thegothicpost-blog · 6 years
A Lesson from the Dungeon 
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({Painting by: Pablo Baens Santos, "Krista (Female Christ)", oil on canvas, 1984, Ateneo Art Gallery Collection)
There’s a saying that “those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.”Although I believe that those who learn from the lesson of history can create their own. Considering the new or younger generation, Martial Law may be just one of the blurred pages in our history books should I say, but for those who have witnessed these dark moments during the past, it is certainly unforgettable and totally memorable. Other individuals would probably think that Martial law was not as bad as it seemed but it is no doubt remains the symbol of oppression and repression in the country. According to the video “It was the deathbed of our country’s freedom and democracy.”
After almost three decades had passed away, still, nothing seems to change. Human rights violation is still out of control. Political beliefs and activities may appear to be accepted, but these are still the main reasons why activists are still put under surveillance, arrested, detained, or even killed. Although there are now judicial system (Meaning a court law, commonly in the exercise of civil law jurisdiction, enforce a right, exploit a penalty or make another court order to impose its will.) and human rights legislation (meaning you can defend your rights) that are supposed to provide better human rights protection but prosecution and conviction of human rights cases are still almost none. Many if not all of the perpetrators of the past and recent violations remain Scot-free, while the victims and their families continue to suffer the consequences of their traumatic experiences.
We may now have the freedom of the press or freedom of speech but considering numerous journalists in our country, it is a must for them to spill their own blood for exposing the truth. I should say, Martial Law may be synonymous to a nightmare. But it made us, Filipinos dream for a just, humane and free society. It made them value themselves, their dignity, freedom, and rights. It ignited within themselves the fire of revolution that paved the road to EDSA and the downfall of the Marcos dictatorship. Martial law may still be a painful memory for the majority, but it serves as a reminder for all of us that the real power lies within us. The only way to ensure that Martial Law will not happen again nor by any chance, it will rears its ugly face once more is for us to know our rights, to stand and defend these rights through individual and collective actions.
History is said to be unfolding. But we should not let it move by itself. We have to create it.
Quotes: “Wag kalimutan lumingon sa pinanggalingan”
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thegothicpost-blog · 6 years
The Real Beauty of Art
The Gothic Post
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(painting by Aaron Lonzynsky)
Hello! As we lived in the 21st century, we might not know what is the real essence of art. Art is a form in many ways, it can be an instrument, voice, ways, or any other. In this day we probably think what is the real essence of art? What does it mean if you made an art? Does it make you popular? Why do people need to do that thing, where in fact paintings from the 1800’s up to the 1950’s where being more sold, than in today’s art. In reality, we make art because of our passion and that is the real essence of it, people always varies about money and money where in fact the talent will always be a highlight one. People will go down to you and tell “you’re not gonna be successful with that shit” but they do not know the real meaning on why we do it, not just for passion and love for arts but is using it for a voice that you really want to sing out in the society. It may be just an art but in the reality, its more on the meaning of every symbol that is painted, it is not always the strokes, the colors or any other. It is always a value that can impact the society by simply putting mechanic colors into it. Art might be boring to do but it’s just for people who do not have the passion and courage in it. You’ll you love art if you have the passion and courage to do it, it maybe takes some days, weeks, years to finished it but in the end, if it has some love and willingness then it really give matters, it defines as beautiful as it is. Let the Beauty of Art comes from its meaning, not the value.
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thegothicpost-blog · 6 years
22:01 Posts
Words of Michaelangelo
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It often happens in our daily life, where us just only settle for least, without knowing that there is better outside the door. We always keep ourselves inside the box, that’s we can’t explore anything that we can use in our life, just stay out of our zones and learn to explore more. Settling in the least is not a good solution, you may easily reach it but you’ll not enjoy it. Take it higher and explore more. Explore outside the box!
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thegothicpost-blog · 6 years
Art as a Powertool
"How Art redefines an Artist"
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Some artists really portrait their work, not just a hobby, but a work a passion they work on their own minds. Today’s artist is just a mere example, that artists really conveyed their thoughts and ideas based on what is happening to the society. Art is a useful tool to portray their voice in the society. A lot of creative work of voice. Artists really remind that Art is not just an exception of own creativeness but the realization of struggles in the society.
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thegothicpost-blog · 6 years
It Happened in Mindanao
"The Third of May 1808"
Francis Goya
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If you can differentiate the painting and the massacre that happened many years ago in Mindanao. The Maguindanao Massacre is one of the tragic massacres that happened in our country, but do we feel why it happens? It because of the political power conflict in the land of Maguindanao, where the Ampatuans clearly wants all the shit power just to stay a royal blooded family. Tons of investigation on this massacre but until now it remains the unresolved case, why it is unresolved? Maybe because of the political influence of the Ampatuan on the judges of the case or maybe, they’ll know what will happen to them if they did not grant wishes of the Ampatuans. Come on! Its 2018 let justice always prevails! And the truth will come, and the evil, in the end, is always been in punished. Let us change our Political System! No to Private Army and No to Political Dynasty!
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thegothicpost-blog · 6 years
Perhaps the mission of an artist is to interpret beauty to people - the beauty within themselves
Langston Hughes
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thegothicpost-blog · 6 years
The Woman Power
"Mona Lisa"
Leonardo Da Vinci
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The Mona Lisa is considered to be one of the greatest paintings of all times and there are several theories why. I surely believe there is something about the painting that makes it special. The use of chiaroscuro and sacred geometry is one of the most valid reasons. However, it is difficult to say that the painting consisted of a message. A meaning, yes. Which we may never know for sure. It is hard for us in the 21st century to appreciate how much was taken for granted during the Renaissance. We have to realize art’s function when people lacked the sensory stimuli we encounter every day, all day. In a world without television, smartphones and the internet, art served as an outlet for emotions, opinions, and ideas. But because of social and religious boundaries, some messages were left for the humans at large to crack and could not be depicted directly. Everyone, therefore, can come up with a theory and hidden messages when it comes to famous paintings. Which one of them is true, we will never know. In-depth study of all famous paintings will enable even you to come up with your own theories. The internet is helping you think these days. And at this very moment. But paintings made you think then. Therefore, messages and meanings, if any are very very subjective.
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