theninjaslayer · 2 hours
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theninjaslayer · 12 hours
my father said to me once that one of the things he deeply regretted was not putting music on for his father while he was fading away. he told me that grandpa would just sit in his old armchair in the quiet, and not until after he’d passed did my dad think of how he could have played of his favorite classical music tapes for him so grandpa could listen to something while he still could. i was very young when this happened and not much older when my dad told me this, but it always stuck with me as something important.
my mother died at home in a hospice cot, slowly shutting down over the course of about a week. when she had stopped responding, i remembered what dad told me about wishing he’d played music for grandpa, and i put the radio on her favorite country music station and kept it on for her until she died.
daddy died in hospital. no cassette players, no decent radios. the day after he was brought in, i thought again of what he told me, and i bought a little portable bluetooth speaker. even though he never woke up, was never aware, i played music for him too.
there’s no real significance to sharing this, not really. my motivation is selfish, again: i just want to hope that someone might think of this when their loved one is stuck in silence somehow, and maybe they’ll play music for them, and they won’t have to regret not doing so. i want to hope it helps someone. and i want to hope that someone will remember my dad with me, even in just a “story i read on the internet” way.
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theninjaslayer · 12 hours
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Don't forget to buy eSims for Gazans as there's constant network and internet blackouts
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theninjaslayer · 12 hours
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theninjaslayer · 12 hours
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Link to the gay porn library of Alexandria.
Happy pride.
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theninjaslayer · 12 hours
now more than ever, please vet gofundmes before you donate.
copy and paste descriptions into google to see if there are scam accounts reusing the same story, check to see if there are any images/updates on the fund with faces. go to the original blog, check if the post asking for help is only an hour old, or even less than that. refrain from donating if all it links to is a PayPal account, without any further confirmation of identity.
it’s horrible to say but it’s never been a better time for scam artists to exploit your generosity, when things seem so dire, and I’ve donated to campaigns before only to realise later that the entire story was stolen from an actual family in need. due diligence might take a few more minutes out of your day but at least you won’t be sending money to an opportunistic scumbag.
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theninjaslayer · 12 hours
now more than ever, please vet gofundmes before you donate.
copy and paste descriptions into google to see if there are scam accounts reusing the same story, check to see if there are any images/updates on the fund with faces. go to the original blog, check if the post asking for help is only an hour old, or even less than that. refrain from donating if all it links to is a PayPal account, without any further confirmation of identity.
it’s horrible to say but it’s never been a better time for scam artists to exploit your generosity, when things seem so dire, and I’ve donated to campaigns before only to realise later that the entire story was stolen from an actual family in need. due diligence might take a few more minutes out of your day but at least you won’t be sending money to an opportunistic scumbag.
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theninjaslayer · 12 hours
I do think it's pretty funny that fanfic premises based on illegitimate kids as an excuse for crossovers over the years have gone from "Mom character CHEATED on Dad character 😡" to "once upon a time, mommy and daddy had a threesome and now we have YOU!" lmaoooo. People don't want marital discord they just want a third parent
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theninjaslayer · 12 hours
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🇺🇦 🇵🇸
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theninjaslayer · 12 hours
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This is the important part
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We're going to see A LOT of pro Israel propaganda in the media in late June. More than usual I mean.
We need to be prepared to combat it all especially with the current invasion of Rafah killing and displacing thousands
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theninjaslayer · 12 hours
Where's that post that's like "I can't buy expensive things like plane tickets on my phone, I have to use my laptop, big purchases are for the big screen"
Because apparently this is a literal actual thing that retailers hate cuz you think more before spending a lot of money, they want you to spend a lot without thinking about it so much
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Keep buying Big Things on the Big Screen, it's healthy for you financially to think before spending a lot of money!
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theninjaslayer · 12 hours
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theninjaslayer · 13 hours
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theninjaslayer · 13 hours
bdsm stands for
Bees Do So Much for the environment
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theninjaslayer · 13 hours
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theninjaslayer · 13 hours
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Gosh, even his attempts at dog whistling are awful.
At this point, the only difference between Biden and Trump is that Trump stopped giving a shit about not saying the quiet racist part out loud.
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theninjaslayer · 13 hours
Reposting! I’m still in need of a little assistance! I’m a black autistic enby whose been struggling financially. I lowered my total goal and am trying to get $50 to eat today and tomorrow!
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