve, sorry I-" he cut himself off with a belch. "I'm just so full, I don't think I can-" he hiccuped and winced as the sudden motion rocked his too full body. "I can't move man. I'm sorry. You might have to put up with me like this for a bit." He burped again, long and loud and sighed in pleasure as it seemed to relieve some tiny amount of the pressure he felt.
The monstrous burp seems to have awoken Steven out of his trance and he stumbled forward a little, eyes glazed but still transfixed onto Ravi's exposed middle. He sat gently down in the small space on the sofa that Ravi wasn't splayed out into. "It's fine," he said quietly, almost a whisper. "Really, it's fine. We've all seen each other shirtless before right? Probably even seen each other naked a few times." Ravi could smell the beer on Steven's breath, explaining why he was coming in so late.
"Yeah, I reckon so, but I'm a bit heavier than the last time you saw me like this," Ravi started to laugh but quickly stopped himself when his straining stomach protested against the movement.
Steven let out a long, slow shaky breath, before clearing his throat. "It's the stress of placement year. Everyone's put on a bit of weight." His voice came out strained and higher than usual.
"Not sure anyone's put on quite so much as me. I weighed myself tonight you know. Well, got weighed. Over 300 pounds," Ravi confessed. He swore that he heard Steven whimper. "I was barely 14 stone a year ago, what the fuck happened."
Steven gingerly reached out a out a hand on Ravi's belly, and began to rub small circles, his fingers weaving through the soft, thick hair there. Ravi groaned in pleasure and his head fell back against the sofa. "No, I don't think anyone's put on nearly so much. Still, Jason's got a proper gut now and…" he hesitated before continuing. "And even I've put on about three stone."
Ravi let out a small, short laugh before opening his eyes and turning to look at Steven with a smile. "Shit man, really?" And indeed, there it was, the tiniest of pot bellies pushing out ever so slightly against Steven's shirt. Ravi couldn't help but notice the way Steven's trousers strained against the bulge there as well. Ravi reached out and poked Steven's small beginner belly gently, and Steven inhaled sharply. "You were always so skinny, now look at you. You'll be catching up with Jason soon."
"Oh fuck," Steven whispered, barely audible. "I'll be borrowing his old clothes soon I bet." Steven's hands continued to make their slow circles on Ravi's gut, and his eyes were transfixed. "Do you remember that? When you had to borrow his clothes? Ripped his shirt? God you looked so fucking ridiculous."
Ravi gave a small laugh and burped. "I guess I did, yeah. Got the placement though."
"Do you enjoy it?" Steven asked intently.
"The placement? Yeah, it's amazing. Absolutely amazing."
Steven shook his head. "I mean this," he stopped rubbing Ravi's gut to gently pat it to make his point. "Getting big, being big." He paused, and then in a voice even lower, so that Ravi had to strain to hear: "I like it." Ravi didn't know if Steven meant his own small belly, or Ravi's far larger one.
Ravi waited before replying, turning the idea over in his head. Steven continued to rub his gut in large, wide circles, applying just the gentlest of pressure. Finally Ravi nodded. "I like it," he was quiet now too. "I like that I'm bigger than all our friends, and take up more room than anyone else we know." Steven nodded, and his hand moved to Ravi's lower gut. Ravi could feel his cock growing hard in his underwear, and was aware that Steven must have noticed, since his trousers were wide open. "And I like the way it makes me feel more mature. More like a man." Steven's hand actually brushed Ravi's hard cock through his pants, and Ravi grew even more aroused, despite his own embarrassment.
Steven nodded. "A man. That's exactly what's happening Ravi. You're becoming a real man." He'd stopped rubbing Ravi's belly now and his hand was resting on the bottom of his gut, Ravi's hard-on pressing directly into it. Steven used his pinky finger to hook into Ravi's waistband and he spidered his hand in. "Just like Tony," Steven whispered in Ravi's ear as he gripped the fat man's cock. Ravi shuddered and his eyes rolled back.
While gently playing with Ravi, Steven slid Ravi's trousers and pants down to his knees, struggling a little due to how tight they were. He moved down in between Ravi's legs, pinned in by Ravi's lardy thighs. He deftly moved Ravi's cock from his hand to his mouth. Ravi couldn't stop himself moaning, his voice ringing around the small house, and if he could form coherent thoughts he'd have been thankful Jason wasn't in. Between his full gut and Steven's administrations, Ravi had never been so overwhelmed by sensations in his life and he found himself trembling. It wasn't long before he finished, pumping down Steven's throat, his loud moan turning into a long, rattling belch, and he was left a quivering, beached whale on the sofa, a fine sheen of sweat covering his hairy, dark skin.
Steven took his hand and helped to heave him to his feet. The seat was low, and it took Ravi some time to build up enough strength to shakily stand up. Steven kissed him, leaning past his taut centre, and led him by the hand to his bedroom. Once there, Ravi collapsed onto the bed and Steven helped him wriggle the rest of the way out of his constricting clothes. Still too tired to do anything, Ravi shuffled across the bed to make room for Steven, and Steven nestled into his fleshy side as they fell asleep.
Chapter 6: The Offer
Ravi woke up to find the bed empty, Steven having left at some point in the night. He cautiously moved to his room, careful to avoid Jason, and changed his clothes. He headed down to the kitchen, surprised how hungry he was after eating so much last night.
"Morning," Jason said, eating a large bowl of cereal shirtless. Ravi noticed the way Jason's belly folded over his waistline when he sat down, and the thickness that had accumulated across his torso.
"Morning," Ravi replied. "Have you seen Steven this morning? He, uhh, wasn't in his room when I checked."
Jason paused. "He went out. Listen, did something happen? He seemed really upset."
"What? No, nothing hap- I mean, nothing that would- I don't think I did anything to upset him." Ravi was bewildered. Did Steven regret it? Hadn't he initiated last night?
"I don't know what's happened, and I don't want to get involved, but you need to be careful how you talk to Steven, okay?" Jason sighed. "I knew this would end up happening at some point."
"What? What do you mean? Why do I have to be careful with Steven? What did you know would happen?"
