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“Buy you a drink? Your lipstick is fine, by the way.”
“I look that miserable, huh.” Rory breathed out before she peered up at the girl, shrugging her shoulders, “Sure. And thanks. Not everyone is a black lipstick enthusiast it took me ages to find a good one.”
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“I have limited experience in that,” Nyssa replied. “But I do recall reading somewhere that chewing it off in a fit of nerves will ruin any shade.” She smiled tentatively. “What to drink, then?”
“Buy you a drink? Your lipstick is fine, by the way.”
“I look that miserable, huh.” Rory breathed out before she peered up at the girl, shrugging her shoulders, “Sure. And thanks. Not everyone is a black lipstick enthusiast it took me ages to find a good one.”
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“Buy you a drink? Your lipstick is fine, by the way.”
“I don’t want to get black lipstick on the cups.” Rory mumbled, “That’s why I need a straw – oh fuck it.” Rory rolled her eyes as she knocked back the shot, her eyes flickering across the room as she absently twirled the end of one of the wig’s braids. “It’s not like that lipstick’s on for anyone anyways.”
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“You know, I‘m sure there are plenty of people who could teach you, if you truly wanted to learn,” Nyssa replied. “Is that weapon real? The ones that came with this costume were dull.”
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It’s a costume. I may look like the Green Arrow, but I can’t shoot an arrow like he can. I can throw one at full speed, though. Probably gets the job done faster.
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Nyssa is going as Ezio from Assassin’s Creed II.
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“Of course,” Nyssa replied, gesturing at the other seat at the table. “Here,” she added, pushing her plate over for the other woman to eat. “You can show me how its done, even.”
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“Eh, don’t worry about it.  There’s no wrong way to eat.  As long as it makes it into your mouth then it’s fine.” Stephanie smiled back, cocking her head.  “Mind if I sit with you?  I’m in-between shifts at work and would like to get to know you better.”
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“Some food,” Nyssa allowed, smiling. “This isn’t exactly what I grew up eating, though. Even the chai at the-- Jitters?-- isn’t quite right. And I’m always somewhat convinced I’m doing something wrong.”
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“Eating isn’t you’re expertise?”
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I heard you were asking what condoms were for
I know exactly what condoms are for; I did not realize they came in such a... variety. It seems silly, really.
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“While I admit I said this wasn’t my forte, is a... balloon animal truly the purpose of a condom?”
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“Always go with flavored condoms. They’re great for making balloon animals.”
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“Any advice would be fine; this is not my area of expertise.”
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"I doubt anything I do counts as 'hero' heroic," Nyssa replied, imitating his stress on the term, amused by it. "Certainly not on the level of the Canary or her cohort."
She reached for the bag of food and peered within, delicately selecting a fry to eat. "I have, in fact, been mugged, I will have you know. It was quite the experience, and I was not chained to a banker for it to happen. I expect had you been there, you would have saved me? Both hero, and 'hero' hero." She smiled at him.
Big Belly Burgers on The Roof || Open
Static let out a chuckle.  Then he thought about it.  Then he shrugged.  “There’s nothing wrong with letting yourself get better at the natural pace.  Pushing yourself without needing to is how you hurt yourself worse.”
Then he put a wry little smile on his face.  “Plus chicks dig casts.  They show you’re a rough-and-tumble sort with an interesting story to tell, and you can lie as much as you want on how you got it.  The bigger the lie the better.”  He looked down.  “Especially in this biz.  The bigger the lie, the less likely people are to believe the actual truth when you tell it to them.”
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Nyssa took a wary glance around the interior of their chosen warehouse before stepping inside. The relief from the weather was enough to have her shoulders slumping and she pushed her hood off of her head before turning to face the others again.
"Well, if Jason Todd counts you as a friend," she told Stephanie, "I shall be glad to have you at my back. She gave the woman an assessing once over, and then smiled slowly. "You seem as competent as you claimed when we met before, after all."
Turning to Jason she added, "Do you have any channels of information back to the League? Do you know why they attacked? Why *now*?"
She'd known they'd come for her eventually but did not expect it to be this soon.
Conspire Against the Odds || Jason, Steph & Nyssa
“Well, the alternative is remaining exposed and in the rain,” Nyssa said, raising an eyebrow at Stephanie. She raked her gaze over both of them, checking them for obvious injuries, and decided that there was nothing in their stances to indicate something that couldn’t wait until they were more secure.
