thepageofhopes · 6 hours
Everyone wants to talk about how Senshi is a tumblr sexyman but...Senshi is actually attractive. Like even aside from the fact that he's pretty good-looking he's a nice, sweet guy and he can cook and loves doing it. He's a perfectly eligible candidate for marriage, which kind of goes against the spirit of a tumblr sexyman.
Chilchuck, however? Chilchuck is a tumblr sexyman. What the fuck do you people see in him
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thepageofhopes · 1 day
I'd like to 2nd the manga for a different reason: it's really fascinating to compare it to the anime.
Both the anime and the manga are telling the same story in fundamentally different ways. It's super cool to analyze the choices the anime made and ask why they sniped specific episodes and how they wanted to tell the story vs . how the mangaka wanted to tell the story.
Yo, I'm seeing you blog about GOMG and I just watched it recently and I can barely believe how good it was?? I'm not talking about it here bc it's super controversial, but it's honestly one of my favorite casts ever. Have you read the manga, would you recommend it?
I 100% recommend the manga if you liked the anime.
It's just as continuously good as the anime is and the characters added after where the anime ended are all very interesting (or at least 2 are. 1 is kind of a joke character but her joke is decently funny). It's also a very pretty manga? Like I like the anime's art style but the manga's use of black shading and empty spaces is just excellent and sets such a great tone for the series.
The only issue you might have is that the anime kinda jumped around to a few later chapters. All of them are one-off (I.e. "baby play" and "the toy store") so it doesn't really break the pacing but if you're jumping on to the manga right where the anime ends (chapter 24) you'll encounter a few chapters already covered by the anime in a different order.
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thepageofhopes · 1 day
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thepageofhopes · 1 day
"Why can't the freaks on AO3 just go and make a site for all the gross stuff and leave AO3 alone."
Because AO3 is that site. Because AO3 was that site long before you decided AO3 was better than the sites you bullied us off of before, and I can promise you if someone somehow comes up with a fanfic site you like better specifically for the 'gross stuff' you'll try to bully us off that too so you can benefit from it.
AO3's specific core purpose is to preserve fanfiction, yes, but it was also instigated as a host site for the fanfiction that kept getting yeeted off other platforms like Wattpad. Its designed to preserve all fanfiction, not just the fanfiction you, personally, think is 'allowed' to be written.
AO3 is the site for all the gross stuff the freaks make. We've been there just as long as you. We've been funding it just as long as you have. AO3 has specifically said you have a place here. The timeline was literally:
Wattpad/FF.net/LiveJournal purge fanfics > AO3 is born > The people who's fics got purged moved over to AO3 > AO3 gains popularity as the best functioning site > The people who pushed for the fics to be purged off Wattpad move to AO3 > The same people try to push for AO3 to purge fics.
AO3's source coding is open-access. You go make a polished, strict, rigid site where nothing 'icky' is allowed. You go make a site where you can control what is hosted. We already have our space.
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thepageofhopes · 1 day
playersexual characters suck and get directly in the way of telling any meaningful queer love story at all
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thepageofhopes · 1 day
more of otto being Astronomically down bad for subaru for the entirety of rezero breaktime s2 except i cant put the entirety of rezero breaktime s2 so im just gonna put the Highlights: a compilation (part 1)
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thepageofhopes · 1 day
lots of stories about being possessed by demons and forced to do evil things against your will, not many about being possessed by angels and forced to do good things against your will
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thepageofhopes · 1 day
hello homestuck kinnies that live in my computer
i finally went ahead and made a classpect quiz based on my personal conception of how things work. that means it's probably one of the more accurate classpect quizzes out there. consists of two parts. 20 questions total. go take it, share it, argue about it, whatever. have fun.
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thepageofhopes · 1 day
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How it started vs How it's going Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 OPs
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thepageofhopes · 1 day
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thepageofhopes · 2 days
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Who thought that was okay
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thepageofhopes · 2 days
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thepageofhopes · 2 days
The thing I really like about the way Mr. House is written is the way he engages with and defies the evil overlord trope. House is on the hook for atrocities, but not in front of you, and never directed at you. There's never a moment where he goes from zero to 100 and unveils a Secret Evil Plan that has to be stopped from coming to fruition on principle, you never hit a point where you outlive your usefulness and he tries to dispose of you. The story doesn't make it that easy. The worst thing he asks you to do personally is wipe out the Brotherhood, and let's be real, the Brotherhood is begging for you to wipe out the Brotherhood. Those guys are assholes! If you decide to kill House, you'll always be the initiator, it'll always be a decision you actively have to account for. Not that it's necessarily a hard decision to have to account for, because House is an autocrat, a classist, a war profiteer who displaces people from their homes for the sake of his little walled garden. But let's be real here- you are a mailman. You are inherently going very, very far out of your way to put yourself in the position to pass judgement on him in this way, which in turn demands that you, the real life player, make a decision about the worldview and goals of the character that you're playing as. It's neat!
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thepageofhopes · 2 days
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mahjong night
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thepageofhopes · 2 days
Spooky scary Shelley-tons!! Ok Michael Distortion fans, this one is for you.
Drawn in Storyboard Pro 20.1 with custom brushes from Rozlyn Waltz. The Magnus Archives is a podcast written by Jonathan Sims, Directed by Alexander J Newall, and distributed by Rusty Quill! This clip features voice acting by Jonathan Sims and Luke Booys!
Had a lot of fun figuring out how Michael moves! Now that I've drawn his grand entrance, maybe someday I'll draw the scene where he...uh...leaves.
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thepageofhopes · 2 days
One more week of dungeon meshi :(
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thepageofhopes · 2 days
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Jujutsu Kaisen OP 4, SPECIALZ - Cursed Technique Hand Signs
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