thehorrorsetc · 1 day
Say it with me, kids, "I do not deserve this pain. I am in chronic pain due to forces outside of my control. I should not have to earn pain relief. I am good. I do not deserve to be shamed for my pain. It is not my fault."
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thehorrorsetc · 1 day
“slut era” i whisper to myself as i rot in my bed, sick like a frail victorian child
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thehorrorsetc · 1 day
Learning about tender points was just me going “Wait, so it’s not SUPPOSED to hurt or feel almost bruise-like when you press down?” It just like… never hurt to a degree where I thought it should be “painful” so I thought it was normal
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thehorrorsetc · 2 days
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bunny frens
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thehorrorsetc · 2 days
theres actually no rules to transitioning and youre allowed to want contradictory things for your transition. it's fine if you only want some of the changes that come with hrt and take preventative measures for the rest (like wanting bottom growth but not body hair or vice versa). you can want to have vagina AND a dick. you can be a woman and want top surgery, or wear a packer. you can be a man and want to have a pussy. you can change your transition goals one or a million times or not have any goals at all and just take things as they come or as they feel right.
there are no rules.
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thehorrorsetc · 3 days
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thehorrorsetc · 3 days
People with chronic fatigue, chronic illness, disability, whatever
Imagine ur f/o coming with you on walks and making sure you don’t push yourself too far. Making sure you take breaks and don’t go too far and ensuring you drink enough water when you get home. And then also being so proud of u after
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thehorrorsetc · 3 days
Hey, hey, don’t cry. Protective f/os, okay? F/os that are ready to throw hands at a moment’s notice if someone is rude to you, makes you cry, looks at you even a little bit funny, etc. F/os that pull you closer when you’re walking together and keep their arm around you to show everyone that you’re with them. F/os that love you so loudly and proudly. F/os that would throw themselves under a train for you without even hesitating. F/os that get a little territorial when someone else shows interest in you. F/os that basically act like your body guard whenever you go out (bonus points if they’re actually your body guard). F/os that growl. F/os that don’t think twice about getting aggressive with anyone that bothers you but would never, not in a million years, be anything but loving and adoring to you. Just think about that and you’ll feel better.
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thehorrorsetc · 3 days
imagine referring to your f/o as “my [f/o name]” okay now imagine your f/o referring to you as “my [your name]” now subsequently imagine both of you getting flustered as hell over it
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thehorrorsetc · 3 days
imagine your f/os reaction to you complimenting little things about them, stuff their eyes, their hair, their glasses, aspects about their outfits etc ..
especially before being in an established relationship with them .. would they be flustered? in what way would it be noticeable?
it seemed so insignificant to them at first but now that you, the person they've laid their eyes for a while, points it out ..
no matter their reaction, just know that they appreciate every single compliment of you through and through ♡
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thehorrorsetc · 3 days
thinking about waking up with my f/o’s face buried in my neck ♡ᴗ♡
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thehorrorsetc · 3 days
Imagine calling your f/o by their full name
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thehorrorsetc · 3 days
Just.... Your f/o suddenly realizing that you've become so important to them.
I'm thinking about the absolute beauty in changing your f/os' lives. There was something missing in their life before, whether they knew it or not. And then one day... One day you show up and change everything. Maybe it's at first sight, or maybe it's slowly over time. But any way you slice it, it's different now. Whether they'll admit it out loud or not, you have changed their life for the better. They wouldn't want to live without you. They found that missing piece; It was you.
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thehorrorsetc · 3 days
Your f/o is that one person who would notice if you were being talked over in a group of people and smiles at you, making sure you feel heard and acknowledged while everyone else is speaking. "I'm listening! Can you continue with what you were saying? I'd love to hear more."
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thehorrorsetc · 3 days
Imagine your f/o pulling you in for a hug, kissing your forehead. They sigh happily, speaking up after a moment.
"I needed this, thank you so much. Being in your arms brings me a sense of comfort and warmth that is so familiar, it feels like home. You feel like home."
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[here's the link if you would like to support my ko-fi! thank you for reading.]
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thehorrorsetc · 3 days
catching your f/o staring at you because they waited just too long to look away. making eye contact as you turn to face them for a split second and knowing they were watching. do they get embarrassed? do they try to hide the fact that they were caught up in everything about you?
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thehorrorsetc · 3 days
Imagine being "the exception" for your f/o. Being the one who they feel closest to, the one they confide in, you're the one they come to, because they trust you the most. Your f/o puts such loyalty and positive emotional energy into your connection, because you are that special to them. You make them feel loved, heard, accepted. And that is something your f/o will always be thankful for - the opportunity to be themselves by someone who gets it, who gets them.
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