“I… appreciate your intervention,” she added even as she turned in the direction Stephanie had indicated and started in the direction of a likely-looking building. “My chances of survival without it were… slim,” she added, trying to balance words with the mixed feelings of fear and gratitude that were crowding against her throat. Who had sent these people, and why now? she wondered, and then she added, “You didn’t have to help me,” and squared her shoulders against the rain.
@outlawintheredhood @exbatgirl-steph
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Nyssa let Sara guide her through the unfamiliar streets, stumbling occasionally and knowing she would be embarrassed by her clumsiness at any other time. She wanted to promise that she would stay awake, but more, she did not want to lie.
Sara’s whisper sounded warm, fervent, but English was difficult and felt far away, so the meaning eluded her.
Beloved || Sara & Nyssa
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Nyssa considered that advice in the context of her entire life, and then laughed in return. “I feel my father would likely turn over in his grave if he knew I was considering your words,” she said, smiling at him. “He believed that injuries were fleeting and eternally sought immortality.”
“If ‘chicks’ dig casts,” Nyssa said slowly, “And lies, then perhaps my life will not remain as empty as I feared it must. What sorts of lies do you recommend?”
Big Belly Burgers on The Roof || Open
Static let out a chuckle.  Then he thought about it.  Then he shrugged.  “There’s nothing wrong with letting yourself get better at the natural pace.  Pushing yourself without needing to is how you hurt yourself worse.”
Then he put a wry little smile on his face.  “Plus chicks dig casts.  They show you’re a rough-and-tumble sort with an interesting story to tell, and you can lie as much as you want on how you got it.  The bigger the lie the better.”  He looked down.  “Especially in this biz.  The bigger the lie, the less likely people are to believe the actual truth when you tell it to them.”
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“No more faith than you do,” Nyssa replied, leaning into the warmth of Sara’s touch and closing her eyes despite her need to stay awake, aware of everything around her. She wanted nothing more than to fall asleep right here, irrational as it was, them in the middle of the city with the sun glaring down above.
Sara’s low-voiced response to her slip about home made her desperate to believe her, though she knew that it was not true. So long as Malcolm Merlyn ruled her League, she had no home. But her line was one of wanderers, so that might not be so bad-- would not be so bad. She would see to it, once she was no longer so weak as to beg for aid from Sara.
“I believe you have already repaid any debt owed me a hundredfold,” Nyssa said, forcing herself to put one foot in front of the other so she could, finally, find sleep.
Beloved || Sara & Nyssa
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“Well, the alternative is remaining exposed and in the rain,” Nyssa said, raising an eyebrow at Stephanie. She raked her gaze over both of them, checking them for obvious injuries, and decided that there was nothing in their stances to indicate something that couldn’t wait until they were more secure.
“I... appreciate your intervention,” she added even as she turned in the direction Stephanie had indicated and started in the direction of a likely-looking building. “My chances of survival without it were... slim,” she added, trying to balance words with the mixed feelings of fear and gratitude that were crowding against her throat. Who had sent these people, and why now? she wondered, and then she added, “You didn’t have to help me,” and squared her shoulders against the rain.
@outlawintheredhood @exbatgirl-steph
Conspire Against the Odds || Jason, Steph & Nyssa
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“It’s not my allegiance to Oliver I expect him to worry about, it is Oliver himself. He’s the cornerstone of Merlyn’s power, and Merlyn knows it; he wouldn’t risk that to kill me, no matter how much he’d like me dead.” She thought for a long moment. “No; he’s likely to make Oliver kill me for him. Best I am here regardless.”
Nyssa leaned into Sara’s touch, helpless to pull away though she certainly should. “I wish to go home, beloved,” she whispered in League Arabic, knowing that Sara could understand her, but not caring so much, anymore, that her weakness might be known.
“I am weak,” she added flatly, louder, in English. “Thank you.”
Beloved || Sara & Nyssa
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“Malcolm Merlyn is wary of overstepping my husband’s mercy,” Nyssa said with an assurance she didn’t feel, knowing that by not answering the other part of Sara’s question, she was answering it all too well. “Besides, he has fewer agents here than he does in any other places I might seek shelter.”
She held fast to Sara’s wrist for one moment, another, and then she let it go reluctantly and bent to retrieve both of their knives; not the sort of thing to leave lying about in broad daylight on a day like today, where her luck seemed to have run out entirely.
“I... find myself unable to deny your help,” Nyssa said, shaking her head and wishing she could figure out a way out. Sara didn’t deserve her messes, didn’t want them, and she shouldn’t-- but she wanted nothing more.
Beloved || Sara & Nyssa
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