theheartsmistakes · 2 months
Hmm will u ever finish any other name
Hi! Wow, I can’t believe there is someone out there still thinking about this fic 😍🤭
Well, I can tell you that I’ve been working on it in my limited spare time. Things are hopefully about to slow down for me so I’ll have more time to write. I’m trying to get as much of it done as I can before sharing so I’m not stressing about when I’m going to post the next installment.
Thank you for reading it and loving it. I hope to post something soon.
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theheartsmistakes · 3 months
Do you ever just look at a guy's hand and think yes
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theheartsmistakes · 3 months
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theheartsmistakes · 3 months
Some tips for using a few words to describe voices:
1. Tone Words: Use tone words to convey the emotional quality of a voice. For example, you can describe a voice as "melodic," "soothing," "sharp," "gentle," or "commanding" to give readers a sense of the tone.
2. Pitch and Range: Mention the pitch and range of the voice. Is it "deep," "high-pitched," "raspy," or "full-bodied"? This can provide insight into the character's age, gender, or emotional state.
3. Accent and Diction: Describe the character's accent or diction briefly to give a sense of their background or cultural influences. For instance, "British-accented," "Southern drawl," or "formal."
4. Volume: Mention the volume of the voice, whether it's "whispering," "booming," "murmuring," or "hushed."
5. Quality: Use terms like "velvet," "silken," "gravelly," "honeyed," or "crisp" to convey the texture or quality of the voice.
6. Rate of Speech: Describe how fast or slow the character speaks, using words like "rapid," "slurred," "measured," or "rambling."
7. Mood or Emotion: Indicate the mood or emotion carried by the voice. For example, a "quivering" voice may convey fear or anxiety, while a "warm" voice may express comfort and reassurance.
8. Resonance: Describe the resonance of the voice, such as "echoing," "nasal," "booming," or "tinny."
9. Timbre: Mention the timbre of the voice, using words like "rich," "thin," "clear," or "smoky."
10. Cadence: Highlight the rhythm or cadence of speech with descriptors like "staccato," "lilting," "rhythmic," or "halting."
11. Intonation: Convey the character's intonation by saying their voice is "sarcastic," "apologetic," "confident," or "questioning."
12. Vocal Characteristics: If applicable, mention unique vocal characteristics, like a "lisp," "stutter," "drawl," or "accented 'r'."
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theheartsmistakes · 3 months
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james and cordelia always sleep better when snuggled together 🫶
characters by @cassandraclare 💛
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theheartsmistakes · 10 months
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“may i have the next dance, miss elizabeth?”
“you may”
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theheartsmistakes · 10 months
who are you when you are not watching tv or movies? when you aren't playing video games or reading a book or fanfiction or listening to music or whatever other kind of media that you engage with? who are you when your mind isn't in another world or story, when you are forced to sit with yourself and the only experience you have is your own sensorial life? can you define yourself outside of what you consume? who is that person? do you like them? can you bear it? can you bear it?
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theheartsmistakes · 11 months
It’s time to start writing again
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theheartsmistakes · 1 year
I am not responsible for who I become when hyperfixating
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theheartsmistakes · 1 year
Chain Of Thorns *Spoilers*
Okay, I just finished Chain of Thorns... and while I enjoyed it (because I love these characters) there were some flaws in the story that I'm disappointed about.
If you haven't reached the end, I would stop reading here because I'm about to spoil a crucial part at the end.
I felt like James (while being possessed by Belial) being killed and then miraculously healed by Cortana was rushed and just lazy plotting. We've never heard that Cortana has this ability. Emma never mentions it, or did I miss something when she did mention this? I heard that CC had an alternative ending to CHoT, that James was supposed to die at the end, but she wasn't allowed to go through with it because it was too sad for YA. I agree with that. I don't think his death would have been necessary.
Now, here is what I think should/could have happened. For a prince of hell, I think Belial (and CC) overlooked the incredible power that was bestowed upon Lucie. She could summon ghosts. She was a voice for the dead. I think instead of Belial pursuing James, he should have pursued Lucie and taken her to Edom in an attempt to possess her, but Cordelia lunged and latched onto Lucie's sleeve, so they both went instead of James and Matthew.
And because Lilith wants Cordelia to kill Belial as her paladin, I think either Cordelia geared up with Cortana for this fight before jumping with Lucie, or Alastair gave Cortana to Lilith to deliver to Cordelia in Edom. Or, if that doesn't work, maybe James and Matthew go to Edom like Lucie and Cordelia did, and they bring Cortana to do the job themselves. Then, before Belial can possess Lucie, Cordelia/James/Lucie delivers the last blow and ends him in this beautiful epic moment similar to when Clary killed Sebastian.
Ugh, I want to write it myself so bad! I just think it would have been stunning!
What do you think?
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theheartsmistakes · 1 year
I relate to this on a visceral level 😂
Tell a friend to tell a friend … SHE‘S BACK!
My dear Shadowhunter friends,
prepare yourself for a lot of posts because I just finished Chain of Thorns a minute ago and I‘m not fine…
Love to be back on here! I missed y‘all! <3
(Me rushing to Tumblr the second I finished Chot)
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theheartsmistakes · 1 year
Gray family
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theheartsmistakes · 1 year
Gray family
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theheartsmistakes · 1 year
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Herondale & Carstairs
In time for Chain of Thorns…
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theheartsmistakes · 1 year
Do u have any plans about any other name?
Hi! I have so many plans for it, it’s just time that keeps getting in my way. I haven’t had as much time to devote to writing as I did during the pandemic when I wasn’t working. I’ve worked on it a little bit here and there but I haven’t committed to posting chapters again. It became way too stressful not being able to meet deadlines or post when I promised, and I felt like my writing quality suffered.
If you’re reading it, thank you! I’m hope you’re enjoying it. I do have plans to start posting again soon.
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theheartsmistakes · 2 years
Don’t get angry at yourself for feeling drained. Growth takes a lot of energy. It’s really not as simple as it looks.
Nicole Addison @thepowerwithin
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theheartsmistakes · 2 years
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The fantasy library, which would you check out?
Personally, I would really like to read the third Book of Dust novel.. You can buy a copy of this print right here
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