thedentalhq · 3 years
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If you were given two options of foods to snack on, a carrot or a chocolate, which chocolate would you choose?
Sugar is a common ingredient in diets among most cultures across the globe, however, it is also notorious for decaying & destroying teeth by causing cavities or more commonly, holes in the teeth.
As much as sugars are necessary to provide energy in the body, it is also very important to monitor how we consume them.
How does sugar cause decay?
1. As soon we eat something sweet, a certain group of bacteria living in our mouth start to feed on these sugars & produce acid.
2. This makes our saliva acidic, & this acidic state favours demineralization (loss of mineral) of the enamel (outermost white layer) of the tooth.
3. The acidic state usually lasts about 15-20 minutes, post which the neutral saliva starts to initial remineralization (giving back mineral) of this enamel.
How can we stop this process?
1. FREQUENCY: The more often you consume sugars, the more often your mouth is in an acidic state & the teeth are being constantly demineralised. When the rate of demineralization exceeds the rate of remineralization, a cavity starts to form. So you would rather eat an entire bar of chocolate at once, than snack on it at ten different times throughout the day.
2. QUALITY: Sugar in a solid or sticky state will tend to remain on the tooth surface longer than a liquid or non sticky sugar. So prefer your sugars in liquids or in forms that won’t stick to your teeth for long. If you do have to eat something sticky, make sure you rinse your mouth with water afterwards to remain cavity-free!
3. TIME: Sweet things consumed along with meals will do lesser harm than when consumed as a snack alone. This is because the rate & quantity of saliva production is highest during meal times. This increased saliva production serves two purposes, a. It helps wash away the sweet food stuck on the teeth, b. It helps neutralize the acid production and contains defense factors that prevent decay.
4. RINSING: Rinsing your mouth water immediately after eating sweet foods stops the entire decay process through the methods of neutralisation & removal of sugar from the tooth surface as mentioned above.
5. FLUORIDE TWICE A DAY: Fluoride plays a very crucial role in remineralizing our teeth. Therefore, if you have a sweet tooth, you should also make sure that you brush your teeth twice a day to reverse the damage being done to your teeth.
6. HIDDEN SUGARS: Many a time, we feel that even without eating sugars we are getting a lot of cavities. The reason may be ‘hidden sugars’ in your diet that you aren’t even aware about.
At the Dental HQ, we do a diet chart assessment of our patients to show them how frequently they are consuming sugar on an average.
Some foods that contain hidden sugars are - cereals, yoghurt, dairy products, fruits, ketchup, sodas, potato wafers, & even pasta & noodles!
So don’t limit your idea of sugars to chocolates & sweets while assessing your sugar intake.
7. PROTECTIVE FOODS: Certain foods help to protect the teeth from decay by providing more minerals to the tooth. Hence, you should include more cheese, nuts, green leafy vegetables & fiber rich foods in your diet.
In a nutshell, make your food choices conscious & selective. Sugars eaten in moderation & following the tips being given above, will keep your teeth healthy.
Lastly, don’t forget to visit your dentist every six months to make sure that in case a cavity is forming on the tooth, it is caught at the earliest stage & hence, new cavities are prevented from forming!
Happy eating!
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thedentalhq · 4 years
Baby teeth: they serve a much more important role than you think. Sure, they’ll all fall out or have to be pulled out at one point, but there is a need. Baby teeth start growing before birth and serve a huge role in our lives as we get older. Regardless of age, baby or adult, teeth help us chew and talk. Those little chompers can have quite an impact, so we’ve provided you with a list of ten facts, stats, and tips that might even amaze mothers with grown children!
1. Typically, all 20 baby teeth will arrive within the first three years.
2. Teeth help with speech when learning to talk.
3. The first tooth can push through the gums as early as six months of age.
4. Baby teeth provide spacing for permanent teeth as well as act as a location guide for when they grow in.
5. When do they loose their baby teeth? Molars and canines aren’t usually lost until ages nine through thirteen while incisors are the first to go between ages six and eight.
6. Toddlers and infants can get tooth decay from being exposed to liquids that contain sugar. It’s called, “Baby Bottle Tooth Decay.”
7. Parents should start cleaning their babies’ teeth within the first few weeks. Use a moist washcloth or gauze to rub the gums.
