thehopcful · 22 days
Intriguing Impression Starters
“You don’t look like… much…”
“So nice to finally put a face to someone I’ve heard so much about.”
“You aren’t what I expected, but I hope to be surprised.”
“Well… this is awkward… uhhh hello.”
“I’m failing to remember what I expected when I signed up for this.”
“Not gonna lie, you were incredibly intimidating at first… still kind of are.”
“We seemed to have gotten off on the wrong foot.”
“Seems that the rumors and reputation are indeed being lived up to.”
“So I’ve heard some things…”
“You were the LAST person I expected.”
“Sparring partner huh? I think I can take you.”
“Me? I’m not anyone particularly special.”
“Haven’t heard of you whatsoever.”
“I’ve known you for five minutes and I think we’re already friends.”
“You and me are gonna get along great.”
“This is absolutely not working out.”
“Clearly there needs to be some ground rules established.”
“You’re going to be my sparring partner?”
“You know what? I like you.”
“Not working out. Nope.”
“I’m sorry but looking at you doesn’t scream ‘fighter’ to me.”
“I really hope you can make a better second impression.”
“You get one more shot. I hope it will change my mind.”
“I’m here to apologize about before… can we try again?”
“Well this is certainly… incredibly interesting. Nice to meet you.”
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thehopcful · 23 days
Megamind  {Sentence Starters}
“Death ray readying!“
“He had you going, didn’t he?“
“Uh, why isn’t she screaming?“
“Justice is a non-corrosive metal!“
“Would it kill you to wash the bag?“
“Well… it mostly involves not dying!”
“So, that’s it? You’re just giving up?“
“That doesn’t even make any sense!“
“Well, I don’t need you to look after me!“
“Being bad is the one thing I’m good at!“
“Warming up? The sun is WARMING UP?“
“My sole purpose in life is to look after you!“
“You can’t trap justice! It’s an idea, a BELIEF!“
“This is the real world, and you need to wake up!“
“We’ve had a lot of adventures together, you and I.”
“I can’t see… it’s cold and dark, and warm and light.”
“Girls, girls, you’re both pretty! Can I go home now?“
“Please don’t do this. I know there’s still good in you.”
“Sorry, sorry! He’s just not used to positive feedback.“
“There had better be an amazing explanation for this!“
“But it can be easily reheated, in the microwave of evil!“
“You see the good in everyone, even when it’s not there.”
“Even the most heartfelt belief can get corroded over time!“
“What are you… what are you saying? You don’t need me?“
“You can scream all you wish! I’m afraid no one can hear you!”
“Predictable? PREDICTABLE? Oh, you call THIS predictable?“
“There’s a benefit to losing: you get to learn from your mistakes.“
“I don’t believe this! Do you really think I that would ever be with you?“
“Congratulations, another one of your genius plans has backfired on you!“
“If I was the bad boy, then I was going to be the baddest boy of them ALL!“
“You’re so pathetic! No matter what side you’re on, you’re always the loser!“
“I am finally free to get in touch with my true power… weaving lyrical magic!“
“Why are you so evil? Tricking me? What could you possibly hope to gain?“
“I’m in a heated, existential discussion with this dead-eyed, plastic desk toy.“
“I guess destiny isn’t the path chosen for us, but the path we chose for ourselves.”
“I’m the villain, you’re the good guy! I do something bad, then you come and get me!“
“I’m the bad guy! I don’t save the day, I don’t fly off into the sunset, and I don’t get the girl!“
“Still, things could be a lot worse. Oh, that’s right, I’m falling to my death. Guess they can’t.“
“Here’s my day so far: went to jail, lost the girl of my dreams and got my butt kicked pretty good.“
“No matter how hard I tried, I was always the odd man out, the last one picked, the screw-up, the black sheep.”
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thehopcful · 23 days
Starters for feathery winged muses  {Sentence Starters}
“Fly away, then!”
“Are you molting?”
“Are you an angel?”
“Why WALK anywhere?”
“If I was you, I’d never land.”
“What does it feel like… flying?”
