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Stolen from @kingdom-of-mxginica
Tagging @bladxbornx @raktanag @moonlitsorceress @paleobird @bulletfestival @sins-of-the-sea @halfkuma
Apologies for my continued lack of replies have a picrew of Nana
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Reblog this post if you want people to ping and/or tag you in the dash commentary they make about your muse!
Dash commentary is a GREAT way to get muses talking, but from what I've experienced, both by observing and how I personally feel, a lot of people are hesitant to comment on dash commentary when a URL isn't provided for fear that the commentary isn't about them—even if it might seem obvious. So let's try to alleviate that anxiety and let people know we WANT to be informed when our muse is being talked about!
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Hello there! If you're seeing this, it's a small text promo for a multimuse featuring a majority of OC muses, with presently a sole canon muse. Three of the four here are Touhou, and one is for the most part fandomless.
If you'd be so kind as to share this post, or you'd be curious to follow and learn more about these here muses, reblog or like this post! Hope to see you around!
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Animal/Plant/Nature Themed Muse Masterlist
So there used to be an animal inspired muse masterlist, but it's not active, so I wanna start my own newer version. So this is for the Animal/Plant/Nature Muse Masterlist. Which covers both Canons or OCS that are.
Sentient Animals
Animal People - Nagas, Centaurs, Kemonomini Characters etc
Talking Plants/Plant People
Nature Spirits
Nature Loving Humans - scientists, druids etc
Anything similar to that.
So like/reblog with your muse's name and how they fit in and I'll make a list of everyone.
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"You're not that heavy Mabel-san, at least compared to animals like Moose-san and Lion-san. Please don't worry about it." Kaban gave a smile to try and dissuade Mabel's worries.
"Besides I'm a park guide so I'm used to getting hurt here and there, I imagine it's more or less the same as the adventures you and your brother have." While she was a human she was also a friend and that made her slightly more durable than the average person was, and wandering around the park on foot was no joke when it came to the kind of injuries you could get.
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"In other words we can't go in ourselves right? Then our best option is to find some way to stay in the bus and picked up the mysterious object from a safe distance. Like... something like a spider's web to catch and hold onto the object." The word fishing net wasn't in Kaban's vocabulary but that was what she was thinking about.
"I could make make one out of vines but it would take awhile and we'd have to put the bus back into the water again Mabel-san." Kaban hoped the other girl had a better idea.
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While Mabel's fall was mostly cushioned by poor Kaban's body, her elbowed still hit the floor, hard. Apparently, the little park guy wasn't the only one who would have come back from that trip on the river with a bruise.
"I should be the one asking you that," she answered as she picked herself off the ground. "But yeah, I'm okay!"
She was sore, wet and a little cold, but she had been much worse, so she technically wasn't lying. She was just omitting a few details not to worry Kaban.
By the time the other girl came back, Mabel had finished wringing out her sweater. She would probably have to get rid of it once back home. There were a few holes in it and it was all stretched out. She might try to salvage it, but she wasn't very confident that it would work.
"Are you okay? I mean, I hit you like a mean sack of potatoes!" She asked, setting the piece of clothing on one of the seats. "And, uh, it's alright. I got myself in bigger trouble back home. When Dip-stick and I go out adventuring, this can easily be what a typical day looks like for us."
Her smile was a bit forced, mostly because she couldn't help thinking about what their not typical field days had looked like, but the sentiment behind it was genuine.
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"Soooo....I think that we might need to rethink our plan to retrieve the thingie. If that's how the current is in the middle of the river too, there's no way we can simply dive in and grab whatever is down there."
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"So uh people are talking about barking at girls to show affection and if neither you or your crush are a dog I feel like that isn't going to work too well. How about we all just make the sounds of other animals when we're around them okay?"
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So several of my muses appear in the Kemono Friends Comic Anthology and despite the fact it's probably not canon I have learned several interesting things.
Like Golden Monkey Brown Bear is a nerd for Chinese romances her favorite character in Journey to the West is The Pig Monk.
Okapi and Caracal are besties, Okpai like Serval in the previous generation is always impressed with how smart Caracal is.
Domestic Dog is from The Countryside Area which is accessed through a hidden tunnel
I hope to get to replies later tonight but my little cousin is having a recital and so I'll be off for awhile now.