8. Teeth help babies/small children chew which also has an effect on digestion.
9. The first dentist visit should come after the first tooth starts to show or right before the first birthday.
10. “Babies that were exclusively breastfed for six months were 72% less likely to have crooked teeth.“ - A June 2015 study from Pediatrics.*
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thedentalhq · 4 years
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Motherhood truly metamorphoses a woman’s life, not just emotionally but also physically. In those 9 months, you experience a surge of hormones that affects nearly all the parts of the body. Clearly, the mouth is no exception to this. During pregnancy, a variety of dental problems emerge which can be avoided if you are aware of them before hand. Let’s look at a few of the commonest dental problems arising during pregnancy.
1. Pregnancy Gingivitis
Pregnancy Gingivitis is inflammation of the gums that can cause swelling and tenderness. Your gums also may bleed a little when you brush or floss. Left untreated, gingivitis can lead to more serious forms of gum disease. We may recommend more frequent cleanings to prevent this.
2. Pregnancy Tumor
In some women, overgrowths of tissue called “pregnancy tumors” appear on the gums, most often during the second trimester. It is not cancer but rather just swelling that happens most often between teeth. They may be related to excess plaque. They bleed easily and have a red, raw-looking raspberry-like appearance. They usually disappear after your baby is born, but if you are concerned, we will advise to remove it painlessly.
3. Increased Risk of Tooth Decay
Pregnant women may be more prone to cavities for a number of reasons. If you’re eating more carbohydrates than usual, this can cause decay. Morning sickness can increase the amount of acid your mouth is exposed to, which can eat away at the outer covering of your tooth (enamel).
4. Dry mouth
Pregnancy dry mouth can put women at a greater risk for problems such as tooth decay and infections. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and chew sugarless gum to enhance production of saliva.
Our team of compassionate doctors can help you understand the gravity of these problems. Even if you only think you might be pregnant, let us know. Also we need to know about the medications you are taking or if you have received any special advice from your physician. We consult with your physician to choose medications—such as pain relievers or antibiotics—you may safely take during the pregnancy. Although radiation from dental X-rays is extremely low, we will cover you with a leaded apron with thyroid collar that minimizes exposure. Our doctors are capable to handle every dental need during pregnancy, making sure it’s a pleasurable experience for you.
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thedentalhq · 4 years
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Well, let’s agree on one thing. The best part of life is food and especially when doctors or nutritionist take that favorite item out of your meal, you just feel like you have lost a slice of life.
So, we are not here to bore you with cliché tips like stop avoiding chocolates and brush your teeth before bed. You have heard those a zillion times. Let’s just spice up your diet with all these awesome delicacies that actually avoid Dental Cavities.
1 Cheese
Research has proved that Cheese increases the pH of the plaque, which means it becomes deadly for the germs. Also, it increases the saliva in the mouth, which has properties to not only kill the decay-causing germs, but also harden our precious enamel.
Apart from giving you a glowing and radiant skin, Strawberries are one of the fancy food stuff that prevents dental decay. Strawberries, being a rich source of Vitamin C, turns out to be beneficial for our gums, making them strong.
 Eat it the way you like it, boiled or fried, eggs are enriched with Vitamin D. In the growing years of age, Vitamin D helps to make your teeth stronger and stronger teeth in general are not susceptible to decay.
Sugar-free gum or candy is made with xylitol, a natural sugar substitute. Xylitol is a very effective cavity fighter and prevents decay from occurring .Xylitol helps prevent cavities because bacteria that cause tooth decay cannot utilize it to grow and cannot metabolize it to produce acid.
5 Wine
Wine, at least the red variety, is generally not considered great for teeth because of the stains it can leave behind. But one study suggests that many of the individual chemical components in both red and white wine can actively fight the bacteria that lead to tooth decay and cavities. See, isn’t it amazing that you get your dentist’s endorsement on all your favorites. The only catch is that you should see your dentist every 6 months for a regular check up, to make sure that you have maintained your teeth well. If incase they find some minor issue with any tooth, they can fix it immediately. And that’s it, you are again a free bird to enjoy these foodstuffs for the rest 6 months.
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thedentalhq · 4 years
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Our team at The Dental HQ is very passionate about children and their oral health. Maintaining the health of teeth & oral cavity from a young age will help your child a great deal in the long run.
On the occasion of Children’s Dental Health Month, we have answered some of the frequent questions we face when it comes to pediatric dentistry.
What is the best way to keep the mouth clean & healthy?
Brushing the teeth twice a day with a fluoridated toothpaste , flossing daily, & limiting intake of sugary & starchy foods should ensure that your child’s oral cavity is in best health. And of course, a visit to the dentist every 6 months will rule out any other possible problems with gums or teeth as well as a thorough cleaning provided by the dentist will protect him or her from cavities and gum disease.