“Can you actually fly with those?”
“You look like an angel with those.”
“What is the highest you’ve flown?”
“What’s the view like from up there?”
“Could you take me flying sometime?”
“Night flying just sounds… dangerous.”
“Just how rough was that last landing?”
“Stop pouting and glide back down here.”
“Why didn’t you tell me you were molting?”
“They’re like a big, feathery blanket! So warm.”
“You can’t fly tonight, there’s a storm out there.”
“I can see you’re sad. Your wings are drooping.”
“You have wings… Oh my god, you have wings!”
“I’m cold and your wings are warm. Come here.”
“Your wings got hurt? How bad? Can you still fly?”
“I can see you’re scared. Your wings keep shaking.”
“I get it. You can fly. You can stop showing off, now.”
“When was the last time you brushed your primaries?”
“How do you even get this much glitter on your feathers?”
“No, sharing a bed with you means a mouthful of feathers.”
“Stop shaking your feathers! You’re getting water everywhere!”
“Could you stop flapping? You’re sending all my papers flying…”
“Okay, that’s it! Land and say that to my FACE, you feathery jerk!”
“Hop in the bath… and don’t clog up the drain with feathers this time!”
“Your feathers are looking a little disheveled. Should I straighten them?”
“That was my favorite shirt. You cut wing holes in the back of my favorite shirt?”
“Running off into the sky isn’t going to make your problems go away, you know.”
“Your wings are still soaked. Come here, you’ll get sick if you don’t dry them off.”
“If you’re going to drop feathers on the floor, the least you could do is clean them up.”
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thehopcful · 23 days
► reblog to let your mutuals know that... YOUR RP BLOG IS NOT TIME-SENSITIVE!
...That there is NO time limit or expiration date on asks, memes or threads.
...That your partners NEVER need to feel they have to apologise for not responding to a thread or ask yet.
...That you welcome replies to "OLD" threads and memes, even if they've been sitting quietly untouched for weeks or months.
...That there is NEVER any pressure or obligation for your partners to reply until they feel the drive and enthusiasm to do so.
...That YOU will happily respond to things at YOUR OWN leisure, and you would like your partners to feel comfortable doing the same.
Not everybody enjoys running their blog this way and that's a-okay. But removing the idea that RP interactions are something that can "expire" or that the asks in your inbox have an unspoken "due-date", takes the pressure off of both your partners and yourself and can help bust feelings of stress/anxiety from the hobby. Reblog to let your partners know that you're just jazzed to receive new writing from them, whenever it comes.
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thehopcful · 23 days
While not at all uncommon for her cooking to attract wild Pokémon, it's not often that Hope finds such a rare Pokémon showing up to her campsite. The smell of apple curry wafts through the air as she continues to scoop out portions onto plates. The campfire blazes cheerfully, safely confined in a ring of stones (and the surrounding six inches of grass have been soaked with water gun, just to be safer). Already her Pokémon are pulling another plate from Hope's bag, clearly used to this sort of thing.
"Hi there, buddy." Hope chirps in greeting, before motioning invitingly. "You're welcome to join us if you want, I just finished cooking!"
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Whatcha got there? It looks tasty...
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thehopcful · 27 days
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thehopcful · 2 months
Pokemon Personality Quiz
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"Yeah, that sounds right."
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thehopcful · 2 months
random headcanon q’s 
1. is your muse able to keep a secret?
2. is your muse skilled at using technology?
3. how skilled is your muse at communication? 
4. who would your muse consider their best friend?
5. are there any fears your muse still holds from childhood? 
6. what is something that ticks your muse off, no matter what?
7. what clothes does your muse feel most comfortable in? why?
8. how many fights has your muse been a part of? how did they fare?
9. does your muse have any nervous habits? (biting lip, fidgeting, etc.)
10. how often does your muse find themselves daydreaming? what about?
11. how often does your muse cry? do they cry silently, privately, or out in the open?
12. what is a lesson your muse’s parent(s)/guardian taught them that they still hold onto?
