thefallenassassin · 2 years
I’m actually so over all of the marvel stuff, but I’m too lazy to go through my follow list and unfollow people lol. I’m still gonna follow my friends, obviously. I also now have a second blog where I write gallavich fanfics, so I’m really not on here much anyway. 
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thefallenassassin · 2 years
Is everyone just way too sensitive or was I raised in a home that forced me to learn how to let insults roll off my back, because if I reacted to them I would get hurt?
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thefallenassassin · 2 years
I don’t understand the hype behind Les Mis. I watched the first 30 minutes of it this morning and I turned it off because I got bored. There’s not even anyone I find attractive? Maybe I’ll grow an attachment to someone as I watch more, but so far I don’t get it.
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thefallenassassin · 2 years
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Merry Christmas y’all
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thefallenassassin · 2 years
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thefallenassassin · 2 years
Petition to get Bucky Barnes a service dog
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thefallenassassin · 2 years
It’s almost Christmas, which means that it’s time for me to start rebloging all the Christmas stuff I see
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thefallenassassin · 3 years
Send in asks, or I’ll just answer all of them at some point anyway when I’m bored
50 Questions Just Because
What are three shows in your watchlist that you’ve been meaning to get to?
Describe your favorite pair of socks
Do you like smoothies?
What do you wear when you have to dress nicely?
How do you like your eggs?
What do you use to keep your place when you’re reading a book?
What color dominates your closet?
Do you collect anything? If so, what?
What sounds or scents calm you down?
What’s your favorite kind of uquiz question? (Lyric, color, aesthetic, etc)
Do you wear glasses or contacts?
What’s something about your best friend that you love?
Do you prefer to write in pen or pencil?
What are some places where you feel most at home?
Do you have any houseplants? Do any of them have names?
Describe your favorite hoodie. How long have you had it? What makes it unique?
What’s the last thing you ordered online?
What’s one historical event that you would have liked to have witnessed?
What’s your favorite Halloween costume from when you were a kid?
What kind of math are you best at?
What’s your favorite period in art history, your favorite famous work and/or your favorite style of art? If you don’t know any that’s ok!
Iced or hot drinks?
Which songs do you like to sing in the shower?
Are you a good driver?
Do you have any piercings or tattoos? Are there any that you want?
Can you cook or bake? If so, what are some of your specialties?
Do you have any keychains on your home or car keys? Describe them!
Can you swim very well? Do you like swimming?
Did you play with Legos as a kid? What was your favorite set?
Is your closet organized? If so, how?
What’s the last music video you watched?
If you could dye your hair any color, regardless of how you think it would look, what color would you choose?
Headphones or earbuds?
Can you read analog clocks?
Describe your favorite stuffed animal, either now or from when you were a kid.
What’s an arcade or table game (air hockey, ping pong, etc) that you’re really good at?
Do you mind if others are in the kitchen when you’re cooking or baking?
What’s one show you watch or musician you listen to that your friends know nothing about?
What was the best part of your day today?
What’s your favorite kind of tree?
What scent is your deodorant?
Do you have any games on your phone? If so, which one(s) is/are your favorite?
Do you shower with the lights on or off?
What do you do with spare change?
Do you have good handwriting?
What’s the last thing a friend recommended to you that you looked into and actually liked?
Do you like to go on walks?
Do you have a favorite plate or bowl?
What’s your favorite thing to do when it’s raining?
Describe your perfect sleeping conditions
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thefallenassassin · 3 years
Tbh, the happiest I’ve been in a long time was a few days ago when I was drinking hot tea and cleaning my old saddle while my cat sunbathed on the rug next to me. That’s the good stuff.
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thefallenassassin · 3 years
i hate when men aren’t covered in blood or smoking . whats the point then
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thefallenassassin · 3 years
I know it’s a fucked up scene, I do, but that to me just is nOPE. What the fuck are they putting into his system on top of the mind wiping and the physical abuse and the conditioning. 
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thefallenassassin · 3 years
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I’m gonna be obsessed with him until further notice. No, I’m not taking criticism. Good day.
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thefallenassassin · 3 years
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Everyone, meet Alfredo Hamilton. My newest edition to the family.
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thefallenassassin · 3 years
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Everyone, meet Alfredo Hamilton. My newest edition to the family.
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thefallenassassin · 3 years
Okay I’m back because I’m still pissed about this. I know people are gonna say “oh, well then suddenly everyone has the flu.” Then require them to have a damn doctor’s note! My kid should not be punished because you’re not letting him go to school.
I’ll never understand why schools count sick days against you, especially if you have a doctor’s note. If my kid catches the flu, but feels fine and energetic, then he’s going to want to go to school.
But y’all won’t let him because he’s sick. And then those days that you made him stay home are going to count against him?? Even if he attended all of his classes virtually and turned all his work in? Idk it just doesn’t feel fair to me.
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thefallenassassin · 3 years
I’ll never understand why schools count sick days against you, especially if you have a doctor’s note. If my kid catches the flu, but feels fine and energetic, then he’s going to want to go to school.
But y’all won’t let him because he’s sick. And then those days that you made him stay home are going to count against him?? Even if he attended all of his classes virtually and turned all his work in? Idk it just doesn’t feel fair to me.
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thefallenassassin · 3 years
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