theunmotivatedparable · 6 months
Hello everyone I think this is most likely my last post here. I’m still unsure.
To put it bluntly the fandom is going to shits.
People bullying creators to the point that they leave or to the point of being sick of it all and it seems the bully’s have no shame. I’ve only recently been made aware of how big of a problem this is but I’m putting my foot down now that I know.
FIRST Stop comparing narrators. It’s annoying as hell. People are trying there best doing what they love. Unless someone’s blatantly tracing someone else’s work i don’t wanna hear anything about a narrator looking to much like someone else’s.
SECONDLY I heard some creator MAY or may NOT have some weird thing going on with a minor? ((Once again I have no idea if it’s true or not! Because I don’t have the energy to dive into the drama and figure it out for my self)) so much so that Im not even sure of who the user may be I just know they are in the fandom and prevalent enough to talk about. point is I don’t EVER eveR even want to ACCIDENTALLY be connected to someone who’s been creepy with minors.
AND THEN If this does happen to be a case of “he said she said” I need the fandom to realize “small rumors” are never small and leave a big impact no matter what. So much so that people could get doxxed or hated by peers, friends, and so on. One small thing on the internet tends to snowball into a bigger one and I think all tsp fans need to think before they type and or make rumors.
I’m not going down on that road simply put. I don’t even want to be associated with the discords any more because I hear that’s where a lot of the problem is starting. Sincerely I’m not sure what to do.
I loved this fandom, this game, I liked that others enjoyed my creative space, but I sure as hell don’t enjoy this.
I need peoples thoughts and opinions if possible so I can also manage to process through this. I need to know do others think the way I’m thinking? Or am I totally weird for thinking all of this? I have no clue. Sincerely I have no clue.
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theunmotivatedparable · 6 months
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hi. i 'm alive
Hey! Sorry for disappearing on you guys.... does anyone ever read the read-mores actually? Anyways! I'm back! I'm aiming to post everyday for December (at least a sketch or linework) as an "advent calendar" type of thing! So you can look out for that and see if the plan falls through haha
And if you were wondering where I've been the past, um... scrolls through tumblr month?! over a month?!... I kinda got a little bit very not well and wasn't able to work on much. I apologize greatly for that but hey. New Narry, eh? I plan to draw a lot more of him soon to get myself going now and also draw a full reference. Also fyi these aren't his normal clothes I just can't think of an outfit right now
I redesigned him because my old desgin just felt... mehgh. It didn't feel original and it didn't encapsulate the Narrator like I wanted it to anymore, and I just plain didn't like it. so BOOM, new narry design! Has elements of my old design still in it, but I edited him and added more stuffs. He looks so crusty I love him. He's normal he swears. (the text on the paper says "427 ways I'm normal I swear" hehe)
Anyways this moron made me make a whole new brush just for him like. So inconsiderate. Cancel him on Twitter dot com.
And Stanley hath not changed. No worries he's thriving (dying) as always.
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theunmotivatedparable · 7 months
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theunmotivatedparable · 7 months
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i babygirl'ed him
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sorry for not posting for a week
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theunmotivatedparable · 8 months
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Paratober day #9: Freedom.
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Last one is rushed. I still like it. Two different types of freedom. Neither are ever good.
One is fleeting, forced and slips right through your fingertips. The other is lonely. Daunting.
Loneliness is a type of freedom. Stanley wants freedom from the Narrator. In a sense, the skip button gave him that freedom he craved. You'd think he got what he wanted. But this wasn't the type of freedom he wanted.
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theunmotivatedparable · 8 months
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Narr with the Adventure Line™! (except my design, cuz. I like snakes.)
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I drew them as a patternless albino burmese python!!! Because 1. I'm lazy and 2. Albino burmese pythons. Narrator LOVES his lil. his lil adventure line™ snake<333.
The only reason he costumes up his snake as the Line™ is because Stanley has a BAD phobia of snakes but the Narrator can code it so that the Line™ is only seen as the Adventure Line™ costume, yeah? So Stanley can be with the Line™ without crying and sobbing because SNAKE.
Anyways, sorry for forgetting to post on the weekend. Be fed with these shitty doodles instead on a Tuesday night </3
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theunmotivatedparable · 8 months
[ I have realized the humanity of my situation. ]
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[ I'm more human than you've ever treated me, it seems. ]
This took me a long time, and I'm uber proud of this!!!
I wanna explain the wording of the text some more, because I just LOVE it so much.
I have realized the humanity of my situation -- This relates to my Stanley's issue of seeing the fact he's actually a person, the fact he's not Just a character to be played with. The Zending always brings him back, always grounds him in some way. Shows him he's human, by the sight of his blood. By the fact his body is still mortal, though his soul really isn't. I also used "my situation" instead of something like "myself" because, again, he sees his current state and situation as inhuman. He quite literally can't grasp the fact that he, as he is, is a person anymore. And to use this to transition to my next point--
I'm more human than you've ever treated me, it seems. -- This is literally correlating to the fact the Narrator doesn't give a shit about Stanley's well being and just treats him like a character! Like a toy! The only reason Stanley feels this objectified is BECAUSE of the Narrator! (and again, 'more human' is supposed to actually allude still to the fact he doesn't believe he's fully human still. he's just more human than he thought. he's not human! just more than he thought. In his mind, anyway.)
** Also! The Narrator's dialogue if you're wondering are (from left to right to bottom) "Why are you doing this to me?" "Stanley?.." "Please, I'm asking you not to take this away from me!" **
And also, textless/backgroundless versions.
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and also here, have the background i used too. (I flipped it in the actual art, but still.)