Jason rubbed his temples and forced a smile. "Look, I'm not getting involved. Steven isn't here. He seemed upset. I've passed on all of the information I have, I've done my part." He sighed again and turned back to his cereal, clearly not wanting to carry on the conversation.
Ravi nodded and stayed quiet. He put some toast in the toaster and cracked some eggs into a frying pan, starting off his first round of breakfast. He'd gotten into the habit of treating himself to two or three breakfasts at the weekend, having grown used to eating at home and then again once he was at the office. He sent Steven a text while he waited. I'd like to speak to you. Sorry I missed you this morning.
Three breakfasts later (he really was surprised by hungry he was after last night, but there was a hollowness in his stomach that demanded to be filled), he sat playing video games with Jason, a table of snacks piled high in front of them. Ravi was losing badly, unable to concentrate, and constantly looking at his phone. He had to resist the urge not to text Steven again, best to wait for him to text back first. Still, he typed and retyped various messages before deleting them.
"Do you fancy a beer? We should start thinking about sorting dinner really," Jason said as the evening set in, struggling into a standing position. Ravi was impressed. Two lunches and plenty of snacks later, Jason had kept up admirably with him, and his dad bod had bloated up into a proper beer belly, and his t-shirt had ridden up to reveal a small sliver of belly. Ravi knew that far more of his own mammoth gut was showing, having not upgraded his casual wardrobe nearly as often as his work one, and thought that perhaps it was time to go shopping. Probably worth getting a couple of sizes too big in fact, since he was starting to admit to himself that his weight gain wasn't going to slow down any time soon.
A heavy dinner and several beers later, Jason sat groaning, holding his tight belly, while Ravi continued to graze on snacks and what was left of the mammoth dinner. Ravi let out a burp and picked up his phone, putting it straight back down when he didn't see anything on it.
"Stop it," Jason snapped, his eyes still closed.
"What?" Ravi asked. "I'm not doing anything."
"Checking your phone every 30 seconds. You've been doing it all day. It's really fucking annoying. What are you waiting for?" Jason had opened his eyes, but struggled to sit up straight.
Ravi was quiet for a while. "Steven won't talk to me. Something, ah… something happened last night."
Jason sighed. "Fuck. You guys had a fight?"
Ravi shook his head. "No, no, not a fight. We sort of had a… a moment, I guess."
Jason sighed again and rubbed his forehead. "Look, he probably doesn't want me to say anything, but this needs getting sorted sooner or later, and he's been getting worse recently." He looked Ravi in the eyes. "Steven's basically in love with you. Everyone else can tell. Even more recently for some reason."
"What?" Ravi asked. "No he's not. He's my mate. We're just mates. He's not in love with me."
"Yes he is! He just doesn't want to do anything because you're straight and he knows nothing can happen."
"No I'm not," Ravi said.
"Not what?" Jason asked.
"Straight. I'm literally not straight. You guys all know that," Ravi explained.
"Of course you are. You've had girlfriends. You fancy women," Jason looked at Ravi like he was mad.
"I mean, that would be a part of being bi, yeah. But I've had boyfriends. I went out with a guy in sixth form for like 2 years."
Jason sighed. "But none of us actually knew you in sixth form, did we? And you haven't done anything since to imply you're bi? Like mention it? Or sleep with a guy?"
"Ah. Right," Ravi said. "So Steven…"
"Thinks you're straight and that he has no chance with you," Jason finished for him. "Does he? Have a chance? Would you go out with him?"
Ravi turned the question over in his mind. "I think so. I don't know. It's weird. I've not really thought of him that way before this year, but maybe? Probably, even."
"Listen, I'm not getting involved, yeah? But just be careful. We're living together next year too and I don't want it to be awkward." Jason moved back to rubbing his tight stomach.
Ravi nodded and struggled up to grab some more food, thinking hard about what Jason had told him.
Ravi would have almost been impressed with how well Steven was avoiding him, if it weren't so annoying. He hadn't seen him in almost a week now, with Steven leaving the house early and coming back late.
At the office, Ravi was surprised to find that Tony barely mentioned what had happened the previous Friday. Oh, he'd mentioned the dinner party alright, said that Sam had liked him, wanted to invite him round again, but nothing about the way he'd pushed Ravi past his limits, both physically and sexually. Ravi got the impression Tony almost found it normal. Perhaps it was, to him.
Midweek, Ravi got called into the office of the company's CEO for a meeting. The tall, gaunt man motioned for him to sit, which Ravi did gingerly, wincing as he heard the chair creak beneath him. He adjusted his clothes to check that there wasn't any hairy fat spilling out anywhere, as was becoming all too common.
"I've heard some good things about you this year. Incredible things actually. Tony says you're brilliant, and you uhh," his eyes moved up and down Ravi's body, taking it in, "clearly fit into his team quite well."
Ravi thanked him and willed his stomach not to rumble.
"I understand you're finishing a placement here later this month, and then you'll finish your final year of university?" the thin man continued. Ravi nodded. "In which case we'd like to offer you a job once you've graduated. You'll find we can be very generous in terms of pay and incentives. Company car, private health insurance, gym membersh-" he cut himself off, "well, my point is, we can afford to be competitive, and we want you. I don't want your answer now, but do think about it won't you?"
He motioned that Ravi could leave, and the two shook hands. Ravi left buzzing, not even upset by the spot of mustard he noticed on his shirt as he left. He grabbed a small plate of a selection of donuts, and slid his phone out of his tight pocket. He sent a quick, excited text to some friends and family to tell them what had happened before steeling himself to text Steven.
Hey man! Haven't seen you this week! I got a job offer at my placement! They're really keen. I'd like to talk to you tonight. Will you be at the house?
He put his phone down before it buzzed almost immediately. A text from Steven simply read Okay. Ravi breathed a sigh of relief and fished a bar of chocolate from his drawer.
"Steven, hi," Ravi panted. He'd rushed home, and his shirt was damp with sweat, sticking to the curves of his body.
"Hey Ravi," Steven said quietly.
"I'm going out actually," Jason announced, collecting his things in a hurry. "I've got a date. Or something. I think. Whatever." He made his way to the door. "I'll be back later. Or tomorrow. Whatever works really." The door slammed behind him.