13. is your muse proficient at any musical instruments? how long did it take them to learn?
14. does your muse prefer cooler or warmer weather? how does the heat/cold affect them?
15. does your muse know how to cook? what is the most complicated dish they’re able to make?
16. is your muse argumentative? if not, what is a topic they feel strongly enough about to argue for?
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thehopcful · 5 months
There is going to be a parcel left behind for Hope to find.
The gift is swaddled neatly with brown parchment paper, a leaf green ribbon tied around its neck. Tucked in that ribbon is a single pine tree sprig as well as a tag attatched with cordage that reads: Glücklich Hibernale Sonnenwende!
An inviting aroma of various savoury and sweet foods leak from inside - all intended for the youth to enjoy. [@crystal-grotto]
The enticing aromas wafting from the bag are what draw Hope's attention first. Her gaze takes in the sizeable present, translating the tag mentally.
Happy Hibernal Solstice!
The only person she could think of to have left this was Hagel. With that thought she carefully unwraps the gift, smiling widely as the mouth-watering smells grow even stronger. She was definitely going to enjoy these treats! She'd have to get Hagel something in return.
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thehopcful · 7 months
Rock type?
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thehopcful · 7 months
Send me a Pokémon Type and I’ll make a Team for my muse using only Pokémon of that type.
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thehopcful · 7 months
The gentle tugging is received with a smile as she looks down at the pup. She was happy to share her food with him and his friends. Her bag is slung off of her shoulder as she crouches down next to Chibi. As she starts pulling out fruits and other animal-safe treats she lines them up next to the bag. Apples, oranges, peaches, and more are set down, a surprising number for how small the bag looks on the outside.
"What kind of snacks do you like best?" She asks, ready to pull out more if the pup's favorite isn't already out.
"If you want some snacks let me know. I always have more than enough to share!"
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thehopcful · 8 months
Hope didn't mind sharing what she had, even when the boy started piling his arms high with snacks. If he was grabbing so much he probably needed it. She didn't seem to mind his tone either. Some people were just like that when they spoke, and assuming that he was being sarcastic wasn't something she would do.
"Take as much as you like, it's no problem." She chirped, holding an apple out to him. "Take this too. It'll help counter the saltiness of the chips and stuff."
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" Finally ! " He exasperated, clapping his hands together at the sudden offer. Free food was hard to turn down, even if it would probably be a bit of a threat in his future if he kept making enemies, " Don't mind if I do~ "
It was impressive how much seemed to come from the strangers bag. If he wasn't so hungry he might've had questions ! But as it was, he was happily piling his arms with chips and mix, " I need to make up for lost meals. Thank you- " The way he bit his gratitude made it almost sound sarcastic, but he just struggled not to sound like a bit of a jerk.
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thehopcful · 9 months
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$400 boat bed mattress not included.
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thehopcful · 9 months
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Wanted to practice embers and fire so here’s Hope ( @thehopcful ) in her phoenix form!
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thehopcful · 9 months
Check my muse's inventory: Open! Can we get an item description for any one of them you choose, if you want?
• Bag of Holding
• Mixed Seashells
• 3 Knives
• Creepers Sun Poison
• Sunstone Phoenix
• Amazonite Pendulum
• Fishing Gear
• Mess Kit
• Sleeping Bag
• Tent, A Frame
• Phone
• Phoenix Down
• Spellbook
• Mixed Herbs
• Photo of Someone Important
• Business Card
• Friendship Bracelet
• Oni Mask
• Stalkling Horn
• Metal Shield
>Check: Photo of Someone Important*
A photo given to Hope by Garen. It shows Hope and her father, Desmond. Hope is on his back, grinning widely at the camera. Her father's gaze is fixed on Hope, a smile on his face.
It's the only photo she has of her father, and although she can't remember him or what he was like, she treasures this photo.
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[*Art by the fantastic @geckoodles. Click the check for a link to the post its in!]
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thehopcful · 9 months
Check my muse's inventory!
Send “Open”+a muse to see a list of their items.
Send “check”+an item to see a description of it.
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