What causes cavities?
When one consumes sugary foods, the remnants of sugar or starch on the teeth combine with certain bacteria in the mouth to produce acids. These acids then attack the enamel (outermost white layer of tooth), & eventually destroy this protective layer of the tooth and create holes in the teeth, which is scientifically called caries, or more commonly known as cavities.
Should I forbid my child from having all sugar containing foods?
It is not necessary to stop all kinds of sugar, we recommend choosing and serving sugars sparingly. A food with sugar is safer for teeth if eaten along with a meal, not as a snack. When your child chews his or her meal, the saliva produced helps neutralize the acids produced by sugary and starchy foods. Foods that are not easily washed away from your child’s teeth by saliva, water, or milk have more cavity- causing potential. Sugars found in fruits are safe for the teeth, while processed foods have sugars that may be harmful.
What is the most appropriate healthy & balanced diet for my child?
A healthy, balanced diet contains all the nutrients your child needs to grow , including one serving each of fruits & vegetables, breads and cereals, milk and dairy products , and meat, fish and eggs per day. Make sure that your child limits snacking in between meal & limits the intake of sugary foods & beverages, which are known to cause tooth decay.
What should I do if my child has a toothache?
First, we recommend rinsing the irritated area with warm salt water and placing a cold compress on his or face if it is swollen. If you have any at home, give your child a painkiller and contact us immediately to schedule an appointment.
We hope that information was helpful!
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any more questions!
Happy parenting!
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thedentalhq · 4 years
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2020 is not even half way through & the world has already witnessed a roller coaster of events, the most significant one being the Corona virus pandemic.
This one virus has created frenzy & panic around the world which might actually be paradoxical as panic & fear weakens the immune system, which right now needs to be boosted in order to stay protected.
Our doctors at The Dental HQ have curated a handy & simple list of all things that boost your “immune system”, your body’s natural defense mechanism which is capable of preventing most diseases.1. The immune system requires a correct proportion of food, activity & rest in order to function to its fullest potential.
2. Build your immunity with adequate consumption of fruits like oranges, kiwi, guava, peaches, strawberry, papaya and mangos.
3. Green leafy vegetables like spinach, broccoli, carrots, etc combined with spices like garlic, ginger, turmeric, clove have to be regularly eaten to prevent diseases.
4. Nuts and seeds – power loaded foods like almonds, walnuts, pistachios, flax seeds, sunflower seeds make up for a great on-the-go snack.
5. Water constitutes 70% of our body. So make sure you drink enough water through the day and stay hydrated at all times. Coconut water, fresh juices are also a great option.
6. Exercise – it is extremely essential to have enough exposure to sun & fresh air every day, as well as some amount of physical activity to keep the cells well oxygenated.
7. Rest – Sleep is the time when the cells of our body repair, regenerate and restore the chemical and physiological balance of the system.
8. Last but not the least, a healthy mind gives way to a healthy body. Engage in recreational activities of your choice to keep yourself stress free and relaxed. Yoga, breathing exercises, and meditation have also proven to be beneficial.
9. If you think your immunity is weak, it would be a good idea to get your blood and Vitamin levels tested, and then get the same checked by a doctor.
10. Oral health is a great indicator of overall general health of the body. If you have been visiting your dentist regularly, they should be able to spot any irregularities or abnormal manifestations in the oral cavity.
Take care, stay safe, & do not panic!
Wishing you great health!
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thedentalhq · 4 years
After weeks of living in quarantine, dentists are now getting ready to get back to work.
The Dental councils & associations across the globe have laid down multiple guidelines for dental practitioners.
We at The Dental HQ, have also been seeing only emergency cases, however, now we are fully equipped to see patients requiring dental treatments. While we have implemented all the guidelines of the Dental Council of India & the Australian Dental Association, we would require some cooperation on the patient's end too.
Our Philosophy : Patient protection and safety is the topmost priority via mimimizing possibility of infection.
Here is a list of Protocols being followed at The Dental HQ by the dental staff as well as patients:
Patients will be seen “By prior appointment” only. Patients are requested to kindly call and book an appointment.
Telephonic scheduling of appointments which will include "Screening Questions" for patients about their health, travel history & residence zone.
A consent form will be sent to patients to read online, which they will be asked to sign at the clinic.
Patients advised to carry minimal things, keep their hair tied, and avoid wearing accessories on their face and neck during their visit.