"I'm sorry," Steven started.
"What for?" Ravi asked.
"Last week. It wasn't right. I shouldn't have- look, I'm just sorry, okay." Steven wouldn't look at Ravi.
"I still don't know what for though, I'm not mad or annoyed or regret anything," Ravi insisted.
"You were drunk, I shouldn't have."
"No I wasn't," Ravi said.
"Then I was! I was too drunk and I acted stupid and I'm sorry," Steven said, his voice getting louder. "We're living together next year and we should just forget it happened."
"I don't think we can just forget what happened Steven. I don't want to." Ravi moved towards Steven, trying to catch his eye.
"So what? We talk about it and then make friends again and then I go back to… look, you're straight and I know that and it's fine but that doesn't mean it's easy for me." Steven's voice wavered.
"This shit again," Ravi said, exasperated. "I'm not straight. I've never said I'm straight."
This caught Steven off-guard and he actually looked up to look at Ravi. "You're literally straight. You've had sex with loads of girls."
"Yes!" Ravi agreed. "I also got a blowjob off my housemate last week and then spooned with him all night! I'm bisexual."
Steven looked away. "It still doesn't matter. We shouldn't have done it."
"Why?" Ravi pressed. "I enjoyed it! I don't understand why you think you have to be miserable about it."
"Because it's not the same!" Steven shouted. "Because I've been in fucking love with you for three years and you liked the fact that I gave you a blowjob. Because you've never thought about me that way until Friday. It wouldn't work."
Ravi sat down next to Steven on the sofa, who had to shift to make room for him. "You're right," be admitted. "I've not particularly thought about you like that. You're hot, don't get me wrong, but you're a mate." Steven sighed quietly. "I don't see why we can't try though. I like you, you like me, we're both living together, we might as well enjoy it."
"What if we fuck it up?" Steven asked. "What if it all goes wrong and it's awkward all of next year?"
Ravi spread his hands out in front of him. "I don't know. But I imagine we might sort of be in that situation already, right? You've avoided me all week, we're fighting now. If we went out for a few months it's not like we'd be making anything worse." Steven didn't move, but Ravi could feel his body become less tense. "Besides," he continued, trying to gauge Steven's mood, "imagine how fat I'd be this time next year if I had someone to fatten me up."
Steven looked up, tears in his eyes. "Don't make fun of me."
"Make fun of you? I'm the fat arse here. I'm right though, aren't I?" Ravi asked.
Steven nodded. "How did you know?"
Ravi shook his gut. "I think at this point the only people interested in me are into fat guys."
Steven started to smile, tears still in his eyes, and shook his head. "I liked you before you gained weight."
"But it's a bonus though, right?"
Steven laughed. "Yeah. Yeah, a bonus." He wiped his eyes and his smile grew. "So what do we do now?"
"Dinner?" Ravi suggested. "You stuff me until I can't move, and then we end up in your bed, if I remember correctly."
Steven nodded and wiped tears from his eyes. "Yeah. Sounds good."
Ravi reached up to wipe more tears from Steven's eyes, and then leant in to kiss him. Steven leaned in, pressing against Ravi's soft body. Ravi fell back, pulling Steven with him until Ravi was spread out on the sofa, his body spilling over the side, with Steven laying above him.
"Right then," Steven said after a while. "You stay there. I'll order some food."
Epilogue - The Second First Day
Ravi was once again sat in Heather's office.
"Sorry we have to go through all this! I know you already know so much about the company, it's just that a lot of its different as an employee, with payroll and everything."
Ravi just smiled and nodded, feeling the way the fat around his face bunched up and moved even with this small gesture. He wondered what Heather thought of how his body had changed over the past year. While he'd put on roughly the same amount of weight in his last year of university as he had during his placement year, it wasn't as noticeable, and most people just saw a fat man these days, but Ravi knew there was no way to ignore over a hundred pounds gained in a year. His gut had maintained its large, spherical shape, but the last hundred pounds had all been soft, creamy fat, layering underneath his skin, and his gut had lost its former firmness and started to droop further and further down.
He spent almost two hours with Heather, signing forms, reading policies, and he was absolutely ravenous. Ravi struggled to think of the last time he'd spent two hours while awake without eating anything at all. Certainly not within the last hundred pounds, and probably, he thought, thinking back, not since he'd first started his placement, almost two years ago.
Finally, Heather put all the paperwork in a folder and smiled. "Right, I'm going to put all this away. Welcome back Ravi, it's good to see you. You've got a meeting with Tony now - you can make your own way there, can't you? Same office as last year." She looked Ravi up and down as he struggled to stand. "This elevator's out of order on this side of the building by the way, but the one in reception's working."
Ravi grinned and thanked her. Stairs were not realistically an option at this point. Even walking along the corridor to reception felt something of a chore, building up the sheer momentum to get going requiring more force than for most people.
Ravi greeted a few people he knew, and went by the kitchen to pick up some snacks, before going over the Tony's office.
"Bloody hell lad! Look at the size of you! Not started a diet then I see," Tony walked around the desk to shake his hand.
Ravi looked down at the two enormous guts as they shook hands, watching the fat ripple, and could see Tony doing the same. He couldn't possibly be- no, that didn't make sense. But then, it did look-
Tony said it out loud first. "Here, how much are you weighing these days? You're almost looking bigger than me."
Ravi looked up at Tony to see his face nervous, clearly not wanting to hear the answer. He wasn't almost looking bigger than Tony at all. He looked a fair bit bigger. "I was 422 pounds at graduation about 6 weeks ago. Steven wanted to see how much I'd put on at uni. So I guess more than that? 430 at least, maybe 440?"
"Bloody hell." Ravi wasn't used to seeing Tony lost for words. "You reckon you've put on that much since then?"
Ravi shrugged, a little embarrassed. "Maybe. At the rate I've been growing, I've put on at least two pounds a week, probably three some weeks." Ravi had never really thought about it. No wonder Steven was always saying he was like something out of one of the gainer stories he loved so much. "To be honest, I was a little nervous I'd come back and you'd make me feel tiny, Tony."