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bold what applies - italicise sometimes.   repost,  don’t reblog.
fights honorably/fights dirty
prefers close-quarters / prefers range
chats during / goes silent
low pain tolerance / high pain tolerance
attacks in bursts/attacks steadily
goes for the kill /aims to disarm / fights defensively / strikes first
is provoked easily / provokes their opponent /teases
gets visibly frustrated / shouts while attacking
uses strategy / focuses on the battle/experiences conflicting thoughts during battle
rushes in recklessly / tries to read their opponent before engaging
fights wildly / fights calmly / fights apathetically / fights with anger/fights with excitement
fights because they have to / fights because they want to
fights without regard to wounds / runs away when wounded/hides wounds/ takes a blow to protect another
prefers a blade / prefers a gun / prefers hand-to-hand combat / prefers a bow / prefers a shield / prefers a personalized weapon / prefers magic alchemy or spells
their greatest weakness is physical / their greatest weakness is mental / their greatest weakness is emotional
transforms for battle/fights as they appear
relies on strength/doubts their strength / relies on speed
uses everything they have / proceeds with caution / hides their full potential
exhausts quickly / has high stamina
behaves arrogantly / brags after landing a hit / belittles their abilities
uses psychological tactics / uses brute strength
avoids civilians/strikes down civilians
damages surroundings / avoid damaging surroundings
signature fighting style / makes it up as they go
mastered skill-set / learning their skill - set
messy fighter / elegant fighter
accepts defeat / refuses defeat / begs for mercy
compliments their opponent / insults their opponent
uses unnecessary movements/moves efficiently / barely moves
prefers to dodge/prefers to block
defends their blindside / has no blindside/leaves blindsides vulnerable
uses all available advantages / strictly uses one main method
plays around / holds back / fights ruthlessly / shows mercy
waits for an opponent to be ready / strikes when the opponent isn’t ready
fears death/fears pain/fears killing
has PTSD / avoids fighting
has lost a fight / has won a fight
has killed /refuses to kill
Tagged by @gunslinginnhogtyin
Tagging: @moonlitsorceress @halfkuma @teenagedkraken and whoever else wants to do it.
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Send “Truth!” and my muse will have to honestly answer anything you ask them.
Send “Dare!“ and my muse must do the the dare you give to them, no matter what it is.
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been super busy will hopefully be around next week
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I know I still owe @enigmaincrimson @multiverseofmisfits @teenagedkraken and @mizumeism and will try to get to those soon but other projects are taking a lot of my time, but if I've lost any drafts please im me ^_^
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"You must be Belle-san. It's very nice to meet you. I'm Kaban, I'm the temporary japari park guide so I'll be showing you around. Uh I've never met a real princess before but I hope I can make you're time here interesting." Kaban bows and then says with a smile. She was a little nervous, there had been guests before but they were generally scientists or adventurers not princesses.
"Did you travel here with any equipment?" Kaban asked, what she meant of course was whether Belle had any luggage to put in the bus.
Belle was preparing for her trip to a far-away place called Japari Park. She was so excited for it sounded like an adventure, which she had always wanted.
After a while, she had finally arrived. Up ahead was a large strange-looking carriage with a person standing beside it.
"Hello. I'm looking for a 'Kaban'. I was told they'd meet me here."
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"It's nice to meet you Mode-san. Yes, this place is a wonderful place to relax. The animals who live here are very nice so I come by a lot." Kaban replied with a smile. The designer was very pretty and the little park guide figured she was in good hands.
"Ah yes. I was kind of hoping you could create a new park guide uniform for me? I'm a little small to fit into the official ones and I've been thinking that something new and exciting might be good set me apart from the previous park guides."
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“Ah. There you are. Good morning,” she bowed, “Please call me Mode. It’s nice. Looks like a great place to relax.” Isolation was hard to find in Tokyo, but she certainly could find it here! “Did you decide what kind of clothing you would like for me to design?”
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shoebill drawing i did for a squishmallow
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EYES. avoids eye contact when nervous, maintains eye contact when agitated, avoids eye contact due to being neurodivergent, enjoys eye contact as a means to read and convey emotion, looks down when emotional, looks up when emotional, cries openly, wipes tears quickly, suppresses tears, wandering gaze when lost in thought, holds gaze while thinking, seeks out eye contact for reassurance, seeks out eye contact to gauge enthusiasm during conversations, eyes constantly move during conversation, expressive eyes, emotions only evident through eyes, uses eye contact to intimidate, looks up while thinking, looks down while thinking.
