theory-anon42 · 3 months
Howdy! I don't want to make this post but I rather not just poof out of my follower's feeds. I'm not going to be active on Tumblr as much, if at all. You may have already noticed this, but my tolerance for websites selling my information and making safe spaces for people only to completely destroy them has hit an all time low. I've been waiting and waiting for Tumblr to backpedal on things that are obviously not good for their userbase but I don't think it's happening this time. As crazy as it sounds, I'm going to be more active on Pixilart. My sideblogs are unfortunately going to go completely dormant but one of them (my oc one) also is being rebooted on Pixilart. I might return one day when this site does get better, if it ever does. Thank you for following blog. My main Pixilart: TheosDoor My OC Pixilart: TheoryAnon42
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theory-anon42 · 3 months
What do you and your boss usually talk about?
"Stocks and bonds?"
That didn't sound right. That was just business stuff.
"How.. it takes more electricity to smile?"
Better but not quite.
0 notes
theory-anon42 · 3 months
What's so important about this meeting anyway?
Vermin felt YOU stare into him for an answer.
"I-.. it's um.. my boss. He needed to see me."
He looked across his robotic skin again.
"They never tell me why. It's always just me too isn't it? I never see any of my other co-workers get private meetings with him."
0 notes
theory-anon42 · 3 months
Vermin, you know how to read... right?
"What? Of course I do. "
He quickly stuffed the box of cigarettes back into his pocket.
Maybe it was because he realized he couldn't actually smoke this whole time, maybe it's because he didn't want to prove anything by reading the package
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theory-anon42 · 3 months
Not to us, you've been silent for a while....
But regardless, WELCOME BACK! I'm happy to see you again!
He makes brief eye contact out of pure shock, we wouldn't think YOU would be happy to see him.
"Well, at least someone is happy here.."
His tone clearly indicates he isn't. He finally pulls out a pack of cigarettes, he stares at it for much longer than what would be comfortable.
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theory-anon42 · 3 months
Hiiiiiiii! Welcome back online!
YOU make a sudden return to a his sightlines, he jumps.
"Back online? I've been sitting here the whole time!"
The elevator hasn't aged much, but there's a clear lack of maintenance. Vermin tries not to make eye contact as he tries to search for something in his pockets.
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theory-anon42 · 3 months
". . ."
Vermin looks around, the eyes on him feel lessened. He can't see YOU anymore. He slowly walks over and clicks the buttons on the elevator.
It dings! Maybe it'll finally lead him somewhere, rather than trap him here.
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theory-anon42 · 3 months
". . ."
Vermin looks around, the eyes on him feel lessened. He can't see YOU anymore. He slowly walks over and clicks the buttons on the elevator.
It dings! Maybe it'll finally lead him somewhere, rather than trap him here.
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theory-anon42 · 4 months
I want him to be able to leave. Can he really leave? Would he be free??
Of course, but the decision you make cannot tear YOU apart. YOU must agree...
Vermin pats down his jacket and pulls out a box of cigarettes he forgot was there but he doesn't have a lighter. He reaches to press a button, it lights up back to the first floor and the elevator stops, and then starts to safely head downward.
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theory-anon42 · 4 months
Everything good????
Vermin looked around and.. no one was there? Yet he felt many eyes watching him.
You. You have so much power, you could break him apart over and over, or you can set him free. It's you who does all of this. Isn't it?
Vermin pats his coat until he pulls out a small box, thinking through how the process of smoking even worked for a robot.
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theory-anon42 · 4 months
Tumblr media
"What? What are YOU saying?"
Tumblr media
"I don't.. I can see YOU! What do YOU want fr-"
Tumblr media
. . . .
The elevator started up already, someone must have called it. That person would know right?
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theory-anon42 · 4 months
Ollp zg dsviv blf ziv
Kfg blfi pvb rm gsv yzi
. . .
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theory-anon42 · 4 months
What's your name?
Don't say Vermin, no ones unfortunate enough to have that name.
"What? I.. uh."
Vermin has never questioned his name. Does he even know it?
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theory-anon42 · 4 months
No legs are connected.
"Am.. am I falling? I can't tell."
Vermin closes his eyes tight. He feels eyes watching over him again. So many eyes with so many questions. Yet all those voices feel like one.
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theory-anon42 · 5 months
Lyov bg fji cyg ffav pwm hf qv Uqwg fu ncterj?
"I just learned one of the worst things about myself and witnessed a murder, I do not want to do this right now!"
Vermin began to hyperventilate, as he stuffed himself into the corner again the weight of the elevator shifted just enough and the cord holding him snapped. He felt like he was going to die but the ground was far, far, far away.
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theory-anon42 · 5 months
Nzmb rm lmv. Z dliw lu hvevm ovggvih. Lfi tznv gl kozb.
"What? What are you saying?
I think there's some different rules to pig latin."
The elevator felt light. Too light. It felt creaky and thin.
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theory-anon42 · 5 months
The elevator door slowed and the door opened. Slug got down and started to push its briefcase back out the elevator, stopping by the decapitated body and putting it in the briefcase in a jiffy and then pushing out the elevator like nothing has happened.
All that's left was the small blood stain on the floor and the wall- and the head itself.
Welp goodbye Slug!
"Yeah... Bye Slug."
Vermin sat that now, waiting for another floor, not thinking of his plan to follow him to whatever important meeting there was. The doors shut and he didn't move.
Finally after processing everything and staring at the blood stain he hit the open door button as the elevator had moved. Instead the elevator creaked and the doors stayed shut.
"What? Come on.." he started jamming the button but like the last few times it hasn't worked.
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