Tony whistled. "No worries about that lad. No, Sam was just happy he got me to 400 pounds, I haven't really put on any weight this year. Half a stone maybe."
Ravi sat in silence for a while before speaking. "So that means that I weigh-"
"About two stone more than me. Jesus lad. I'll have to start eating more to catch up with you, I can't have one of my engineers outweighing me."
Ravi grinned. "Don't worry, I'll lend you some of my old shirts."
Tony grumbled something about cheeky children and sat down at his desk, gesturing Ravi towards the seat opposite. "All the green chairs in the office are reinforced, should be fine. Some of them still have arms on though, I've asked facilities to get it sorted, Tom got stuck in one last week. He's up to about 25 stone and all I reckon, I'll be having to worry about keeping up with him as well soon enough. Right then."
As Tony talked through some of the upcoming projects he wanted Ravi to work on, Ravi looked down at himself, shocked that he was now bigger than the man he'd looked up to for so long. He traced a finger along the huge arc of his body, constrained and held in shape by his tight shirt.
"How was the first day back?" Steven called from the kitchen in their new flat, the smell of dinner drifting through to Ravi.
"Great thanks, yeah! Dinner smells good!" Ravi called back.
Steven turned round as Ravi entered the kitchen and grinned. "Still plenty of food in the office?"
"God yeah. I think Tony's been stockpiling in anticipation of me arriving," he joked.
Steven laughed and stroked Ravi's gut. "That makes sense, I know I would. You're still hungry though?"
Ravi nodded. "Starving. I'll just have a quick sandwich before dinner. How was your day? Settling in a bit more?" he asked.
"Yeah, yeah, starting to get the hang of everything a bit more now, not quite so lost," he said before sighing. "I tell you what though, you never said how exhausting it is carrying around all this extra weight," he continued, rubbing his own gut. He'd gained alongside Ravi the last year and now sported his own soft, heavy ball gut.
Ravi laughed and joined Steven in stroking his gut. "First off, all I do is complain about how tired I am. Secondly, what do you know about being fat? You put on a little weight and all of a sudden you're king of the gainers."
"Oi, it's not just a little weight. I'm fatter than Jason now." This was true, despite Jason putting on weight himself last year. The three of them had made for quite the house of porkers by the end of their final year. "And 70 pounds in a year is a lot for most normal people. I could be almost 350 pounds this time next year," Steven continued.
"Well I'm glad you've got someone to aspire to and show you how it's done," Ravi said, slapping his gut and kissing Steven. "And it won't take you anything like a year to get to 350. Tony and Sam have invited us to go for a dinner party this weekend. Tony says Sam wants to make it a regular thing. You remember that time I went round?"
"Oh god, how could I forget?" Steven looked down at his belly and dug his fingers in to the flab, imagining himself even fatter. "What do you think? What if I ended up over 400 pounds, like you?"
Ravi smiled and kissed Steven, rubbing his gut. "Mhhmm, I think I could live with that. We might have to get Jason to move back in with us though, get someone under 300 pounds to help us round the flat. Especially if I keep on gaining at this rate. I'm fatter than Tony now!"
"What, really? Has he lost weight?" Steven asked.
Ravi shook his head, sending his jowls shaking. "Nope. Basically the same weight. I'm just bigger now."
"Oh my god, how does that feel? I remember when you came in after the interview saying how big he was."
"Incredible. Really amazing actually. I feel absolutely huge. I think he was a bit jealous actually," Ravi said, thinking back to their meeting.
"Well," Steven said, "at least he's got such a great role model."
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thecheckeredchaser · 4 months
A Summer Job
Ch 10
(Chapter 11 of 11)
Next Chapter
Jason had enjoyed his summer more than he could have imagined. He certainly had not expected to get linked up with a girl like Rosalita. He loved going to work, and getting to be adored daily. Over the past month he had gained another 20lbs, between his newly regular saturday dinner date at Mrs. Garcia’s and his own mother completely conceding to her son’s apparent demolished metabolism. She baked more than she used to and was no longer dissuading her son from taking seconds. He would even push for thirds if he thought he could shower her in enough compliments. He had been taking an interest in cooking, learning as much as he could from both women. 
Rita was competing with most invested in his gains with all their followers. It seemed to exponentially blow up. At first they had some 40 odd followers, but at over a thousand, Jason questioned if there were that many people who cared about his belly. The patreon account said they did. Rita was able to fix her car up, and thankfully got the AC taken care of, with the donations and subs. 
Jason leaned against the outdoor counter, waiting for a customer to roll up. Moe came over and smiled at him. “Look who it is. King of the Summer.” Moe had been calling him that recently, after Moe noticed multiple Burger King bags, stuffed in his backseat. Jason was usually better about keeping his car clean, but Rita made the transition from the car far more pressing. He had added something about being chosen by “Queen Rita”, so Jason thought it was in good fun. 
“I’m gonna miss hanging out here,” Jason admitted with a sigh. 
“It’ll be boring without you. Maybe next summer, I’ll get the new girl.”
“Didn’t you date 5 girls this summer?” Moe appeared to be thinking, and then nodded in realization.
“You’re right. I didn’t do too bad. So what’s the plan with you two?” Jason was caught off guard by the question. Did they need a plan? Cole had walked over, which was surprising because he had been evading a 10 foot radius of Jason since he’d had the dick to try to say something to him.
“I guess we haven’t talked about it.” Jason looked over at Cole, and greeted him with a flick of his brows. 
“What’s up? Rita breaking up with hurricane Jason yet?” Jason and Moe shared a look, which made Jason feel like he was officially in the ‘cool guys’ circle. The two had talked multiple times about Cole’s little man energy and clear jealousy. 
“Why has she been sneaking you into the mop closet confessing her love for you yet,” Moe said snidely. Cole let it roll off, as he pined for Moe’s approval over his desire to ridicule Jason or cry over Rita. 
Cole laughed, “I’m just saying, Jason. The Tarot cards are down. You are definitely getting fatter, the summer is ending, and you’re going back to school. She just got her own wheels too. Does she really need her big boy toy anymore?” Jason turned his brows up at him. 