Patients are requested not to bring attendees along or minimize number to maintain "Social Distancing".
Patients are asked to wear a mask when they step out and all the way till they reach the clinic.
Patients should call the clinic when they are about to reach to ensure there is no waiting time.
If required, patients coming by private transport are suggested to wait in the car, while those coming by public transport will be allotted a private waiting room to follow "Social Distancing".
The patient must call the clinic when he/she is about to reach so the staff is ready to receive them.
Patients are advised to carry a toothpick/use elbow to press the elevator buttons.
Before stepping into the clinic, the patient will be directed to remove their shoes, remove the mask, and sanitize/wash their hands & face.
After entering the clinic, use of mobile phones is prohibited to avoid unnecessary touching.
Once on the dental chair, the patient is asked to remove the mask, and rinse their mouth with an Iodine mouth wash to reduce the viral & bacterial load in the oral cavity.
The dentist and dental assistant treating the patient will be wearing the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) along with face shields & N95 masks. The same will be changed over between each patient.
After the procedure, the patient is asked to re mask before leaving the operatory.
Receipts for dental treatments will be emailed to the patients.
Patients are encouraged to pay by online platforms like debit/credit card/UPI transfers. Please confirm payment mode in advance.
100% follow up of all patients in 7 days asking for COVID status.
Follow up appointments will be scheduled over the phone.
We will update our protocols as & when required.
Thanking you in advance for your cooperation.
Stay safe.
- The Dental HQ Team
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thedentalhq · 4 years
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Do you often wake up with a painful jaw, sore shoulders, or a back pain?
You could probably be suffering from what is known as "Bruxism"
Bruxism is the term used to describe jaw clenching & grinding. You could be doing this in the day or more commonly at night while sleeping.
How does it impact your health?
Bruxism can impact your oral as well as overall health.
Some of the oral health impacts are:
Shortened appearance of teeth as the enamel layer wears off over time.
Wearing away of the enamel causes problems of sensitivity, leading to the need of root canals and crowns.
It can also change the appearance of your face as the jaws become more short & squarish.
Gums also get affected eventually leading to periodontal issues like loose teeth.
The chewing muscles get fatigued and sore.
Other impacts on general health may be :
Constant migraines, headaches, a feeling of tiredness after waking up.
Shoulder and back pain.
Ear problems
All the above will eventually deteriorate your productivity at work and home.
Treating Bruxism :
Once diagnosed, treating bruxism is not very difficult.
Symptomatic treatment includes use of hot fermentation over the jaws and NOn Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs.
In acute cases low dose muscle relaxants may also be prescribed
Muscle relaxation through use of lasers.
Wearing a mouth guard/ bruxism splint while sleeping can significantly reduce the effects of bruxism.
Bruxism is usually stress related. Work on reducing stress levels before bedtime by reading a good book or writing down positive thoughts.
Botox is directly injected into the masseter muscle (the large muscle that moves the jaw), the muscle is weakened enough to stop involuntary grinding of the teeth and clenching of the jaw. This significantly relaxes the muscle and reduces the wear and tear on the teeth due to grinding.
Do not live with this! For a proper diagnosis, visit your dentist to understand how you can control this habit and treat the damage done. We at the Dental HQ take a 3D scan of our bruxer patients teeth and follow up over months to track their progress.
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thedentalhq · 4 years
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Did you know that the health of your oral cavity is an important indicator of your overall well being? 
 Maintenance of oral and general health are synergistic actions.
The oral cavity is the entry point to the respiratory & digestive tracts.
Certain oral health conditions that can impact your overall health are given below:
Endocarditis: Our mouths are home to a variety of bacteria. When the bacteria in the mouth spread to other parts of the body through the bloodstream, it can cause an inflammation of the lining of the heart chambers, scientifically called as Endocarditis.
Pneumonia: Similarly, when the bacteria of the oral cavity spread to the lungs, it can causes a respiratory condition called pneumonia. Hence, maintenance of oral hygiene should be taken seriously.
Pregnancy & Pre-term Low Birth Weight Babies: Gum disease is a common occurence among pregnant women. About 40-50% pregnant women with gum disease give birth prematurely and the infants are shown to have low birth weight.
Oral Cancer: Your everyday habits also impact your oral and general health. Smoking and alcohol consumption can lead to a serious cancerous condition of the oral cavity. The highest number of oral cancer cases in the world have been reported in India.
Just like your oral health can have implications on your general health, certain medical conditions can also manifest with symptoms in the oral cavity. A few of these conditions are listed below.
