theharoldsaxon · 10 years
So, what are you going to do about your best friend? He's been weird lately.
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Be there for him... do whatever he needs me to... give him space if he wants that... I really don't know...
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theharoldsaxon · 10 years
So John proposed to River and she turned him down. Thoughts?
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I suppose I'm sorry for my friend. He does love her after all and such a rejection must be heartbreaking for him...
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theharoldsaxon · 10 years
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You just have to give it more time... after all, if you give up on something then that rules out the possibility of it ever happening...
And you're in my office because?
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Well, what else could it be? With the way things have been going, I really doubt it, sir. Mum’s fallin’ apart, and I can’t tell about dad because he’s hardly ever around. Doubt he’s doing much better. Time may fix some things, but I doubt it’ll work much here. 
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theharoldsaxon · 10 years
Do not say that. Being connected does not make you the cause of their unhappiness... Things will return to how they were... but it will take time...
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And you're in my office because?
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They didn’t have these sorts of problems until I … until right before Christmas. It was better for a short while, like a normal family again. Then Sherlock … fell … and it’s gone right back to hell. It’s all connected to me. If it weren’t for me, they could be happy. 
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theharoldsaxon · 10 years
No he hasn't... although I've been busy with my own matters, it may be that he came to visit me and I wasn't around...
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How would I help him? I'd help him by being there for him when he needs me... by caring for him and giving him my attention... by being very open about my want and need to help him... and make sure he knows that his wants and needs are put very high on my list of priorities, if not at the top. There's little else you can do but do what is best for him... these things are delicate and can't be rushed...
And you're in my office because?
Yes, I suppose you’re right. I just never expected him to be so adamant to do it alone. Or to act so unexpectedly the first time he talked to me since it happened. I thought he might have talked to you instead. 
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Am I supposed to just wait for him to open up more? For him to help his son like he needs to? How am I supposed to help him, Harold? How would you help him?
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theharoldsaxon · 10 years
I'm not just your Arithmancy professor John... I'm your father's friend... Do not blame yourself for what is happening between the two of them, it's between them and is not anyone else's fault or business really. They would have told you if it was to do with you. Do not go blaming yourself for any problems they may be having.
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And you're in my office because?
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It’s just … they’ve both been a bit … scarce since I last saw them. Dad did something that really upset mum, and I think it’s my fault. I wanted to talk to them about it, but … ah, forget it. Bit silly to talk to my Arithmancy professor about it. 
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theharoldsaxon · 10 years
As you said, he's been distant... I have seen very little of him myself... his reaction is understandable though, these things take time to recover from. All losses... no matter how many you suffer take time to recover from... time and patience and support... because we are left with gaping wounds that cannot be healed by potion nor magic...
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And you're in my office because?
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It’s John. He’s become distant since Sherlock and I don’t know what to do besides checking that he’s alive from time to time. You’ve helped him far longer than I have and I hoped you would know something.
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theharoldsaxon · 10 years
You're welcome.
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Not lately no John... I'm sure they've been concerning themselves with other matters... if there's something you need to talk to someone about though, you can always talk to me... 
And you're in my office because?
Yes, sir. Um … thank you.
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Um, have you seen my mum or dad around? I know you’re their friend.
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theharoldsaxon · 10 years
You don't know that until you ask me River dear.
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And you're in my office because?
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I came to ask you about something, but I suppose it’s nothing you can help with. I’m sorry for wasting your time.
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theharoldsaxon · 10 years
Yes you should at least make an attempt... be back as soon as you need help and if I'm not present I'm sure one of your classmates might be able to help you.
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And you're in my office because?
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Ah, thank you. I think I’ll probably be back once I read the first sentence, but I should at least make an attempt, shouldn’t I?
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theharoldsaxon · 10 years
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Well here it is then John. If you're not sure what you're doing just drop by and I'll go through it with you.
And you're in my office because?
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Um, just came in to get some makeup work for my absence.
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theharoldsaxon · 10 years
And you're in my office because?
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theharoldsaxon · 10 years
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If there's something you need to talk about I'm always here Sam.
*singing horridly off-key*
Never mind. Doesn’t matter. Forget I said anything. 
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theharoldsaxon · 10 years
The most part?
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*singing horridly off-key*
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It is, for the most part.
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theharoldsaxon · 10 years
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Sounds delightful
*singing horridly off-key*
Trust me, it is. Especially if Dad is with us, because then Dean can’t yell at me. He has to be quiet. 
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theharoldsaxon · 10 years
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It's not bad enough to hurt someone's ears Sam... and imagining the look on your brother's face as you wake him up like that is almost priceless.
*singing horridly off-key*
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I know how bad it is, Saxy. Dean’s recorded it before, just to spite me. I sing in the shower a lot, and I wake him up with it some mornings during the summer break. 
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theharoldsaxon · 10 years
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Now now Sam... it wasn't that bad....
*singing horridly off-key*
We were meant to live for so much more, til we lost ourselves…
Oh sorry, didn’t see you there. Hey, sorry if I hurt your ears. Habit. 
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