“I don’t know about all that,” Jason retorted.
“Which part?” Cole attempted to belittle him. Jason figured all was true except her not needing him. Moe gave a look that showed he was considering those very facts when he started the conversation. 
“Rita and I are doing great. Not that it’s really any of your business,” he sneered at Cole.
“She might want to cut you loose. Maybe you’re starting to be a bad influence on her,” he said. Jason spun his head in the smaller boy's direction. He felt flames swelling behind his eyes. Moe looked crossed up about it too. 
“What’s that?” he said. Cole could attempt to roast him everyday, for all the fucks Jason gave, but he wasn’t going to let him openly discuss Rita in any way.
“You’ve done it now,” Moe said, taking a step back to watch from a less messy place. Cole swallowed hard, looking nervous that this was not earning him any points with anyone. Jason pushed his chest firmly.
“I’m just saying, she looks like she’s been-,” he looked into the pits of Jason’s pupil’s and quickly looked over his shoulder at the approaching young woman. “Having a great summer,” he finished. Jason glowered at him and Cole ran off before Rita got there. Jason put an arm around her, pushing her into his body, which brought him some comfort to his disgruntled mood. 
“What’s wrong with you,” she said, sensing his tightness. “Are you hungry or something?” she asked. Moe chuckled and Rita smiled, not intending to expose Jason like that. 
“Nothing. I’m good.” His thumb ran over her thickening side. Chichos, she called it. She hadn’t gotten fat by any means, but maybe he finally achieved the chubby girlfriend as prophesized. Jason really enjoyed how he could pinch her little roll with his whole hand. She wasn't stuffing as much as he was, but eating irresponsibly for sure. He had no complaints. It made his blood boil to think that Cole felt justified in saying anything about his girlfriend’s body, especially with the attitude he had. Moe walked over to the objective MILF who pulled up. Jason sighed and turned to Rita.
“Nothing is never nothing Jasey.”
“Should we be talking about what’s going to happen when I go back to school?” Jason asked, rubbing his belly, realizing he was a little hungry and clocking Rita’s gaze on his hand.
“What do you mean?” she said shiftily. He looked at her a little funny, not sure what that look was about. 
“I’m gonna be away. I don’t know if you're into a long distance relationship. It can be a killer, I hear.”
“Let’s figure this out later. I don’t want to stress that right now,” she said quickly. He respected her wish to table the topic, but did not stop stressing it. He was in fact more stressed than before. Rita later shared that she was going to have to skip their hang out after work, she had some non specific stuff to do. He was a little disappointed, as he was looking forward to stuffing himself as the “King of Summer” and enjoying a belly rub from her. He decided to go by himself anyway, as his hunger was not something he could freely ignore anymore. He had felt a little embarrassed when he noticed Moe was following him into the drive thru. Jason hoped it wasn’t obvious how much he was ordering at the window, and blushed when they handed him more than one bag. He pulled into the side of the parking lot. If Moe was on his way out from the window he might not even notice Jason parked. Unfortunately, Moe circled the building and pulled right up to Jason’s car and began rolling the window down. 
“Great minds, huh?” Moe said, cheersing his whopper towards Jason, who returned the gesture. 
“I didn’t even think you ate fast food,” Jason admitted, feeling a little uncomfortable with the quantity that sat next to him. He wasn’t going to be able to go in on the items like he’d normally do, not with Moe around. 
“I’m just a regular guy,” Moe stated, like a famous person might. “I’m happy to have run into you. I was wondering how that conversation with you and Rita ended up.”
“Why, you planning your snipe?” Jason half joked. 
“King? This is Maurice,” he called to him. “No. I just heard her on the phone with her mom. Sounded kind of intense.” Jason had been there, but Rita conveniently had the conversation in Spanish. The only information she gave him was that Maribel was annoying. 
“What were they saying?” Jason asked, eagerly. Moe sucked on his lip a second. 
“She didn’t tell you?” he hesitated. Jason shook his head. A smile snuck onto Moe’s face, which confused Jason even more. 
“Listen dude. I’m sure everything will turn out fine.”
“Glad for you. I had been thinking the same until you brought something up this morning.” Moe shrugged guiltily. He finished his burger and tossed the crumpled wrapper at Jason’s head. 
“You gotta stress less. Just enjoy your BK buffet. Chill out and call her later.” Jason offered his least worried smile, only slightly red from his friend’s acknowledgement of his intended overindulgence. “I gotta take a girl out,” he said with a wink, and coolly pulled off, signaling peace with a careless hand. 
Jason proceeded to binge eat the food sitting next to him. All throughout, he was running himself through a cycle of Rita was planning to break it off with him, followed by insistence that it couldn’t happen. Maybe they were just a summer fling. He would be so disappointed if that were the case. He was excited to tell his dormmate that he’d gotten a girlfriend over the summer. But he obviously couldn’t have more of Rita’s time than she was willing to give him. He couldn’t imagine she would let down all their fans like that. He didn’t doubt that there would be some other fat guy that could slide into his spot, probably filling it out more. Jason sighed. He wasn’t even sure what he’d do with himself without her. Would he keep gaining? He thought without Rita, fawning over him, it could get a little depressing. He continued to cram food into his mouth, even though he was getting uncomfortably full. He felt up until he was tossed out, any gains he made were for Rita. Was that too simpy? Probably. He chugged the large drink and let a massive belch grog out of him. He felt himself vibrating, and thought he had just been turned on, but he realized his phone had been ringing. It was Rita. He swallowed and picked up.
“Hey,” he said, nervous and practically too full to speak. 
“You wanna come over?” she asked. He could hear her positive mood and was half put at ease. The other half of him wondered if she could truly be so cunning to be so cheery before decapitating him. He agreed and headed over. 
He pulled up in front of her house and uneasily turned the engine off. “Good luck Chub,” he muttered to himself. He adjusted his shorts and t-shirt. Maybe she’d let him go just before he had to go up to a 2x. That was nice of her at least. He tried not to assume the worst, but was feeling his inner doomer resurface. Clearly she was an anomaly. He hadn’t even known girls into fat guys rolled so deep. He really thought this girl just fell into his lap and was about his body, hardcore? Not only that, her literal fetish was what he just so happened to be exploring on his own. In his life story, getting an education would be the exact demise he’d face. 