Diabetes: A study showed that about 60% of diabetics suffered from gum disease at some point. Vice versa, maintaining gum health has shown to reduce blood sugar levels significantly.
Osteoporosis: Osteoporosis is a condition where bones start to lose calcium, becoming weak and porous. It can affect all bones including the jaw bone. The jaw bone is home to all our teeth and weak jaw bones can cause :
1) Loose and mobile teeth
2) Gum diseases
3) Difficulty in rehabilitation of teeth and implant placement as implants require good quality bone.
HIV: The immuno compromised patients of HIV/AIDS often present with painful mucosal lesions and ulcers. They take a longer time to heal than in normal individuals.
Medications: Many medications show side effects on the oral cavity, like dry mouth, inflamed gums, stained teeth & ulcers.
Hence, it is very important to let your dentist know if you are on any medications.
The take home point here is that if you take of your body, it'll take care of you.
Regular dental check ups are not only important for your oral health, but also for your overall well being.
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thedentalhq · 4 years
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What is teeth sensitivity? 
 Every time you consume something hot or cold, a mild to sharp painful sensation arising within the teeth is known as teeth sensitivity. Although this sensation is temporary, its effects can be long lasting & detrimental to oral health.
Why do teeth become sensitive?
The outermost layer of tooth, called enamel, is the layer that protects your teeth. When this layer wears off or gets destroyed (due to reasons discussed below), the inner layer, called dentin, gets exposed. This exposure of dentin to extreme temperatures causes the problems of sensitivity & hypersensitivity.
The reasons for this exposure can be varied:
Worn tooth enamel – could be due to:
1) Improper brushing techniques, - too much acidic food & drinks consumption or
2) teeth grinding
Exposed tooth roots due to gum disease. In gum disease, the gums may naturally shrink back exposing the dentin of roots hence causing sensitivity.
Cavities – In the initial stages of dental decay, the cavitated areas of teeth become sensitive.
Enamel cracks/ chips : Small cracks or chipping of enamel can make the tooth mildly sensitive.
Failing dental restorations – A failing crown or filling that has leakage under it becomes sensitive as the dentin layer gets exposed.
How to deal with sensitivity?
There are a lot of toothpastes available in the market to cater to sensitive teeth. Some common ones are Colgate sensitive or Sensodyne by Oral B.
You may even rub a little paste on the specific area of the tooth causing sensitivity and leave it on overnight without rinsing it off.
Make sure you change your tooth brush every 3 months or when the bristles wear out.
Minimize intake of sugary, acidic foods or limit them to meal times.
Brush your teeth twice a day with a fluoridated toothpaste & a soft-to-medium bristle toothbrush using small circular movements rather than aggressive side-to-side strokes.
If you think you grind your teeth at night, talk to us about having a mouth guard made to avoid chips and tooth wear.
Avoid consuming foods that are too hot or too cold.
Others : High concentration fluoride applications & use of a product called Toothmousse have also shown to reduce symptoms considerably. Contact your dentist to know more about Toothmousse.
Lastly, visit your dentist to correctly detect the cause of your sensitivity. It could just be a simple cavity, or a more serious issue, both of which require attention by a dental professional.
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thedentalhq · 4 years
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Does your partner complain of you snoring loudly at night?Are you having disturbed sleep or waking up tired? Snoring usually causes no significant medical problems, however for some people it may lead to a more potentially serious medical condition known as 'Obstructive Sleep Apnea'.
Sleep Apnea is caused by the blockage of the airway when the lower jaw and the tongue collapses against the back of your throat when you lie down. This obstructs the upper airway resulting pauses in breathing and/or instances of shallow breaths when asleep. Sleep apnea can become serious if not timely treated.
Some of the signs and symptoms of Obstructive Sleep Apnea include:
Morning headaches
Tiredness upon waking
Choking or gasping for air during the night
Sore, dry throat on waking
Difficulty staying asleep (insomnia)
Excessive daytime sleepiness (hypersomnia)
Poor concentration
Memory deterioration
Anxiety or depression
Although sleep apnea can affect anyone, but certain factors increase your risk :
Excess weight, obesity, males, older adults, having a previous family history, having a history of nasal congestion, & people who use sedatives, tranquilizers & smokers have a higher tendency of developing sleep apnea.
You might be pleased to know that dentistry may have a solution for you.