HANDS. clasps behind back,  rest in lap, fidgets with clothes,  twiddles thumbs,  chews at nails,  pushes back cuticles,  draws patterns on table/counter surfaces, makes animated gestures while speaking, only gestures to emphasize, utilizes sign language, speaks only through sign,   callouses,  scars,  smooth,  wrinkled,  worn,  soft,  delicate,  boney, slender,  thick,  veiny, touches others while speaking,  reaches out while laughing,  reaches out to comfort others,  reaches out to seek comfort, places face in hands when exasperated, places palms over eyes to hide when overwhelmed,  rests chin in hands,  taps fingers when impatient, taps fingers when nervous,  taps fingers while thinking,  scratches scalp, strokes chin, rubs back of head, toys with objects around them, runs fingers over surfaces while walking by.
MOUTH. chews lip, chews at inside of cheek,licks lips,  bites tongue,  chews on straws,  resting frown,  resting smile, neutral resting expression,  resting pout,  grinds teeth,  flexes jaw,  covers mouth when laughing,  covers mouth when shocked,  covers mouth when concerned,  hands to lips while thinking, covers mouth when chewing,  chews with mouth closed,  chews with mouth open,  smirks, grins, subtle smiles, wide smiles, sad smiles, intimidating smiles, menacing grins, openly smiles, tries to suppress smiles, bares teeth when angry,  lips quiver when emotional,  stutters,  speaks quickly,  speaks slowly,  good pronunciation,  poor pronunciation, moderate pronunciation, purses lips,  sucks in lips,  holds mouth open when shocked or confused.
LEGS. bounces leg when nervous,  draws knees to chest when sitting, draws knees to chest as a means of comfort,  sits on knees,  sits with legs criss-crossed,  sits with legs spread open in chairs,  crosses legs when sitting in chairs,  sits with one leg folded under the other,  places feet on furniture,  never places feet on furniture,  sits on counters, sits on desks, sits on tables, sits on edge of seat, sits hunched over with forearms on knees,  arches one knee up,  sits on the arm of chairs/couches,  feet on dashboard,  swings legs back and forth when sitting somewhere elevated, wiggles toes when nervous, wiggles toes as a general tick, shuffles feet, kicks foot into ground,  stomps feet,  loud footsteps,  quiet footsteps,  silent footsteps.
HAIR. runs fingers through hair, tugs at hair,  picks at scalp,  chews on hair,  twists locks of hair while thinking or nervous,  smooths out locks of hair while thinking or nervous, prefers hair out of face,  prefers long hair,  prefers short hair,  wears hair back,  keeps hair down,  smooths back hair, plays with other’s hair while talking,  plays with own hair while talking,  strokes hair to comfort others,  likes having hair stroked for their own comfort,  braids others’ hair while talking,  braids own hair while talking,  flips hair out of face,  pushes hair out of face,  leaves hair alone even when falling into face.
tagged by @maeriiberii
tagging: @countlessrealities @nautikids @nemekii @moonlitsorceress @eternalstretchofmuses and anyone else who wants to have a go at it.
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Munday Music Playlist !
Put your liked songs (wherever you have them) on shuffle and write (or link) the first 10 that come up. No skipping!
Goodbye Eleanor - Toto
You Thought - The Go Gos
Africa - Toto
Glasgerion - Trees
The Cutty Wren - Steeleye Span
Avantasia - Avantasia
The Wolves Die Young - Sonata Artica
Tam Lin Of The Elves - Drake Oranwood
Sovay - Pentangle
Don't You Forget About Me - Simple Minds
So the result is very heavy on the 80s pop but there's some good eurometal here too and of course my favorite Tam Lin version on the folk music side of things.
tagged by @countlessrealities
tagging: @automaton-otto @hxroic-wxlls @moonlitsorceress @onlyheartaches @eternalstretchofmuses and whoever else is interested in this munday meme.
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pretend to be someone my muse knows ! on anon, send a message from someone my muse knows. could be a family member, a lover, a friend, an enemy … or, you could even send a secret message from your own muse !
leave clues as to who it’s from, be completely anonymous, or just sign off as them.
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