He tried to shake it off. He could be wrong. Right? Maybe Rita didn’t care about distance. He could come home on the weekends. They could keep making content. He could at least reach his goal. But then he started worrying that she had tired of him. Maybe he wasn’t carrying the weight the way she’d expected, or he wasn’t reaching some unspoken mile markers and goals. He didn’t know what went on in her head sometimes. He expected she held back some of her deepest and darkest desires. He didn’t dare to start imagining those. Diving off that island made easier by Mrs. Garcia opening her door, inviting him inside. He’d assumed Rita had been inside but found she wasn’t. He had become reminded of how full his stomach already was when he saw an array of fried foods on racks, fresh out the oil. 
“It is my precious Jason,” she sang, returning to her stove. 
“Hey, Mrs. Garcia. How have you been?”
“Not this good all day,” she said with a wink. “I saw you pull up and knew you’d love to try some of what I’m cooking up.” Jason sighed and prepared his denial of her offer. “And I know you would never go out of your way to offend me by saying no,” she said sweetly but firmly. 
“I can do super small samples. I did just eat plenty,” he shared. She fanned his protest to the side, as if someone his size couldn’t reach a state of fullness. He was willing to let the sentiment go, but made a quick face at the back of her head. “Empanadia, beef and pizza, and papas rellenas. Jason found chewing was a great way to put his stress aside. She was continuing to fry more, playing her loud music. He subtly burped under the sounds in the room, feeling super packed by the time the empanadas were gone, which the ‘dia’ implied a smaller size of which was not present. He managed to relocate the needed the room to try the newest of the items to him. He was surprised to find a mashed potato like inside, stuffed with beef and cheese. The closest thing he could compare it to was a pierogi, but that was so far off. He groaned at the greasy ball, complimenting her enthusiastically. 
“You want another one,” she said boastfully planting the thought in his head. He felt like he’d be pushing the limit, and even if she didn’t know he was beyond stuffed, he was. Yet, he did want to try that again.
“Would it offend you if I took it to go. I just need some time.” He put an attending hand to his belly, trying to make it clear he was not in a state to eat it presently. He wondered if she was noticing how he was filling his shirt out more. Her sharp eyes seemed to notice. 
“I will make you a container,” she said, smiling warmly. 
Jason thanked her deeply and walked out with his container pushing into his gut. He prepared to open the door to Rita's apartment, but felt an earth shaking burp coming. He put his fist to his lips, and the door swung open. Rita appeared impressed by his hoggishness. Jason couldn’t help but feel embarrassed by the display. She stepped out the way and he straggled inside. 
“What? They send pigs pre stuffed now?” she said, laughing and hugging him, pulling away with her hands still on his big belly. He oozed into her touch, despite his anxieties. “Let’s get you horizontal.” She ushered him upstairs, whisking the container to the kitchen and pinching at his thick butt as he slowly lumbered up. He laid down and looked over at Rita, who observed him, beyond astounded. “What happened to you, Jasey,” her words fluttered against all the worrying he’d done.
“I went to Burger King. A little crazily,” he said, meeting her eyes. She licked her lips. “Then I didn’t make it here without stopping next door first.” She grimaced on his behalf. 
“Poor belly’s probably killing you,” she purred. “Kind of perfect that you’re here now though.” She started rubbing his bloated gut and pushing the gas out of him. 
“I’m so stuffed,” he groaned. “Wasn’t exactly, grwaaap, the plan,” he said, with a whimper. Rita twitched. The sounds Jason made drove her wild. “I’ve been a little worried about us?” The glee on Rita’s face drained instantly. 
“What do you mean ‘us’?” Rita’s hand stopped grazing his belly, and he wished it hadn’t. 
“We never finished talking at work. I just have been freaking out about it.”
“Oh no. You were stress eating over that. I didn’t want to send you into a frenzy. I mean, I’d be lying if I wasn’t into the results,” she said, resuming her caress. He sighed. He was feeling so loved and cared for that he couldn’t imagine that his concerns had been rational. “I wanted to be sure everything was squared away, before I told you.”Jason stared at her curiously. What was she talking about? She lovingly kissed his belly, and momentarily shook with excitement. “I’m going!”
“Southern State, with you. I got accepted into their nursing program. My credits are transferring and everything.” Jason couldn’t believe what he was hearing. 
“You’re going to school with me? Like, this semester?”
“Yes Jason,” she said, swatting his chest. “What did you think was going to happen?” He shook his head not wanting to relive it. 
“A bunch of dumb shit,” he said.
Rose did not miss the opportunity to give her Chub a gentle and soothing belly rub, and to share the moments with her fans in an impromptu live. Jason did not need to act, as the sounds he was making were all his natural response to Rose’s prodding fingers. 
“Chub is really starting to look, act, and sound like a real pig these days.” She patted his belly, shifting out a low burp. “His belly is getting so big and extra jiggly. I could never compete,” she said, pinching her tummy. “Look how much more it hangs over.” She lifted his gut, eliciting a moan from Jason. “Did that hurt,” she checked in, concerned.
“No. It feels great. I’m absolutely packed.” A smile flashed on her face and he grinned back. “What?”
“Let’s get you up on the scale.” Jason protested, feeling like he’d just started to feel comfortably uncomfortable. But when he saw her pouting lips and the hope in her eyes, he found the energy contagious. 
“Fine.” Rose ran and returned with the instrument. She was so excited she couldn’t even MC the event. She zeroed the scale and stepped back, giving his belly a little squeeze for good luck. Jason almost held his breath, not sure what to expect. It had been maybe a week or two since he had last checked. He uselessly glanced over his belly, as he was not really in the state to be maneuvering around himself like that. Instead he looked at Rose’s face, and felt himself get very excited. “What does it say?” She was kissing his lips, hard. After a brief dispensing of steam, she pulled away. 
“Chub you are 277,” she announced, beaming. Jason was struck by the number. He had done it? Like it was absolutely nothing. He was surprised by how proud he felt. 