The treatment options vary depending on the severity of your sleep apnea
MAD - Mandibular Advancement Splint – A custom made splint, this device treats snoring and sleep apnea by moving the lower jaw forward slightly, which tightens the soft tissue and muscles of the upper airway to prevent obstruction of the airway during sleep
CPAP - Continuous Positive Airway Pressure - Patients wear a face or nasal mask during sleep. The mask, connected to a pump, provides a positive flow of air into the nasal passages in order to keep the airway open.
Oral Appliance Therapy can be used to treat both snoring and obstructive sleep apnea in adults
Here is how the treatment works:
1) A custom-made mouth piece is made from impressions taken of your teeth to ensure they fit you comfortably.
2) Made from a hard wearing plastic, the mouthpiece is worn at night and works by holding the bottom jaw in a slightly forward position.
3) This position opens up your airway significantly, allowing you to breathe better and as a result sleep better too.
In some cases surgery may be the best treatment.
If you feel you are experiencing any of the above symptoms it is best to see your doctor for a formal diagnosis and treatment.
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thedentalhq · 4 years
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Digestion of food is a complex process. The food we eat needs to be broken down mechanically and chemically into smaller and simpler substances so that it may be absorbed by the body and further used as energy to keep the entire system functional.
The Digestion Process
Did you know that the digestive process begins even before you start to consume your food?
Yes, as soon as you start to feel hungry and think of food, your oral cavity increases the production of saliva, which contains an important enzyme that helps break down your food & initiate the digestive process.
Chewing your food properly and allowing it to mix with the saliva are the only digestive processes that you have voluntary control over! The better you chew your food, the better it is mixed and broken down with saliva, & consequently your stomach has lesser work to do! Therefore, it is extremely essential that we pay attention to what, how and when we put things into our mouth!
Issues Related to Improper Chewing
Nowadays, we see that it has become a normal habit to use your mobile phone or watch a TV series while eating food. This process is highly detrimental to health as the divided attention between eating and watching the screen leads to the following issues:
Your body is confused. The digestive hormones are not released in the amount and time they ideally should be.
You don’t realize how much to eat as your attention is divided and you can hardly understand whether or not your stomach is full. This leads to over eating or sometimes even under eating.
You gulp down your food! You forget to chew your food properly and as a result, the first important step of saliva starting the digestion of food does not happen! Your stomach bears the brunt for that. Also, undigested food takes up more space in the stomach, causing bloating.
All the above eventually lead to indigestion, poor nutrition, obesity, constipation, acid reflux and other digestion related issues.
Perks of Chewing Well
You will also realize that if you eat slowly and chew properly you will end up eating less as your stomach becomes full faster.
Chewing slowly also helps make the food more alkaline, thus reducing the acidity in the stomach.
If thats not enough, a good chew keeps your teeth and gums healthy too!
"A well chewed burger is better for your waistline than a badly chewed salad".
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thedentalhq · 4 years
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Botox is emerging in the field of dentistry as a wonderful new treatment option, not only for improving facial aesthetics but also in the treatment of joint and muscle pain. It is one of the safest neurotoxins that can be administered in the body.
Uses of Botox: 
Pain Relieving
People who suffer with facial pain from bruxism (clenching and grinding of teeth), temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction or chronic headaches like migraines, can get much needed relief from Botox treatments.
These quick, painless injections decrease unnecessary muscle contractions and relieve pain caused by strained muscles associated with bruxism, TMJ dysfunction or migraines.
As we get older, it is natural for wrinkles, brow furrows, forehead lines or a sagging neck to appear. This can often be due to declining collagen levels in our skin. This can also happen because of too much sun exposure, gravity, facial movements or even could even be due to a genetic predisposition.
Botox is not only for the elderly, it is often administered in people in their 20’s & 30’s as an anti wrinkle treatment option.
Botox treatments also diminish the deep creases between your eyebrows and forehead lines. It can also reverse a puckered or pointy looking chin by relaxing the muscle that causes the puckering, creating a smooth, dimple-free lower face.
How it is done
At the Dental HQ we help you achieve smoother and fresher looking skin by administering a commonly used injectable muscle relaxant. Our trained dentists will consult with you about which areas of the face you would like to target.
It normally takes between 4 to 7 days for Botox injections to work. Typically the effect will last 3-4 months, however, with ongoing or preventative doses the effects are longer lasting.
Safety First : Why the dentist?
Dentists have an advanced training in the way the oral and facial structures work, making them the ideal practitioners to administer treatments using these two cosmetic solutions that ease the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and show off your beautiful smile.
So if you're still confused about how and when to get Botox done, call us and book an appointment for a cosmetic consultation!
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