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i'm so creative sometimes (also yippee for productivity)
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theunmotivatedparable · 9 months
I LOVE YOUR ART STYLE. I’m glad that I get to witness it, and I’m happy that you post it when you can. You’re so talented and kind
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AH BUT SERIOUSLY-- THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I appreciate it and I'm so happy to post :D Thank you!! Take this doodle as appreciation
ALSO I'm so sorry for not posting for a month or so!! Burn out hit a little hard... I'm working on a few projects I promise!!
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theunmotivatedparable · 9 months
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✰ click for better quality ✰ The silly as Dex!
You can personally thank (or blame) @braisedhoney for this
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My Narry as Kasane Teto (she is a real vocaloid what do you mean >:( )
I like Teto, she’s silly
Also I saw a lot of fanart of Teto with baguette, so Bearline™️ got baguetted 🥖
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I don’t have a lot of explanation for this one, I can only say it was really fun
@kelpiekidd @insomniphic @cha1nsawblood
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theunmotivatedparable · 10 months
Unbritishes your Narrator and throws pierogis at him (I made a Polish Narrator)
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✰ click for better quality ✰ why did this take me so long,, drawing in a car is so difficult
He's a Bastard. He's a silly, silly bastard (more info/individual screenshots under the readmore)
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(the apron says Kiss the Chef in Polish teehee)
Now, time to smother you all with little tidbits or ideas!
Not only is he a Narrator, but he's also a Polish "Lektor"! For those who don't know what a lektor is, if you've ever watched something with one of those extremely monotone language dubs over it (most commonly, Polish), the person dubbing it is what a Lektor does essentially. In Poland, it's generally a generic, 50 year old male's monotone voice dubbing over everything into Polish. It's miserable as a person who's bilingual and trying to listen to both audios at once to fully understand everything. So, yeah, he's one of those dudes.
Also, did you know that commonly Polish names are actually translated into English ones? That's why I call Stanley "Stanisław", because that's what his Polish name would be :3
Also in this AU of sorts Stanley would be like someone OF Polish descent but he never fully learned how to speak Polish (can understand it, and speak it a BIT. its very broken though) and the Narrator (Nikodem) just so happened to have gotten a protagonist that wasn't able to speak back at him teehee (so Stanley isn't mute but still doesn't speak bc of language barrier because Nikodem acts as if he doesn't understand English everytime Stan tries to speak back at him)
Also!! Narrator called Stanley 'Stan' because Stanley, Stanisław, yeah you get it. It's just to please them both language wise. Also Narrator's last name (Niedzielnik) comes from the word niedziela which means Sunday. (Also the two of them have a joke that every Sunday is Narrator day because of Narrator's last name haha)
The Narrator also loves to insult/talk shit about Stanley to his face in Polish because Stanley was never taught insults in Polish so he understands NONE of it. Also loves to make fun of Stanley's accent when he talks.
They bond over making Polish food. 100%. Fight me about it.
Also Narrator is a big religion guy even though he he's BASICALLY God in TSP:UD lmao because Polish people are so fucking Catholic it's insane (I say, as a Pole. I'm not religious sorry lol)
Also Stanley comes from England because fuck you (no actually it's because there's a shit ton of Polish people in Britain.) And he's a Polish history nerd. He may not be able to speak Polish but he CAN recite to you everything Kazimierz (III) Wielki (Casimir III the Great) did to reform Poland. He can tell you every important date in Polish history. And he will. (Nikodem hates him for it and is unwilling to admit he's learned a lot of English terms and stuff from Stan's rambling)
Uhhh that's it for now. Let me know if you'd like to see more of these two Polish bastards.
( @mooseonahunt ITS DONE. feast upon these two Poles )
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theunmotivatedparable · 11 months
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I drew @questionablealibi 's Stanley and Narrator (in there Gala fits) !! A few days late but Happy Birthday! (tried to finish this up for your birthday but I'm not a fast drawer... SORRY!!)
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theunmotivatedparable · 11 months
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"No buckets past this point." (Stanley proceeds to run past the sign, bucket in hand.) "STANLEY!!--"
✰✰ Original imagine under readmore ✰✰
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I <3 the TSP:UD server I'm in and the ideas I get from it
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theunmotivatedparable · 11 months
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Sooo, I did @thenamesmobu 's DTYIS!! This took me too long. (The link to the DTYIS and original image under the readmore)
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theunmotivatedparable · 11 months
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He DOES know he looks good . He thanks you for the kind words (He means me, thank you!! :]] Nah he's flattered though)
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I drew him in fancy clothes ✰✰ He's wearing the adventure line haha (inspo pic under readmore)
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Pinterest is so useful <33 (also why did the rendering take me so long... hhgh)
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theunmotivatedparable · 11 months
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He's just a little horrified (Also thank you!!!)
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I drew him in fancy clothes ✰✰ He's wearing the adventure line haha (inspo pic under readmore)
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Pinterest is so useful <33 (also why did the rendering take me so long... hhgh)
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theunmotivatedparable · 11 months
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I drew him in fancy clothes ✰✰ He's wearing the adventure line haha (inspo pic under readmore)
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Pinterest is so useful <33 (also why did the rendering take me so long... hhgh)
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theunmotivatedparable · 11 months
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So I was showing my friend my Narrator doodles and they said that (Aww he looks so cute when he's angrryyy / Moon man >;) ) so I just HAD to make him respond
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He's angy. (Also the moon-man nickname is an inside joke I have with another friend of mine, because they looked at my Narrator design and were like. HE LOOKS LIKE A MOON so now I make my Stanley nickname the Narrator 'moon man'. He hates it)
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