“Do I look it?” he teased. Rita purred.
“You are beyond sexy chub.”
“You wouldn’t be turned on by a huge fat pig like me,” he jested. 
“I think I gotta go prove a hog wrong, everyone. Catch you in the next one!” she snorted, and cut the feed, throwing the phone across the room. 
She pushed him onto his back, desperate, but gentle. She lay beside him and nipped at his neck, then chest, and finally his belly. He felt himself surge with arousal. Rita began stroking his fully erect cock, nuzzling her nose into his belly and her other hand tracing the stretch marks on his side. Jason writhed under all her touches. Her fingers danced over him and he felt entirely worshiped. He couldn’t help but notice her face pushing into the top of his belly. Something about it felt amazing to him. It made him feel a little extra powerful. He shifted his weight and his lower belly was pressing firmly onto her face. He heard her moan into his soft body and felt her grip on him tighten. Where had her hand gone? She shifted her hips and he was sure she was touching herself. He was enjoying how amazing everything to stop just laying back like a fat blob. He was surely a fat lazy pig, even in the sack. That thought should not have made him hotter, but it did. Jason’s head was swarming. He was absolutely stuffed, and on the brink of finishing, with his fat obsessed girlfriend's face digging into his belly. He felt her nuzzle deeper into him and couldn’t stop his hand from grabbing the back of her head. Through gritted teeth and urgent breaths he said, “You like this fat belly so much. You’re such a dirty girl for this big pig huh?” He couldn’t stop himself from finishing onto his thigh. Rita was right behind him screaming into his flabby belly, air bubbles flubbering out from the pocket she had been in. She pulled her face out of him when her multiple orgasms had finished, gasping. Jason cleaned himself up and staggered back to her bed. 
“Holy fuck,” she exclaimed.
“Right back at you,” he said, still trying to get his faculties back. She curled up to him and sighed, fully satisfied. 
“Well you know what this means don’t you?” She looked at him with those large innocent but devious eyes. The same eyes that had flirted with him so persistently just months ago. The brown eyes that flashed in his mind after he dropped her off, pulling him to the drive through, just by making one comment on their first day of meeting. “Don’t eat too much.” He’d eaten beyond too much, many evenings this summer, and the damage was apparent. He’d need to go back to school shopping and was sure Rita would want to be part of that. He savored the feelings of her delicate fingers on his protruding belly, wondering if he’d ever be so light again in his life. “Hmm?” she pressed. 
“Sorry,” he murmured, dreamily. “What does this mean?”  
“I’m going to need a new screen name,” she said, giving him a pinch. “Chub.” As usual she was right. 
“What do you think of RoselikesRolls375?” he suggested.
“We’ve got work to do,” she said with a wink.
**Author's Note**
Thank you for reading and making it this far! If you have any feedback please comment or dm me. I have some other stories I want to post, but it is work putting up these longer works. Guilty of overwriting. If there's interest , I'll post more.
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thecheckeredchaser · 4 months
A Summer Job
Ch 9
(Chapter 10 of 11)
A Most Luscious Rose
Rose plopped down on the bed with a plate of four slices of pizza, setting a bottle of soda on the table. Jason eyed her hungrily. He almost wished he had room to eat the pizza himself, which the thought crossing his mind only cemented how much of a pig he was to himself. Rita told him to start the recording, since they were going to edit the shit out of it. He thought she would be more choosy about how she was shown on camera. His molars were grinding together in anticipation. Maybe he was nervous too. He wasn’t piggybacking. It was his turn to be bad cop. He lifted a slice, and despite being too eager, he gently put the slice to her lips. He felt the electricity when her gorgeous teeth tore the pizza into her mouth and her lips closed it all in, aside from a small glob of sauce, that her tongue went back for. He felt the blood rush out of his face and to his groin. He blinked dazed. He wondered if she was purposefully being so dramatic, but didn’t want to accuse her based on her features alone. It made him think of Jessica Rabbit. Rita was just drawn…so fucking hot. But when he looked up at her, she had a satisfied sneaky look, that made him sure she was messing with him. Paired with her hand deep on his thigh, he was certain that he was still playing good cop, even with the roles reversed.
“Chub, you are already so excited. What’s all that about?” she said, accepting another big bite. He wanted to respond in a cool way for the video, but stammered, as he was really struggling with his building attraction.
“I uh, you’re just very beautiful Rose,” he said. Lame. Too honest. He looked at her and she didn’t seem as disappointed. Maybe he wasn’t so bad, just being himself. “And as always your lips are my kryptonite.” He kissed her for a moment and then brought the slice back to her. “Clean it up,” he said, wanting to be more demanding than offering, but coming off soft again. Rita complied, taking three systematic bites to the crust’s edge. “Good girl,” he heard himself say. His eyes went wider than the big screen. They met Rita’s and she suddenly looked horny and eager to do what he said. “I hope you enjoyed your dinner. You could have gone harder. Maybe you were being shy,” he strung the lines together as they came into his mind.
“I enjoyed it just fine. I had a little more self control in front of others.” She didn’t have to say ‘than you’, because she gave a firm tap on his belly. The sound of which was clearly that of a stuffed belly and his grunt further exemplified that. “I was worried there wouldn’t be enough for a pig like you.” He was shocked at how easily she could just tease him. She hardly thought about it.
“Well I appreciate your sacrifice. Hope this makes up for it. How are you feeling?” he said, passing her the crust. “Besides over the moon for stuffed crust,” he said, noticing the glimmer in her eye. She giggled.
“I feel nice. My stomach does feel a little full. But I can finish this little snack easily.” He reached out and felt her belly through her shorts. He wanted to undo them, but having been there, he knew sometimes you had to ease into it. He made an audible “Oh” as he felt her up, beginning to worry that he might get too excited, if he lingered too much. He went to pull his hand away, feeling the forbidden lamp’s flame burn too bright, but she put it back.
“That feels nice,” she moaned, maybe for effect or show, but maybe she was genuine. Jason readjusted his seated position but managed to continue. He brought her another slice and she started chomping at it faster, making little sounds.
