thefelixc · 25 minutes
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thefelixc · 25 minutes
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thefelixc · 25 minutes
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sorry i can't stop thinking about this. it's finally our month honey
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thefelixc · 1 hour
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pov: you're waking up and it's june 1st
(happy pride month yall!)
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thefelixc · 1 hour
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He's flawed. I disagree with him on things. He needs to cut off supplying weapons to Israel.
But he's a decent human being, up against an outright fascist Nazi shit stain orange spray painted idiot. An absolutely abhorrent monster is the other choice compared to a flawed centrist.
That's no choice at all.
We must not allow the monster into power again. If you're old enough to be voting you should be old enough to remember how bad January 20, 2017-2021 was. Don't let it happen again.
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thefelixc · 1 hour
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thefelixc · 1 hour
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I never guessed that in my adulthood, I’d be relating to Calvin’s parents as much as I do in this comic.
Because damn … Calvin’s dad was so right.
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thefelixc · 1 hour
I'm trying to hype myself up to come out to my parents as trans tomorrow. I'm planning on sending them a long letter I've been working on composing explaining the situation via email , with a text to prompt them to read it. I want to give everyone involved some time to formulate their thoughts before we talk.
I'm traveling home for 4th of july and although I haven't medically transitioned I really don't want to grow my beard back out, and I'd prefer not to lie and deflect about why I suddenly shaved. I'm probably overthinking it, but I just hate feeling like I'm keeping secrets from the important people in my life, and quite honestly I don't want to keep pretending to be a guy when I can safely get away with it. I've been agonizing over whether I was trans for years now, I want to stop hesitating and enjoy being a girl. And if I'm going to come out to them, I don't want to show up the day before a big family party and surprise them with a huge life event and have everybody have to process that on the spot as guests are arriving. I'd rather tell them sooner so that everyone has a few weeks to get used to the idea of me being a girl before I visit.
I'm fortunate, I'm 99% sure they'll accept me as Claire. I've already come out to them as Bi, as has my wife, and they've been cool with my trans and nonbinary friends. My folks were understanding when one of my cousins was struggling with their gender.
That only makes it so much less scary to explain to your parents that their idea of their child is wrong in a fundamental way, not to mention the danger that identity puts them in.
And more than just that, I feel like telling my family makes it real. Like, if I were to entertain the trans impostor syndrome in my head and decide that this was all a big mistake and un-come-out to my friends it would be a bit embarrassing, but ultimately nothing about my life would change in any meaningful way. But once my family and wider social circle knows a lot of people will see me fundamentally differently forever, no matter what I do. Once I share this secret I can't go back to comfortably pretending to be a guy even if I should want to. Now being trans isn't just a fun roleplay that I do for my internet friends (and a tiny circle of IRL friends), now its my actual fulltime identity. Its a scary but necessary step.
I know I won't regret doing it, but the minutes between sending them that email and getting a call back will be some of the longest in my life. I've been stressing about it all week, I need to get this over with.
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thefelixc · 1 hour
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I make art about grief again
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thefelixc · 1 hour
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it’s been ten years
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thefelixc · 1 hour
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he might be me
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thefelixc · 1 hour
you can't support the normalization of the usage of singular they/them pronouns and then say you don't support people who want to normalize it/its because it's "too weird," as if using singular they/them pronouns isn't clearly weird to a lot of people.
you can't refuse to acknowledge an identity because it's "weird," they're all "weird" in the eyes of cisheteronormative society. people who use neopronouns like it/its, ze/hir, xe/xem, thon/thons and others don't deserve to have to settle for they/them if that's not what they use. it doesn't matter if something is "weird" or not. let go of the compulsive need to assimilate and just let people express themselves freely
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thefelixc · 1 hour
Fuck you, now you get to see it in video form, because fuck you.
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thefelixc · 1 hour
I love watching shit with subtitles on and discovering that mumbled background conversations were not only supposed to be fully intelligible but are in fact plot-relevant. Like please, for the love of god, can streaming services start mixing their audio right?
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thefelixc · 1 hour
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wikipedia is a gem
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thefelixc · 1 hour
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thefelixc · 1 hour
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And something clicks.
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