“I bet it does. Your belly is so gorgeous, especially when you fill it up. I can’t wait to see it a little bigger.” he placed his hands on the sides of her and attempted to picture it as Rita had to him.
“Just a little,” she baited. His face blazed.
“I don’t want to ask for too much,” he said, proud of the quip.
“You sure about that,” she said, with a wink, making him think of the events next door. She was just better at this than him. What would she do if she was bested?
“Here drink this,” he said, handing her the two liter bottle. “You are doing more talking than eating.”
“No cup?” she said coyly.
“That’s still talking. Just be a good girl and listen,” he said a little sharper. Rita’s eyes lowered and she complied. “That’s better,” he said cocky. She seemed to chug it in an effort to show her own power in the moment. He put his hands to her belly and felt it expand, as well as himself. She finally lowered the bottle and gasped for breath. She swallowed hard and Jason wasn’t sure what to expect. He knew if he chugged that much he’d be burping like a gaseous pig. She put her fist to her mouth for a moment, but no sound came out.
“More,” she said firmly, but after seeing Jason’s face as he struggled for the steering wheel, she corrected, “please Chub.”
“You will certainly grow that tiny belly of yours if you keep this up. Also just hanging around a fat pig like me, it’s bound to rub off.” He slapped his own gut and watched her get weak. “You almost look like you are scared to get so big yourself. Yet you look so fascinated. Probably because you know I’m just starting.” A moan escaped her lips. Check, he thought.
“You want this crust,” she offered him, sounding less demanding. Jason looked at her and could see she wanted him to pretty badly.
"I can tell you're dying for me to say yes. But you ask, even though you know I'm packed full. You're very bad Rose," he said, disciplinary.
"Just a little stuffed crust," she pleaded, "Nothing for a hog like you," she said with scandalous eyes at him. Jason groaned, and started munching on the crust after handing her the next slice, one remaining on the pan. He had told himself he was too full to eat another bite, but the 4 needed for the crust seemed inconsequential when he saw how hot it made Rita. The pressure in his cock was far more encouraging than the discouraging stress on his stomach. Jason reached out and squeezed her belly, as she finished the slice she had been tearing to shreds. He shouldn’t have been surprised when a burp grogged out of her mouth, a delicate hand shielding her mouth. He was momentarily speechless. Despite all the attention that was given to Jason surrounding his burping, he had never heard Rita do it. She was a prime example for poise and ladylikeness in that regard, if one ignored how irreverent she could be with words. She looked a bit surprised herself, and a little bashful.
“I see the appeal I guess,” he said, growling in his words a little. He reached at his crotch, attempting to smother the fire burning, but his contact only made it worse.
“I’m not sure about finishing it,” she admitted, looking a little pained.
“It was a little snack seconds ago, Rose.” She whimpered.
“I talk a big game sometimes.” She watched his hands as they circled her belly. The satisfied moans layered under the uncomfortable winces. Jason wanted to tell her they could stop there, it was the nice guy thing to do. But he looked down and was pressing the final slice to her lips, and despite how full she was feeling, her lips parted again.
“I know you can do it. Think about how much more delicious this will look on your belly.” She squirmed and Jason observed how her shorts button was pulling tight across her middle. He couldn’t resist it now. “These shorts have to be killing you.” He popped the button out the hole, with a single push of his thumb, and had to fist fight his arousal at her gasp of relief.
“Fuck those were tight, Chub,” she exclaimed, thankful. With her belly exposed through her opened shorts, he couldn't stop himself from feeling her soft and tender skin.
“You have such a gorgeous body.” He couldn’t take his eyes off her to even see her finish the slice to the crust. He only peeled his eyes away when she burped again after some heavy breaths, her whine that followed, reeling him in. “You sound like me,” he said, hotly.
“I can’t do anymore. Seriously,” she said, sounding as she said. He wanted to believe her, but knew all too well there was a margin between where the brain thought the body had enough, and he was tempted to flirt with it.
“How about just one more bite,” he encouraged, looking right into her slightly scared eyes. He put a comforting hand on the top of her little bloated belly. “You want it. I can tell.” She slowly nodded and took the crust from him. He desperately watched her take a large bite, closing her eyes as she chewed. He saw that instant of pleasure when she saw she could do what she said she couldn’t. He was absolutely hypnotized by her. He hadn’t even been fully functioning when she forced the rest of the crust into his own mouth. He chewed with stuffed cheeks, looking at her both highly aroused and surprised.
“You win the blue ribbon,” she said, cheekily. She got up, a bit strained, and turned the camera off. Jason fought to get his shorts unbuttoned, absolutely yearning for Rita. “I couldn’t eat anything else,” she stated, “Well, besides maybe one thing.” She got on her knees, letting her belly take the space between his legs. Her elbows propped her shoulders up, pressing into the sides of his belly both uncomfortably and tantalizingly.
None of that mattered when her lips made their way to the base and beyond. “Fucking hell,” he uttered, exasperated. He had been throbbing for the past half hour, so he was more than happy to count the feeding session as concrete foreplay. Despite being so full, she hungrily slurped all over him, driving him to the edge. He squirmed under her in anticipation. She pulled off momentarily, panting. He watched her chest heave over him and yanked at her tank top. “Someone’s a super greedy pig, huh? Wants to finish with these big tits in his face.” He could only helplessly nod. Rita stripped in seconds and lowered herself onto him, placing his hands on her chest. He eagerly pinched and pulled at her nipples. His stomach was too bloated to bend up to suck them like he wanted to, but she seemed satisfied, crying out each time he pulled and released it to jiggle against her body. Jason wanted a better look at her wetness on his rock hard cock. He propped himself on his elbows, craning his neck a little to see over his gut. His belly pushed more firmly into where their bodies met in his lap. Rita, reached for her lips and spread them open gasping as his belly was now rubbing and jiggling on her clitoris. She picked up her pace as she rode him, and when he heard her shrieks, he felt himself let go of his desire to last.
They lay a crumpled and satisfied pile in the bed. “Should have recorded that,” Jason said smuttily. Rita nudged him but laughed. They fell asleep cradling the other’s belly lovingly. All things considered, it was a very good date.
Ch 11
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